The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 13, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner;
terested zeal for their progress that
our people have shown in the Phil
ippines. To leave the islands at this
time would mean that they would fall
into a welter of. murderous anarohy.
Such a desertion of duty on our part
would he a crime against humanity.
The character of Governor Taft and of
his associates and subordinates is a
proof, if such he needed, of th sincer
ity of our effort to give the islanders
a constantly increasing measure of
self government exactly as fast as they
show themselves fit to exercise it.
Since the civil government was estab
lished not an appointment has been
made in the Islands with any reference
to'considerations of political influence
or to aught else save the fitness of the
man and the needs of the service.
In our anxiety for the welfare and
progress of the Philippines it may be
that hore and there we have gone too
rapidly in giving them local self-government.
It is 'on this side that our
error, if any, has been committed. No
competent observer sincerely desirous
.of finding out tho facts and influenced
only by a desire for the welfare of the
natives can assert that we have not
gone far enough. "Wo have gone to th:j
very verge of safety in hastening the
process. To have taken a single step
farther or faster in advance would
have been folly and weakness and
might well have been crime. "We are
extremely anxious that the natives
shall show the power of governing
themselves.' We are anxious first for
their sakes and next because it relieves
us of a great burden.- There need
not be the slightest fear of our not
continuing to give them all the liberty
for which they are fit.
The only fear is lest in our overanx
lety we give them a degree of inde
pendence for which they are unfit,
thereby inviting reaction and disaster.
As fast as there Is any reasonable
hope that in a given district the people
can -govern thpmselves self-government
has been given in that district. There
is not a locality fitted for self-government
which has not received it.
But It may "well be that in certain cases
it will have to be withdrawn because
the Inhabitants, show themselves unfit
to exercise it. , Such instances have
already occurred! In other worda,
there is not the slightest chance of our
iaillng to show a sufficiently humani
tarian spirit. The danger comes in the
opposite direction.
There are still troubles ahead in ths
islands. The insurrection has become
an affair of local banditti and maraud
ers, who deserve no higher regard than
the brigands of portions of the old
world. Encouragement, direct or In
direct, to these insurrectos stands on
the same footing as encouragement to
'hostile Indians in the days when wo
still had Indian wars-. Exactly as our
aim is to give to the Indian who re
mains peaceful the fullest and amplest
tonsideration, but to have it under
stood that we -will show- no weakness
if he goes on the warpath, so we must
make it evident, unless we are false
to our own traditions and to the de-
mands of civilization and humanity,
that while we will do everything in
our power- for the Filipino who is
peaceful we will take the sternest
measures with the Filipino who fol
lows the path of the insurrecto and
the ladrono.
The heartiest praise is due to large
numbers of the natives of the islands
for their steadfast loyalty. The Maca
bebes have been conspicuous "for tholr
Sure of its Victim.
Dr. D. M. Bye Co., of, Indianapolis, Ind., the
great cancer r pcclnllsta who havo cured over six
thousand cases of cancer within the Jnatoiglit
years with soothing balmy oils, says that ono
time they selected n Hstof ilvehundrodnnmesof
persons who had written to thorn relatlvo to tak
ing trontrant, but who, from somo cause, had
BCRlectcd to do bo and wroto to thorn sovoral
months later inquiring after their condition; to
juujr burpn-u mm ffnoi tuoyionrneu tnntnearly
twenty por cent had died within five months
from the time thov hud wrihtnn tlwWr 1ntro nr
inquiry. If loft to itself cancur is always sure of
va victim. jKiuu sent iroo, ivuis .particulars
and prices of Oils. Address Din P. M. Bxb,
Lock Uox 25, ludinuapolis, Ind.
courago and devotion to the flag. I
recommend that the secretary of war
bo empowered to take some systematic
action in the way of aiding those of
these men who are crippled in the ser
vice and the families of those who are
The ' time has come When there
should be additional legislation for the
Philippines. Nothing better can be
done for the islands than to introduco
industrial enterprises. Nothing would
benefit them so much as throwing them
open to industrial development. The
connection between idleness and mis
chief is proverbial, and the opportun
ity to do remunerative work is one of
the surest preventives of war. Of
course no business man will go inco
the Philippines unless It Is to his In
terest to do so, and It Is immensely to
the interest of the islands that he
should go in. It is therefore necessary
that the congress should pass laws hy
which the resources of the islands can
be developed, so that franchises (for
limited terms of years) can be granted
to companies doing business in them
and every encouragement be given to
the incoming of business men of ev
ery kind.
