Vol. 2, No. 6; 10 Tne Commoner. kf r .- - - - . - - i ' "" , .Li" """" - , Weekly News Summary i A bill I'opoaling iho war rovonw; taxes was passed by tho senato Feb ruary 17. Itov. Nowman Hall, D. D a well known dlvlno, died In London, Feb ruary 18. t Fobruary 21 a flro broko out In a Now York liotol and It Is estimated that fifty lives woro lost. On Fobruary 17 tho senate ratified tho troaty with Donmark ceding to tho United States tho Danish West Indies. Reports received In London from dlfforont parts of Africa announce the discovery of rich finds of gold and coppor. Agonts of tho BrltlBh army havo pur chased 3,000 horses In tho west to be shipped to South Africa for use In tho British army. Socrotary of tho Navy Long has con firmed tho statomont that ho contom plates tendoring his resignation as a cabinet officer. Tho house commltteo on territories has roported favorably on tho bill for tho admission of Now Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma as states. Rev. George Carter Needham died at Philadelphia, Pa., Fobruary 1G. He was ono of tho co-operators with Mr. Moody In his evangelistic work. As a result of tho Anglo-Japanese al liance, the ministry at Seoul, Corea. lias been changed by tho appointment of now ministers of war and finance. Seventeen hundred men, employed In tho Singer manufacturing plant at South Bend, Ind., are striking for ar. Increase of 2 cents per hour in thoii wages. Tho worst snowstorm since tho great blizzard of 1888 raged In tho eastern portion of tho United States, being especially sovoro In New York and Now Jorsoy. Tho house committee on .interstate and foreign commerce will make a fav orable report to tho passage of a bill providing for government ownership of a Pacific cablo. A cablegram from Constantinople announces, that tho Bulgarians are planning to obtain the assistance of the Greeks In a raid Into Macedonia tho coming spring. Somo of tho Indian tribes in Indian territory aro becoming incensed at the TO qUKIC A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qulnino Tablets. All drueeiatn refund tho monoy if it fails to euro. B. W. Grota s signature- is on each box, 23c. springing up of now towns all over tho Crook country and it is feared that serious trouble will occur. Tho Battle Creek sanitarium at Bat tlo Creek, Mich., was burned to the ground Fobruary 18. The property loss Is estimated at about $400,000. The 400 patients In tho Institution escaped. A cablogram from Manila, under dato of Fobruary 19, announces the surrender of what Is believed to be tho largest existing band of insurgents in Batangas province, to the United States authorities. J. P. Morgan & Co. distributed a dividend of $10,000,000 among the stockholders of tho United States Steel corporation. Tho dividend represents 5 per cent of the stock for which th syndicate is liable. Tho largest vessel ever built in the United States was launched at Cramps' shipyard in Philadelphia, February 19. It is tho Russian steamship Kronland, and has accommodations for 1,300 persons. As a result of tho recent earthquake at Sharnaka, Tifiis, two thousand peo ple, mostly women and children per ished, 4,000 houses were destroyed and It is estimated that 34 villages around Sharnaka also suffered severely. The president has sent to the senato a message recommending the retire ment of Naval Constructor Richmond P. Hobson. Weakness of Mr. Hob son's eyes is alleged as the cause of his request to be put on the retired list. A cablegram from Rear Admiral Hlgginson announces the safe arrival of tho Nprth Atlantic squadron at Clcnfuego, Cuba. After a trip about tho northern coast of Venezuela, they will shape their course northward. A dispatch from Panama, under date of February 20, says that it is positive ly known that tho government forces under General Gastro and tho revolu tionary troops are fighting. The scenn of the conflict is between 30 and 40 miles southwest of Panama. A Madrid, Spain, cablegram an nounces that February 17 the queen regent signed a treaty of friendship with tho United States. It is also re ported that Goneral Weyler, tho min ister of war, will submit to tho cortes a proposal to reduce the Spanish armv by four army corps. Advices from Chllpanclngo, Mex ?SmrtitlmVh? City Is still Bifforms from the effects of the recent earth quake shocks and great alarm now pro- . m,wum, ut cue uiscovery of f mmmmlmmWmvuammamittaamm seven small openings in tho mountain from which smoke is issuing. Earth quake shocks still continue. Tho recent, , Anglo-Japanese treaty has been seconded by tho United States, as is shown by this govern ment sending a note to China and Rus sia in line with tho agreement. It is believed that Germany has done the same and that no nation will receive special favors in Manchuria. During the debate in the senate on the Indian appropriation bill, Mr. Smith, delegate from Arizona, de nounced tho eastern schools for Ind ians as doing more harm than good to thorn. He insists that the Indian should