The Commoner. 10 , ' Ai . i'j B ?.&-;. ft '.vt ' ,i , JB. ' l ;" a s t to- n.'jt 'j Sfc 5 1 1 j1 til J "fi ft J ffeM J ? .Maize lrHBltiti2. uurnudtor ajaara,, lUtcntMWy good egg. IMVIHCIILE HATCHER CO., - SPRIHQFIELB, OHIO, I nmn Ronb A euro with sworn proofs for $1. LdlTlO DtiGK Postal ordotsPjr.T., Jones Esto.Ky. (Hf"! P Month and Exveaes noexperlenco Tk " needed: poBltlon permanent; Holr-sellcr, ijlt; 1'jcA.BiaMvQ. Co.,8tai'ii r)90lnclnaatl, 0. cHffi best by Test-77 YEARS. Wo DAY CASH fce WANT JVIUUMS aAIiKSMEN H T R WCCKI7 Lv Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo.; Dansvlllc, N. Y. E Catarrh Cure (a compound with or -In without tobacco.) Tho only romedyou 1,1 oarth guaranteed to cure or monoy re funded. Writo for frco sample. EE-M Co,, At lanta, Ga, E?aCaO C Al !" Timber lands, In Boao r"UK OMInCi mont ToxnB Oil Bolt. 3 per Roro. Adnptod for Corn. Cotton, Sugar Cano, nice, Tomntoos. and Tobacco. Mild Wintors. Write, l M. 0AU1NESH, Oenroc, Montgomery Co., Texan. WANTED MEN TO l.EAUN nAlltlRU TUAW5. ALL THIS ABVAN TA0F.8 OP M0DEUN VIIACTICE, I'.XI'KIIT INSTRUCTIONS. l.KCTUIUIS ETC., VKAIIH OP APPllKNTICEBIIIl' SAVED, ONLY TWO MONTHS KK QUIKKD. WMTK NKAHF.8T HHANOII F0U CATALOGUE, MOLKIl 1IA1U1KRC0LLE0E, OMAUA, NEU., CIIICAO.0, 1IA., Oil JIINNEAl'O IJS, MINN. a t IMJM m mum ewj' g wanwap xvryw GAIN mUES l.y cltrlnclh.itBtoniiiy )Iec of land. TIIK llEUCVliKS ktnmn TSill.rtinll.aiivMumn 'fi.v.a lima. l.tirtrnml mfinMV. Catalog free. "Hercules Mfg. Co., Centerville, Iowa. HaBBME'LaUaW i rwflKHfen 12ft rfr-A-'? FOR SALE. Baronet Gerben No. 26983, my Hol stoin Fresian herd bull, 3 yoars old, and young Bulls. JOHN C. DOUBT, University Place, Neb. FINANCIAL CATECHISM. BY 8. M. BRIOE nnd C. VINCENT. An attractive, interesting nnd instructive work of 356 pages written in conversational stylo of ' quostions and answers, giving replies based on oflicial records, to all quostions covering tho on tiro range of financial discussion, It makes n eomplote History of Financial Legislation from 18G2 to 1895. Price 50 cents, in pnpor covors, post paid to any nddross. Personal checusnot rocoived, but 1 and 2c postago stamps aro accept ed. Address Vincent Pub. Co., " Home Department, (Continued from Page 9) and correct. The Index numbers for meats, dairy and garden products and miscellaneous supplies show a con tinuous advance since 1897, while metals and clothing show a declin.3. Tho increase is greatest in meats. Pittsburg Post. ... Counting the Cost. Ill home management there is im mense wisdom in counting the cost, before we indulge in too many lux uries. Parents who can. deny their children nothing; sybarites who can never say no to themselves; careless housewives, who do not practice f ru gality, are apt to- come to shipwreck, through their remissness in not count ing tho cost, Far better to wear a shabby coat or a faded gown than to bo hampered and handicapped by the expense of a new one, which cannot readily be paid for. Far better eat plain fare than pur chase, delicacies which unduly tax the pocket-book." TFar better let the be loved ones sometimes wait for a pleas ure than procure it at risk to the health of an overworked father and mother. Before an important step, wisdom dictates that one count the cost. Margaret B. Sangster in Chris tian Herald, less than 70,. per cent of .the. voters went to the polls. Lessler's vote was 7,677 and Belmont's was 7,283. The Manhattan districts went for Belmont, but even there the falling off was de cidedly noticeable. The three election districts of the Second assembly dis trict, which are part of the