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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1901)
r.-,vam I.V The Commoner. tv- jv E-" The Commoner, ISSUED WEEKLY. Termi Payable la Advaace. Ce Ytar $i.o fix Meatks ?...... s Tfttrea Months .- as ftrglc Copy AtNewa land er at this Office S Sample Copies Prce. Subscriptions can be sent direct to The Com moncr. They can also be sent through newspapers Tvhich have advertised a clubbing rate, or through local agents -where such agents have been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice order, express order or by bank draft on New York or 'Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or money. Advertising rales furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. . RENEWALS The date on your wrapper shims when your subscription will expire. Thus, Jnn, 02 xnoam that pay went has been received lo and including tho Inst issuo of Jan nary, 1002. Two weeks are required aftor money ia received b'eforo tho date of the wrapper can bo changed. CHANGE OF 'ADDRESS-Subscribera requesting a change in address must give the OLD as well as tho NEW ad Publicity for the trusts? Very well, but who will bell the cat? v Can it be that the Fairbanks boom is steered with an airship rudder? The' only way to improve the ship subsidy bill is to strike out the enacting clause. .Up to, date no one has heard any, of the "great captains of industry" complaining about the mes sage. -' ' ' ' John Bull may eat this Christmas dinner in Pretoria, but he is subject to interruptions be tween courses. Even in Pennsylvania it pays to adopt a demo cratic platform and then go out and defend demo cratic principles. Secretary Gage says the country needs a larger volume of money. Is Mr. Gage going to play traitor to "confidence?" A careful study of the message will reveal that reciprocity has about as much chance as tho sheep had to kill-the butcher. And now they say that there is a tobacco combine in the Philippine islands. This ought to make Congressman Hull favor a larger army over there to protect the combine. yws Will some administration organ please an swer: Does President Roosevelt favor the ship subsidy bill? Yes or no, now. You have expressed tho opinion that tho message is "concise, clear and statesmanlike." Mr. Chamberlain sees small prospect of end ing the war, but as the Birmingham Small Arms company is declaring 20 per cent dividends with regularity Mr. Chamberlain hopes that ho will be able to bear up. The Commoner appreciates the compliment paid it by the children (four in one town) who re cited Mr. Maupin's Thanksgiving poem, which ap peared in the issue of November 22. It has also been largely copied in the weekly press. .. The Philadelphia North American says that The Commoner will be readable if tho editor will learn to think cohesively and write coherently. Returning the compliments it may be said with truth that tho North American will begin to bo a useful paper when its proprietor shows as much love for tho public generally as ho now shows hatred for Mr. Quay in particular. Tho Observer of Guthrie, Okla., reproduced entire tho first page of The Commoner containing the editorial entitled "A Democratic Duty." The editor appreciates the compliment paid him by thoso who quote from the columns of The Commoner. &&& Numerous republican organs commend Sena tor Hoar's plan to maroon the anarchists and let them run their own island. This is all very well, but what about allowing the people of other isl ands who are not anarchists to do the same thing? The Lick observatory informs us that the velocity of the Nebular movement is 36,000,000,000 miles an hour. That is fast traveling, to be sure, but it is not to bo compared with the velocity of tho republican party in getting away from tho constitution. The Washington Post has difficulty in finding words to express its commendation of the presi dent's message. A few months ago the Post ex perienced no such difficulty in expressing its opinion of the gentleman who now occupies the presidential chair. Two inquiries have been received recently ask ing whether President Johnson was impeached. No; articles of impeachment were presented by the house of representatives, but the senate re fused to impeach, seven republicans voting with' the democrats in the negative. Through a typographical error in a former is sue, the clubbing- price of The Commoner and The Pilgrim was given as $1.00. This should have been $1.35, as it appears in this issue. Also, all sub scriptions for Literary Digest in any of our club bing offers must be newrenewals not accepted. At Jamestown, N. Y., George M. Guntner was indicted on the charge of being a public nuisance because he tried to organize the wood-workers into a union. Mr. Frank Mott, his attorney, succeede'l in convincing the court that it is not yet a public crimo to endeavor to associate the laboring men together for their own protection; In connection with the editorials which have appeared in regard to debating societies, it 4s proper to sucgest that the Success Club Bureau, Washington Sqliare, New York, is organizing de bating societies all over the country. Any per son desiring information on the subject can ad dress the club at the above place. A California reader disputes the statement made by Senator Jones of Nevada to the effect that the increased output of gold "has accom plished what bimetallism would have accom plished." He points to the fact that prices in gen eral have not yet been raised to the bimetallic level and that there is no apparent prospect that they will be. When the president reads the New York Her alds criticism of