February 31,190c The Commoner. 11 Bailey on Judicial Salaries. ' The following extract from Senator Bailey's speech on the bill to increase the salaries of the supreme court judges presents several points which are well worthy of consideration: I must assume that when the senate voted down the proposition to increase the salaries of its own members and the members of the house of represen tatives it did so because it believed that tie members of this body and of the other house are not entitled to an increase in their compensation. I know there are some men uncharitable enough to say that they voted it down because they feared to do what was right when the right happened to be In their own interest. I, myself, am not at liberty to assume such a fact, and I conclude that it was the senate's deliberate judgment that the present GREAT CATTLE COUNTRY. Holt county, Nebraska, produces more hay than any other county in the United States. Hay, farm and grazing lands are still cheap. Excur sions first and third Tuesday in each month. For information write J. A. Donohoe, O'Neill, Nebraska. GNSENG OC nnfl rfnsod for loss ZujUUU than one nore by a Missouri man.' Tho dried roots sold last year at $7.00 per pound. The prico has gradually incroaaod for 25 years. Boots and 8oeds for salo for Spring delivery Fall instructions for its cultivation with each order. Mcdowell ginseng gardens, Joplln, Missouri. SEED-GRAIN We are offering black diamond seed oats 100 nrmnrin 3.00. or 500 nonnds $13.00: Iowa's pre mium white oats 100 pounds $2.75, or 500 pounds. $12:00; yelloyr dent seed corn por nusnei i.du, pr STjuahols $7.50; choico whito corn per bushol $1.50, or 0 bushels $7 50. Choice cloror, $0,75, timothy, $3.40 and millet flood $1.75 per bushol. Backs free. Cash with ordor. HENRY BROS., Fairfield, Iowa. . prilTQ WANTED to sell "Schley and Sun AUun I O t!azor" by Georgo E. Graham. Auto Eraph introduction and personal account of tbe attlo by Rear Admiral Schley. True Story of Santiago told exactly as itoccurred for the First Time by the only eyo-witnossos of tho fight. No abject boforo tho public interests everybody as this atory of Admiral Bchloy. Tho Amor fcan peo ple demand full recognition of the Hero of San tiago. Book selling like wildflro. Prico $1.50 to $2.75,accordingto binding. Liberal commissions, outfit and books ready. Send seven 2-c. stamps for complete outfit. Act quick. Big money for you. W. B. CONKEY CO., Sole Publishers, CHICAGO. THE AUSTIN-HAAS DEBATE on the SiUBSTION-"Resolvcd, That Excessive Exports b not Enrich Our Country." contains more facts en the subject of international trade than any other publication yet issued. The publisher offers $1,000.00 to anyone who can show that excessive exporting has enriched our country. Price per copy 20c, six copies $1.00. Address ANDItRW C. AUSTIN, Hudson, S. D EtlDOAl C3acroa finest tobacco and veget- rUn oMLL able land in Texas. Wft barn, 1 mile. to fine school, 3 churches and R. R. $500 cash. Address, D. A. FRANK, Willis, Texas. fMnv best by Test-77 YEARS. WoDAY CSH 5JWcWant MORE Salesmen af I Weekly GntoEd SUrk Nursery, LeaUhuu, Me.; Dtatvlllc. N. Y. CORK TOUE EYES WITH DR. HENRICO'S KTX BALM WHEN BPXO UUBT8 TAXL. M8HM0NUL8 WXX. 0. Q. MOaETr ISM WORTH BA.WYKR ATX., CHICAGO, ILL iji'iiiiiiiyi CONTAINS Declaration of Independence, Constitu tion oft ell. H., All National Platforms of all political parties since th lr formation, to and Including 1900. Price, 25 Onts. Ono and two-cent pontage stamps accepted. Don't send personal chocks. Agents Wanted. A million copies may bo sold. Bond three 2-cont stamps for treatise on Injurious Ins cts of Orchard, Gardea and farm. Address VINCJSNW 1UU, O., ISta and Jackson Bts.. Omaha. Nab. salary of both senators and represen tatives is entirely sufficient; I must draw tho same conclusion with refer ence to the salary of cabinet officers. Then wo have this peculiar condition of affairs, that in tho judgment of tho senate that particular class of govern ment officials who, excepting tho pres ident alone, already draw tho highest salaries, hold their offices for tho long- est term, have the least expense in exe cuting tho duties of their place, and undergo the least drudgery, are the on ly officials in the service of the gov ernment who are entitled to an. in crease in their compensation. The judges of the supremo court today work fewer hours in every day and fewer days in every year than any member of this body who faithfully meets and discharges his duties. If it be said that the honor of that station