The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 28, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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    KSEJff.a!iffr,f iaraw
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Ijhe Commoner.
Vol. 2, No. 6
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(Continued from Pago 11.) '
tlmn boforo tho loop had begun,' but
atill ahoad of any of tho American ves
aolB, though further outsldo. . . Tho
Brooklyn was ahead of tho other
Amorlcan vcflHolg on a courso outsldo
of tholra. Sho wap noarly broadsldo
on tho Spaniards. Tho Oregon, Iowa
and Toxas woro close together and
llvoly ongaged throughout this run.
Tho Brooklyn and Oregon, followed at
some distance by tho Texas, contin
ued In tho chaso of the Colon, which
wont noarly thirty miles further bo
foro sho wont ashore."
If, aftor making this loop, tho Brook
lyn was still ahoad of tho American
vossols and was "nearly broadsldo on
tho Spaniards" and If it was aftor tho
loop that "tho Brooklyn and tho Orp
gon, followed at somo distance by the
Toxas, continued in tho chaso of tho
Colon, which wont nearly thirty miles
further boforo sho wont ashore," it
scorns strango that tho president
thought tho loop of sufllclont impor
tance to call for a sovoro reprimand.
It will bo remembered that in tho tes
timony boforo tho court of inquiry, It
was shown that Admiral Schley and
Captain Cook oach mado tho order for
this loop. Thoy had not consulted in
regard to It, but both appeared to real
ize tho importanco of sucii a move
ment. Mr. Itoosovolt scorns to have
ignored this significant fact altogether.
Mr. Roosevelt's statement contains
so many contradictions and incon
sistencies and so dearly reveals the
bias of its author, that it does not
commond itself to intelligent men.
Tho American pcoplo know as much
about tho battlo of Santiago bay as
Mr. Roosovelt does; and ovon though
tho president has done his best to
strlko down tho "figure on tho bridge
of tho Brooklyn" it is evident ho .lias
mado an ignominious failuro in this re
spect so far as public opinion' Is con-corned.
There's Yet Time.
Tho administration has yet. time to
redeem Itself from tho shamo that
has attached to its policy of inaction
throughout .the Boer war. While no
sonsiblo pooplo In this country have
advocated American intervention, oil
patriotic Americans have believed that
wo owed it as a duty to ourselves as
well as to tho Boors to at least ex
press sympathy. Tho democratic plat
form went that far. But tho repub
lican platform was sllont and tho re
publican administration has looked on
with indifferonco at a little people's
brave struggle for liberty. Consider
ing tho history of this country, its
ancient ideals, and tho precedents that
wo have established in similar cases
with regard to other countries, this
courso of inaction is strikingly un
Amorican. Houston Post.
Inharmonious Statements.
While Governor Taft is minimizing
tho difficulties of subjugating tho
Philippines tho country is hearing the
awful story 'of Major Waller's expedi
tion, whose command was almost deci
mated In making a march of only
thirty-five miles. Tho hardships of the
march woro duo to the natural diffi
culties of tho country and not to at
tacks by the natives. If the expedi
tion had encountered foes in addition
Dr. Mil8srAnti-PainlE"
A quick, safo, and suro rollof for sink n .
iE,PVa,I8011"1 Baokaol s&'cl, S.5JT
to its other troubles, or had no relief
party been sent out to' its aid It would
have been annihilated. What this
country wants is tho whole truth and
nothing but tho truth about tho Philip
pine islands. Indianapolis News.
The Transport General Ferguson.
Tho transport Gon'ral Ferguson, she
loft tho Golden Gate,
With a thousand rookies sweatin in
her hold;
An' the sergeants drove an' drilled 'em,
an' tho sun is nearly killed 'em
Till thoy learned to do whatever
thoy woro told.
Tho transport Gen'ral Ferguson, she
lay at Ilonolu'
An' tho rookies went ashore an'
roughed tho town;
fln Mm Hnrcrnnntfl t.hfiv corralled .'em.
an' with butt an' barrel quelled
An' thoy limped aboard an' set to
fryin' brown.
Tho transport Gen'ral Ferguson, sho
steamed toward the south,
An' the rookies sweated mornin',
noon an' nisrtit.
Till tho lookout sighted land an' thoy
cheered each grain o' sand
For their blood was boilin' over for
a fight.
The transport Gen'ral Ferguson, she
tied up at tho dock,
An' each rookie lugged his gun an'
kit ashore;
An' a train it come an' took 'em where
tho tropic sun could cook 'em
An' tho sergeants they could talk
to them of war.
The transport Gon'ral Ferguson, she
had her bottom scraped,
For tho first part or her labor it
was done;
An' the rookies chased the Tagals an'
tho Tagals they escaped
An' tho rookies set an' sweated in
the sun.
The transport Gen'ral Ferguson, she
loafod around awhile,
An' tho rookies they were soldier
boys by now;
For it don't take long to teach 'em
where the Tagal lead can reach
All about the which, an' why, an'
when, an' how.
Tho transport Gen'ral Ferguson, she
headed homo acain.
With a thousand .heavy coffins in
her hold;
They wore soldered up an' stenciled,
they were numbered an' blue
penciled An' the rookies lay inside 'om stiff
an' cold.
Tho transport Gen'ral Ferguson, she
reached the Golden Gate,
An' the derrick dumped hor cargo
on tho shore;
In a pyramid they piled It an' lier
manifest thoy filed it
In a pigeon-hole with half a hun
dred more.
Tho transport Gen'ral Ferguson; sho
travels up an' down,
A-haulin' rookies to an' from tho
war; ' i
Outward-bound they sweat In khaki,
homoward-bound they ' como in
An' they wonder what they've got
to do It for.
The transport, Gen'ral Ferguson, she's
owned by Uncle Sara,
An' maybe Uncle Sam could tell 'em
But ho don't-an' so sho takes 'em out
to fight an' sweat an' swear
Anwlllrl"f 'ym home for plantln'
whon they dio. , , .
ombination Mo 1
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