?t 5 February 28, 190a . A wealthy woman in Chicago offered to Mrs. Uary Carlyle, a washerwoman, the sum of $5,000 if Mrs. Carlyle would give her seven-year-old son to the wom an of wealth. Mrs. Carlyle in dignantly declined the offer, and now ' some newspaper para graphed are referring to the Chicago, washer woman as a heroine. In refusing to part with her beloved for gold, Mrs. Carlyle showed herself to he a real mother and all real mothers are heroines. All Real Mothers are Heroines. A newspaper dispatch says: "Senator Patter eon of Colorado has also defied the tradition which decrees that a senator must not An make a speech for two years Absurd after his installation. As a mem- Tradition. her of the committee on Phil ippines the Colorado senator has become an important factor in the debato upon Senator Lodge's bill, and his incisive, schol arly method of speaking has won for him a great deal of admiration." Senator Patterson did well in defying this absurd tradition, not only be cause, by his defiance, the senate was given the privilege of hearing a forceful man upon an im portant public question, but, now that Senator Patterson has blazed the way, other new mem bers may be induced to follow. The idea of a senator, who is presumed to represent his state, avoiding a discussion of great public questions for a period of two years, is too absurd to be tolerated in a representative government. cv Great Britain is having considerable, trouble about .those horses whose purchase in the United States has aroused considerable How the British criticism on this side of the At- Goose is lantic. In the house of com- Being Plucked. n mons. it was pointed out that on one contract for the purchase of horses amounting to $555,000 'the profit to the contractor selling them to Great Britain amounted to $220,000. One member pointed out that a sim ilar percentage of profit on the $93,000,000 spent in the purchase of horses would have bestowed on the contractors a profit amounting to $40,000,000. Henry Labouchere, famous for his habit of plain speaking, after listening to this report, declared that somebody ought to be hanged in connection with these exposures. And Labouchere certainly must have expressed the indignation that would naturally be felt either by the people who were re quired to pay the bill, or-by men generally who do not approve of the manner in which unscrupulous men take advantage of the people during a war period. ,In .view of the fact that the United States au thorities have adopted the reconcentration policy in- the Philippines, some of tho things which Mr. McKinley .said on this subject will be interest--ing and instructive at this time. In his message of December 6, 1897, referring to the reconcentration policy in Cuba, Mr. McKinley said: "The cruel policy of concentration was initiated February 16, 1896. The productive districts controlled by the Spanish armies were depopulated. The agricultural in habitants were herded in and about the garrison towns, their lands laid waste and their dwellings destroyed. This policy the late cabinet of Spam justified as a -necessary measure of war and as a means of outting off supplies from the insurgents. It has utterly failed as a war measure. It was not civilized warfare. It was extermination. Against this abuse of the rights of war I have felt con strained on repeated occasions to enter the firm and earnest protest of this government." In hls message of April llr 1898, Mr. McKinley saWi "Reconcentration adopted avowedly as a war meas ure in order to cut off tho resources of the insure rir.ricKlnley on' Reconcentration. The Commoner. gents worked its predestined result. As I said In my messagq last December, it was not civilized warfare; it was extermination. The only peace it could beget, was that of the wilderness and tho grave." These are stern words and yet they are as true when applied to the reconcentration policy in the Philippines or in South Africa as they were when Mr. McKinley applied them to Spain's policy in Cuba. If the reconcentration policy of Spain in Cuba was not civilized warfare, if it was exter mination, If "the only peace it could beget waa that of the wilderness and tho grave," what shall we say of the same policy adopted by Great Brit ain in South Africa and by the United States In the Philippine islands? vvvs Condemnation by the Wholesale. But It was "Only Lafayette." In a dispatch from Washington under date of February 20, Walter Wellman, Washington cor respondent for tho Chicago Rec ord-Herald, says: "Naval offi cers were naturally jubilant to day over Admiral Schley's Bignal defeat at the hands of the presi dent. They point out that he has now been cen sured by his superior 'officer, Admiral Sampson; by President McKinley, by the navy department, by the three admirals who composed tho court of inquiry, again by the navy department, and now more severely than by any of the foregoing by President Roosevelt." This does seem to be rather complete for a man who by nine-tenths of the" American people is regarded as the hero of one of the greatest sea battles in history. But it is significant that after all this condemnation, Ad miral Schley has not lost his place in the Ameri can heart. A Waukegan, 111., correspondent of the Chicago Record-Herald thinks that Mrs. B. M. Briggs of Rockford, 111., is entitled to dis tinction because, when a girl, Mrs. Briggs was kissed by La fayette. Acording to the Record -Herald's correspondent, "it was