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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1901)
PIPPW!lw TOwppi ftzwmm The Commoner. it H(VwbbV Fs3ici3j m10 Ifl .B H 41 A Minina Paper Free FOR SIX MONTH Tlio North Amorican Miner, a paper devoted to the interests of those dosirine to purcllaso Gold and Copper stocks. Write for No. 12 containing article on greatest copper district on the Amer ican Continent: also how $100 invested produces $180 monthly, $2,190 yearly; $35,000 now boing offered or the original investment of $100. Wtceler & Co. Bankers & Brokers 32 BroadVy N. Y. HO DAYS TRIAL. & GO chicks from BO ceas. or don't keen It. 2a f or No.3 cAtalog. IUCKEYE IMCUBATOft CO., SPBIK8FIELD, OHIO TELEGRAPHY iaugfalthorpghly. Total Coat, Talllon (telegraphy and tyr WTltlnr), tinartl ami room, 6 mnolh' course 983. Can lie re dace eae-lialfj great demand for opcratorn school organized 1874." Catalog fraa. D0DU1C8 INSTITUTE, TalparaUa, lad. CURED BEFOREYOU PAY. Asthma. 1 will send any asthma armorer a bot tio 6f L..NES ASTHMA CORE. FREE, If it cures. you, send me tho dollar: if it does not, don't. Give express office. D. J. LANE, Box C. L. St. Mary's, Kansas. XiTBATfN PROOFREADING If ToapctMeai a fair cluea'too why not uUl'.ie It at a gantevl anl nv mwdtdprarniltnnsjInttlS tof.15 wttklj? Situation! alvayi obulnabl. "We w Ui original l&itrnctor bj mat). Home Cobbehfondence School, Philadelphia. CTADKbcsttoyTcst-77 years. wofAv oasn IMAPccWant IORE Salesmen rAI Weekly KTitOW Stark Ncraery, Lonishwa, Mo.; DansvHIe. N. Y J. M.HOBER, '.BREEDER OF English Polled Cattle (RED) AND Poland China and Chester White Hogs. , " Young Stock for Sale .- Call and Examine. Correspon ' ; dence solicited. ' : 5 Miles north of Central City, Hebr. j' . FINANCIAL CATECRISM. . .BY, S. M, BJllCE npd C. VI SCENT. An attractive, interesting and instructive work of '3&6 page5 -written in conversational stylo of questions and .nnsworg, giving replies basod on official records, to all questions covering tho on tiro range of financial discussion, It makes a comploto History of Financial Legislation from 4 !! m 1 SI t Irlrn en rnntt. in nnnnr rv.rR. post' paid to. any address. Personal cIiccks not received, but I and 2c postage stamps are accept ed. Address Vincent Pub. Co., S Send uf yonr aaarasa and vt will ihowyott how to make $3 a day absolutely sure: vro i forx I raa. vou work la tho locality whore yo Hye. Send ua your addrwa and we will xplaln thebmineii fully, remember we guarantey clear profit of S3 for oyery day'i work.abioluUly luro. 9 J ,. aV?.C' KOXili KlHOyACTOBWa CO.i lfcx70 I , Dttrolt, KWl. 'Mr )& furnish the work and teach ye IVCCI E ftllBEniwill gladly inform MTdELr yyi1y anyone addicted to III OR. LAUDANUM, of a nover-lajllng harmless Homo 'Cure. ..Address Mrs. M.O.BALD A IN, P. O. Box 1212 Clucago.lll. EP II Catarrh Cure (a compound with or r-M without tobacco.) Tho only remedyon " -M1 enrth guaranteed to cure or monoy re funded. Writo for free sample. EK-M Co., At lanta, Ga. in unwiii mi n " tF"".rVI"S C A I E? Timber lands. In Bono r 0W. SMI-Ei mont Toxas Oil Belt. 13 por"acre. Adapted for Corn, Cotton, Sugar Cane, ;ttc,Tomatoofl. and Tobacco. Mild Winters. JJVfito. 3f. M. CABIN E8, ConrocMoatBomcry Co., Tcxaa. I III Hill "I i ' "" n! n CVCO MADE NEW Away with glasses. QLU El CO Bv mail. 10c. Box 783. New York. Educate Your Children. Located within one mile of Wesleyan University At University Place, Neb., also the same distance from Cotrier University Bethany, Neb., (both be ing suburbs of Xincoln) is an elegant six-room cottage for sale cheap. Tho ifouse has a complete water system which includes bath and sewerage, sit uated on high ground overlooking cha surrounding country as far as the eye ran reach, iood barn, wagon shed, chicken house, pens, etc. Unlimited of good water, windmill, 100 barrell tank from which thee five acre3 on. -which the house is located .'coiild be irrigated. Abundance of grapes- cher ries apples and plums, also a few young peach trees. If interested ad dres.lW. T. Howey, 1207 D,s.t,( Lin coln; Neb, Weekly News Summary. (Continued from Page Ten.) the Argentine minister to tho United States, was sent back to Washington from the City of Mexico for the ex press purpose of seeing Secretary Hay. As the result of conferences held at the state department last week, it was immediately developed that, while the United States was fully committed to the doctrine of arbitration, it would never consent to an agreement com pelling weaker nations to apply to ar bitration, even if an exception was made of questions affecting national honor and territory. William Allen White of Emporia, Kas., wrote an article for McClure's Magazine in which he praised Presi dent Roosevelt very highly, and de scribed Senator Piatt of New