'j ...r-,wr.y mmmmmvmmif 12 The Commoner. Vol. a, No, 5 tar Iff. 0 e Bf rn m w lr I.V Ui MUWlHWV .. p.- mS . y frnWiBi ii i ii -iii . it .. , . i3 l rm The Commoner The Commoner The Commoner With any one of the periodicals named in .this para paragraph, both one year for $1.65: Springfield Re publican, weekly Success, monthly Cosmopolitan, monthly. With any one of the periodicals named in this para graph, both one year for $1.00: Farm and Hoine, S0w monthly Farm, Stock and Home, semi-monthly Home and Farm, semi-monthly Missouri Valley Farmer, monthly Indianapolis Sentinel, weekly The Feather , and Farmer, montlil, 50c The Western Poultry llC GOOlttlOllCr News, monihL ,25c. w n j i i n 7 7 With any one of the periodicals named' (m this para TTh CommOllCr ' grajDh, both one year for $2.75: Beview of Reviews, r monthly Arena, monthly. With any one of the periodicals named in this para graph, both one year for $1.35: New York World, VUp, C itrtmin&f thrice-a-week; Atlanta Constitution, weekly Cincinnati " VOJIIllllLFlld inquirer, weekly World-Herald, twice-a-week Ne braska Independent, Lincoln, Populist, weekly Seattle Times, weekly Practical Farmer, weekly Pilgrim, monthhi : Kansas "Furmfir. nnn.nklm . fnf.! 17a-nmnn weMy- The Commoner The Commoner . -And the Kansas City World, daily except Sunday. ,.,, ,A, . ,. n , . ..-.-'"' both one year for $2.00. ' With any one of the periodicals named -in this para- , ... .HEVMb PPfi year for $1.60: Rooky Mountain News, I lie COlTllTinnf weekly; Household, monihh; The Public, weelch,; 0ne year and The NflkrV l.-t , r uUst) for three months, both for $1.00. With any one of the periodicals named in this para graph, both one year for $3.00: Public Opinion (new) weekly Literary Digest (new) weekly. Fanners' Advocate, weekly. Thena?nei ?? S oPply toboth NEW and RENEWAL subscriptions, except Public Opinion and Liter, ary Digest. Renewals to these two periodicals will not be accepted. Foreign postage fxtra The Commoner For one year and " The Commoner Condensed," pa per cover, both for $1.25. The Commoner For one year and "The Commoner Condensed," cloth binding, both for $1.50. The Commoner For one year free of charge to any person sending us four new annual subscriptions with four dollars (regu lar subscription.) The Commoner For six months or "The Commoner Condensed,". ; cloth binding, to any person sending us two new annual subscriptions. The Commoner For three months, or " The Commoner Condensed paper cover, to any person sending us one new an nual subscription. The subscription price of The Comnaoner is $,00 per year, payable in advance. whlTlf. pN.p.CiU.SbpIg,!!Zdb.,n't,0n " """" " "".oh th. Thric.-a-Wk World PP..M Is open to th. r.sld.nts of th. city-In H VaiB,a 1 All Orders must be I Addressed to H rsfsaiit, - tiiMthgLu, , , I The Commoner LINCOLN NEBRASKA k.. V-JJMlfc'.M fZjJb -$: u. A a k-M2fci