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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1901)
The Commoner. 10 lM; . a . n ft7" : : . !v Weekly News Summary Xmzaro Weillier and B'aron Lagotel leiro liavo sailed, for the United States, bearing a commission from the French government to study '.lie state and. fed eral financial methods in tho UnitBd States They are especially instructed to.'lnvjestf&dte the tax' system, civil service,' and those trusts which are likely to effect French trade in steel, petroltiiim and sugar. It is also re ported that they will have" some sug gestion to malco on the isthmian ca nal, having yet a lingering hope that something may he done to save this Panama canal. Franco has a purpose to construct a railway across the desert of Sahara, and the scheme has obtained impetus by the discovery of large beds of ni trate of phosphate beyond the Tonhat oasis. It is claimed that these beds aro extensive enough to supply fer tilizers for the world. A committee of senators and rep resentatives, chosen for the purpose of advancing irrigation measures, -has effected a compromise between the Shaffrtth bill and the Newlands bill. The compromise bill provides that money received from the sale of pub lic lands shall constitute a reclama tion fund for the work of irrigation. Provision is also made for examina tion of surveys, for reservoir sites, to gether with sites for divisions of wa ter and irrigation canals connected therewith. The secretary of the in terior. Is authorized to withdraw for piiblfc entry all lands required for irrigation work and all public lands irrigated. Contracts for construction are to be let whenever it is agreed that tho pro ject in tho certain vicinity is a prac tical one, but the cost .of the enter prise must not exceed $10 per acre. When every project has been com pleted, lands irrigated shall be sub ject to homestead entry, upon the condition of reclamation and the pay ment, at the 'time of making final proof of settlement, cf ?5 an acre, the same to bo converted into a reclama tion fund. Every entry is limited to eighty acres. Whenever the stored waters are found to be more thari suf ficient for tho public lands, or if it xs determined that the public lands Is better suited to the utilization of wa ter, or if it is sufficient for both, thn tho x -rpetual water rights may be spld for private rights, at price not less than $5 an acre. It is also provided that ell property may be condemned for the construction of irrigation TO CURK A COJ.D IN ONE DAY Take Laxativo'Bromo Quinine Tablets, All drureists refund tho monoy if it fails to cure. E. w. QroTft's signature is on each box, 25c. works. This act is not to effect the laws of any state or territory relating to' the rights to appropriate the water or its distribution, but tho state or ter ritorial laws shall govern or control the appropriation and distribution of tho water rendered available by the act. The American "Friends" peace con ference at Philadelphia adopted res olutions in favor of a permaneiit in ternational court of arbitration, which resolution also deplores the fact "that nations making high professions of Christian civilization are at present engaged in war with less civilized and enlightened people." It is stated that in the opinion of this conference, that the time has already come when tho voice of enlightened humanity should make itself heard calling for arbitra tion of matters at issue. Major Flood-Page of the Marconi Telegraph company, in an interview with a representative of the Associated press, confirms the report that Mr. Marconi at St. Johns, N. F., had re ceived signals from the experimental station at Poldhu Penzanze. Major Flood-Page said that tTe severe wea ther made continuous tests difficult. No doubt the wireless Signals had been successfully transmitted across the Atlantic. General congratulations have been communicated to "Mr. Mat-' coni. Many electricians, however, say that many years will elapse before the wireless system may be put Into prac tical use. Although the senate committee held back the confirmation of the nomina tion of P. C. Knox to be attorney gen eral of the United States because of the protest made by the anti-trust league, tho nomination was confirmed December 16. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, involv ing the construction of the Nicaragua canal, was ratified by the senate De cember 16. All proposed amendments were rejected. Th2 followers of Maso, one of .he candidates for president of the Cu ban republic, have requested a post ponement of the Cuban election,-but Secretary of War Root has replied de clining to grant the postponement. Representative Smith of Michigan has introduced a bill to make the birthday of William McKinley, Jan uary 29, a national holiday. Secretary Root has sent to congress estimates of $100,000,000 for barracks and quarters in the Philippines out side of Manila. Nineteen independent distilleries are planning to make organized war on tho whisky trust. A Washington dispatch to the Chi cago Tribune says: "Mrs. McKinley 's friends, who were closest to her dur ing her happy years spent in rhe White house, and chief among them the women of the cabinet, have each sent Christmas tokens to Mrs. Barber, to be given Id Mrs. McKinley Christ mas morning. Her solicitude for Sec retary Cortelyou, Mrs. Cortelyou, and the ladies of the cabinet, for whom sha knitted slippers as Christmas presents, gave them each a strong desire .to add if possible some bright token to tho dreary day. Her friends have also kept every bit of literature in refer ence to the McKinley memorial, and this i3 sent to her regularly. One of her chief pleasures is to have resul to her this last proof of the nation's' regard for her husband, and she has it all stored carefully away and re-read to her from time to time." The senate has adopted a resolu tion proposed by Senator Vest direct ing the judiciary committee to in quirj and report to the senate the pow ers of congress on the question of an archy. A Chicago Tribune dispatch describes this resolution as follows: "This resolution directs the judiciary committee to ascertain whether or not congress has the power to legislate for the punishment of anarchists who at tempt assassination of the president, and if it has not the power, whether It Is expedient to amend the constitu tion so as to enable congress to leg islate. The committee is instructed 