York as one whose whole life has been de voted to" burrowing and intrigue, as lacking in patriotism and public spir it, dragging down friends and foes alike to increase his political power. Senator Piatt has announced that hu will commence a libel suit against Mr. "White, in order to show that he by no means is as black as he has been painted. Senator Jones of Arkansas has in troduced Into the senate this resolu tion: "That the thanks of congross and the American people are hereby tendeced to Hear Admiral Winflold 0. Schley and the ofllcers and men under his command for highly distinguished, conduct in conflict with the enemy, as displayed by them in tho destruction of the Spanish fleet off the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, July 3, 1898. That tho president of tho United States bo re quested to cause this resolution to ba communicated to Rear Admiral Schley and through him to the ofllcers and men under his command." A number of similar resolutions have been in troduced in tho house. Lord Rosebery delivered a speech at Chesterfield, December 16, in which he declared for peace in South Africa, and said that to that end he favored negotiations with the Boer leaders. A dispatch in the Chicago Record Herald speaks in the highest terms of Lord Rosebery's address and among other things says: "Concerning the government's conduct of the war, Lord Rosebery was severe and scornful. The complaint of tho government that ttw Boers had not made war according to lue recognized rules reminded hlra that tho same thing had been said by the old Austrian generals of the young Napoleon, when the latter was beat ing them.. He was particularly sar castic .t t'e expense of the explana-i tion of the Earl of Halsbury, the lord chancellor, that only a 'sort of war fare' was now going on, and he strong ly condemned what he termed the scandalous misrepresentations by which the government had precipitated tho last general election. Lord Rose bery heavily blamed the government for its tactlessness, which he declared had produced unparalleled ill will to ward Great Britain In every European population, and which he attributed largely to what he called the provoca tive oratory of Mr. Chamberlain, tho colonial secretary. While he was em phatic on the necessity of vigorously nrosecutine: the war and expressing 'the fullest confidence in Lord Kitca- ener, Lord Rosebery said that he thought the government should be pre pared to listen to peac-- overtures. He contended there was nothing degrad ing or abasing in recognizing the ex iled Boer government for the purpose of making peace. The three greatest civilians who had waged war in the past century, the speaker said Pitt, Bismarck and Lincoln had not dis dained such efforts to secure peace." Admiral Schley, through his attor ney, Isidor Rayner, has filed with the secretary of the navy his bill of ex ception to the majority report of the court of Inquiry. The bill of excep tion covers a large number of points and cites a number of marked incon sistencies on the part of the majority of tho court. Tho bill of excoptionj concludes as follows: The applicant, besides the reasons herein given, hopes to be able during tho further investi gation of this inquiry to adduce other serious and important reasons wbv tho majority opinion of tho court should not be approved. The appli cant Is prepared to show that the whole proceedings on the part of tho majority of the court have been en tirely irregular; that his rights havo been prejudiced and ignored; that his testimony in many more particulars than have been herein cited has not been considered, and that the ovidence is absolutely insufficient to sustain the opinion which has been rendered by the majority of the court; that a grave injustice has been committed, which would become irreparable and be per petuated unless this opinion of the majority of the court should be disap proved. Wherefore, the said applicant most respectfully prays that approval of the opinion of the majority of sx'd court of inquiry bo withheld and that said opinion bo disapproved, and that he may bo afforded tho opportunity to have tho testimony of record of him self and his witnesses properly con sidered and passed upon and that the proceedings be remitted to the court for that purpose, and that he be given such other and further relief as he 's entitled to in the premises. Admiral Sampson's attorneys have filed with the secretary of tho navy objections to tho minority roport in tho court of inquiry made by Admiral Dowey. The point of the objection Is that in the Sampson view, Admiral Schley was not, as. Admiral Dewny said he was, in actual command. Ad miral Schley's attorneys have filed a request asking the privilege to bo heard in regard to Admiral Sampson's appeal. David