-l4W9 -f""1 The Commoner. Vol. 2, No. 6i, in .j. , i - ;jya Weekly News Floods, cnuscd by tho heavy snow falls ahd rains, have causod serious damage In Long Island, N. Y. A consolidation,, undor. tho name of thOvUuIted Stutes Fife Proofing com pany) Is to be formed In Pittsburg, Pa., with a capital of $5,000,000. ' It is reported from Tollurldo, Colo., that fourtcon men lost their lives ns the result of nn avalancho sweeping down from tho mountains. Genera! Castro's election as presi dent of Vonezuola for Blx years, be ginning February 20 last, has been ratified by Ihe Venezuelan congress. A meeting of tho mombors of the "Universal Peace union was hold at Washington, D. C. Tho object of tho socioty is to promote universal peace. At a result of tho recent controversy botweon Sonators Tillman and Mc Laurln of South Carolina in the sen ate, thoy woro both formally censured by tho senate. ' A treaty for tho preservation of poaco among tho Central American states was recontly signed at Corlnto. Nicaragua, by the presidents of the several republics. Dr. Martinoz Silva, Colombian min ister to tho United States, has been replaced at Washington by Dr. Joseph Vlnconto Concha, formerly minister of war in the Colombian cabinet. Tho states of Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska were represented in tho Irrigation congress at Sterling, Colo. About sovonty-fivo delegates woro pros ont. Governor Savago of Nebraska presided. Tho Victor Huco centennial was ob served throughout France, beginning Fobruary 2G. A bust of tho great au thor has boon presented to the city of Rome by tho Franco-Italian league of Italy. Secretary of Stato Hay has refused to give permission to Rev. Dr. Thomas and wife to ko to tho South African republics to visit tho reconcentratlon camps for tho purpose of" distributing relief. Two hundred school teachers, sent by this government to teach in tha " Philippines, sailed from Now York February 23. It Is expected that they will reach tho Philippines tho second week In April. A statement has boon made public to tho effect that In tho recent strike troubles in Barcoloua, Spain, GG per sons have been killed since February 17, and that the number of wounded cannot bo estimated. KasBSRBssm i baHaM1 A CHANCE FOR THE BOYS Boys, you can make money by selling The Commoner. It will not cost you anything to begin, as we will send you a supply of papers for the first week, FREE. ( , . " ' , ' ' ' If you want to start in business for yourself, write to us at once and we will send you ten papers for which no charge will be made. ' You sell them for 5 cents each. This will give you the capital with; which you can, buy more papers at the newsdealers' rate, allowing you a good profit. ' . ' . "Many a millionaire earned his first dollar by selling papers when a boy. Here is a chance for you to lay the foundation of a fortune. .Thinking people read The Commoner. Your father and brothers "and unci ' rf friends will buy them of you, Write today to rp s . . es and. ii Summary Tho intorstato commerce commis sion has domanded of tho traffic man agers of tho western railroads cer tain data which thoy refuse to give. It is said that tho commission will try to enforce this request. According to a report submitted to President Roosevelt by Attorney Gen eral Knox, Arthur E. Noyes, judge Oi tho second division of tho Urtltad States court for Alaska, was dismissed from tho service for incompetency. Tho Boer delegates to the United States arrived in New York February 25. Thoy will call upon the president. Over a thousand returning soldiers from tho Philippines arrived on the United States transport Hancock at San Francisco, February 25. Advices from Washington assert that tho formal ceremonies incident to tlio taking over of tho Danish West Indies by tho United States shall be per formed by the army. It Is anticipated that the islands will bo placed with Porto Rico under the control of Gov ernor Hunt. Rev. Joseph W. Cook, one of the best known Indian missionary workers in tho west, died in St. Louis February 25. Ho requested before his death that ho might be buried at tho Yank ton Indian agency, among the people for whom ho had labored so long. Attorney General Knox, acting by orders of Prosidont Roosevelt, has in structed the federal attornoy.of .Cali fornia to institute proceedings against tho corporations in that state which aro operating in violation of the Sher man anti-trust law. On February 25, the schooner-yacht Meteor, built for the emneror of Ger many, was launched at New York. The yacht was christened by Miss Alice, daughter of President Roosevelt, in tho presence of the president and Prlnco Henry of Prussia. I Tho recent disturbances among the J students of St. Petersburg and Moscow f on acount or the reports or uount Leo Tolstois condition of health occa sioned much trouble in those cities. It. ia renorted that the nolice in at tempting to disperse a largo gathering of students in St. Petersburg wounded many in tho struggle that ensued. The Pekln correspondent of the Lon don Times says in a dispatch to his paper that conditions in Manchuria aro unsatlsfactorv. and that the ani mosity of the people toward the Rus sian occupation is growing. Russia declares she will relinquish nono of her foothold there until the foreign i tuuuui ui xicu j. am