The Commoner. 10 f Weekly News Summary The American federation of labor adopted a resolution to exclude the Chinese from this country. The same body tabled a resolution to exclude the Japanese. It also protested against legislation against railroad ticket scalping. Lieutenant Commander Luclen lYoung has been relioved from duty j.s captain of thoport of Havana because of injudicious language used concern ing the ability of the Cubans to gov ern .themselves. Senator James K. Jones was re elected chairman of the democratic caucus. Bourke Cockran, on the night of De cember 8, addressed a large mass meeting at Chicago which had assem bled to show its sympathy for the Boers. Resolutions were adopted ask ing the president to call a halt upon the exportation of horses and mules .for the benefit of the British in South Africa. Republicans have agreed upon a tariff bill for the Philippine islands. It establishes the Dingley rates on all goods imported into the United States from the Philippines. An Associated press cablegram from San Juan, Porto Rico, under date of December 12, said: Santiago Iglesias, president of the federation of work men of Porto Rico, together with nine companions, was tried in the district court f San Juan yesterday on a charge of conspiracy. Today Iglesias was sentenced to two years and three months imprisonment. Seven of bis companions were sentenced to four months' imprisonment, while two were acquitted of the charge of being the founders of an illegal association and conspiracy in August, 1900, to raise PAT'S PHILOSOPHY. Tho Sound Sense Which Is Some times Obscured by the Sparkle of Irish Wit I Will Cure You. of Rheumatism No pay until you know it. After 2,000 experiments, I have learned how to cure Rheumatism. Not to turn bony joints into flesh again; that is impossible. But I can cure the disease' always, at any state, and for ever. I ask for no money. Simply write me a postal and I will send you an order on your nearest druggist for six bottles of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Cure, for every druggist keeps it. use it for a month, and if it does what I claim pay your druggist $5.50 for it. If it doesn't I will pay him myself. I have no samples. Any medicine that can affect Rheumatism with but a few doses must bo drugged to tho veigo of danger. I use no such drugs. It is folly to take them. You.must get the disease out of the blood. My remedy does that, even in the most difficult, obstinate cases. No matter how impossible this seems to you, I know it and I take the risk. 1 nave cured tens of thousands of cases ir this way, and my records show that 39 out of 40 who get those six bottles pay, and pay gladly. I have learned that people in general are honest with. a physician who cures them. That is all I ask. If I fail I don't expect a penny from you. Simply write me a postal card or letter. Let me send you an order for the medicine. Take it for a mont), for it won't harm you anyway. If it cures, pay $5.50. I leave that entirely to you. I will mail you a book that tells how I do it. Address Dr. Shooo, Box 515, Racine, Wis. Mild cases, not chronic, are often jured by one or two bottles. At nil Iruggists. the price of labor in Porto Rico. Iglesias, as the founder of the con spiracy, gets the heaviest sentence. The other men were merely his asso ciates in the crime. Under the Span ish law, which is still in force here, persons convicted of a crime have to pay the costs. The local federation of the workmen of Porto Rico, which is now part of the American federation of labor, under tho presidency of Sam uel Gompers, has been ordered dis solved, as it has been adjudged illegal on account of this conspiracy. Mr. Savage, judge of the district court, dis sented as to the illegality of the local federation, although he agreed that Iglesias was guilty of a conspiracy to raise the price of labor in August, 1900, when the currency of Porto Rico was changed. At that time nearly all the merchants and employers here raised their prices from pesos to dollars, an advance of 40 cents. Iglesias did the same, contending that he only raised wages in proportion to other increases. This constitutes the conspiracy. The case has been appealed to the supreme court of Porto Rico, where it prob ably will be heard in a month. Pend ing this appeal Iglesias is at liberty. The mass meeting of the federation of labor called for next Sunday probably will be called off, as the plans of the federation are temporarily deranged. Iglesias says politics influenced the decision against him, as the judges belonged to tho local republican par ty, while Iglesias is a federalist. One of the acquitted men has turned re publican, it is said, since the time of the conspiracy. Since Iglesias has been acting as the local organizer of the American federation of labor he has been continually attacked in circulars and threatened by certain .republicans who oppose his plans. Last Tuesday night these republicans fired several shots at the building of the federa tion. The police searched the rooms of these men for arms, but found nothing. The men who fired the shots had not been arrested up to this morn ing. Iglesias has petitioned Governor Hunt, citing reported assaults upon his men and asking for protection. Iglesias said: "If the laws of Porto Rico are inadequate to punish these offenders; if I cannot continue my work of Americanizing Porto Rican laborers unmolested, please inform me, so" that I can return to the United States, abandoning this country and my mission here." A cablegram from London says that Northampton is the first English town seriously to feel the wave of depres sion now passing over Europe. Seven hundred men are out of work and the unemployed women are counted by multitudes."