T.jrTW9W "-!," ' ' 1 The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Ktitered nt the postoflice nt 1,1 n coin, Nebraska, as second dais mail matter, . TERMS-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. OneVear $1,00 Slxlontha.... 50c Three nontlia. Single Copy.., 35c . 5C Sample Copies Pree. SUBSCRIPTIONS enn be gent direct to The Commoner. They can also be tent through newspapers which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through local agents where such agents have I een appointed. All remittances should be cent by postoflice eider, exprefs order or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Co not fend individual checks, stamps, or money. RENEWALS, The date on your wrapper shows when jctii Eulecriptiou will expire. Thus, Jnn.4oa menus that pay went has lecu received to and including the last issue of Jan uary, 190?. Two weeks ore rcquircdoftcr money is received be foie the date of the wrapper can be changed. CHANOE OF ADDRESS.-Subscribcrs requesting a change iu sderets mutt give the CID as w ell as the NKW address. ADVERTISING rotes furnished upon application. Address nil communications to THE COMA'iONER, Lincoln, Neb. Of course Mr. Roid will take his plumbllne along and see that Edward gots the crown on straight. . De Wet and Botha havo not been invited to the coronation, but their presenco will bo felt on that groat occasion. The Washington Post quotes the Des Moines Leader as a republican paper. Has the Leader mislaid Its domino? Tho evidence would seem to indlcato that Kitchener mogaphones tho Boor. 'losses' and tele- . paths tUo .British, -losses' . Mr. Quay voted for an increase of the sena torial salary. Mr .Quay Is not always unselfish . In his agitation of tho plum treo. vws It seems that tho British mulo buyers trusted too much to that friendly feeling in their dealings with thoso Missouri mulo raisers. In thoir Lincoln birthday editorials the admin istration organs were careful not to quote from any of Lincoln's speeches or writings. Lord Salisbury announces that he will not re tiro until tho Boer war is concluded. Methuselah, should got. ready to take second place. Perhaps that "chief horse expert" is related to tho man who told Joseph Chamberlain that ths Boers could bo subdued in a few months. - The dealer in Cuban bonds who offers a few to .senators need not blush. Senator Quay ad mitted that he speculated in sugar stock. ; Do Wett has onco more almost permitted Kitchener to catch him. Kitchener is so enthus iastic that ho has cabled for more troops. . Uncle Sam has just returned something over $350,000 to China. Such a proceduro is calculated to wring the hearts of earnest patriots like Neeley. It is interesting to know that the president has the courage to condemn Sampson for one thing namely, for trusting Schloy after "he most gravely erred." J "Wo must havo tho Philippines because their trade is valuable!" shrieked tho administration organs a few months ago. "We must enforce tho tariff laws against Philippine trade!" shriek the administration organs now. The logic of the tariff organs usually jams its pilot into its ca boose if given time. The Commoner. Tho Ohio congressman who. succeeded in rais ing a breed of tailless dogs has also succeeded in disproving the old theory that an Ohio man never tried to do anything but get an office: It is just as well that the Foraker definition of treason is not tho law of the land. If it were the land would be inhabited only by apologists for loot and defenders of constitution, tinkering. V While deeply grateful to the European na tions that declined tho Austrian suggestion, Undo Sam feels that ho was amply able to take care of that little Spanish fracas even If they had ac cepted. The kind of "civil government" accorded to tho pacified provinces in the Philippines is ex plained by the fact that the habeas corpus writ is not recognized by the military forces of tho provinces. It now appears that Andrews, tho Detroit bank wrecker, was selected to speak on "Prosper ity" at the republican banquet on February 22, but he withdrew from the program when he saw tho crash coming. Senator Foraker may not know it, but he is a great humorist. He becomes wonderfully funny every time he attempts to handle Senator Till man. But there Is nothing funny about it to Senator Foraker. The Filipino provjnjcverribr who disap peared with J4,00Q-of public monoy need not have gone, to tho - trouble He could have claimed superior- equipment of the American idea as exem plified in tho Philippines. Havo you written to your senators yet? If not; write today. Don't delay. A postal card only ccsts one cent and your request added to other requests will secure the election of senators by direct vote of tho people. We