The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 21, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Vol. 2, No. 5,
Weekly. News Stimmary
A dispatch from Venezuela reports
that tho rovolutlon against President
Onstro is gaining ground visibly.
Tho Marquis of Dufferin, formerly
governor-goncral of Canada, died nt
his resideneo in Ireland, February 12.
Tho birthday of Abraham Lincoln,
Fobruary 12, was vory generally ob
served throughout tho United States.
A dispatch from Berlin says that it
is proposed to widen tho Kiel canal,
as It has already reached its traffic
It Is stated that the Italian govern
ment has appropriated 30,000 pounds
for tho purchase of an embassy in
Tho son of President Roosovolt, who
has been uoiiously 111 at Groton, Mass.,
whore ho attondod school, Is on the
road to rocovcry.
It is stated that since 1883, tho
Unitod States government has expend
ed closo to $150,000,000 in the construc
tion of its navy.
Tho contonary of tho birth of Victor
Hugo will bo colobrated in Paris with
great brilliancy. A monument to tho
author is to bo unveiled.
Among tho army posts to bo elimi
nated from tho list Is Fort Niobrara,
Nebraska, according to tho report of
tho army board in Washington.
Tho American, Gorman and British
claims in Samoa aro to bo laid before
King Oscar of Sweden for arbitration
and settlement.
Sonor Lorma, tho newly elected gov
ernor of Datan province, P. I. ,fled af
ter his election, on being called upon
to account for $4,000 in insurgent funds
which ho had received.
For tho fourth time in its history,
tho house has adopted a resolution pro
viding for tho amendment of tho con
stitution to allow of senators being
elected by direct voto of tho people.
London advices assert that once
moro Geueral Do Wott has eluded
KItchonor's clever plan to catch him,
by breaking through the cordon and
escaped with tho loss of but three men.
Dr. Mueller, former consul of the
Orange Freo State to Holland, is now
on his way to tho United States, bear
ing dispatches from tho Boer delegates
to President Roosevelt.
For the first time in tho history or
tho French diplomatic service, a wom
an, Mile. Jeanne do Villeneuve; has
been appointed secretary of tho Fronch
consulate-general In New York.
A report from Lord Kitchener at
Pretoria announces that last week
was tho liveliest time that has been ex
perienced in the war for sovoral
months past. Many captures on each
side were made.
From English sources it is rumored
that tho Boer headquarters in Europe
will bo removed from Tho Hague to
Geneva on account of friction between
Mr. Kruger and his associates and the
Dutch government.
It is reported from New York that
tho presidency of the United States
Steel Trust company of that city has
heon offered to Lyman J. Gage, former
secretary of the treasury, and that he
would accept the position.
Admirals Sampson and Bartlett
Cromwell have been placed on tho re
tired list on account of their having
reached tho ago limit of C2 years
Cromwell is now with his flagship, the
Chicago, in tho Mediterranean.
Professor Pearson, whoso utterances
In regard to the infallibility of certain
portions of tho Bible, caused such wide
comment in churnli oina i,o -
signed as professor of literature at
Northwestern university, Chicago.
It is announced that the famine out
look In India is vory serious. No rain
has fallen and the plague of rats in
soveral provinces is assisting in the
destruction of tho crops. Tho relief
work Is being rapidly extended.
David Christie Murray, the novelist,
proposes that tho British erect on
British soil a statue or other memorial
of George Washington, "as a national
recognition of tho cause for which ho
fought and tho present amity between
tho two nations."
By a recent decision rendered by tho
United States court of appeals at St.
Louis, Mo., to tho effect that courts
martial of regulars cannot try vol
unteer soldiers, 200 military prisoners
now confined in federal ponitentiariesi
will bo released.
The lower house of tho Ohio legisla
ture has passed a bill aimed at Chris
tian scientists. It provides that any
parent or guardian who shall wilfully
deprive any sick child under 1G years
of ago of medical attendance, shall be
subject to a fino or imprisonment.
Tho city of Patorson, N. J., wa3
swept by a disastrous firo February 9,
which caused a loss to property of
more than $10,000,000. Hundreds of
people are left homeless. Tho cause
of the fire is unknown. Tho city has
been placed under military control for
tho protection of property.
The senate has adopted a resolution
proposing an amendment to tho con
stitution changing the date of the in
auguration of the president and vice
president from March 4th to the last
Thursday in April, and that the com
mencement and termination of con
gress is to occur at tho same time.
Germany has made public docu
ments that contain the correspondence
rolatlng to tho proposed efforts of tho
European powers to coerce the United
States in the late Spanish-American
war. These show that Lord Paunce
fote asked for the intervention of tho
powers to restrain the United States
in Cuba.
Admiral Walker, In testifying be
fore the senate committee on inter
oceanic canals, said that he considered
the Panama route the best, for the
Nicaraguan route is too long and ha3
too many sharp curves. It is also an
nounced that Colombia will make all
concessions necessary for the con
struction of the Panama canal.
A statement made by Lord Cran
borne in London that tho substance of
tho Anglo-Japanese treaty was sub
mitted to tho United States before
closing, is exciting great speculation as
to this government's attitude in the
affair. It is said that tho TTnltori
States was invited to join the alliance,
but declined to do so on the plea that
it desired to keep a freo hand.
England has formed a practical al
liance with Japan for the preservation
of China and Corea. The purpose of
this compact is to prevent any dis
turbance of present conditions with
regard to those governments and is
intended as a check to Russian policies
in tho east. It is reported that Mar
quis Ito of Japan is tho author of this
treaty, which is very well received In
News has been received from Colon,
Colombia, that on January 28 the lib
erals of tho town of Barranquilla made
an effort to capture the town. Tho at
tempt was frustrated and the liberals
fled to the mountains. As a conse
quence of the attack, the government
has issued a decree forbidding all lib
erals from walking on tho streets of
Barranquilla at any hour of the day or
night Barranquilla is a town of 18,000
Inhabitants, and is situated on tho left
bank of tho Magdalena river, 15 miles
from its mouth.
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