The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 21, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner.
February 21, 190a
Home Department
(Continued from Page Eight.)
poise, mental and physical, which
comes of looking life and its capabili
ties, its duties, its delights, square in
the face.
She has discarded tlie petty measures
of vanity and self-seeking and learns
to love her race, her country, and the
humanity which she helps to adorn.
She is glad to live while she can
serve, and she will continue to serve
with dignity and grace until the final,
sweet dismissal".
We will take it for granted that by
this time she has come into that best
dowry that a woman can have, mar
riage and maternity. One awakens,
transforms, elevates. The other
teaches all lessons and especially un
selfishness. Laura B. Allan, in the
Brown Book.
Irish Lullaby.
(Alfred Percival Graves.)
I'd rock my own sweet childie to rest
in a cradle of gold on a bough of
the willow,
To the shoheen ho of the wind of the
west and the lulla lo of the salt
sea billow.
' Sleep, baby dear,
Sleep without fear;
Mother is here beside your pilldw.
I'd put my own sweet childie to sleep
in a silver boat on the beautiful
.Where a shoheen whisper the white
cascades, and a lulla lo the green
flags shiver,
Sleep, bahy dear,
Sleep without fear;
Mother Is here with you for ever.
Lulla lo! to the rise and fall of
mother's bosom 'tis sleep has
bound you,
And, oh, my child, what cosier nest
for rosier rest could love have
found you?
Sleep, baby dear,
. Sleep without fear;
Mother's two arms are clasped around
Coffee Works Slow But Sure
Many people use coffee day after day
"without an Idea of the serious work it
does with' nerves, stomach, bowels,
and sometimes with the eyes, heart
and kidneys. Its work is done grad
ually, that is, the poison affects the
nerve centers a little today and a lit
tle tomorrow and so on, and finally
the nerve cells are slowly broken
down . and then Nature begins the
call for help.
It is a safe proposition that if a
man or woman has headache, stomach
trouble, or any such ailments come on
at intervals, something is wrong with
the food or drink, and this question
should be investigated carefully, !or
health is the best capital anyone can
possess and willfully breaking it down
is a piece of childish folly.
It is easy to leave off coffee if one
will take Postum Food Coffee, properly
made, for Postum has a 'delicious cof
fee flavor and a deep seal brown color
which changes to a golden hrown when
cream is added, and it -satisfies the
coffee drinker without any of the bad
effects of coffee; on the contrary, the
result of using Postum Is the rebuild
ing of the broken down nerve centers
by the food elements contained in it.
Postum Is a pure food beverage
made by scientific food makers and
can be depended upon absolutely for
its purity and tL.3. good results that
follow its use. V
To bring out the fluyor and food
Talue Postum must be boiled at least
15 minutes after the boiling: begins.
One Woman's Work.
Mrs. Fanny Carpenter of New York
city has shown it Is a good thing for
a woman to study a profession. Seventy-five
thousand dollars for win
ning a single case is what she re
ceived recently. It is the largest fee
ever paid to a woman lawyer. Mrs.
Carpenter took up the study of law
in 1896. t She entered the law school
of New York university and was ad
mitted to the bar in 1897, since which
she has practiced more or less as
siduously. Kingston (N. Y.) Leader.
Another Vampire.
A woman there was, and she wrote for
the pres3,
(As you or I might do);
She told how to cut and fit a dress,
And how to 3tew many a savory moss,
But she never had done it herself, 1
(Which none of her readers know.)
Oh, the hour we spent and the flour we
And the sugar we wasted like sand,
At the best of a woman who never had
(And now we know that she never
could cook)
And did not understand.
A woman there- was, and she wrote
right fair,
(As you or I might do),
How out of a barrel to make a chair,
To be covered with chintz and stuffed
with hair,
'Twould adorn any parlor and give It
an air!
(And we thought the tale was true).
0, the days we worked and the ways
we worked.
To hammer and saw and hack,
In making a chair in which no one
could sit
Without a crick In his back.
A woman there was and she had her
(Better than you or I)
She wrote out receipts and she never
tried one;
She wrote about children of course,
she had none
She told us to do what she never had
(And never intended to try).
And it isn't to toil and it isn't to spoil
That brims the cup of disgrace
It's to allow a woman who didn't know
(A woman who never had cooked any
But wrote and was paid to fill space.
"The Spoiler," in Congregationalist.
False Calves.
The necessity of wearing knee
breeches at the coronation ceremonies
has called the attention of many of
those who will participate to the fact
that their nether limbs are not as full
as could be desired, and steps have
been taken to remedy this fault. It is
learned that extensive orders for arti
ficial calves for human legs have been
placed in France in view of the cere
monies. Now that the United States
has decided to send representatives to
the coronation the dealers who are
making the artificial calves are expect
ing orders from the other side of tho
water as well. London Dispatch.
Is There a Difference?
Do we stop to think that for what
we have spent in the Philippines we
might have bought the isthmus and
dug the canal? Is there a difference of
opinion as to which investment would
have been the wiser? Florida Times-Union.
Books Worth Having
These Yoluraei are replete with valnablo inforoiation.compact in form
and unoqualod in point of merit and choapncss. Tlioy aro tho latest
and best books on the subjects of which thoy treat. No ono who
wishes to have a fund of general information or who hai the dosire
of sclMmproTomont can nfford to bo without thorn. They are Gxi
inches in size, well printed on good paper, handsomely bound in
groon cloth, with a heavy paper wrappor to match.