Seventh congressional district, were the only ones to gi,ve the .normal democratic vote. Although Tom Foley, the leader of the Second assembly district, was an open advocate of home rule and op posed Belmont's nomination, he car ried, off the honors in support of the democratic candidate. . Taking the party vote of the presi dential year as a basis of comparison, yesterday's vote was particularly sig nificant of the artistic way in which Mr. Belmont was knifed. . Lessler's vote was 82 per cent of the full party vote in a presidential year. Belmont's vote was less than 54 per cent. Bel mont's chances were completely killed by the vote on Staten Island. He was defeated there by 2,202 votes and the best efforts of his workers in Manhat tan could not offset this. Muller car ried the island by 604 in 1900, show ing a change of over 2,800 votes. New York Exchange. DO IT NOW Buy- this Hay I'reaanowand vouwlllnever need to bay another. With a little care it will last aa long as you are likely to need a press. Makes even ilfd compact bait. Eaay to.feed, taty'o handle at work or ea tho read, the fattest preas made. VBJW .g leffitiP cTtAU Attn uncr Bnurco"vv "I?I W? BALING PRESSES are made In 33 KitaWiB stvlea. Larzwt feed hole. Madaalmott entirely of alee). LI eh test but etronrjeft. Illustrated catalogue free COLLINS FLOW CO., 1183 Hampshire St., Qulncy, Ilia. NO COLLEGE EDUCATION Isneoded torun thofe'uro Hatch Incubator. They are bo slmplo that thoy run themsolvca. Mado of California redwood, beautiful ly finished; twelvo ounco copper tank, nnd hvdro-safctvlamn. Ful ly guaranteed. Our cataloguo contains nunurcas orpnocograpns 01 ino Miro Hatch Incubator at work, and valu able Information. Sent frco. Sura Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., or Columbus, 0. I 9 Write II m -- iirarcai !. offiee. 1 Bend ua your aaaresa and vro will show yon how to make $3 a day absolutely lute; vr furnish the work and teach 70U f reo, yon rrork In tho locality irhero you lire, send us your aaareas ana vre win explain the 1 of 93 for eve: ROXaL SijIaDaySu plain the business fully, remember we guarantee a clear profit r every day a wortc.absoluv KiNUrxCTUKUIQ CO., r t v wrtrV. AhuoltitalT anra. B0XSUI. Write at once. Detroit, Melt. HUH.WH iiiiiuiiiuwmnwi t-i' Belmont Beaten. The Silver Question Dead? See an account of its death in 187.1, as you will find it recorded In Qrfer'a pumphlet, page 45, '-'Our Financial Lawof March 11, 1900, with an appeal for its reinvestigation." Send twonty flveccnts in stamps or postal order for a copy and then after studying tho facts and statistics thus carefully cdllatou in this .pamphlet, nnd if you 'are then satisfied with this hnnncial log delation you will reach a conclusion different from tho author, Mako a fair olTort to got at the roal facts, and you do not have to adopt tho conclusions of this pamphlet, nor of others, but lot pnch ono dollborutoly think of himself as an American citizen. Address John A. Grier, 345 53d Street. Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. J. M.HOBER, (breeder of Enriish Polled Cattle (RED) AND Poland China and Chester White '. Hogs. Young Stock for "Sale Call and Examine. Correspon dence solicited. '5 Miles north of Central City, Nebr. jgH-iMjp- ,-- - alaBaBai Ma JfllTeWleiiieliBi Montague Lessler, the republican candidate for congress in tho . special election held in the Seventh -New York district yesterday, won a decisive vic tory over Perry Belmont, hiW demo cratic opponent, and Belmont and his friends were busy today trying to figure out , how it happened. Squire Croker's