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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1901)
The Commoner. 9 Vaccinating Bugs. Tho aclonco of mediclno has readied wonder ful perfection. The mlcrobo theory in .certain diseases has boon proventruo beyond doubt. -The inoculation of chintz1 bugs -with tho microbes of contagious diseases, in order thatopldcinicsmay spread amdng tho littlo posts., is a practical method now in Use. Dr. D. M. lJyo, the ominont Bpcolnlist for cancer, of Indianapolis, Ind., says that (Joking with medicines, cutting with knives pr turning with plasters to euro cancer is no longer to bo recognizod, but that ho has discov ered a combination oi soothing balmy oils which kill tho cancor microbos and euro tho most ma lignant cases. Those who read this will confer a groat favor- by cutting itout and sending it to a friend who is afflictod. Book sent froe, giving Earticulars and nrlcos of oils. Address Dr. D. . Btk Co., Lock Boa; 325 Indianapolis, Ind. Insular Decisions. .The United States supreme court lids recently delivered two opinions re lating to our insular possessions. One of these cases waff known as the "fourteen diamond rings case" and involved tho right of the federal au thority to collect tariff duties on goods, coming from the Philippines to the United. States, under the Dingley law. The other case involved the right of congress to levy a tax on goods going from the- United States into Porto Rico. Tn the first caso, the court held that tai'ITf. duties on goods coming from the Philippines, were unconstitutional he cause the Philippines were not foreign territory, but became United States territory when the treaty of Paris was ratified. In the second cage the court held that the levy ' f a tax upon goods go ing from the United States to Porto Rico was constitutional. In this ca3.-j was involved, practically, the question 00 the right of congress to impose an export tax. The constitution forbids an export tax, but the court holds that inasmuch as Porto Rico Is not foreign territory, the goods shipped to Porto Rico from the United States are not exports. 'In the first case relating to. the Phil ippines, Chief Justice Fuller delivered th'eu 'opinio. Joined' 'with the Chief Justice' ln this, opinion wero Justices Harlan, Peckham, Brewer and Brown. Justices White, Gray, Shiras and Mc Kenna dissented. In tho second case, the export tax case, Justice Brown delivered the opin ion and his conclusions were agreed to by Justices Gray, Shiras, White and McKenna, while the chief justice, to gether with Justices Harlan, Peckham and Brewer, dissented. In order that the reader may under stand all these Insular decisions, it may be well to give a very brief outline of the decisions in the order in which they were delivered. In May, 1901, the' first opinion de livered by the court related to the right of the federal authorities to col lect tariff duties in Porto Rico under the Dingley law. The chief justice, to gether With Justices Harlan, Peckham, B'rewer and Brown, delivered the opin ion of the court to the effect that such duties' were invalid because Porto Rico was not foreign territory, and that tho filngley law, which was en acted for the purpose of levying tariff duties against goods from foreign countries, was not in force In Porto Rico. Tho second case, decided in May, 1901, involved the constitutionality of the Foraker act, a law passed by con gress levying certain tariff duties oq goods coming from Porto Rico to the United States. Justices Brown, Gray, Shiras, White and McKenna in this case reached the conclusion that Porto Rico was "appurtenant territory" and not an integral part of the United States, and that congress could there fore levy such tariff duties as it saw fit. It would only be confusing to the reader to refer specifically to the var ious special opinions which several of the justices filed in these cases. The ' fact remains that so far as conclusions were concerned in the first case Chief Justice "Fuller together with Justices Harlan, Brown, Peckham and Brewer comprised the majority, Justices Gray, Shiras, White and McKenna practical- i lira The Principles deducible from Us ana moaern; The Science of Money? SS) LWMNMMMWWNMMNWMWWNtWJNNM Third edition; Svo.pp. 336; cloth, $i. "The Scionco of Money' by Alexander Del Mar, M. E.. formorly Director of tho Bnroau of Statisticsof tho Uultod States, Mining Commissioner to the United States Monetary Com mission of 1870 nnd author of several books, concerning tho precious motals, publishod in la?gb typo and handsome dress by thn Cambridge Press of Now York, iia contribution to this largo and intricate subject that demands the closest study. It is written in a stylo of -powerful simplicity and tho originality of many of tho observations it contains on modern eocioty as affected