Mot men dread being called upon to re
spond to n toast or to mako an address.
What would yon not givo for tho ability to
bo rid of this embarrassment? No need to
givo much when you enn learn tho art from
this littlo book. It will toll you how to do
it; not only that, but by example it will
show tho way. It is valuablo not nlone o
tho novice, but tho experienced speaker will
gather from it many suggestions.
Ls VV By Paichal H. Ccgglns, Esq.
MnBt local difllcultio? arise from ignoranco
of tho minor points of law. This book fur.
niBhes to tho buty man and woman informa
tion on just such point as aro most likel to
arise in every-day affairs, nnd thus forestalls
them against mental worry and financial
loan. Not only is this information liberally
givon, but overv point is so explained by
moans of a prnctical illustration that tho
reader will r.ot only understand the law on
tho subject, but cannot fail to remember it.
Thorp in no greater ability than the powor
of skillful and forciblo debato, and no ac
complishment moro readily acquired if tho
person is proporly directod. In this littlo
volnmo aro directions for organizing and
conductingdobating societies, and practical
suggestions for nil who desire to discuss
questions in public. Thoro is also a list of
ovor 200 questions for debate, with nrgu
inouts both allirmativo and negative
How to Become a Public Speaker
By William Pittenger
This work shows in a fiimplo nnd concise
way how any porson of ordinary persever
ance may become on effective public speak
or. Ho is hero directed how to gather
thoughts, how to nrrango them to tho best
advantage, and how to form clear outlines.
Ho la then told how to ovorcomo timidity,
how to securo f luoncy of laoguage.and how to
acquire such n mastory of tho arts of the
orator as will givo himoloquonco nnd powor.
Sold by all book sollors, or sent postpaid to any addross on receipt of prico
THE PENN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 930 Arch St,, Philadelphia Pa
Thomas county, Kansas, has a dug
out school house in which seven chil
dren aro taught daily by a young
Peru is sadly in need of a new coin
age system. According to a lately
published report eggs are the only cir
culating medium in one province.
The Minnesota board of control re
cently bought two tons of chewing to
bacco and half a ton of smoking tobac
co for the inmates of the state institu
tions. It has been found that perhaps the
main reason why tuberculosis advances
so rapidly at Hong Kong is that in
most cases it is complicated with ma
laria. A single brewery in Munich uses 118
railway freight cars of its own, be
sides 28 belonging to tho state. Other
breweries have 143, 90, 52, 80, 100, 86,
Investigations conducted recently at
Baku by the Russian government lead
to the belief that the naphtha beds at
that point extend far out under the sea.
It Is planned to gather all tho good
portraits and photographs obtainable
of Wendell Phillips and place them in
an album at the Boston public library.
Far away from civilization gesture
language Is still extant in Australia.
Some of the tribes possess an excellent
code that is almost as efficient as the
spoken language.
A process for making artificial rub
ber by chemical treatment of the stalks
of two plants, chryothamnus and
begelovia, has been discovered by two
men in Carson City, Nev.
After many years' consideration the
British and foreign. Bible society has
decided to alter Its laws so as to en
able it to circulate the revised ver
sion of the Bible as well as the au
thorized version of 1611.
Government by injunction has as
sumed a new terror. A Newark (N.
J.) girl has made application to the su
preme court for an Injunction to re
strain a young man who she- says
promised to marry her from marrying
another girl.
The first monument ever erected to
a cook Is about to be Inaugurated In
Paris. The chef In question Is Urbaln
Dubois, who labored In the German
emperor's kitchen. So popular was he
that his brother cooka haye united to
do him honor.
Books Received.
A History of Medicine, a Brief Out
lino of Medical History from tho
Earliest Period; with extended ac
count of the new schools of tho heal
ing art In the nineteenth century, by
Alexander Wilder; published by tho
New York Eclectic Publishing Co.,
New Sharon, Mo.
Ye Mountaineer, a Collection of
Poems, by Bingham Thoburn Wilson;
published by P. Tennyson Neely Co.,
114 5th ave., New York.
Tho Early Empire-Builders of tho
Great West, by Moses K. Armstrong,
a pioneer congressman; published by
E. W. Potter, St. Paul, Minn.
Wall Street, or the Making of a
President, a tragedy in four acts, by
D. T. Callahan, M. D.; published by
the Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., New
Organized Self-Help, a History and
Defense of the American Labor Move
ment, by Herbert M. Casson; pub
lished by Peter Eckler, 35 Fulton st
New York.
The Americanization of the World,
or tho Trend of the Twentieth Cen
tury, by W. T. Stead; published by
Horace Markley, New York and Lon
don. Eastern Peru and Bolivia, describing
the resources of the countries named,
by Wm. C. Agle; published by Homer
M. Hill Publishing Co., Seattle, Wash.
The Debater's Treasury, comprising
a list of over 200 questions for debate,
with arguments both affirmative and
negative, by William Pittenger. Penn
Publishing company, Philadelphia.
Law and How to Keep Out of It, by
Paschal H. Coggins, Esq., of the Phil
adelphia bar. Penn Publishing com
pany, Philadelphia.
Toasts and Forms of Public Ad
dresses, by William Pittenger. Penn
Publishing company, Philadelphia.
How to Become a Public Speaker, by
William Pittenger. Penn Publishing
company, Philadelphia.
And Works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets euro a cold
In one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.