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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1901)
8 The Commoner. i' The Home Department. What I Live For. I IfVo'for those who love me, WhQse hearts are kind and true; For the heayen that smiles above, me, . And awaits mysplrit, too;-- For-tltf human ties that bind .me, For the ,task my God assigned me, .For thejbr.ight hQpes left behind me, v And tha good that I can do. I live to learn their story, Who suffered for my sake; To omulate their glory, And follow in their wake; Bards, patriots, martyrs, sages, The noble of all ages, Those deeds crown history's pages, And Time's great volume make. I live to hold communion With all that is divine; To feel there is a union Twixt nature's heart and mine; To prcfit by affliction, Reap truth from fields of fiction, Grow wiser; from conviction,; . , And fulfill each grand design.- .. I live to hail that season, " ' By gifted minds foretold, Wpnman shall live by reason, . Andvnot alone-by gold; Wlftfti'man to man united, , And every wrong thing righted, The whole world shall be lighted As Eden was of old. I live for those who love me, For those, who know me true; For the heaven that smiles above :ne, And"await8' 'my spirit, too; For the cause that lacks assistance, For the wrns that need resistance For U future in the distance, And the &ood that I can do. Dublin University Magazine. watched and flushed out everyday with a strong solution of borax-water. Every housewife should keep a box ot borax .in her kitchen,. to rid herself of ants, roaches and all cuch pests, for in city homes they infest pantry, closets, kitchen shelves, etc. The benefit 1 claim for it is, that it is safe, effec tive and cheap no danger of acci dental poisoning, like from carbolic acid, copperas and other such lotions. For your bathtub there is nothing equal to borax for cleaning and purify ing it. Having used it satisfactorily for many years and knowing its healthful qualities I can recommend it. Farmers' Advocate. Good nanagement. The best managers in household at .fairs are those who can secure for themselves an . hour of .that healthful1 repose so necessary to every human4 heart. The habit of rush and haste takes possession of some mothers and wives, .and their life is a burden to them,: To be companionable to hus band and children you must have tima to talk and read with them. Every wo man loves to be thought a good man agerit is a laudable ambition. But my tloar sister woman, you are not one unless you utilize your strength, and save ypurself all you can. There are many self-sacrificing mothers and wives who need somebody to save .them from themselves. Say to them, "Make your choice now between leav ing your little children orphans, or of being a nervous wreck for life." J have seen several such breakdowns 'f late, and it lias made me think along this line; and if I can help one moth er, it will repay me for the effort. I will give a few helpful, healthful recipes for doing housework, cleaning, .etc. The kitchen gink, bqepmes. a hot bed; of dispase .unless- iij is carefully The Deserted House. I know a house where silent shadows steal With furtive steps along the niolder ing walls, Where the faint ray of light through darkened blinds - Sljp3 like some haunted'ghbsVdown empty halls. ' -.,, Where all day long no voice Is ever heard To stir the spider at his endless care, Where through the night no footsteps ever come Over its creaking floor or winding stair. Thl3 is that house whera Memory and I Wander in search of one departed . long, The House of Dreams,,, where once in days gone "by Love-filled the rooms with sunlight and with song. This is that house, from ,which I drove Love out With angry heart and overreaching pride; O, Love, come back with thy sweet peace and truth, Come back, and in this house ones more abide! . ' . -Mary Frederick Faxon, in- Boston Transcript. - ....", . had as his sleeping and sitting apart ment a dingy, poorly lighted garret room, in which the superannuated fur niture had been stored the bureau that had begun to peel, the big chair that had lost one, of its arms, the cum bersome bed that had long ago gone out of fashion. The belief that any kind of room will do for a boy is an injustice to him that is often done, not through lack cf affection, but because there is a gen eral Idea that boys do not notice ur care about their surroundings. As a matter of fact, most boys would ap- preciate a neat, comfortable room of their own, with stained floor, bright ened with rugs, a white enamel bed stead, a desk or table, shelves for books, and a chest of drawers into which to store his various belongings. There need be none .of the bric-a-brac, the ribbon bows and rosebud wall hangings that give a dainty prettlnes3 to his sister's room, but a few pic tures of animals or a spirited hunting scene or landscape would be enjoyed. A closet, a wardrobe in which to hang Ills clothes, an easy chair or two, and .a box for his boots would complete the furnishing of a room that a boy would appreciate and in which he would pass much of the time, now spent elsewhere, often to the .anxiety of his mother and his own detriment. Sunny South. The Boy's Room. "I have just fitted up a room for Belle. Come, and see it." The proud mother led her visitor into a delightful little chamber that showed a pattern of moss rose buds on the wall, cosy, bright-looking rugs, curly birch furniture and windows . draped with piuk-dc'.'