The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Commoner.
Vol. a, No. 7
i '
' i.
Whether Common or Not.
Tho OpUmlflt
Tho nnilmfat.
Whon tho world seems
dark and
Storn and cold;
And the days are long, and weary
Cares unfold;
Kcop your mind upon tho morrow;
Caro and trouble never borrow;
Sing of hopo, and not of sorrow,
' Bravo and bold.
Sot to work with cheerful smiling
Bv'ry day.
Sing glad songs to bo beguiling
Hours away.
Llfo is always what you make It;
Joy Is yours If you will take It;
Grasp tho tree of hopo and shako it,
And bo gay.
Waste not golden hours in grieving
For tho past.
Up and on, tho dead past leaving
Travel fast!
Strugglo on with strong endeavor;
Bid farewell to blues forovor:
Shackles forged by failure sever,
From your enst.
Houso yoursolf! Be up and doing
While you may.
Opportunity pursuing
Day by day.
Back of each dark cloud is shining
' Joy's eternal silver lining;
In -your heart sweet hopo enshrining,
Work away.
To your task your best work giving
Day by day,
Life will bo well worth tho living
All tho way.
Waste not time in idle weeping;
Sowing must precede tho reaping;
Put your fato in God's safo keeping
Work and pray.
Next Day.
There was a young man in Cadiz
Who went on a terriblo whiz.
When ho cured his sore head
His employer said
Ho didn't need him in his biz.
Strictly Parliamentary.
"Do you moan to call mo a liar?"
"Not at all, my dear sir. I only
mean to say that your ratiocination
Is marked by a plontitude of digres
sions from tho strict lino of veracity."
"Well, that's all right. Your ex
planation Is perfectly satisfactory."
Tho Strenuous.
"It appears to me," remarked Aunt
Jorusha, as sho pushed her spectacles
up over hor forehead and laid her
knitting aside, "that the executive defi
nition of strenuous Is that if another
man call him a liar ho will hit the
other man, but if he calls another man
a liar tho other man should bo con
tent with demanding nn .
ligation." '" 1UV0B-
"It is tho opinion of the court " re
marked the judge, "that In .this 'case,
iii i '
...i n !... ,.
wuuru uiuru is opportunity ior our
great captains of industry to make a
stake, the constitution should bo sus
pended. Its operations aro calculated
to retard tho. work of filvlHznMnn nn.1
assimilation, to say nothing of gral.'
allinsightlzation. Therefore it is held
that the constitution shall be Ignored.
In this other case before us, however,
It seems that ignoring the constitution
would work an injury to the great
captains of industry, therefore we feel
tunc it is necessary to insist upon o
strict interpretation and enforcement
of tho constitution, because any other
course would only result In great good
to tho masses who should delight in
adding to tho good work performed by
tho aforesaid captains."
So saying, it was entered of record
that tho looting should continue and
that tho people of the northwest
should submit to the moreer unlnsn
they succeeded in discovering sums
other way of stopping It.
Calculations Upset.
Meandering Mike "Please, mum
would you give a poor man a small
blto o' sumthin' t' eat. I regret do
necessity dat compels me t' ask die
favor, but do troot is mo calculations
has been upset "
Mrs. Nuwed "Certainly, my poor
man. Step right in. May I ask what
arrangements you had made and were
forced to abandon?"
Meandering Mike "Cert, mum. You
see I had a date t eat wid de president
t'day, but owln' f circumstances hp
pulled back de invito an' I hadn't made
any other arrangements f'r mo grub."
Brain Leaks.
Truo friendship says little and does
The earnest Christian lives in a con
tinued state of repentence.
Stealing is not confined to taking
tho product of men's hands.
Lovers' quarrels are popular because
it Is such fun "making up."
Some creatures that wear trousers
are only called men through courtesy
Duty well done is the seed from
whence springs the flower of pleasure
While waiting for your ship to como
in busy yourself building a safe harbor'
Interest on tho church mortgage is
money taken from the missionary
The man who neglects' the primaries
ticket0 m0ml rlgUt t0 bJeCt t0 the
The influence of a well ordered horn.;
makes better boys "than curfew' ordll
The Bible and Shakespeare are the
ta plntked abUt and least read b00
It is no sign of a Christian to wear
a face long enough to eat oats 'out o?
a churn.
pled rW011 solution' was ear
ned out Hades would be a howling
wilderness. , .. . uw"fe
Time never bangs heavily .on the
hands of a man who faces a promis
sory note.
This would bo a happy world if tho
rich would do ;what the poor would
like to do.
It is well to be slow in following the
advico of tho man who does not set
the example.
