npjwim"wvw iwtmww w w, The Commoner. 9 Senator Heltfeld's Letter. Washington, D. C, Nov. 22, 1901. Hon. D. H. Andrews, Chairman Peo ple's Party State Committee, Boise, Idaho. Dear Sir: Having concluded, after most thorough consideration, that it is both wise and patriotic to an nounce a change in my political af filiations I deem it my duty to ap prise you of this intention and to give you my reasons for so doing. When the people's party movement was started in the early '90's I real ized that the chief difference between the aims and purposes of the two old parties was in name more than in principle, and that there was an actual necessity, appealing powerfully to pa triotism and good citizenship, for a third party as a means of checking the growth of plutocracy and preserving that spirit of free government with which the founders of the republic im bued our institutions. It is useless for me to go back and describe the growth and enumerate the successes of the people's party. It is sufficient to recall the fact that in 189G we elected some twenty-five members of the lower house of congress, and that at the ex tra session of 1897 the people's party caucus in the senate had a membership of eight. That this success, encour aging as it was upon its face, wa3 brought about only by alliances with other parties is made manifest aud Bigniflcent by a bare analysis of the vote. It is pertinent in this connec tion to point out that this result was attained by an alliance in the north and west between populists and demo crats and in the south between pop ulists and republicans. Beginning with that alliance the factors, sincerely de voted to the country's highest inter ests in the elements which then co operated, have twice fought a national battle under common leadership and have been welded in fact, if not in nam,e, into one grand organization. !,. Now,. .Mr., Chairman, I will state my reasons for this, to me, very important step. When, in 1896, the democratic party met in national convention a great battle was fought. The question was: Shall the party adhere to its late policy of, compromise and make shift declarations or shall it once more become the party of Jeffejson and Jackson, bold in its declarations and fearless in its advocacy of "Equal rights to all and special privileges to none" whether it was to be the party for the classes or for the masses? We all know the outcome. Under the leadership of W. J. Bryan the masses won a decided moral victory. The platform adopted was one satis factory to both the people's and silver republican parties. However, in November of that year the battle was lost at the polls by a very narrow margin and the general opinion was that, as a result, the dem ocratic party would, in future, repu diate its leader and its declaration. This fear, and it alone; kept the or ganization of the people's party alive. Next came the campaign of 1900. Contrary to the general belief Bryan was again named as the standard bearer of his party and the principles so dear to him and his followers were once more made the battle cry. The result was another defeat at the polls, but not because the American people lacked faith in B'ryan or did not be lieve the democratic platform was the better, but because, times being com paratively good, they concluded that for. the present it was best to "let well enough alone." Every ohservant man who followed the last two campaigns closely, will concede that the enthusiasm for the democratic nominee was something sw& y7nsm 5Dhis signaturo is on ovory box of tho genuine Laxative BroraoQuinine Tablets tho remedy thai cures a colli iu ouo day. marvelous and that his defeat cannot be attributed to either. lack of faith in him or his views. Consequently, since both the demo cratic and people's parties are now striving to accomplish the same pur pose, I am unable to see why we should keep up separate organizations since by combining forces in name 'S well as in fact we can better subserve the interests of the great principles we advocate. One other motive has actuated mo to make this move, namely, tho desire to bo better able to serve my state and constituency. The coming session of congress is universally expected to be of unusual importance. Questions not only af fecting our own state, but the entire west will confront us. The isthmian canal, the opening of Columbia and Snake rivers, the irrigation question, the efforts of giant syndicates to con trol tho public lands by leasing, and tast, but not least, the fixed purpose of 'the trusts and combines, acting through the republican organization, not to re-enact the Chinese exclusion law, which expires by limitation in 1902, are but a few of the great ques tions of particular importance to tho people of Idaho and the west that are to be considered and that constrain me to take this step. I know that I can be more useful to my people as a member of a great party, admitted to its counsels and placed by its agency upon important committees than I can be if alono and with no affilia tions. Now, Mr. .Chairman, I trust you will give this your earnest consideration and I believe you will see the wisdom of my resolve. Furthermore, I re quest that you call a meeting of the state committee and I sincerely hope when they are assembled these repre sentatives will approve my action aa:l with me join hands with the aggres sive and dominant element of the democratic party, preserving it from all menace of reaction within and aiding it to win a glorious victory for liberty and free government. Yours very respectfully, (Signed) HENRY HEITFELD. Books Received. The Devil, His Origin and Overthrow, by Laurence W. Scott;- a pamphlet pub lished by the Acme Publishing Co., Morgantown, "W. Va. Good Gravy, the wit and humor of Ezra Kendall; published by Helman, Taylor & Co., Cleveland, 0. New Zealand in a Nutshell, a Coun try Without Strikes, Where Labor 13 Supreme; a pamphlet published by J. A. Wayland, Girard, Kas. A Financial Catechism and History of the Financial Legislation in the United States from 1862 to 189G; pub lished by Vincent Publishing Co., 612 South 13th st., Omaha, Neb. ' The Court of Inquiry. The court of inquiry made its re port to the secretary of .the navy De cember 13. The court's report on the" whole is unfavorable to Admiral Schley. The majority report to which in its