by monotaiy mechanisms aro of profound interest and convincing valuo. Taken altogother Mr. Dol Mars book is one that no publicist and no thinker can afford to bo without. It pays a largo premium on perusal. NEW York EfiESfl. Of great valuo because of its wealth of flnnncinl facts. Boston Daily Advkktirek. Tho "Science of Money" should bo carefully read by all who desire to form clear ideas upon tho subject. Financial News. TerBo and vigorous and comes directly to his meaning' without circumlocution. Minino A work which has had for ton years considerable circulation and prcstigo as an authority on monetary quest ionsj-TiiK Review of Reviews. Tho Science of Money" is a work written for tho student and to take a place among the classics of economic literaturo.-TiiRPnrL'AAMEUiOAK. An nblo treatiso . . . whoso conclusions will obtain gonoral arquiesence. The work will be rend with interest by thoso concerned in economical and monetary transactions. Tho chapter on tho "Procossion of Prices" has beon pronounced by a leading critical au thority in England as "the ilnest effort of analytic faculty in tho whole rango of eco nomic literature." The Journal, kobia, III. Tho nrgumont is briof, but Bingularly clear and forcible; tho work is one of marked ability and strong interest. It may bo Toad with profit by overy business man, legisla tor nnd student in a word, by overybody.-CniCAGq Times. ThiB is a now edition of a valuablo work by a writer who has deoply and conscien tiously btudied tho subject on which ho writes. Tho book contains much readablo and valuable mattor.-TrtE: Boston Common wealth. Thoughtful persons who have already made somo study of monetary questions will find this book worth reading. Considering tho vast amount of literatnro now being turned out on tho subject of finance, this is saying- a good deal. Bdffalo Expkeh3. It possesses considerable valuo to students of economics. . . . Its author has writ ton sevornl other ablo works treating of financial matters notably, a History of tho Precious Metajs aud of Monetary Systems in vnrious States. . . . Tho work is of real valuo to students qf economics.-Tun Call, San Francisco, Cal. .,. , Those who desiro to mastor monetary questions should read Del Mar's "Scienco of Monov" onco, twice, thrico ayo, oven four times, not became it Jacks ludiclty or com prehensiveness, but bocauso it is a mind-opener. Elpuinstonk V. A. Maitland in thjb London Country Gentleman. Turf merit of tho book as" a comprohenslvo troatlse cannot bo doniod. Loxdon Jour nal of the Statistical Socijjtcu ,,.. Send amount and copy YfJfthis advertisement to The Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., Publishers. No. 240 West 23d Street, New York City. ly dissenting. In the second caso Jus tice Brown joined Justices Gray, Shiras, White and McKenna practical ly dissenting. In tho second case Jus tico Brown joined Justices Gray, Shiras, White and McKenna in mak ing up the majority and reaching tho court's conclusion, while Chief Justlco Fuller, together with Justices Harlan, Peckham and Brewer, dissented in this second case. Now, in the Philippines caso de cided on December 1, Justice Brown Joined tho chief justice, togethor with Justices Harlan, Peckham and Brewer, in making tho majority opinion. This caso may bo said to be similar to that of tho first case decided with relation to Porto Rico. The question of tho right to collect tariff duties prescribed by the Dingley law on goods coming from the Philippines was involved, and the court held, as in the Porto Rico case, that because tho Philip pines are not foreign territory, the Dingley tariff duties will not apply. It is fair to infer that If congress should pass a tariff law relating to tho Philippines, providing for the collec tion of tariff duties as tho Foraker act applied to Porto Rico, Justice Brown would join Justices Shiras, White, McKenna and Gray in uphold ing the validity of such a law. In the second caso, docided on De cember 1, Justices Brown Gray, Shiras, WThJte and McKenna formed a majority of the court and sustained the levy of a tax on goods sent from the United States to Porto Rico, while tho chief justice, together with Jus tices Harlan, Peckham and Brewer dissented. It is worthy of notq that Justlco Brown has completed the majority In each of these various decisions. So far as conclusions are concerned, there is nothing seriously inconsistent in tho action of any of the justices with relation to these last two decisions and the position taken by these justices in the Porto rRico cases. Perhaps the most important feature cf the decisions of December 1 is that relating to an export tax. Reference to this decision is made in anothc: column. Philippine Tariff Bill. Washington, D. C., Dec. 18. Tua Philippine tariff bill, under considera tion in the house today, provides: 1. That ' the "act to revise and amend the tariff laws of the Philip pine archipelago," enacted by the United States Philippine commission, shall remain in effect. 