is greater than the honor of this, then I answer that this is all tho more rea son why its salary should not be so great The truth is, Mr. President, that In fixing tho salaries of high public of ficials they ought all to be so adjusted that tho salary itself should never become an inducement to seek or to accept a great office. The salary should be so fixed as to enable the occupant to support himself and his family in decency and comfort, and no more. All above this reasonable provision ought to be the honor of tho place, and that ought to appeal to tho ambition and not tho greed of an American citizen. I believe our salaries are now sufflc ient; not that we could not realize more from our professional or business engagements, but not one amongst us came here for the salary; all came for the honor of the place. If you were to double the salary you would not add to the honor, nor would you add very much to the comfort of the members You would simply add to the exac tions which are levied against, us; you would probably double the charges of all the taverns in tho city probably double the prices of all the tradesmen with whom we deal, for th3 rule in Washington seems to bo to assess us so that there shall be noth ing at the end of each year anyway. But even if it' would increase our comfort to increase our salaries, I would still contend that the salary ought never to be made an Incentive for any man to seek or to accept this place. But while that is true of us who serve in the legislative department, is it not also true of those who serve in a judicial capacity? The chief justice of the United States hold tho highest prize of the greatest profession in th9 world; it is the very topmost round in the profession of tho law, and sure ly, having reached that, ho ought to be content with the honor and a salary sufficient to keep him in decency and comfort. , Mr. President, the greatest curse of official life In Washington Is that It is fast becoming Impossible for a poor man to support the expense. We have heard it asserted that cabinet officers have been compelled to resign their places because $8,000 a year would not provide for their expenses. Do you expect to remedy that bv Increasing tho salaries? No, sir. You simply in crease the appetite for more by yielding- to tho demands of today. Give them $12,500 and still tho disparity be tween their expenditures and their luxuries would be as great when com pared with the circle next above them as it is today. You can go on increas ing the salaries of those who serve the government until you make them so great that the offices are sought for the sake of the salaries, thus dimin ishing the honor without satisfying the occupant. I undertake to say that there Is no man who faithfully and diligently serves a plain republican form of gov ernment who cannot meet all reason able expenses upon the salaries now paid; and when you make the salaries great enough not only to justify, but to invito extravagances, you do tho people who pay tho salaries and tho officers who receive them an injury. My Maryland. (By James R. Randall.) The despot's heel Is on thy shore, Mary 1 and 1 His torch is at thy temple door, Maryland! Avenge the patriotic gore That flecked tho streets of Baltimore, And bo tho battle, queen of yore, Maryland, My Maryland. Hark to thy wandering son's appeal. Maryland! My mother state, to thee I kneel, Maryland! For life and death, for woe and weal, Thy peerless chivalry reveal, And gird thy beauteous limbs with steel, Maryland, My Maryland. Thou wilt not cower in tho dust, Maryland! Thy beaming sword shall never rust, Maryland! Remember Carroll's sacred trust, Remember Howard's warlike thrust, And all thy slumberers with tho just, Maryland, My Maryland. Come, 'tis the red dawn of the day, Maryland! Come with thy panoplied array, Maryland! With Ringgold's spirit for tho fray, With Watson's blood at Monterey, With fearless Lowe and dashing May, Maryland, My Maryland. Dear mother, burst the tyrant's chain, Maryland! Virginia should not call in vain, Maryland! She meets her sisters on the plain; "Sic semper!" 