be educated in tho environment in which he must live. It is reported from Barcelona, Spain, that on account of the strike disturb ances that have occurred in that city, It has been put under military rule. Several conflicts have taken place be tween the soldiers and the strikers. It is announced that the anarchists aro tho primo movers in the disturbance. News has been received in England sustaining the contention of a rigid press censorship in South Africa. Com mandant Kritzinger, who was captured by the British in December last, was to bo tried February 16. The "Belgian league in Brussels has appeal to Pres ident Roosevelt to use his efforts in preventing the execution of this man. The president has signed a bill for bidding the sale of intoxicants, opium, and firearms by American citizens in any island of the Pacific ocean inhab ited by semi-civilized nations. -Secretary Hay has asked the British gov ernment to join ours in submitting to othor commercial powers a universal treaty to make this provision binding upon all nations. Representative Cochran, who intro duced the resolution inviting Presi dent Kruger to visit the United States as the guest of the nation, has received a letter signed by three members of the Boer delegation thanking him for his efforts in the Boer behalf. They also appeal to this government to call r. congress of the powers in the inter est of peace. During the discussion of the perma nent census bill by the senate, amend ments were proposed admitting that persons who had served as soldiers In tho United States army are to have preference in the matter ot certifica tion; that all except skilled laborers be placed under the provisions of the civil service rules, and for the ap pointment of an assistant director or tho census at a salary of $4,000 per year. The bill was passed Feb ruary 17. In the course of a debate on the Philippine tariff bill on Saturday, Feb ruary 22, Senator McLaurln of South Carolina charged Senator Tillman with having uttered a falsehood. Sen ator Tillman resented the charge with a blow and the two senators engaged in a spirited fight. They were sep arated without serious damage being done to either. Both senators aro held' to be in contempt of the senate and that body is yet to determine the pen alty that will be exacted. Reflections In a Lumber Yard. , These boards are like the people that I know; . ,,, ,' There's one thats broad and strong and it somo day May fill a wide space well and show ; Off splendidly to all who pass that way. ' ' And this one's rough,-yet down below' That unenchantlng surface there' may be . The soundest substance or the finest, grain Ah, here is one that sun and wind' and rain Have sadly warped. The selfsame tree From which it came perhaps has" yielded others still That, polished well and fitted nicely fill Important places; and if they were blessed With minds they doubtless would conclude That they are finely dressed, While this warped thing, this rude, , Discarded piece of lumber, lies Out here because 'twas ne'er as wise Or of such worth as they Yet, truth to tell, some little whim ot chance, Some small, unnoticed circumstance, May -have laid out the parts for them to play. Yon board is smooth a little short- it slides along . But is it of much worth or sound or strong? And this one's narrow, formed to fit Within a little space; yet haply it. . If made a reasoning thing, wouli sigh To be in some wide place and never guess, In failing of its fond desire, why, But sadly charge the world with heartlessness. These boards are much like men I know and I I wonder if I'm broad and strong and ' sounds Like this one, or a poor, warpprt piece like that The workman stands a moment gazing at, And then throws out, to He, Unneeded and condemned, around? S. E. Kiser, in Chicago Record-Herald. YOU HEED A WATCH A GItEAT BA-RfiATN- Ilero Is a 14-K Bold filled watch, dur. able, well made, doweled, stem wind, Btem sot and looks elegant, tiuarnctccri 20 Year. Solid "No nrnnnv. Ronrt us your name, addi ess and Mk-uruHb express omco ana wo will pend you tho watch. You examine It and If 16 looks as v ollns any $40 natch pay exprpsa agent t3.75 and tu watch Is yours, together With chain nml nlmm r pfe Oronts or COlneh lorgnette) Afi chain for 'ladles. Kst.25yrs. 280 K. 48d8t..ihlca8o. &ds& tj&igvr l JKitf W;ri2P TCnW F.li'lw. Vf--ByF , v FOP THF Boys, you can make money by selling The Commoner. It will not cost you anything to begin, as we will send you a supply of papers for the first week, FREE. ' g' W U1 If you want to start in business for yourself, write to us at once and we will send you ten papers for which no charge w be made. You sell them for 5 cents each. This will give you the 11 more papers at the newsdealers' rate, allowing you a good profit U which you can buy Z77LZ d0llT -" ' W. Here is a chance for you to -ends will buy them T ' "TT "" " "? " - nc Vtfmmoner. Lincoln, Nebraska j 1 i . f ' v t f f jr r I, Wfcmmmmmmmmmwl-J- .'. .' ...V,.:.,. (' , - fl , i