.2d muslin. It was duly admired, and then the visitor, who was v:ry fond of the mischief-loving, but manly and good-hearted boy of the family, asked, "And where is Robbie's room? You've made it pretty, too, I suppose." "Why, no," answered the mother, coloring a Jittle. "Any kind of room will do for a boy, you know." And then it came out that Hobble g&A yrrnr TUlaaljjnaturo is on ovcry box of tho conuine I Laxative BromoOumine Tawets. , tbp rchidyMhat career. 'CM 1r n-dyA Ridlilcs For Little Folk. Seumas MacManus has been collect ing a number of Irish riddles that will amuse the children. They will assldt in providing an evening's entertain ment, and a few of them are given here: What is it flying in the air With tallest houses under, " But if you climb and pull its- tail It will roar out like thunder 1 Answer The churcli belL . . , . Out came Lord Landless; Took her up handless, Rode away horseless. "Her" is a snowflake, and 'Lord Landless is the sun. The next one sounds very ghastly: "Two black dogs under my. bed, waiting to swallow their fill of'boncw and raw meat in the morning.". This is only your shoes. " What is ,it I've got and would like to deny, But if I should 'lose it I'd do worso r than cry?' .Answer Hi3, bald .headv Here is a very .mysterious one which, some of you can appreciate: When I wasn't looking for it I fouud Jt; When I found it sat down to look for it; And when I looked at it I couldn't got it, And therefore I carried it :home with me. Answer A thorn in the foot. Here is a hard one: The man that made it didn't want it The man that bought it didn't wear it; The man that wore it never saw it. Answer A coffin. Between two woods I traveled Along a narrow track: But I came between two waters, When I traveled the same way back. Answer A boy who goes to the spring for water with a wooden bucket on each arm. Indeor Games, Ne. 4. An improvement on "'Blind Man's Buff" is the game of Boston," IQ which all the players are seated, ex cept the "Blindman," . who stands in the center of the room. Each one has a n..jaber, and Blindman palls ,.pii', "Numbers 2, 7, 15, 6, change seats." Then the aforesaid numbers creep stealthily about, avoiding Blindman, who tries to catch some, one. If ha succeeds, he must guess -whom he..has caught, and if he guesses aright, ho takes a seat and the number of the one caught, who now becomes Blindman, and calls put. numbers. ., Occasionally the cry is, "All change places," and a wild scramble .ensues, when somebody is sure to be caught. Books Received. Mr. John A. Grier, whose address Is 345 53rd St., Hyde Park, "Chicago, has issued a pamphlet (which sells for 25c) containing Tthe financial iaw enacted March 4, 1900, together with an appeal for its reinvestigation. Tho pamphlet contains much valuable information. Tumble Weeds, a collection of orig inal poems, by Will Reed DunVoy, author of Corn Tassels; published, by the University Publishing Co,, Lin coln, Nob. While some of the poems have special reference to western life, most of them are upon themes ' as broad as humanity, and they give evi dence of an. unusual degree of poetic talent in the .author. It. travels with me all day on its head And all night long it sits by my bod. ' I Answer A tack In the- shoe. GAS AND TROUBLK ' Comes Trora iWhito JBvcad'' While it is true that we 'buIUTup ,the body "from food", l.t is also'utlu different kinds of food have. different effects on the body and produce differ ent results.' For instance, it is absolutely im possible to live on white bread alone, for it contains almost nothing but Starch, and .an excess of white bread produces gas and trouble In the inter lines, while, nt the same time, the 'Other elements required '-by the body for building up brain and nerve cen ters, as well as muscular tissue, have been left out of tho white bread, and we see-from experience the .one trying toJlive-on white bread alone gradually fails Jin mental and nervous power -s well- a3 loss, in muscle. Such a diet could not be Icept up long without. fatal results. A lady in Jacksonville, Fla., was crippled 'by an accident two years ago. Being with out the power of exercise, an old stom ach trouble that was hers for y.eara became worse, and it was a serious question regarding food that she could digest. A physician put her on Grnpe-Nuts Breakfast Food with come remark able results. She says now that, not only is she able to do a big day's -work, because of the strength of her brain and nerves, but that she has finally thrown away her crutches because the muscles of her limbs have gradually grown stronger since she began the use of Grape-Nuts, and now she is practically well and can go about without trouble, notwithstanding tho fact that it was said she would never be able to walk again. So much for eating the right kind of food instead of remaining an invalid and a cripple becausejoof; the lack of knowledge of the kind of food to use to .bring on3 back tor health. Name given on -ap-plicatlo'u to Postum .Cereal; Co., . Ltd., Battle 'Greek-, Mich. -J! ii