entirety Admirals Benham and Ramsey agreed, is as follows: Commodore Schley, in command o' the flying squadron, should have proceeded with utmost dispatch off Cienfuegos, and should have main tained a close blockade of that port. He should have endeavored, on May 23, at Cienfuegos, to obtain informa tion regarding the Spanish squatlron by communicating with the Insurgents at the place designated in the memor andum delivered to him at 8:15 a. m. of that date. He should have proceeded from Cienfuegos to Santiago de Cuba with all dispatch, and should have dis posed his vessels with a view of in tercepting the enemy in any attempt to pass the flying squadron. TEST FOR YOURSELF The Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney and Bladder Remedy. To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, Will Do' for YOU, all of Our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail. EaIXEsS ob. Kiiauat's SWAMP-ROOT Kldaej, Liter and Bladder fflfa faJeseaA. tunn f fctM UaupoonfuU before or after raealaand atbcdtlmo. CtiUdrca tea according to tea dOMsacdlnercsMto full data or Biorr. at tha cbm would tees to require. Tbli exeat remedy con til Acid troubles and dttordcrt dtutoircak kldocji, ucb as catarrh of tba bladder, gravel, rbcnmaUoa, lombaffo and Bright' UlMAM, wblcb It tbo wont form of Udno titemoo. It U ptaaaat to Uko. rxcftUtEO OKIY V DR. KUMUa & CO., - BIMGKAMTOK, M. V. Held by U Draeetata. BgaWWIll It used to bo considered that only urinary and bladder troubles woro to bo traced to the kidneys, but now modern scionco proves that nearly all diseases havo their beginning in tho disordor of thoso most important organs. Tho kidnoys filter and purify tho blood that is their work. Thoroforo, whon your kidnoys are weak or out of ordor, you can understand how quickly your on tiro body is affected, and how ovory organ scorns to fnil to do its duty. If you aro sick or "feel badly," begin taking tho famous now discovery, Dr. Kilmor's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidnoys aro woll thoy will help all tho othor organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. Weak and unhealthy kidneys aro responsible for many kinds of disoasos, and if pormittod to continue, much suffering with fatal results aro suro to follow. Kidney troublo irritates tho nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleopless and irritable. Makes you pass water often during tho day and obliges you to got up many times during tho night. Unhealthy kidnoys causo rheumatism, gravol, catarrh of tho bladder, pain or dull acho in tho back, joints and muscles; makes your head acho and back ache, causes indigestion, stomach and liver troublo, you got a sallow, yollow complexion, makes you feel as though you had heart trouble; you may havo plenty of ambition, butnostrongth; got weak and waste awoy. Tho euro for thoso troubles is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho world-famous kidney romedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to nature, for Swamp-Root is tho most perfect hoalor and gentlo aid to tho kidnoys that is known to medical science. If thoro is any doubt in your mind as to your condition, take from your urine on rising about focr ounces, place it in a glass or bottlo and lot it staud twenty-four hours. If on examination it is milky or cloudy, if there is a brick dust settling, or if small particles float about in it, your kidnoys aro in need of immediate attention. Swamp-Root is pleasant to toko and is used in tho lending hospitals, recommended by physicians in their private practice, and is taken by doctors themselves who havo kidnoy ailments, because thoy recognize in it the greatest and most success ful remedy for kidnoy, liver, and bladder troubles. (Swamp-Hoot is pleasant to toko.) If you aro already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase tho reg ular lifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at tho drug storo everywhere. SPECIAL NOTE If you have tho slightoat symptoms of kidnoy or bladder troubles, or if thoro is a trace of it in your family history, send at onco to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mail, immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottlo of Swamp-Root and a book containing many of tho thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. In writing, bo suro to say that you read this generous offer in Tho Commoner. He should not have delayed the squadron for the Eagle. He should not have made the retro grade turn westward with" his squad ron. He should have promptly obeyed the navy department's order of May 25. He should have endeavored to cap ture or destroy the Spanish vessels at anchor near the entrance of Santiago harbor on May 29 and 30. He did not do his utmost with the force under his command to capture or destroy the Colon and other ves s'els of the enemy which he attacked on May 31. By commencing the engagement on July 3 with the port battery and turn ing the Brooklyn around with port helm, Commodore Schley caused her to lose distance and position with the Spanish vessels especially with the Viscaya and Colon. The turn of the Brooklyn to starboard was made to avoid getting her into dangerous prox imity to the Spanish vessels. The turn was made toward the Texas and caused that vessel to stop and back her engines to avoid possible collision. Admiral Schley did Injustice to Lieutenant Commander A. C. Hodgson in publishing only a portion of the correspondence which passed between them. Commodore Schley's conduct tn. connection with the events of the Santiago campaign prior to June 8, 1898, was characterized by vacillation, dllatoriness and lack of enterprise. His ofllcial reports regarding the coal supply and the coaling facilities of the flying squadron were inaccur ate and misleading. His cpnduct dur ing the battle of July 3 was self-possessed, and he encouraged, in his own person, his subordinate ofllcers and men to fight courageously. Admiral Dewey submitted a mlnor ( Continued on page 11) Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. A quick, safe, and sure relief for siclc or ner ou Headache, Backache, Stomach Pains, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Irritability, Sleepless ness, Bheumatfsra, Sciatic, Contain no opium, or morphine, and leave no bad after-effects, 25 doses 25c. At druggists.