Floyd-George, M. P., at tempted to deliver a speech in Birm ingham on the night of' December 18. Floyd-Georgo Is pro-Boer and he made some bitter criticisms of Mr. Chambei lain. Tho hall in which Floyd-Gcor;e spoke was attacked by a mob of pov eral hundred people. Windows wre broken, rocks were thrown, the au dience dispersed, while the orator sought refuge with the police It is reported that Germany has offi cially informed the United States of her purpose to compel Venezuela to pay the just claims of German sub jects. A dispatch from Berlin reports that the American tobacco trust has invad ed Germany and Russia. This trust has recently oxponded $476,000 In the purchase of a cigarette factory in Dresden. It has also purchased a fac tory in Berlin, and is now negotiating for purchases in Russia. Frightful Expenditure. The Times believes that the war in South Africa will be ended within a year and that this result will bo brought about by a demand from the British people that this frightful ex penditure of blood and treasure shall cease. No greater disgrace to the arms of England is possible than has already befallen. No victory can atone for the defeat that has lasted for years. The British are a conservative and a' sensible people. They are tired of this war; they are fast becoming doubt ful as to its results. They are not tyrannical in spirit. When they find out a Chamberlain they abase him. Minneapolis Times. Dr. Miles' Mi-Pain Pills. A qaicV, safe, and jure Jelief for tick or ner ou Headache, Backache, .Stomach Tains, Keuralgia, Nervouness, Irritability, Sleepless ness, BbeumatUm, Sciatica. Contain no opium or morphine, and leave no bad after-effects, 25 doses 2Sc. At druggists. BlajyCjlfcil ' Jf2S5r?3iKSfc A Combination of bralitr, experience aid hlh Krado m&Uinnl hoc made the RELIABLE lnculitor known throughout tho civilized world If you are after results roprcRonteil In dollar and cents, you want ono or our popular 8Mh Cen tury I'ltHltry Iteeko. Iltifdit.lnatruetlronnd worth Itntlr.tilht prln asked 6ntlor 10c. Aafnllefmrataiaanrc. Reliable Incubtlir & Brother Cs , lox 1-7 fvlncjr.llls. Dr. Henrico's Eye Bnlm relieves nnd cures fofe, wenk, inflnmod, weeping eyes, ulco's an cornrn, Irillf. tc granulated. cn)y JId, yc teryglums, ncliing, itching, hunting, twitching, etc. $1 00, carrJago prepaid. Tcellmonlnls frro. C. II. Morcy, KO'i N. tfawyor Ave., Clilcngo,III. I Don't Buy a Farm Wagon until you examine I The BIBLE. : It has 33 points of superiority. : 5 Write for descriptive Catalogue. 2 5 AddreFB 5: J. " I The Bible Wagon Works p ji Ionia, Michigan. 5i I t U i I I !M Miliar Fence Post made of ualTdiilzed Metal and VII ri lled HliuTo bneo, Is tho moat economical nnd dutnblo poht mado. J t will not nut, rot down or burn up. Kpeclally j;ood for farm, railroad, 'amatory and lawn fencing. I'taie mado prMin or beautifully ornamented. Kxlralfirtfo and utronif pot for corncru or other piuccaoii-nccmi simni. AnyKiuuor bnrb, aHiootli. on bled or woven wlro fencing enn bo securely fast ened to tho posts. Si)cclainttliipri,ai corner braces, (rate hliiL'Cii.ctc. Good ascnt's proportion. Wrlto for fuo circulars, prices and npeclal terms. IlLOOUJLMELl Bll'O. CO.. Box 7 Itloomflcld. jnd. mmmmmmammmmemmam Union Central Life CINCINNATI The P0LGY-K0L0ERS, Company BlBhcKt Interest rate; lowest death rate; paya lnrgctt dividends. Good agents wanted. JVddresu John M. rattlfion. r-cs Cincinnati. J. M. ld mifitcn, fitote agent for Nebraska, Lincoln. ROBERT S. EW1KG, Artist. Los Angeles, California. Portraits of highest standard of excellence, in Oil, Wnter Colore, India Ink Sepia & Crayon. MINIATURFS ON IVORY-Ocma of Beauty. PC RCELAINS-Cannot be Excelled. WATER COLORS- Pure Aquarclls. Pictures and Paintings of Value Restored. FOR SALE. Baronet. Ocrbcii No. 26983, my Hol stein Frerinn herd bull, 3 years old, and young Bulls. JOHN C, DOUBT, University Place, Neb. I Fnr TirnpniPrc Tho Square Rrot Dellnentnr ror carneniers. in tho Artof ii-rnrn j,, H00f Framing Chart and bupplememary leather bound book. Chat t gives length of rafters, hips, octagon hips. jacfcp,bi aces and all diagonals to within 1-U2d of an Inch. Anyone who know the terms run and rise, and can read figures and cut to a lino can frame the most difllcult roof, Send P.M.O.or draft for SI. 50. C. M. OSBORN PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb. CONTAINS Declaration of Xitdoprjidonce, ConntSlH tlnnoft .U. H.. Alt National J'latformn of all political partlc rjncp lb ir formal Ion, to and Including 1500- J rice:, 2S CVntH. One nnd two-cent pjttago stamps accepted. Don't rend pcnonal cbrck't. A gntM Wanted. A million copies may be sold. Send tnrce 2-ccnt stamps for trcutlot on Injurious Ins ct of Orchard. Garden anl farm. Address VIXCKXT 1'DU,. CO., I3tb and Jackson Sts., Omaha. Neb.