6 Vol. 2, No. 5 The Commoner. I HMmMMJMMMMimMMiMmMmMUMMMMmMmtitMt ft Whether Common or Not. s . WHEN BENJAMIN TURNS LOOSE. When Lodgo an' all his crowd git gay an' go t' makin' scones About th' causo of all our woes In yondor Philippines, ' -,-. An' tcllln' us th' trouble's our old-fogy sonse o' right ' ' An' thlnkln' more o' justice than wo do o' power an' might Jus when they git t' talkln' so there's somethln' doln' then, F'r up an' comln' Is a man th' country knows as Ben. Ho shows their claims o' virtue Is a bit o' bold pretense ' An' ho makes their boasted policy resemble thirty cents. They prato about our destiny an' think they're doln' fine Till Tillman gits upon his feet an' takes 'em down th' line. IIo worries 'om an' flurries 'em an' makes 'em mad as sin, An' when ho gits 'cm b'llln' hot he gaily rubs it in. They talk about our duty t' th' Filipino man An' say that Thomas Jefferson Is but an "also ran." ., , ., . ? " .", 1 Thou Tillman jumps in with a word an' puts 'em all t' roiit " " ." - F'r Bqii is sure t' git 'om in a senator'nl bout. 7 ' " ' ' Thoy. talk assimilation with a sobbin' in their throats An' tholr visages so lengthy they kin oat Imperi'l oats :" From, off th' bottom of a churn but 't ain't a bit o' use, . '. ' ' : : Bon Tillman knows they're shammin' an' he turns his 'knowlqdgei loose. IIo lonsts 'om an', ho roasts 'em, an' ho baste3 'em well betimes, " . ' An' makes their claims o' virtue look like three. old pewter dimes. IIo always gits 'em good an' mad a jabbin' in his gaffs; . '...; -; An' thou ho rares back in his chair an' laughs, an' laughs, an' laughs. . Wiion Lodgo an' Boveridgo git gay an' try tholr little wiles, ; ., ;,' -An' Allison comes pussy-foot adown th' senate aisles, -.'; 01' Benjamin ho sits an' grins an' lots 'em spout a mite, ' An' thon he says a few briefs words an' knocks 'em out o' sight; ' - ' It tickles him almost t' death t' hear 'em moralize ' . - i About our Christian duty an' about our growin' size, ' - '. -' ' '. For ho knows that thoy don't mean It an' are talkln' 'f'r (W-ivC-An he takes th' Declaration an' ho swats 'em in th' neck" ; " M Yes, Bonjamin ho worries 'em an' flurries 'em, you bet! v ' " ' ' An though they try t' down him they ain't never done it yet t'V ' ,'' '' He's got th' right upon his side, his causo Is good an' true, " V " An' bore's a hopln, Benjamin, your way you will pursue.' ?', x: ' Just puncture hypocrites on sight, an' jab your little fork ' v " " " ' '" Into th whole exploitin' crowd from Illinoy t' York. " ' " ' U ''"" Of courso they'll cuss an' call you names, but. jus' keep up your lick ' " f ' An next election day our votes will make 'em awful sick. it is Comimr' While not posing as a prophet or the son of a prophet, wo have no hesitancy in saying that in about twelvo or fifteen months the repub lican organs will begin printing para graphs reading something like this: "The war in the Philippines would have been ended long 'ago had it not boon for the false hopes hold out to the Filipinos by the democratic party. They will continue to fight in the hope that the democratic candidate for pres ident will bo elected. If tho republi can candidate is elected they will see the folly of further hostilities and sur- i-unuer. stand by the republican par ty," otc, otc. They said it in 1900, and there seems ample ground for bolieving that they will havo opportunity to repeat it In 1904. The First Stop. The meeting of capitalists was called to order by the chairman and the busi ness in hand at once taken up "There aro millions in the scheme, gentlemen," remarked the chief can talist "The profits on the Investment will bo enormous. We can't lose " Ho then explained until all could see that, he was right. "What, then, should be. our first step?" queried a minor capitalist. That, sir. is a nupsHnn onon - -w. vuailjr till- swered " replied the chief capitalist. We will proceeds once to have con gress onact a law granting us un enormous subsidy." Of Courae. "But our books show that we did not Brant rebates," said the manager of the Gougem, Scrougem & Robem rail road. "But it is easy to doctor the books " replied the spokesman of the people committee. L " "It is against the law for a man to doctor without a diploma, and I havo no diploma," said the manager. "Do you think, gentlemen, that I would disregard tho law?" Seeing the uselessness of woundin the feelings of such a careful man committee humbly withdrew Hounded. small, dark man in the rear of the hall as he struggled to the door. "Not content with firing me out of my two-forty-nine-a-day job in the navy de partment they must hold me up to public scorn at every opportunity." Frightened. "Did you celebrate Washington's birthday?" "Sh-h-h! Don't you know I'm a federal office-holder?" The Ulterior Motive. "I see that Congressman Babcock Is worrying his fellow republicans with his efforts to amend