Secretary Gage's recommenda tions on the currency question, he will be glad that he didn't discuss the money question in do tall. The republicans generally prefer broad and sweeping statements to definite and specific plans Their policies are like eggs of doubtful age they look better scrambled. The staid and respectable if not always un biasedAssociated press occasionally condescends J! ?fP , lll!mor In reP01'ting the Boston elec tion it said: "In South Boston two prominent re publicans were arrested on the suspicion of hav ing worked repeaters. This was the only unpleas ant feature of the day." It must have been un pleasant arresting republicans engaged in re- Governor Yate-. of Illinois has Issued an ap- P,e?U people of hIs state for contributions to aid the Boer women and children who are suffer ing in the British reconcentrado camps. Gov ernor Yates is entitled to credit for this appeal and it is to be hoped that it will meet with a very gen erous response. It would be well also if everv other governor in tho United States followed the Yates example. , A reader asks me to give, for tho benefit of a political opponent, my reasons for resigning my commission in the army. The reason was stated In the resignation, which was forwarded to the de partment on the day tho treaty of peace was signed Half of the volunteers had been mustered nnf and it was apparent that the remainder would h assigned to police duty. I felt that I could be of more service to my country in opposing the im perialistic tendencies of the republican party thin I could in performing tho routine duties of a regimental commander in time of peace. ? A reader of The Commoner asks where in formation can be secured in regard to the banking question. Insofar as the question relates to tho national bank, one of the best works on that sub ject is the Financial Catechism and History of Financial Legislation in the United States from 1862 to 189G. This, in paper cover, can be secured for fifty cents from C. Vincent, 612 So. 13th &t., Omaha, Nebraska. A reader of The Commoner asks what relation PT0r,RiC0 and the Sandwich islands are to the United States. Porto Rico is a subject territory enjoying such local self-government as the presi dent and congress choose to give, and has no rep resentative in congress. The Sandwich islands stand in the position of a territory and have a representative in congress. They are now talking about organizing an as sociation of farmers to compel railroads to give lower rates on transportation. If the farmers would combine at the polls they would have :o trouble in securing reasonable freight rates, but f.s long as they vote the republican ticket and turn the government over to the control of cor porations, they will find it difficult to secure pro tection against extortion by any association which they can form. It is announced that President Roosevelt has declined to accept on behalf of the government Mr. Carnegie's gift of $10,000,000 in the form of bends of the steel trust. For this act Mr. Roosevelt is entitled to hearty commendation. It will not do for tho government to become either creditor or stockholder in a trust, and recognition of this fact doubtless impelled the president to insist that the Carnegie gift must be in some' form other than the bonds of a trust. Mr. Walsh, the republican banker who is run ning the Chicago Chronicle in, .the interest of the republican party, openly indorses the republican position on the Philippine question and says that we cannot desert "the people of the Philippine Isl ands to anarchy, dictatorship and invasion for con quest and reconquest." Having indorsed the re publican position on the money question and the trust question, Mr. Walsh's paper ought not to be able to deceive democrats any longer. Some of the papers which defend imperialism are also describing Jim Hill as a public benefactor and apologizing for the consolidation of the trans continental lines. There is a similarity between the arguments which justify a colonial policy in tiie orient and the arguments which defend a railroad monopoly in the northwest. Both sys tems are based upon the theory that a few people ?hnf llVinely. aPPlnted to do the developing and tnat the rest of the people are condemned by fate to be developed. Today the faithful democratic editors of Ne iJSSS WilA1nme?,Vn Colunus lo perfect an organ ic 0fn edit?,rs of aemcratic newspapers in tho j , areric?rdiillly invIted t0 be the guests of Si! hy, 2? Clumbs on this date, and nothing ? Jh ,undone to contribute to their pleasure. In the evening the citizens will tender the visitors a banquet. The Commoner hopes to see a large attendance and tho organization of a strong as sociation that will tend to the strengthening of tho democratic cause in Nebraska. That much good will lesult from a strong organization goes with out saying. There ought to be a similar organiza tion in every state. wSA81!1?!! in a Chicago dispatch to the Wash l Post that Governor Yates has been called ISnn11?;? yJhQ D"idont, and it is in timated, that tho latter resents the Boer proclama tion issued by the governor a few days ago It is also stated that republican politicians "not tied tight to the governor" (that means men who are t,ed more tightly to the president than to the governor) unite in condemning the proclamation as Impolitic and unwise. The British consulate at Chicago accuses Governor Yates of issuing the proclamation with the desire that it would help him become United States senator. Well, no mat ter what the cause was, it would bo fortunate ?f more republicans had an ambition that would lead them to express sympathy for the Boers.