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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1901)
&X Ji 12 The Commoner. iff '. SUBSCRIBERS ' X F-tt iv ' . J J r THE COMMONER CONDENSED" Abbey Press, of New York, for the publication of a book of from three hundred to three hundred and fiftv copy of Tho Commoner for the first year of its existence. The volume will reproduce the editorials or with selected naracrraphs. A few chapters will bo devoted to Mr, Maupin'a pacro. to the Homo preservation, th.Q Arrangements have been made with tho pagoa, Which will be, as its title indicates, a condensed which discuss ouestions of a nermanent nature tocoth Department and to tho Weekly Press Forum. Tho last chapter will contain the choicest poems which have appeared in the paper during the year. Tho oditor has a two-fold object in issuing this abridgement of tho year's work. Ho desires first, to furnish in convenient form for presoryatu more important editorials so that subscribers who have not kept co he also desires to give to new subscribers an opportunity to securo tho principal part of tho preceedmg numbers of the papor. The publisher's retail prico of tho volume will bo $1.25 for cloth, 50 cents for paper binding, but the following offer is made to subscribers: Tho Commoner for one year and "The Commoner Condensed' cloth binding, $ 1.50. Tho Commoner for one year and "The Commoner Condensed," paper cover, $1.25. Tho book is sent postage prepaid. This offer is open to old subscribers who renew for ono year or to new subscribers. Those who have already ronowed can securo the book by sending 50 cents for tho cloth binding or 25 cents for the papor cover. Tho first year of Che Commoner ends about the middlo of January, and "Tho Commoner Condensed,". will be issued as soon after that date as the work can be done. Orders should be sent direct to Tho Commonor; thoy will bo filled as soon as tho book is issued from the press. CLUBBING OFFER $1 The Commoner and any one periodical in Class A both one year for The Commoner and any one periodical in Class B both one year for x he commoner ana any one periodical in ulass u ootn one year ror ....:..; ".. I The Commoner and any one periodical in Class D both one year for . . . . .....".. .... i I 00 35 50 65 The Commoner and any one periodical in Class E both one year for. . . . '.' ."T. . .' 9 75 The Commoner and any one periodical in Class F both one year for ' ' o nn year 3 00 CLASS A KK(1UI.AR PRICE Farm & Home 50c Farm, Stock & Home . . 50c Farmers Wife 50c Homo & Farm ........ 50c '"A O? ,9'' Jr'.i r' j nEGULAIl PRICK CLASS B New York World (thrice-a-week) $1 00 Atlanta Constitution. 1 00 Cincinnati Enquirer.. 1 00 World-Herald ;; 1 00 Class B, Continued.) Nebraska Independent (pdpulist.Lincoln).. 100 Seattle Times 1 00 Indianapolis Sentinel.'. 50 Practical Farmer 1 00 Pilgrim 1 00 REOOIR PRICE CLASS C St. Louis Republic. (twice-a-week) ..'...$ l 00 Rocky Mountain News 1 00 Household 1- 00 The Public 100 CLASS D " Springfield Republican $1 00 Success l 00 Cosmopolitan 1 00 CLASS B S Review of Reviews. . . .$2 50 Arena 2 50 CLASS F REGULAR PRICE Public Opinion (new) $3 00 Literary Digest (new). 3 00 THE COMMONER' -Thrice-a-yeek World Farm and Home Pilgrim V 1 .50 In Value x , OUR PRICE 7 COMBINATION OFFER Regular Price . " a " - " - D . $1 OO - - - m - . I OO - ' . - - - - - 5O s IOO SUBSTITUTIONS Either the Atlanta Constitution or Cincinnati Enquirer or World-Herald or Nebraska Independent or Seattle Times or IndlananoIU st inM or Practical Farmer or Pilgrim may be substituted for Thrice-a-Week World in the above combination. Indianapolis Sentinel Public Opinion (new) or Review of Reviews, or Literary Digest (new) may be substituted for Pilgrim by adding W.60 to combination price Cosmopolitan may be substituted for Pilgrim by adding 40 cents to combination prico. Arena may be substituted for Pilgrim by adding 51.00 to combination prico. Home and Farm, or Farm, Stock and Home may bo substituted for Farm and Home by adding 15 cents to combination prico - ' THE COHMONER must appear in every combination or club. All clubbine or combination Qnhcnf;,, . m0y be sont to ono or sever,,! addresses. Theso dors both new and rl 1Z ZJ' PREMIUM OFFER FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Is open Subscriptions that began with the first number of THE COMMONER will i . i sit requires the same work to handle a renewal that it does a new subscription rJnewIls" h2Swh,.M S.Wn n th wrappers on the papers, sribers against the possibility of missing a number of the paper. f-on, renewals should besent in withoutdelay to nrotectthesub- Ai scribei All Orders must be lT Addressed to The Commoner LINCOLN U' . F' NEBRASKA T any present subscriber t0 Te Commoner sending us one new annual subscription to The Commons 1 we will give "The Commoner Condensed," paper cover, or extend vour own RnW,.;t;7; fi onanonei give you a year's subscription to any periodical in class "A." 7 subscnption three months, or For two new annual subscriptions to The Commonpr wpoffpv"rrViQ n-,, binding, or will extend your own subscription six moX ? ' h& ComiOaer Condensed," cloth For three new annual subscriptions to The GommnriA-n w & i -i . . class "B. -mlZ?J! J! f sPtion to any periodical in J For four new annual subscriptions to The Comrnrm pt Wa -urii. JZTZ3 ' SL) fc The subscription price of The OoniSWI year. NOTE-No clubbing combination or premium offer in which the Thrlr... ui..b ur ... ' " a n to the residents of the respective citle, In which the p.p.r, '7m,aln'huiSlS! orTwl"'-W..k St. Louis Republic, appears f 4 h, K Ah 1