The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 20, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
"K' TW l wwmrw""r VTOP'''51T bimetallism would amount to an abandonment of bimetallism because gold democrats would secura nominations on such a platform, and then, if elected, would, as tbey have in tbo past, act with the republicans to maintain tbe gold standard. As to tbo second question, namely, whether concurrent circulation of the two metals is essen tial to a bimetallic system? To answer tbis in tbe negative witbout further explanation might lead to misunderstanding. The concurrent circulation of tbo two metals, while desirable, is not absolute ly necessary to the maintenance of tho bimetallic eystem, but bimetallists believe that the parity would bo maintained in this country at the ratio of 16 to 1. Wo had bimetallism from 1792 to 1834, during nearly all of which time gold was at a premium because our mint ratio, compared witb the mint ratio of France and some other countries, undervalued gold. When in 1834 the ratio was. changed from 15 to 1 to 16 to 1, silver was then undervalued, as compared with the ratio of France and some other countries, and, therefore, silver went to a premium and remained at a premium until it was demonetized. During both these per iods we had bimetallism, and it was possible to coin gold or silver witbout limit as to amount into full legal tendor money at a fixed ratio. As abovo remarked, it is the belief of bimetallists that the parity can be maintained at the ratio of 16 to 1, ' and this belief is founded upon two arguments; first, that the monetary use of silver would absorb all the silver available 'or coinage at our mints, thus raising the bullion price of silver to $1.29 an ounce; and, second, that no gold nation is now coining gold and silver at a ratio more fav orable to gold than ours. If any large nation opened its mints' to the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at 15 to 1, it would get some of our silver and silver would go to a premium. If, on. the other hand, any large nation opened itn mints to the free and -unlimited coinage of both metals at the rate of ie to 1, or some higher ratio, it would be apt to get some of our gold, and gold would go to a premium. But, under existing or probable conditions, there would be no diffi culty -in maintaining the parity at the ratio of 16 to 1. If there was any force in the argument made for thirty years that the parity was more difficult to maintain because tho production of Eilver was increasing more rapidly than the pro duction of gold, the parity ought to be more easily maintained now, since the production of gold is in creasing moro rapidly than the production of silver. Two ways of maintaining the parity have been suggested. One is to put silver upon an equal foot ing witb gold, make it a legal tender equal with gold, and enable it to do all that gold can do this is the bimetallic plan. Tho other plan is to make the silver dollar redeemable in gold, but this plan converts silver into a credit money an.l greatly impairs its usefulness. It really makes gold the standard and silver subsidiary to it. When one metal goes to. a premium it does not all leave the country. It circulates at its premium "value and still contributes to the volume of money, just as silver did from 1834 to 1861 and just as both gold and silver did from 1861 to 1879. If under bi metallism one metal goes to a premium the peoplo can do whichever they prefer, viz., they can either change the ratio or bear witb the inconvenience of the premium. Some bimetallists whoso devotion to tho cause cannot be doubted havo expressed themselves in favor of a change in the ratio, provided it is shown by experience that the parity cannot be maintained at the ratio of 16 to 1. Others have refused to dis cuss this proposition; first, because a discussion cf other ratios might be construed (not fairly, but un " fairly) as an admission that the parity could not be maintained at 16 to 1; and, second, because the power to legislate remains with the people, and they are always at liberty to make any changes which to them may seem best; Under our form The Commoner. o government no unchangeable system can be established. If tho peoplo try the gold standard arid do not like it, they can change it; if they try the double standard and do not like it, they can change it; if they try one ratio and do not like it, they can try another. In answer to those who express the fear that the parity cannot be maintained, but give no rea son for their skepticism, the advocates of bimetal lism express tbe belief that it can be maintained and give their reasons for it. Neither side can prove its position by a mathematical demonstra tion, but experience and argument support the bimetallists. JJJ Senator Heitfeld's Letter. On another page will be found a letter written by Senator Heitfeld of Idaho to the chairman of the populist committee of his state, giving his reasons for becoming a member of the democratic party. During the last two campaigns the pop ulists and the democrats have co-operated in tho attempt to secure certain reforms which both parties advocated. The first defeat was due to a coercion such as was never before practiced upon American voters. The second defeat, as Senator Heitfeld explains, was largely due to the fact that times were better, which fact caused a great many voters to give apparent indorsement to republican policies rather than risk the effect of what they considered a possible change in industrial condi tions. The issues whi,ch brought the reform parties together have not been settled and are not likely to be settled by the republican party. That co operation must continue is certain; the only ques tion is whether it shall be co-operation between organizations or co-operation between individuals under one organization. This is a