Not to permit this is to do a wrong
to the Philippines. The franchises
must be granted and the business per
mitted only under regulations which
will guarantee the islands against any
kind of improper exploitation. But
the vast natural "wealth of the Islands
must be developed, and the capital
willing to develop it must be given the
opportunity. The field must be thrown
open to individual enterprise, "which
has been the real factor in the develop
ment of every region over which our
flag has flown. It Is urgently necessary
to enact suitable laws dealing with
general transportation, mining, bank
ing, currency, homesteads and theu3e
and ownership of the lands and tim
ber. These laws will give free play
to industrial enterprise,, and the com;
mercial development which wilf surely
follow will afford to the people of the
Islands the best proofs of the sincerity
of our desire to aid them.
bateriology and chemistry in connec
tion with the national sanitary bureau.
Tolstoi's books have been translated
into Chinese and Hebrew. In Ger
many there are 218 translations of
books of his; in France 159, in Eng
land 175.
Niagara, though not the highest "wa
terfall, holds the record for size.
Thirty-two million tons of water roll
over the cliff In the course of a single'
A few nights ago an employe of a
paper company in Bellows Falls, Vt.,
demonstrated unusual eccentricities
as a somnambulist. He got up at 2
o'clock in the morning, harnessed his
team, put a load of pulp wood Into
his wagon and drove down to the mill,
entirely unconscious of what ho was
The French military authorities
making use of an ingenious invention
to protect their carrier pigeons against
hawks. The apparatus consists of a
very tiny whistle and screw attached
to the pigeon, -whose flight causes the
screw to revolve and blow the -whistle.
The noise effectually scares away the
fw dark
Items of Interest.
Nearly one thousand vessels are lost
The beet is today producing CO per
cntof the world's "sugar.
Qui bee dreams that It will be the
greatest wheat exporting port.
The journeymen barbers' interna
tional union hasdeclined to admit wo
men to membership.
Japan has no laws for the protection
c! labcr, or restricting the -i-iploy-ment
of- women and children.
Hat dealers buy principally from the
English and Italian market. England
furnishes stiff and Italy soft bats.
French steamers now make the trip
from Marseilles to - Sydney in 34 days.
A century ago it took seven months.-
There Is salt .enough in the sea, it Is.
said, to cover 7,000,000 square miles ab
land with a layer one mile In 'thick
The Amazon-is 3,944 miles In' length-,
rising within 70 miles of the Pacific
ocean and flowing clear across the
In spite of Its capacity for hard
work the elephant seldom, if ever,
sleeps more than four, or occasionally,
five hours a day.
In a few months an electric tram
way will be opened from Naples to the
Cook railway station below the eum
mit of Vesuvius.
The amount of gold coin in actual
circulation in the world is estimated
fcy the Bank of England officials to be
about 865 tons.
The plan of destroying hail clouds
by exploding bombs among them was
suggested nearly 100 years ago by Pro
fessor Parrot of Riga.
The Italian government has estab
lished laboratories of micrography,
Christmas Presents.
It is unnecessary to say to those who
have read The Commoner that it -would
be an appropriate Christmas present
for a friend interested in the discus
sion of public questions, no matter
to what political party the friend be
longs. Attention has already been called to
the Jeffersonian Encyclopedia, issued
by Funk & Wagnalls Co., 30 Lafayette,
Place, New York, and delivered, post
age or express prepaid, for $7.50.
Hon. Webster Davis' book, " John
Bull's Crime, or an Assault Against
Republics,, published by, the Abbey!
Press, 114 Cth ave., New York, (price,
$2.00) is strongly written, and beauti
fully illustrated. If you have a re
publican friend who has not been in
terested in the heroic struggle of the
Boers, send this book to him, and the
chances are that he will be converted.
On the Great Highway, by James
Creelman, the famous newspaper cor
respondent, will be prized by any per
son wha enjoys a brightly written de
scription of travels and events. The
book is published by Lothrop Publish
ing Co.. Boston, and can be obtained
for $1.35.
Newyorkitis, by Dr. John H. Gard
ner, would suit a person, whether in
New York or outside of New York, who
Is interested in political, social and
economic questions. The book is full
of sound philosophy expressed "in-the
language -and illumined by the illus
trations of an experienced- physician1.