grief over the defeat of Bel mont did hot seem today to bo very poignant and he was not visibly cast down When he heard the result. Of course, the Squire said that he would support Belmont, when ha was made the regular candidate, but Croker's ad vice to his followers was accompanied, so it is believed, with a suggestive wink, and they, it is similarly believed, followed the wink, not the advice. There is woo in tho Muller camp on Staten Island. Belmont's defeat meant more to Nick Muller than to any one else. The rank and file of the dem ocratic party on Staten Island had been restive .under the Muller family dictatorship and there had been many signs of revolt apparent for a long time. Muller was never conciliatory, but ho was not openly antagonistic. In forcing Belmont's, nomination he open ly assumed the role of dictator, picked his delegates, instructed them, choked off tho" opposition and told the demo crats of Staten Island that he would name tnelr candidate for tnem. The delegates were personally selected by Muller, they were nearly all place holders and ready to do his bidding; the general committee of tho party was not notified or consulted, and despite the fact that the great body of the voters and committeeman wore for O'Grady, Belmont was forced on them. Tho result was open revolt, and the knifing of Belmont is taken to be merely preliminary .to tho overthrow of Muller. His position as a leader 13 decidedly insecure, and tho indepen dents mean to have his scalp. The vote shows that Lessler's plu rality over. Belmont was 394, out of a total of 15,394 cast, The total regis tration was over 23,000, showing that Paying the Price. The Boers contiue to outplay the British in the "guerrilla warfare to which the campaign in South Africa lias been reduced, and reports from London' declare that Mr. Chamberlain is resolved on a policy of extermina tion, as the only way to secure peace in that country. Taken together, the circumstances indicate that Great Britain will continue to pay "the price that staggers humanity" indefinitely, unless the parliament soon to assemble shall unseat Mr. Chamberlain and re verse his policy.Philadelphia Times. BRAND NEW STEEL ROOFING vk& & yC. Bought at Receivers' Sale. Sheets cither flat, corru. gated or"V"cr!mpcd. No tools except a hatchotor Lammcris needed to lay the roofing. Wo furnish ireo yma cacu. oruer enough paint to I 7C y.",w X'rico Per squnro, nvAr and nails to lav. A square means 100 square ft. Write forl'ree Catalogue No. tsi on General Morchaadlie. CMcnKO. HonAC Wrecking Co WesfcSSth and Iron Bts., Chicago, IiL L.TBATJN Proofreading If you poiiMi a fidr education hj not tiUHto it at a genUel and tin ertwiioa profeulon pjln S1C to J3G wmVI? Situations always oM&laabla. We are tho original lmtmetors by null. Home Cohrbbpokdenob School, Philadelphia. Britain's Fatal Influence. . The London Daily News asserts that the truth has not been generally made public concerning the concentrado camps in South Africa. The News pre sents the amended figures for the two colonies during the three months end ing August 31, as follows: "Transvaal June to September, men 279, women 621, children 3,648, total, 4,548.' Orange River, total, 3, 218, of hich 1,946 were children. To tal deaths, 7,766. In the two Natal camps near bases of supplies, with an average population of 2,850, there were but 32 deaths, and only trivial ill ness. Compare these figures with some Transvaal camps. At Potchef stroom, in June, 206 out of 2,771 chil dren died. At Middelbiirg, in Julv, 342 children out of 3,397 died." Commenting upon this, the