Manhood would be a heavy burden
were It not for the recollections of our
youthful days.
Satan always uses thn finish look
ing bait, but it never tastes good when
it is swallowed. . ,
Too many people give God. promis
sory notes in order to have cash to
spend with Satan.
It is no disgrace- to be poor,' unless
your own laziness and improvidence
is the cause of It.
The man who waits for something to
turn up is never disappointedbut it
is usually nis toes.
There, are a number of men' in this
country who are travelling on the re
putation their fathers made.
Worrying about trouble that may
come is like taking medicine for a
urease mat wo aro afraid we may con
tract. This is the season of the year when
nine men out of ten are preparing to
put $100 worth of work on a $1.75
Disease and death would disnnnonr
forever if( every young medical grad
uate understood his business, 0s well
as he thinks he does. .
The young man who works just
hard enough to hold his situation is
always complaining , because of a
scarcity of chances for promotion.
The young man whose chief ambi
tion is to accumulate a' large stock of
neckties usually becomes the husband
of a woman who has to hustle to sup
ply the family larder. - ' '
. Will- M. Maupin.
,the Bugle Song,
He went away to the war that day
To the swinging bugle song: '
All stanch and true in his suit of' blue
mm Lstudy' brave and strone
Mid the tramp of feet and the loud
arum beat,
And the ringing of the cheers,
There were none to see such a one as
Who could not see for tears.
And S! again came the marching
With the bugle singing still;
Yet music's surge was a sighing
All sad and slow and shrill
TrT? wept; and a soldier slept
An3 6 dramless' Bilent sleep; P
wLngf6 Sng had" a
For the buglers sometimes weep.
ADd "ndSrf'3' lm'e While the
Will coax. them to the line
And the lilting strains on 'the hills
i and plains nuis
Still echo far and fine.
But tliewlta of blue, and the sabres,
And thfl wnirn o,l i u .
When it. H?r-iini , ,.
-w u. NcSsirin is E2&
STOPS THE ennnti
r f"2 Works off the Cold. 1:
WORLD, both for one year,
$1.25, for a limited time only. Sub
scriptions must be sent to THE COM
MONER, Lincoln, Neb. No commis
sion allowed to agents on this club
Journalistic Asininlty.
The weakest part of the Minneapolis
Journal has for years been known to
ne its editorial page. More senseless
drivel appears upon that page than in
any other daily in the northwest. In
stances could be cited by the score,
provided anyone kept track of them;
but nobody accords them more than
passing notice as they occur from day
to day. Here, hnwovpr la o an,4-
"According to the methods of- ex
pression adopted by our democratic
friends during the last campaign, we
yesterday bought 40,000 people in tho
Danish East Indies at the rate of $100
per head. Yet we didn't observe any
determined opposition to this purchase
of human beings by the democratic
senators. Perhaps it was the rate they
tm mi ""-""s i" i" me case of the
Philippines. It may be that they con
sider $2 per head a little cheap for
such a fine national problem."
What resemblance is there between
the two purchases, anyhow? In tho
case of the Philippines the republican
party, in the name of the United
States, purchased at $2 per head a giv
en number of rebels against Spanish
tyranny, in the hope that it might bo
ab e to subdue and make use of them
quicker than Spain could. It literal
ly purchased the inhabitants of the
islands for the sake of acquiring the
rieht to mmvini. ., .., , .
.taking from them their possessions
,; II r OI cne JJan,sil East-Indies
the islands and not the inhabitants
were sold. Tho treaty in this case
stipulated that the inhabitants may
remain Danish subjects if they gb
choose and that they are to have twd
years in which to decide as to whioh
government they prefer to swear al
legiance to. CiuUa o , " "x .ai
sltlon, i3 lt ntf-Ano, (Mrnnf
- WNM.
When FrJoud. Toll tho Truth
w?ny.people becme coffee topers
225? ft" -d would" l
clole friend UU8CnDeU Ven '
fullvWinLPaVn,yone t0 examine care-'
fully into whether or not coffen hn
gained the mastery over them A cc '
VTT mF suspect that his oVheV
ails come from coffee drinkine- hSt
with its work Ina? rt m " ses on
the disease is &g$SZt "mSeS
Wo provided ?& W4tnout trou-
froperrprepted aa tobS?
the color, flavor n mi JL ? ,ing out
has a rich bHM? k food value- ' "
changes to the LiSroW5 Clor and
ood'eJS ffJaSg when
anyonewosr nPrrk
fltomanh hl?"8.1? system or
j turbed coffee; QDalanc8d or a&XN-