Itis' issued by-the Graf ton, Press, New.
York, and costs $1.25.
. Oratory, by Ex-Governor John P.
Altgcld, contains' -valuable ' sugges
tions for ther public speaker and
student.' kPrice, 50c, intiloth, published
by. Chas: H. Kerr & Ccr., Chicago.
Lincoln's "Words on Living Ques
tions; collected by -H. S. Taylor and,
!D. IVf. Fulwiler, published hy Trusty
"Publishing' Co., 716 Chicago -Opera-House
blopk, Chicago. Price, cloth,.
voc; paper, zoc.
Doubleday, Page & Co., 84 Union
Square, New York, have published an
excellent edition of the Life and
Works of Henry George. They uan be
secured in separate volumes' or in sets.
Those who are interested in the
money question will 'find Alexander
Del Mar's -work on the Science of
Money, published by the Cambridge
Encyclopedia Co., 240 W. 23rd st, Now
York, price, $1.00, a valuable addition
to their library.
In this connection may be mentioned
nlso The Financial Catechism and
History of Financial legislation in.
the United States from 1862 lo 1896,
"which can be secured for 50c (papw
-cover) from C. Vincent, G12 South
The duel
in th
was a favor
ite with duelists.
wo men were
locked in a dark
room and crawled
stealthily from
corner to corner,
until some false
step made one of
them the target
for bullet or
Life is a duel
iu the dark with
disease. One false stepj one mistake,
and the attack comes swift and sudden.
The mistake which commonly opens the
way for an attack by disease is neglect
of the symptoms of stomach trouble.
When eating is followed by undue full
ness, belchings, sour or bitter risings,
etc., disease is attacking the stomach.
The best way to frustrate such an at
tack is to use Dr. Pierce's Golden .Med
ical Discovery. It cures diseases of the
stomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition, and makes the "body
strong and healthy.
I was suffering very much with my Ticad and
stomach," -writes Mrs. W. C. Gill, of Wejdoc.
Shelby Co., Ala., "head was so ditzy when I
would raise up iu bed would fall right back.
Could cat but very little, iu fact scarcely any
thing, there seemed to ben heavy weight iu niv
stomach so I could not rest; I had to belch vcrV
oitcn ana would vomit up nearly everything I
ate. I was iu a bad condition. . I took four bot
tles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
and fivcof his 'Pavorite Prescription and am
now well and hearty. I feel like a new woman
aud give Dr. Pierce's medicines credit for it all.
I had taken medicine from physicians without
any benefit as I could see."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
topay expense of mailing only. Send
2i one-cent stamps for the paper. covered
book, or 31 stpraps for the cloth-bound.
Address Dr. R. V.' Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.i
containing all the platforms of all tho
parties can be secured from the sauia
address for 25c.)
Money, Trusts and Imperialism,
(paper cover), by W. H. Harvey, can
be secured- for 25c Mr. Harvey is now
at Vinda, Benton county, Arkansas.
If you .are looking for a present that
will be acceptable to one who" desires
religious reading, Matthew Henry's
Commentary on the Bible, six volumes,
published by Funk & Wagnalls, 30 La
fayette Place, New York, would provo
an acceptable gift.
If you desire something less expen
sive, there is a little book - entitled
Christ's Object Lessons; written ly
'Ellen G. White, -which will both de
light and instruct one who is study
ing the -parables of the Nazarena.
-Price, 91i25. Address Percy T. Magan,
Battle Greek, Mich.
And that the children may not be
forgotten, two "books- of juvenile-songs
"are -worthy of notice1, t!z: "Wee Wee
-Bonger for Little Tots" and "Merry
Time Songs for Children." The first
"contains nine songs; the second twelvd.
'The author, Chas. H. McCurrfe, has
succeeded in bringing together a rare
collection of music, words and appro
priate illustrations. The books cost
50c each, and can be secured by ad
dressing the Alameda Music Co., 2225
Clinton ave., Alameda, Cal.
Perhaps the union of the big western
railroad systems might be called n
Morganatic marriage, Norfolk "(Val)
This sigaature La onBvery box of tho gonuin
I ay a 4 far RsurtrtflitiniriP'rraKiftf.i-
1 13th street, Omaha, Neh. (A pamphlet th remedy that ciiree a ena tH day.