in 1824, on the occasion of the grand reception given at Montpelier, Vt., to the general upon the occasion of his last visit to the United States. She was one of the thirteen girls representing the original states and wore a white gown with a blue sash. She remembers that Lafayette wore a dark blue coat, cutaway stylo, a low-cut cream-colored vest, a big ruffled white shirt front and light col ored trousers. He gave each of the girls a hearty kiss and shook hands with the boys." Now if it could be shown that Mrs. Briggs had danced with George III. or had been saluted by Lord North, then, indeed, would this good woman be famous and h2r picture might be given a conspicuous place in the columns of those papers that show so much interest in the coronation of Edward VII. The people who have no personal Interest to serve and no prejudice to pervert their judgments will in all probability. accept tho opinion of Dewey rather than the opinion of the president. If Mr. Roosevelt's decision is based upon testimony already before the public it will have no influence with those who have drawn a different conclusion from the same testimony. If, on the ether hand, the president bases his decision on new evidence, that now evidence should be submitted to the public so that it can be examined and weighed. The president by clear and unmistakable Implication renews the charges of falsehood and cowardice made by Maclay, but rejected by tho commission. The president speaks of Schley's "disobedience to orders and misstatements of facts in relation thereto." What is this if not a charge of false hood? In discussing the loop he speaks of "dan gerous proximity" and says: "This kind of dan ger must not be too nicely weighed by those whose trade it is to daro greatly for the honor of tho Roosevelt Condemns Sciiiey Air. Roosevelt's Peculiar Plan. A Republican Organ's Prayer. flag. This means nothing unless it Is construed as a reflection upon tho courage of Admiral Schley. Tho Chicago Record4ferald charges that the president consulted with leading republicans be fore announcing his decision. If this bo true he evidently considers tho questions involved as political rather than judicial. In a letter to tho New York World, George Rico of Marietta, O., a gentleman who appears to be well Informed on tho affairs Some of the Standard Oil trust, de- standard oil clarcs that the capitalization of Figures. the trust, instead of being $100,- 000,000 as popularly supposed Is $200,000,000; and ho also advances tho informa- tion that the recent 20 per cent dividend just de clared, instead of amounting to $20,000,000 as re ported in tho newspapers, really amounted to $40, 000,000. ' The character of Mr. Roosevelt's search for the truth is shown by his statement that ho had summoned before him "tho sur viving captains of the five ships, asido from those of tho two ad mirals, which were actively en gaged at Santiago." In other words, in order to do "perfect justice" Mr. Roose velt swept aside all the testimony of tho men on tho Brooklyn who were in tho heat of the fight because in order to do "perfect Justico" ho had swept asido all tho testimony of tho men on tho New York who were nearly twelve miles away and could not tell anything about the fight! In an editorial entitled "God Give Us Men' the Chicago Inter-Ocean, republican, says that the . republican congress "has been long enough in session to reveal its tendencies' and to outline its record." Tho Inter-Ocean ar raigns the republican congress men for their sins of omission "and of commission and concludes: " 'God give us men' prayed a great American poet in the dark hour of the nation's life. The republican party of the nation, as they contemplate the record now making by the' Fifty seventh congress, may well re-echo that prayer, 'God give us men.' " The American people have seen a number of changes in the personnel 'of tho republican congress, and yet it seems that it is not a question of men so much as it is of prin ciples and of policies; of sincere profession' and patriotic practice; and in this view one may he jardoned for believing that the people's interest will not be subserved by a mere change In the In dividual republican office-holder, but that the party itself must be driven from power and replaced by a party that is willing to represent the people. Senator Hoar, in a recent speech in the senate, referred to the fact that an order had been issued by tho Philippine commlssidn " "An ' prohibiting the reading of the incendiary Declaration of Independence in Document the Philippine Islands. The sen ator further pointed out that by the law promulgated by that commission it was a penitentiary offense to read the Declaration of Independence. Tho Declaration is said to ho barred from the Philippines on the ground that it is an incendiary document. Is this not a curloUs charge to make against that document? It sets forth certain self-evident truths, and discusses the inalienable rights of man. Are wo asr a nation in a position to punish people for believing In that Declaration or in reading It aloud to others? Imperialism has certainly brought us into a strange situation, and one Is forcibly reminded of the time when a Christian monarch felt it neces sary to suppress a publication which contained ex tracts from the Bible condemning monarchy, if we are going to have imperialism we will 'find it embarrassing to preach free government here while we practice imperialism elsewhere. -. .1