- Two-thirds of the fac tories are idle; houses are standing empty, and thousands who a few weeks ago were earning good wages are to day existing on a few shillings a week. Representative Richardson has pre sented to the house a minority report relating to the Philippine tariff bill. This report says; "The measure Is but another stop in the well marked line of imperialism. It is enacting a policy of pure colonialism and the worst form of that policy. We are opposed to our government attempt ing to hold territories as colonies and treating the inhabitants thereof as subjects and imposing Upon them a government of force. This is the method -of the empire instead of that of tho republic. We oppose the wholo policy of tLe majority In dealing with the Philippines archipelago. We be lieve that instead of the effort they are making to set up and hold perma- which is progressing steadily toward the chronic stage. HAVE YOU BEACHED IT? Have you reached that point whoro you've had to stop eating what you liked? Are you living on toast and tea, or oatmeal -crackers and milk, coveting the good things you don't dare cat? Do you co to tho tablo dreading tho ponalty " of the meal and its after suffering? You Irish wifc is very often unconscious, can bo cured so that you can oat any- Tho Irishman servos up a dish of humor thing you want, eat it with appetite and with a garnishing of wit. Beneath tho digest it properly. Hero's tho proof: lightest sallies of tho strongest broguo, "I was a great sufferer with dyspepsia ono often finds a depth of philosophy for over two years, and I was a complete worthy of a sago. physicial wreck," writes Mr. Preston E. When tho Irish hod carrier fell from Fonstermacher, Of Egypt, Lehigh Co., tho ladder with his load of bricks, and Pa. "Had many torturing, gnawing and was picked up by his sympathetic fel- aching pains I think about all that a lows: "Did the fall hurt yo, Pat?" dyspeptic has or ever could have. I also said ono to mo nan conscious man. "Faith," came tho whispered answer, "It's not tho fallin' that hurt mo, but tho stoppin'." It sounds like an Irish "bull" but it isn't. It is profound philosophy. How suffered much with constipation. I tried many different medicines which wore rocommendod to cure tho trouble, but these only made me worse and my con dition was more sluggish and weak than before. My stomach was in such a weak condition that the least and easiest kind of food to digest would get sour in my stomach, and I had such a weak and debili tated appearance that it seemod as if I had hardly any blood in my wholo body. Muscles were soft and flabby, circulation poor and slow. Suffered greatly from cold hands and feet. At last I camo across an advertisement of Dr. Pierce's. I read it through and thought to myself this firm must have some sympathy with' suffering humanity. " I wrote to them for a ques tion list blank, which I filled out and returned to them, stating my symp toms and pains. To my great surprise I received by return mail tho best and most substantial ad vice that I ever boforo read. This advice gave me tho greatest confi dence in the World's Dis pensary Medical Associa tion, even so great that I at once left off' all former remedies and tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant many a man who has fallen into bad Pellets.' I used about eight vials of the habits realizes that it's the stopping that 'Pellets' and ton bottles of the 'Discov hurts. How many a good liver who has ory' wnich brought mo back to my for- suaaeniy oeen orougni; up snort Dy an mer state oi nealth. ill w S m Wi V ir U-H H aggravated caso of stomach disease real izes that it's the stopping that hurts. The falling is easy enough and tho sen sation pleasant. That downward route marked by lato lunches of lobster or welch rarebit, washed down with a stim ulating drink, was a very pleasant ono TO BE KEPT IN MIND. Let every person who has some slight disorder of the stomach keep this in mind: What hurts the stomach hurts the whole body and every part; 'Iho body is sustained by food when di- Ulll lp I TVIJ.I U1UUOUUU UUO i.J J i -i . . " . ... i-. . to travel. But to come hard up against s,auju. ?na converted into nutrition. 5ut Nature's punishment of dyspepsia, which w.nenuo stomach and other organs of digostion and nutrition aro diseased the food eaten cannot bo properly digested, tho nutrition of tho body fails, with the natural result of weakness. Hnnnn tho there is an over-full feeling after eating, l?.ss.(of ??? tho run-down condition, with bloating and belching, the discom- fho, "weak" heart, sluggish liver, "weak" uugja urn uiuui uihuusua wuicn are a direct result of tho diseased condition of. stops all pleasures of eating and drink ing, is tho thing that hurts. THE WAY TO HEALTH is paved witn gooa intentions. When fort leads the man to say, "I must do something for this 'stomach trouble.' " But after a time the discomfort passes off and he does nothing. Sometimes he does worse than nothing by taking some tho stomach. Dr. Piorce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of tho stomach and other fi.inr Hcnftio fVio afmooU", i, organs of digestion and nutrition.' It eni giving temporary1 relief, encourages him fWea the perfect digestion and assirn to greater delay in taking tho proper latIon of food, and therefore the proper treatment for the diseased stomnnh. Pl. nourishment of the body. By its use (Continued on Page Eleven.) liative pellets, powders and tablets may Sa ? 1S gained, weakness gives relievo for a time, but they won't cure. Placo.Jo strength, and tho body is built They can't cure. Suppose you saturate up Wlth sound flesh and sohd muscle, tho garbage in a barrel with cologne; youb ho'me i,ibbaby thoro will be a sweet odor in place of a has a place that can be filled to advan- foul ono until the strength of the cologne tage by Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Mefl- is used up, then tho foul smell is worse ical Adviser. This groat medical work,' than over, and though perfumes may containing over one thousand large change tho odor of garbage they can't pages and moro than 700 illustrations, arrest tho decay. Underneath the per- is sentwon receipt of stamps to pay' fume decay goes along unhindered. It's expense of mailing only. Send thirty- so with the foul and diseased stomach ono one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound Tho things that "settle the stomach" volume, or only twenty-one stamps for and corroct for the timo acidity, heart- tho book in papor covers. Address Dr burn, otc havo no offect on tho disease R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. M.