the tariff." "That so? I didn't know there was a senatorial vacancy in Wisconsin." Our Beautiful Langungo. A highwayman in Albuqurque Stole a. horse, a mule and a turque. " They chased him a mile Till 'they caught him in style, And his ending was sudden and jurque. Opportunities. , Tenderfoot "Any chance around here to make investments?" '. Terrible Pete "You bet! Poker, faro, , chuck-luck, roulettej ' craps,' monte, cinch and hoss racin'. If you've got any money left you kin buy a few steers." That's Why. . I cannot sing the old songs a With sympathetic strain; I -cannot sing the old songs, So full of grief and pain. " , I cannot sing them any more -. With doleful, quiv'ring lip In. fact I can't sing anything Because I've got the grip. 'Where!" thundered the orator "where in history can h charge so base, a calumy so vile a' falsehood so brazen, a" "There it is 'again," muttered a Unanswerable Logic. "Wo want. an increase in wages," said- ,the committee representing the employes. ' r "I grant that you earn more," said the great manufacturer, "but I leave it to-xou now, how am I to increase mv public benefactions if I pay you higher wagps?" .. Not being masters of logic the mem bers of the committee were forced to retire in confusion. However it may be that the increase n public libraries will bring about a higher standard of education. Brain Leaks. ToTaay''1'OW '3 U'8 refUg Inaolent Profanity is a sign o a mw vocabulary. The hill is always smooth for tho man going down. The greatest successes have be.n wrought through failure. It is difficult to arouse sympathy f0, he man who stubs his toe twice o3i the same nail. n Some men spend more money' m a minute's conversation than they could make in a lifetime. JXTZT b'tween a uimmai ana a common thief is .n cernable only to the humaVbye There Was something wong aoout Only a Name No Money is Wanted. Please show this to 'some .person, who needs one of these hooks. Ask him to send, mo his name. I will mail the hook, and with it an order on your nearest druggist tor six bottles Dr. Shoop's Restorative. I will tell the druggist to let the sick one take it for a month. If satisfied then, pay $5.60. If not, I will pay the drug gist myself. I mean that exactly. I do not always succeed, for sometimes there is a cause, like cancer, which medicine cannot cure. But most of these dis eases result from weakened inside nerves; those nerves which alone make every vital organ do its duty. I have spent a lifetime in learning how to strengthen them; my Restora tive always does that. I have fur nished it to 555,000 people on terms like the above, and 39 out, of each 40 have paid for it paid because they were cured. There are 39 chances in 40 that I can cure you or your friend. I will pay all the cost, if I don't. Won't you tell this . to sojne sick person' who wants to be well?., Simply state which book you want, and Address Dr. Slioop, Box 515, Rucino, Wis. MIMcuci Eot'cbronlc.wcncncurcatjoncortwnJMdts. M U dnijstiti. the yesterday's pleasure that is re sponsible for today.'s headache.' If heaven were as small as some, men imagine it to he the walls would be so close together the sunlight couldn.'t get in between. Thoughts of summer are .always pleasant in winter. We always feel we would be better -satisfied iff -we had something we have not. Will M.'Maupin. TOOK NO. 1 OV DY8PKPSU. BOOK NO. 2 ON TUB HEART. HOOK NO. 3 ON' THti'KinKhYS. HOOK NO. 4 FOREWOMEN. HOOK M).GrORMKN. (v.M.) UC0KAO.GON RHEUMATISM. Philippine Independence. Evidence is daily increasing that tlw public mind is getting round to a sane attitude on the Philippine question. The number who believe that taking the Philippines was a blunder, and that the attempt to force American in stitution upon the Filipinos will' be further bungling, ' are rapidly increas ing. Even President ScuiirnW of Cornell is getting in line on this lsub: ject. In a 'recent address before the Reform club in Boston, he said: "The Filipinos are to develop alon? their own racial lines, not along ours, and it is colossal conceit and impud ence to disparage them because they nfdif?er,ent from ourselves. Any le cent kind of government of the Fili pinos by the Filipinos is better than tne possible government of the Fili pinos by Americans." w5at .?ou2cls the true note in the whole situation. For the United State 4 io pretend to impose our form of gov- wPnient ,type of socIety uPn Mo Filipinos is indeed "colossal conceit," and the poorest kind of statesmanship, n win not be long before the Ameri ?h?PieS?le.wlU bG heartily sick of thSf AllpJ5!S.prlae' and win inaist rnSf i ei pInos ni only be per Sivn JlUt b urently invited to govern themselves. Gunton's Maga- " Mm. Wlnslow's Soothing Kvi.n umFStuSS&Z ,8J,XTY yeaks by icu. TETIUNQ Ji Kf0r t,,0ir CHTLDIIKN WHJfcH tllO Pirn ' 2T' PKnr,BCT BUCCEBS. It SOOTI1ES CURV?ND S" Ul? ?U". AM,AlB'nll PAIN, V -i VJ -, !, ""- J-TJ