10 learn whether or not congress has the power to punish those who teach the' doctrine that all government should be destroyed, even if the chief rulers must be assassinated to do so. It also directs the committee to learn whether congress has the power to send anarchists to some island under the jurisdiction of the United States; to find way's and means for punishiug persons belonging to anarchical as sociations, and whether such persons can be Imprisoned for life or deported. The committee is directed to recom mend to the senate such amendments to the conslltution and legislation as may be necessary to stamp out an archy." William- Gregory, governor of Rhode Island, died at his home at Wlckford, R. I., December 15. He was fifty-two years old. The-people at Oregon Intend to hold an exposition at Portland in 1905, in commemoration of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The management has lss;.:d an address In which it says: "This expedition was the great factor in the extension of the dominion of the United States to the Pacific, for it confirmed by exploration and by actual possession tho claim founded on the discovery of the Columbia river In May, 1792, eleven years before the Louisiana purchase was made." The proposed exposition is to be held un der the auspices of the states of Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah: Commissioners represent ing these states hare been appointed, and congress will be urged to make a 3: : 1 "Life and Times of Richard Parks Bland" generous appropriation to assist; in the enterprise. .Urging 'the import ance of the exposition the, address says: "We ar.e approaching the com pletion .'-of the first centennial period of this Expansion of the United States. The historical significance shouhl bf fittingly celebrated. It belongs ttickhQ class of greatest and most liriportanto'i movements In our national histbry:"' It was a beginning of a movement which has given us a .Pacific 'coast line longer than the' Atlantic. 1 '.'Aiid 'it faces us toward the west, over the Pacific, as hitherto we had'faced.only toward the east, 'over the Atlantic.' ;It has given the Pacific northwest' a -position whence we shall take a! loading place in the commerce of the Orient, now on the eve of great development."' General Nelson A. Miles, speaking of the results of the Schley court of inquiry, said in a public interview: "I am willing to take the judgment of Admiral Dewey in the matter. He has been a commander of a fleet, and as such has known the anxieties and responsibilities which, rest on men un der these circumstances. He was in strumental in the destruction of one Spanish fleet and knows and realizes the feelings that encompass an offi cer under such conditions. I think Dewey has summed up the matter in a clear and concise mariner, and I believe his conclusions will be in dorsed by tho patriotic people of tho United States. I have no sympathy with the efforts which have been made to destroy the honor of an officer un der such circumstances." The United States delegates to the pan-American congress have notified the staU department that the congress was a failure. The disagreement arose over the question of arbitration, the United States delegates taking tho gro-nd that compulsory arbitration, between nations was absurd. A 'Chi cago Tribune dispatch saysi ..Boliyia, Feru, Uruguay, Venezuela, andl. the Argentine were .determined td ,have compulsory arbitration: "Tite .weaker states of Ecuador, Colombia andvChili wore opposed to the plan;1 because they believed It would be user sooner or. later to wipe them off the map. The delegates of the United States' to the council refused to take .sides be cause their instructions were to de velop the sentiment among the other nations first, so as to keep the Unitad States free from the charge of .dicta-' tlon. The Argentina delegates in sisted upon knowing the attitude of this country, and Senor Garcia Merou, (Continued on Page Eleven.) For Sale. A block in Bethany, Nebraska, near the Christian College, and a block at .University Place, Nebraska",' near Wes leyan 'University. Persons desiring to move to either of these towns for tho purpose of educating their children can obtain a bargain by addressing Geo. E. Waite, No. 324 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. SB t. FoMishsd and sold in (lie interests of Mrs: R. P. Bland. finnii nm s 31'EUAi raiK 1U KfcADiiKS or IBB (MAUNliK J -. APW16 ea1d-rs of The -Commoner aro thousands of admirers of j? the late Missouri statesraas, who was long a leader in congress and left a ? 2 marked impress on national legislation. Tho history of his life and public : services is one of the most valuable contributions to the political history 35 of the United Statos, which has boon made since tho Civil War. $ i ?y sJecmi ""Wment this admirable book, handsomely bound in g cloth and profusoly illustrated, will bo sent, postage prepaid, to readers of S Em this naner at $2.00 (rorm nr nrnn ssi ro AtAA -ji, ' j i .?. 5f 3! tmt..:i, i mnn c. Jry. : i.;i viunuou uiu uiu lecoivou UOIoro ' ZSZ;' iSfK r uu ims advertisement, with postal or ; .order for 12.00, to 3: express money 5 CONARD & SIMPSON, 65 DcMcnil Blda...ST. L OUlfi' mo liAWmYMMWirW liviK. WfcKbltiK DAVIS' BOOK. 5: This work is the outcome of a visit to the m . . a? s m i r ' , ., , g . . "ai11 LU tuo -cransvnai, made by Mr.!? M6 AfeT VI? Th,l 1? F?8. Assistant i Secretary of the Interior, under Mr. McKmley's first administration, and as a result of which ho broke his relations with the Republican? party and affiliated, himself withj the opposition. The author vo- homently arraigns the British gov- 2 ornmont for tho Transvaal war. 5 .Tunuior wb reaaor agrees wither tho author or not, ho will bo inter-g ested in his presentation of the-g 2 John Bulls Crime or Assaults on Republics 5: Boor side of the case. Milton Raid that frnt.h nrmii r,,,rt- i i , . . . w. -" wwm uwu auuui av luuir Dhic 5 sne was ioil iree to combat error. The illustrations were all takon on the S spot,, either by Mr. Davis or by some of his friends, and thoy certainly P 2 teJtY Ann x W li wu.u u .iwu pwiuioa, VI0tD, large OCtftVO 3! (60i. 400 DOtreS altoerothor. tirintorl nn nnntnil nBn K0:f.'.ii.. i?i...tA "j by over eighty full-page half-tones, attractivelyjbound. Two dollars, car. g nago prepaid. Send afcopy of this advertisenpenfrwith ypur order to f I ITHE ABBEY PRESS,' ,!ihm&w1iimk A WWtfJWMWJW -No