'tis the proud refrain That baffles minions back amain, Maryland, My Maryland. Come, for thy shield is bright and Btrong, Maryland! Come, for thy dalliance does thee wrong, Maryland! Come to thlno own heroic throng, That stalks with liberty along, And give us a new key to thy song, Maryland, My Maryland. I see the blush upon thy cheek, Maryland! But thou wast ever bravely meek, Maryland! But lb! there surges forth a shriek From hill to hill, from creek to creek, Potomac calls to Chesapeake, Maryland, My Maryland. Thou wilt not yield the Vandal toll, Maryland! Thou wilt not crook to his control, Maryland! Better the fire upon thee roll, Better the shot, the blade, the bowl, Than crucifixion of the soul, Maryland, My Maryland. I hear the distant thunder hum, Maryland! The Old Line's bugle, fife and drum, Maryland! She Is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb Huzza! she spurns the Northern scum; She breathes, she burns she'll come! she'll come! Maryland, My Maryland. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pilis. A quick, safe, and Bare relief for sick or ner rons Headache, Backache, Stomach Pains, Neuralgia, Nervousness. Irritability; Sleepless Bass, Bbaumatism, Sciatica. Contain no opium or morphine, and lcavo no bad after-effects 26 doM 25e. At druggist. tff RETE IHIIIATM ll.,Sr,RINIFIELt, MIL' BRAND NEW STEEL R00FIH8 Bought at Receivers' Sale. fJhccts cither flat, corru Rated orV'crlnlpcd. No tools ozcept a hatchet or hammer Is nocded to la tho rooring. We furnish frco with each, order enoutrh mint tamt IV cortfrand nails to lay. Prtco Poraqnnro, A square means 100 snuaro It, Write fur rt Catalog Ho. m on General MerthanQls. Chicago HoUKR Wrecking Co., West th and Iron Bts., Chicago, 111 DO YOU SCRATCH? Itching Eczema, all skin diteosos cured. I cure when physicians and patent medicines fail. 32, 000 patients testify to truth of nbovo. Send 6 cts. for trial treatment. W. A. BULLAHD 310 Thco doro St., Detroit, Mich. Bond ui yoor aaarm ana wo niu mow jrou bo w to mike $3 a day absolutely cure: wo tod f rn. too work la tbo locality whert 70a lire, fend ut yoor addreti and wo will x plain tho buslneri fully, remtmW we ruaranUe a tlaar profit of 2foroTryday'i work.abiolutolyiare. Write at once. EOIaXj KlSOriCTDRUta CO., Vox 70 I, Detroit, Hkk. & m& f nrnltb the wotV and teach yc Ell Catarrh Cure (a compound with or -M without tobacco.) The only romedyon earth guaranteed to cure or money ro funded. Write for free sample. EK-M Co,, At lanta, Qa. Fat Folks Am a trained nurso; JHyonrs ago I reduced 45 pounds by a harmlcsa remedy ; no regain; nothing to sell. AddreBs, with stamp. I will toll you how it is done. Miss B. C, Top ping, 318 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111. Vnr fflrrwntprc Tho Squnro Boot Doliuontor rur ivarpunerb. Jn U)0 Artof jrrnmir,R n R00f Framing Chart and supplcmrntary leather bound book. Chart givcB length of raf tors, hips, octagon hipB, Jacks, biaccs nnd all diagonals to within 1-iKd of an inch. Anyono who knows tho terms run and rise, and can rend figures nnd cut to a lino can frame tho most difllcult roof. Send P.M.O.or draft for $1.50. C M OS BORN PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb. 1 ija faoj aaWaIUel v ran:u aBlMflSHE m BLS Tubular Fence Post rnado ot Ualranlccd Metal and Vltrl- fictlHholo base, la tho moat economical ana aoramo pose maao. it will not nut, rotaown or burn up. specially good for (arm. railroad, Vceinctcry and lawn fencing, roofs inado plain or beautifully ornamented. Extra largo anu strong post xor corners or omor places or special Btrain. Any Kind or lmrb, einootll, cabled or woven wire fenclner can bo securely fast ened to tho posts. Special Qttlngs.ftB corner braces, gate hlntrca.ctc. Good agent's proportion. Wrlto for frco circulars, prices nnd special terms. HLOOMFIELU MFO. CO., IJox O Itlnomflold, Ind. Union Central Life CINCINNATI The POLICY-HOLDERS' Company Highest interest rate; lowest death rate; pays largest dividends. Good agents wanted. Address John M. raltison, Pres., Cincinnati. J. M. Ed miston, state agent for Nebraska, Iincoln. APPIE MTH PLEMTH . j moth .TENT CATERPILLER Id ilEAF RMLLfA ma V COTWOflH MOTH STALK BORER ' MOTH TOBACCO vam MILLIONS of the WORMS That destroy tbe jrartlm, ercliai'4 an fsn are tbe proRCDj of moths. De stroy the moths and avoid the Ught with worms. THE CENTRAL FARMER Is tho only agricultural journal in tho United States that makes a apoclalty of discussing tho habits of insect nests, giving tho most improved methods for their destruction. Only farm paper with independent politi cal opinions. 10 pageH, 81.0O per year, (weekly.) Special IntroductioQ Rate, Eee The Commoner clubbing list, or wo will send tho paper until January 1, 1003. for only SO cents, or, send us a llsfc of 20 nctivo farmors and io cents, and wo will send you the paper for thrco months. Send 2-cent stamp for our elegant Illustrated circular and terms to agents. THE CENTRAL FARMER OMAHA, NEB. i V