refuse to believe the report that Whltelaw Reid has placed an order for padded coronation hose with a French manufacturing firm. Such treason to American industry on the part of Whitelaw Reid? Perish the thought! - A reader of The Commoner desires to know where he can find a book entitled "The Way Out of the Wilderness." If any one knows and will send the information to The Commoner on a postal card, it will be forwarded to the inquirer. Thoso who imagine that Senator Mason is not in tho race for re-election should take note of the fact that the senator is curbing his sentiments wonderfully well. He needs the support of the gentlemen whose Philippine policy he was wont to" denounce. The lives of great men (like Lyman J.) all remind us that wo (at least those of us who are treasury officials) can make our lives sublime (measured by money) by being kind to the trusts while in office. But this fact was so well known before that Mr. Gage's object lesson was not really necessary. Prince Henry is to be entertained in Chicago at a great ball to which- only the elect are in vited. One of tho chosen few who was asked to subscribe twenty-five dollars on the condition that he should be invited responded that he would be glad to contribute the amount to assist in showin courtesy to a representative of the German -oyt ornment, provided the entertainment was public so that all might havo an opportunity to see the Prince and learn that he was only a human being. Vol. a7 No. 6 ' "Those who enjoy a short story will beinter er.ted in the following: r "Do you drink?" ' ' , "That's my business, sir." .f . "Have you any other .business?" It is now claimed that 'tho Mayflower did .not bear our Pilgrim Fathers from England to tho stern and rock-bound coast. The iconoclast seems 1 never satisfied. It has been claimed that the con tinental congress did not know what it was doing when it adopted the Declaration of Independence. Congressman Wheeler was unfortunate in us ing language which republicans could miscon strue, but he was right in condemning the sending of special envoys to the coronation and he did not miss it very far when he suggested that somo of our people are more interested in rubbing up against royalty than they are in showing proper respect to the official representative of the Ger- man government. A reader asks where he can obtain informa tion in regard to the increase in the circulation of the currency since 1896. Any congressman can se cure the information from the treasury depart ment and doubtless would upon request. Secret tafy Gage recently boasted that the money in cir culation had been increased more than five hun- dred millions since the 4th of March, 1897. Now that the amendment providing for tho popular ".election of senators is before the senate, wouldn't it 'be a good ilan for the Virginia, Massa chusetts and New Jersey legislatures to adopt res olutions calling upon their senators to support the. amendment? These states have not yet 'ex pressed themselves on the subject, although, twen- -ty-seven other states have. - To show courtesy to the official representative of a foreign government is entirely proper, but how many of those who are especially anxious to entertain the prince would be as much interested in him if it were not for his close proximity to the throne? How much of the attention will be due io the fact that he is a representative of the German people and how much will be due to the fact that he is a prince? The Courier Printing company of Syracuse, N. Y., has issued a little book entitled "Famoua Sayings by Famous Americans," edited by James J. Neville. The first quotation, from Grover Cleve land, is the phrase, "I am a democrat." It was used by Mr. Cleveland in accepting the nomination for mayor of Buffalo, October.25, 1881. Js it possi ble that Mr. Cleveland's dislike for David B. Hill grew out of the effort of the latter to appropriate this phrase? Neither one of them seemed to at tach much importance to it in the campaign of 1896. The St. Joseph Daily News criticises Mr Bry an's suggestion that this nation should through:, its president express its sympathy for tho Boers. The News says that such a thing would be "en tirely out of place." It even suggests that Mr. Bryan would not, if he were president, make such a fool of himself." What reason has the News for believing that Mr. Bryan would follow the example set by Mr. Roosevelt and his imme diate predecessor rather than the example sejt by the earlier presidents who did not hesitate, even when the republic was smaller, to express the sym pathy which the people felt for thoso who were lighting for liberty? The News seems to W earned the imperialistic lesson quickly, and now. X ,vu UJl, D uu instructor on the subject.