London Truth says: "No amount of sonhistrv can explain away these figures. The facts show conclusively that the causes of the terrible mortality in the. more remote campg are not causes entirely beyond control." Every up-to-date FARMER should have the Bible gas oline engine Tho Bible. Tho best ennrine mado: as a barn door. Fully guaranteed. Prices low. VA horso power engine complete $100; 4 horso power ongiui complete, $170; Qy horso powor engine $260. IJlblo Wagon Vks., Ionia, Ml oh. simple to oporato ai THE OLD LINE Bankers Life . INSURANCE CO. HOME OFFICE, LINCOLN, NEB. Every Policy Secured by m Deposit: Tvitli the State of Nebraskn. RANIER GRAND HOTEL Seattle, Washington European Plan;" Rates $1.00 and upvraVd.' 522 rooms. 75 rooma with bath. Finest Cafe in the northwest, noted for the peculiar excellence of its Cuisine. RANIER GRAND HOTEL CO. H. B. Dunbar, President and Manager Fnt r,nrnpnfprc Tho Square Boot Delineator rui Vdl Kaiierfc. ln the Art of Framing, a Roof Tramins Chart nnd supplementary leather bound book. Chart givos length of raf tora, hipa, octneon hips, jacks, oracos and all diagonals to within l-32d of an inch. Anyono who knows tho terms run nnd viae, and can rend ligures and cut to a lino can frame tho most difficult roof, Send P.M.O. or draft for $1.50. C M. OSBORN PUB. CX, Lincoln, Neb. aR' ' I II STERN. OLD MOTHER EXPERIENCE HBeimuieuiwriycRrBioniatteporrectThe Reliable Ino lntnenouBO. It will coat van hut in na,,ta nni rin .!,.. - -w t.wn ut. n.., ...nn JUI Hk tho poultry business. Kcllable incubator & Brooder Co,. Box you B-7. tiDator; try Hook'! master in Qulncy, III?. fe5 " &lffwr'wV wS?S41!fial , CONTAINS jDeolapctSeH of IiMlepemience, C'omtitn tSon of t V. N.. All National JPIatforma of all political parties since th-lr formation, to W - andlnoludlnK 1900. Price, 5 fenta. One and hwu-ccui. iipaiaKe ntamns accentou. xioirt ficnu arsonal checks. Aaronta U'aiited. A million jplcs may bo sold. Send three 2-ecnt stamps for jatiao on injurious ins cts of Orchard. Garden farm. Address VIMOKNX lUii," CO., and Jackson Sts.. Omaha. Neb. '(iT vBaBBavHi BLINDNESS PERSONALTO SUBSCRIBER?; it T nmmt. . M . - " " " """ a Twwmw'K ! orir roaaoror Tiiocommonor a full-s zed ONE-DOLLAR m L fmySS85S'-bi? mot1, ?atRaAd. auillcient for one month's troatmont, to bo pafd ??iu."y,. lIWR rccoipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its ubo hn? dnh i nck- for Prevented and Cnrod Jly the Oreat "Actlna, "an Electrical Pocket Battory which romoves cataracts, oto. Cures Qranulntort Tiidn. TlflRtnrAH Vtalmt Positive proof of euros givon. No Cutting or Drugging, Eighteen years' success. Write for our WJ-paco Dictionary of Addros3 Noav York & London Elect rlo Aaft'n. Dopt. 28. Arlington Building, Kansas City, Mo. TX7 1? WII.I. TT ace ?T1 truthfully say that its use hardohe him 0 si ks ftvr "R.nS'a.'Ji "" ' "1" "A5Y0Jlr0tt ?potpw or patent medicines ho wl,n it TThr Vfnt. vn,, in7i .i iMi,rX-" "SVl'i " u. ,u,iaF.slonu uo wq ask our pa; it doos not benefit you, you pay us nothing, substance -mineral ORE minod from thi votako all tho risk; you have nothincr to losn.' "fft natural, hard, ndamnntlnn Tont.lika if An V nil.. r" i vuwura 13 a 1 ixiiiiiiiii iiirn frr 1 n orwi 01 wim mi m-.i i rx yours tor oxidization. It contains free Iron. ftooVulp fi InO mSBlies Sm, "mi oZ Taoknie will xj4,cM muwj.uu iJiuuusr numenig aromncn and Female Disorders. La Qrlnn Mi lurial Fnvr palm, 111. an.l Mitnu blc hart rtrflrf tho intOlMl woflOaoa inlt wr.V IU,- wLftf J, V""1 " IV dM,rM Y1, hfHh'5r "l" atrf 1HEO. NOISL COMPANY, GJJ?, fl0, 031 W. Ndvth AyfyllU . J!