The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 24, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner.
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THE COMAtONER, Lincoln, Neb.
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Sco clubbing and promlum offer on opposite
"Corn King" Phillips scorns to have enjoyed a
limited timo monarchy.
Advocates of "elastic currency" stretch their
Imaginations too frequently.
Tho Boors may not bo scon at the coronation,
but thoir presonco will bo felt.
Fortunatoly for tho administration tho Trans
vaal republic has no ships to launch.
&' Questions of state will have to wait until tho
ybrdor of precedence of stato functions is settled.
Mr. Dopow has returned and his senatorial
colleagues should bo prepared to onduro tho telling.
Joseph Chamberlain talks of "England's
splendid Isolation." Perhaps ho means "desola
tion." ; Mr, Schwab's Monto Carlo system appears to
have been less successful than his Amorlcan trust
Wo infor from a reading of tho dispatches
that Horr Von Buelow will not attend tho corona
tion ceromonles.
. Up to date Mr. Kipling has been so busy
shrloklng that ho has not had timo to pocket tho
"king's shilling."
A public official has no oxcuso for using his
offlco for private gain. If he is not satisfied with
the salary ho can resign.
Tho senate will havo to longthen its sessions
in order to properly discuss tho questions which
aro rushed through tho house.
Tho noxt timo Mr. Schwab of tho steel trust
addresses a graduating class ho can toll of his
gambling oxporlonco at Monto Carlo.
Of course no one oxp ted Mr. James Hill and
his associate? to obey the- order to appear before
the interstate commerce commission.
Honors re easy. Tho czar admires the person
ality of thu president and Mr. Roosevelt admires
the arbitrary methods emnlovnr? hv ,., ,
to executive. """ uulut
The Commoner.
' The .empress of China has sent her thanks to
tho United States for valuable services rendered.
Tho Boors havo not. Nor tho Filipinos.
Mr. Belmont complains that ho was beaten
by doraocrats. This Is a generous and disinterested
trlbuto to tho Intelligence of his former associates.
Every British recruit Is given a shilling, and
the Boers are seolng to it that tho shilling ma
chino of tho British mint is kept running overtime
A few ventilating fans or an extra watchman
would have prevented tho tunnel horror in New
York city. But ventilating fans and watchmen
cost money.
Abraham Lincoln said but a repitition of
what Abraham Lincoln said would probably bo
greeted with the cry of "anarchy!" from admin
istration organs.
Perhaps Mr. Hanna would ceaso his opposition
to tho canal If Uncle Sam put up the money to
construct it and then allowed a private corporation
to stock and bond it.
A largo number of administration organs that
wero so suro Tho Commoner would suspend at
tho end of its first year are cordially invited to
scrutinize the date line.
Tho congressional chaplains havo taken to
praying for the newspaper correspondents. Have
tho chaplains reached the conclusion that the con
gressional majority is past praying for?
Much as Senator Hanna longs to see a canal
cut through tho isthmus he has such perfect self
control that he can take the Panama proposition
under consideration for an indefinite period.
Every executive who has tho appointment of
officials should impress upon appointees that an
official who brings disgrace upon his party ought
not to expect his party to show him any mercy.
Tho managers of the coronation ceremonies
-would enter upon the work of preparation with bet
tor heart if assured that Dewet would not usher
in tho glad day with another bunch of trouble for
Kitchoner to rogret.
Correspondent Graham's history of the Battle
of Santiago Bay will meet with one obstacle. It
tv as written by a man vho saw it, and the most
salable histories are those written by men who
merely heard about it.
"By all means send the soldiers in the Philip
pines the home news," exclaims the Minneapolis
Times. That is a good suggestion. And while
doing it by all means send the people at home
tho Philippine news.
Why not require the president to send to con
gress each Monday a list of the men sacrificed dur
ing tho proceeding week in our war of conquest?
He might also be asked to give an estimate of
tho trade value of their lives.
Mr. Griggs, who could not live on the attorney
general's salary of $8,000 a year, is trying to get
back to Washington on a senator's salary of $5,000
a year. Being a gold standard advocate Mr. Griggs
must of a certainty be a financier.
A Washington minister complains that foreign
representatives do not respect our Sabbath. If we
spend six days in tho week waging a' war of con
quest and violating tho commandment, "Thou
shalt not kill," we are not likely to bo particular
about the Sabbath.
The" president might pacify His Royal High
ness by apologizing for the good sense shown by
Mrs. Wetmoro in refusing an invitation to din
because it did not include her husband.
Prime Minister Sprigg of Cape Colony made a
speech recently In which he said that the Boerft
could terminate the, war by laying down their
arms, and then he added that this would probably
not occur "just yet." Who says that an English-,
man has no sense of humor?
Thirty-four thousand inhabitants of the Dan
ish West Indies have joined in a protest against
the islands being sold to the United States without
a vote being first taken. They ought to send a
committee to tho United States to instruct repub
lican leaders in the science of government.
The Chicago Chronicle is entitled to the credit
of a wonderful discovery. It says that Mr. Bel
mont's defeat was due to tho fact that Mr! Bryan
delivered speeches at several Jackson's Day ban
quets. Doubtless Mr. Walsh had to hypothecate
several bonds to finance the voyage of the great
New York's new mayor begins his reform by
announcing that tho Jaw will not be enforced "to
the letter." And yet it is not long ago that these
samp reformers were calling out for the strict
enforcement of the law. Possibly Mr. Low is try
ing to gain a reputation by not doing what Mr.
Roosevelt did.
It is proposed to secure direct cable connec
tions with Manila in order to give the soldiers in
the Philippines daily news from home. It is
thought that this would prevent nostalgia. Per
haps. But wouldn't it result in giving us more
Philippines news? And would that ndt be detri
mental to the interests of the administration? w.
.,--, ,iu j , . . s'- - 1; jk
A news item ,says that there is a growing de
mand for artificial calves to be used., bylean,
people at tho king's coronation. It is to be hoped
That the president took this into consideration and
selected American representatives who have the
proper development. There would be a general
protest against taxing our people to buy artificial
calves for our envoys.
The Kansas City Journal says the republican
party's motto is "Progress." Yes, backwards. It
has now "progressed" until it is -able to use the
argument of kings to bolster up violations of the
constitution. It has "progressed" until it can
earnestly support the policy of imperialism, slave
holding and government by force. The republican
party "progresses" like a crab.
The defeat of Perry Belmont for congress is
one of those dispensations of Providence to which
a democrat can easily reconcile himself (to bor
row a. form of expression from Lincoln) The
cemocratic organization ought to learn after a.
while that it does not pay even in the east to
nominate men who are opposed to democratfo
Mr. Bryan celebrated Jackson's Day at Woos
ter, O., on January 6, and at New Haven, Conn
on January 8. The democrats of Wayne county!
have for forty-seven consecutive years met
at Wooster, -e county seat, and observed Jack
son s Day with appropriate exercises. They clalih
to surpass any other community in the United
States in this respect and the soundness of their
democracy gives strength to their claim. If any
reader of The Commoner knows of any other coT
munlty which has been as faithful to the memoVy
of the Hero of New Orleans let him speak nowr
forever after hold his peace.
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