question which must be determined largely by local conditions. If tho populists were to join the democratic party "they would strengthen the reform element in that party and assist in preventing the repudiation of the principles of the Kansas City platform. On the other hand, where the populist party is strong as compared "with the democratic party it may b3 wiser to co-operate than to attempt the amalgama tion of the parties. For ten years I have advocated co-operation between the democrats and the populists because, while their platforms are not identical on all questions, they are practically so upon the ques tions immediately before us. Tho two questions about which democrats and populists differ arc, first, the redeemability of the greenbacks, and, second, the government ownership of railroads. As to the first it may be said that the question of redeemability is of much less importance than the question of the government's right and duty to , issue all the paper money used. The democrats be lieve in government paper as against national bank paper, and it would be the height of folly for one who believes in government paper, but favors an irredeemable currency, to give direct orindlrect aid to the republicans in their effort to retire green backs and substitute national bank notes. It will require the united aid of democrats and populists to save the greenback as it now is; when it is saved from annihilation and the right of tho government to issue and control the paper of stho country is firmly established, it will be time enough for democrats and populists to fight out their differences on tho question of redeem ability. (I am aware that some populists object to the word "irredeemable," but I use it because it is the word usually employed and best under stood.) ' As to -the second question, it must be remem bered that the government regulation and control of railroads is more easily secured than govern ment ownership. If the voters are not willing (o compel railroads to deal justly with their patrons, 'tbey are not likely to enter upon so groat an un dertaking as tho government ownership and opera tion of the railroads. At present there is so much indifference upon tho railroad question that tho re, publican party is able to fill the United State: senate 'with railroad attorneys 'without protest fiom the rank and -file, of the party. The recent consolidations may make the people study tho question. Butvjust now there is an issue of greater im portance than either the money question or tb.9 railroad question. ' The question of imperialism strikes at the very foundation of our government, and no one who fully appreciates the enormous an 1 far-reaching change which imperialism will ef fect in our institutions and our ideals will oppose co-operation because of interest in less important issues. Whether one can serve his country best in tho democratic party or in the populist party is a question which each must decide for himself, but whether those who oppose an imperial policy, trust domination and the "control of our finances by financiers, shduld unite against the common enemy, until the country is saved from the dangers which now threaten it is hardly an open question. JJJ They Are Ours Now. Rev. James Brent, bishop-elect of the Episcopal church to the Philippines, delivered a sermon at Boston, Mass., November 17, in which he outlined his idea of the Philippine situation. "The bishop who goes to the Philippines," said Mr. Brent, "goes to stand for righteousness in civil life, to make civil service what it should be there, to pro mote Christian education, to further tho interests of American civilization in that country which is now our responsibility and to foster the true ele ments of our own civilization. It is no longer a question of imperialism or anti-imperialism. We have our duty to perform. It is to give these peo ple, for they are ours now, all that we are capable of giving them." , It is difficult for the American citizen who fully appreciates the favorp which he enjoys under a republican form of government, to listen with any degree of patience to such remarks as these. Hero we have a man recently chosen by" a great church to go to the Philippine islands and while ho tells us that his mission is "to further the In terests of American civilization in that country."' he adds "we have our duty to perform. It is to give these people, for they are ours now, all that we are capable of giving them." If this Episcopal clergyman in this un-American sentiment merely stated his own personal opinion, no serious attention need be given it. But the fact is, aggravating may appear to the American conscience, that when this man, refer ing to the people of the Philippine islands, said "they are ours now" he merely reflected the sentI- ment of republican leaders and be voiced tho opinion that must be accepted as tbo dominant opinion of tbe day. . What is there about the American people, a people who revolted against the idea of the divinity of kings, that in this day they are authorized to conquer and to own other men? What has happened since the Declaration of Independence was written by men who resented the monarchical theory of government, to per suade the American people that they have any right in law or in morals to own men and women or to deny to them the same privileges and tho same aspirations to which the colonial forefathers aspired, and for the accomplishment of which" many of them died? There are thousands of men in this country; today who understand that they cannot violate righteous laws in their personal affairs without boing called upon to pay the penalty and yet many of these peoplo lay the flattering unction to their souls, that in tho capacity of citizens, they may; violate every moral principle and every law with- out being called to account. When this Episcopal clergyman said "they ar