ucusca. . ji n ronnrf. made by an inspector concerning tho leasing of the Indian reservation land in Thurston county, Neb., it is recommended that the Indians bo allowed to deal direct ly with tho renter instead of doing business through the agent and mid dlemen. Congressman Robinson of Nebraska made a strong speech in favor of this policy during the discus sion in the house somo days ago. After many false reports of her re lease, Miss Stone and her companion, the captive missionaries, were liber ated February 23, according to a uis nfM, fmm Constantinople. It is also reported that the United States govern ment will ask Turkey to pay back the $72,500 paid to the brigands as ransom money, on the ground that the capture was effected on Turkish soil. This Turkey denies, however, and lays the blame on Bulgaria. A cu1ilegrf.ro from General Smith, under date of Manila, P. I., announces the capture of tho Filipino general. Lukban. by Lieutenant Strebler's scouts. He has been taken to Laguna, whero General Chaffee has ordered that ho be treated as a prisoner of war with the rank of an officer. An Amer ican deserter named Dunston, who de serted from company C of the 8th in fantry, has also been captured. New York World Washington dis patch, February 24: "The United States supreme court today delivered its oninion In the case of minnesota versus the Northern Securities com panybrought to prevent the merg ing of the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern companies by injunc tionin an application of the, state to file a bill of complaint in tnat court. The motion for leave to file tho bill was denied on the ground that this court is withput jurisdiction. Jude Shiras, in. summing up tho judgment, said that the state of Minnesota is ap prehensive that a majority of the stockholders of the Great Northern and of the Northern Pacific Railroad company have combined and made an arrangement through tho organization of a corporation of the state of New Jersey, whereby such consolidation, a joint control and management of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railway companies shall be affected as will defeat and overrule the policy of tho state in prohibiting the con solidation of parallel and competing lines nf rallwav. He helrt that it was obvious that the minority stockhold ers of the two railroad companies are not represented in the controversy by the companies whose stock they hold, and their rights ought not to be af fected without a hearing. , In mak ing such investigation a court of equity must insist that both sides of the con troversy shall be adequately repre sented and fully heard. When it ap pears to a court of equity that a case otherwise presenting ground for its action cannot be dealt with because TO CUKE A COM IN ONE DAY Tnlco Laxattvo Broroo ' Oulnino TnblotoV All dnurgiata refund tho ntonoy if it fails to cure.; E. W. Grovo's 'slgnaturp is on each bo 3c,-2Sc i" of the absence of essential parties, it is usual for tho court, while sustain ing tho "objection, to grant leave to the complainant to amend by bringing 'in-1 such parties. But when it likewise appears that necessary and indispens able parties aro beyond the reach of. tho jurisdiction of tho court, or that wlien made parties, the jurisdiction of' the court will thereby be defeated; for, the court to grant leave to amend; would bo useless. J. Pierpont Morgan ' was present when the opinion of ,the court was delivered." ;;, Lemons as a Medicine. Lemon juice, sweetened with loa2 or crushed sugar, will relieve a cough. For feverishness and unnatural thirst, soften a lemon by rolling on a hard surface, cut off the top, add sugar, and work it down into the lemon with a fork; then suck it slowly. During the warm months a ;sensa of coolness, comfort and invigoration can bo produced by a free use of lemonade. For six large glasses of lemonade use six large, juicy lemons; roll on a hard surface, so that the juice can be easily extracted. Peel and slice, add sufficient sugar to sweeten and stir, It well into the juice before adding tne water. Hot lemonade will break up a. cold if taken at tho start. Make it the same as cold lemonade, only use boiling water instead of cold water, and use about one-half as much sugar. The discomfort caused by sore and tender feet may be lessened, if not en tirely cured, by applying slices of lem on on the feet. A piece of lemon, or stale bread moistened with lemon juice bound on a corn, will cure it. Renew night and morning. Tha first application -will produce soreness, but if ,the treatment is persisted in for -a. reasonabe .length of time, a cure will be effected. To cure chilblains, take a piece of lemon. SDrinklo fine salt over it and rub the feet well. Repeat if neces sary. Lemon juice will relieve roughness and vegetable stains on the hand3; After having.'tlip hands in soapsucl& rub them with -a nieee nf lemrm Tlinf. will prevent, chapping and make itliQ, hands soft ,and white. Farmers' Av'iy vocate. ' Li Do You Read? THE COMMONER and WORL'P HERALD (twice-a-week) both one year, $1.25. This offer for a limited time only. No commission to agents on this club offer. All subscription's must be sent to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. IIIC vmununer, Lincoln, Neb. "mii"immmmmmmmmmmm&mummmmmmmmmmai : ii ,j i lm,ii.N(.