2. That there shall be levied on all articles coming Into the United States from the Philippines rates of duty levied upon like articles imported from foreign countries. 3. That the same tonnage taxes shall be levied upon all vessels coming into the United States from the Phil ippines which are required by law 7.0 be levied upon vessels coming into the United States from foreign coun tries, provided that until otherwise provided by law, the provisions of law restricting to vessels of the United States the transportation of passen gers and merchandise directly or in directly from one port of the United States to another port of the UniteJ States shall not be applicable to for eign.' vessels engaging in trade be tween the Philippines and the United States. 4. That duties collected in the Phil ippines, less the cost of collecting the same, and the gross amount of all collections of duties and taxes in the United States upon articles coming from the Philippines and upon vessels coming therefrom shall be held as 0 separate fund and paid into the treas ury of the Philippine islands, to he used and expended (or the improve ment and benefit of said islands. 5. That when duties prescribed by this act are based uppn the weight of merchandise deposited" in any public or ptivate bonded Warehouse such duties shall be levied upon the weight STOPS THE COUdH ; - And Works off the Cold. ; Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets cure a rold! m one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.; of such merchandise at the time tff its entry. 6. That all articles manufactured in bonded manufacturing warehouses in whole or in part of imported ma terials, or of materials subject to in ternal revenue tax and intended for shipment from tho United States to the Philippines shall, when so shipped., bo exempt from internal revenuo tax. 7. That all articles' subject tb In ternal revenuo tax, or on which tho internal revenue tax has been paid, tr which may, under existing laws aud regulations, bo exported to a foreign country without tho payment of such tax, or with benefit or drawback as the caso may be, may also bo shipped to tho Philippines with like privilege. 8. That where imported articles on which duties have been paid aro uscJ in the manufacture of articles manu factured or produced In -the United States there shall bo allowed on tho shipment of said articles to tho PuiT ipplngs, a drawback, equal in amount to the duties paid on materials used, less 1 per cent of such duties. Rather Late In Protesting. Must we lose tho dollar of tlw daddies? It IooIcb like it. Hero is the director of the mint telling us that it ought to be abolished. Probably ho in right. But somehow it seems as if v3 could hardly spare those good, old, cart-wheels. Used very little in thj east, the silver dollar is very common in the west and there is a sort of Sen timontal attachment to it. Som6how a man feels richer fingering a pocket ful of jingling dollars than fumbling a little wad of 'green paper.1 Minneap olis Journal. The Dinner Pail Of the American working man is xen c rally well filleu. In some cases it is too well filled. It contains too tuniiy kinds of food, and very often the food is of the wrong kind- liaid to digcat aud L-uuiuiiiiug tunc nutri tion. Ah a con se quence many n work ing man develops some form of. stomach trouble which inter feres with his health aud reduces his work ing capacity. Where there is indigestion or any other indi cation of dis ease of thestom- ach and its allied organs of digestion and nu trition, the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will almost iuvarj ablyproduce a per fect aud perman ent cure. Mr. Thomas A. Swarls, of Sub Station C, Columbus, O.. Wax ioj, wjitcs: "I was taken wilh never e headache, 1 hen cramps in lite stomach, and tny food would not digest, then kidney nnd Hver trouble nnd tny back gotwenk 50 I could scarcely get mound. Al last I had nil the com plaint nt once, the more 1 doctored the worse I got until six years passed. I had licroiue so poorly I could only walk in the by the. Aid of n chair, nnd I got so thin I had zivrn tip to dif, IliinUfipr that 1 could not he cured. Then one of my ncighlors said. 'Take my advice and lake Dr, Tierce's Culdcii Medical Discovery nnd make 11 new man out of yourself.' The first bottle helped me so I thought I would get another, uird after I had taken eight Ijottles in fllxDiit six weeks. I was weighed. and found I had gained lweuty-scvcii (27) pounds. I am as tout and healthy to day, I think, as I ever was." Frkij. J)r Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Addtcss Dc. R V Tierce, Hnliulo, N Y. fc?f m 4M r ftt