The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 13, 1901, Page 6, Image 6
6 The Commoner. IP I fc Itt'. r ' I Whether Common or Not. WAWWWvWMMrWMTOr Writing To Santa Glaus. With infinite care and many a pause She's writing a letter to Santa Claus. Her pink cheeks are dimpled, her brown eyes shine, Her fingers are guiding the pen aright; And a wish she writes in every line That must go by post in the fire tonight, For the note that is signed with baby's name Will haste, away on the dancing flame. Postage is free To girls and boys Who send their notes .'.. ,' .-... . . To Land o' Toys. rrk . She's making a curve for a waxen doll, - v And a big, black blot for a parasol. She knows that old Santa will understand J- Each mark she is making upon the sheet; And she changes her pen from hand to hand, i;, While over her- cheek chase the dimples sweet. a ' Writing to Santa God grant, he gives i An answer to every sweet tot that lives. Over tjie snow .'"-,' :'! 1 . Without a pause ; ;-'' - .- :: ''"' Tlie sweet notes go ' i To Santa Claus. . re '.,.' 'ft, 1 . ' " t i.-r -.:.-.$ im ..(vi. , "JS i . . , And Santa awaits in his north retreat v ' - -'".., ' -For the postman's knock and the missives Sweet. .V ' '.-Arid he smiles and chuckles the while he reads ''$. The marvelous writing of boys and girls i.o "'Quaint and curious are the blotted screeds . ., ' Of dashes and dots, and of quirks and curls..r: .. But all are as plain as your A, B, Cs ' '. To Santa who reads with the utmost ease, For baby marks ''..'".'.' In polar glint To Santa Claus Are plain as print. an automobile I joined him In pleading for mercy. "There are no trees in this neighbor hood largo enough to hang him upon," I argued. "Well, we are going to hang him to a telegraph pole," angrily retorted a member of the mob. Whereupon the prisoner burst Jnto loud laughter and appeared to be en joying a huge joke. -' "Shut up," growled the master o'f ceremonies. "This is no time for laughing." ' "But this is the age of the wireless telegraph," cachinnated the prisoner. "Foiled!" hissed the leader. Then turning up his heel he gave the signal to disperse. Under the Mistletoe. I caught her beneath the mistletoe The day had died and the lights were low Under the mistletoe. She bent her head with a modest mein K She who reigned in my heart a queen She struggled not as I raised her head To kiss her warm lips rosy red . Under the mistletoe. Juss .then come one turned on the "light. ... I started back in sheer afright My .TSiTris held not my precious maid) But rcr brother, dressed for a mas querade Under the mistletoe. t A Christmas Wish. Say,; Santa, when my. .stocking hangs I wish with all my heart and soul That you would gently place therein About two thousand pounds of coal. And with -this hint I'll hang it up On Christmas eve iirplainest sight, And hope to wake on Christmas morn To find a ton of anthracite. - He Had Left. Miss Boston Baque "Mr. Porkerly, did, you ever feel that longing 'for the infinite; that soulful desire for a moro perfect grasp of the beyond?" Mr. Porkerly (of Chicago) "Have I? Well, I should smile. I always feel it when 1 put up margins on pork." Never Failed. The committee laid the matter In hand beforo the representative from the 'Steenth district. . "This is a matter of grave concern .to us," said the spokesman, "and we trust you will take extra care to see that it is attended to." . "Gentlemen," replied Representative Cynch, drawing himself up to his full height, "I" always take extras." Woman's Ways. Miss Goodhart (2:25 p. in., on her way to University Campus) "0, see that brutal man beating that poor, halL'-starved horse because it cannot start that heavy load!" Miss Goodhart (3:15 p. m., as her colors bucked the lino in a desperate ondeavor to make the five yards) Rah, rah! Sis-boom-ah! Eat 'em up, eat 'era up, rah, hoop-la! Good, they disabled the half-back of the Scrub ton's! Smash him! S-M-A-S-Il H-I-M!! That's the stuff! Hooray, they're carrying anothor Scrubton stirC off on a stretcher! Once more! That's it. T-H-A-T-'-S IT! A. touchdown for us!!" And in her excitement Miss Good hart swung her hat until the two pig eons and a parrot thereon, were torn into fragments. i In .1922. "Sparo me! "'screamed the wretched man. "There is no mercy for such as you," replied the leader of the mob. Naturally I asked the cause of all the NOTICE Vo READERS. For three NEW subscriptions at the regular rate of $.oo each, wo will give as a premium a year's sub scription to the Thrlce-a-week World, or Atlanta Constitution, or Cincinnati Enquirer, or World-Herald, or Ne braska Independent or Pilgrim, Your own renewal may take the place of one of the new subscriptions in this offer. For Sale. A block in Bethany, Nebraska, near the Christian College, and a block at University Place, Nebraska, near Wes leyan University. Persons desiring to move to either of these towns for the purpose of educating their children can obtain a bargain by addressing Geo. E. Waite, No. 324 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. Educate Your Children. Located within one milo of Wesleyan University at University Place, Neb., also the same distance from Cotner University, Bethany, Neb., (both be ing suburbs of Lincoln) is an elegant six-room cottage for sale cheap. The house has a complete water system which includes bath and sewerage, sit uated on high ground, overlooking- slta surrounding country as far as the eye can reach. Good barn, wagon shed, chicken house, pens, etc. Unlimited amount of good water, windmill, 100 barrel tank from which the five acres on which the 'house is located could be irrigated. Abundance of grapes, chor-. ries, apples and plums, also a few young peach trees. If interested ad dress, M. T. Howey, 1207 D st., Lin coln, Neb. 4 tmnhlft. nrrt unnn holiif n1r1 tVinf li w ., , , . w -w, . wMn vy.u bUMU luw Kill 'em! Knock their heads off! prisoner had been guilty of stealing Brain Leaks. Luck is jellied pluck. A" half truth is a whole lie. He who borrows trouble pays usury. Where there's a will there's a lawyer. Never buy a bald-headed barber's hair tonic. Better a happy old maid than a sor rowful young wife. Many dogs are given the caresses that children pine for. Some men think they are candid when they are only stupid. The average boy generally imagines that his wisdom teeth are several years late in "arriving. There is a vast difference between being dyspeptic and being religious, but some men never learn it. . Will M. Maupin. o Si Mrs, IVlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Has boon used for over sixty ieajis by mil lions of mothers for their oiiildren while TEETmP, With TETJFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tho CIItt.D, BOFTENS tho OUMS, ALL ATS all PAIN, cubes vtInd colic, and is tho best remedy for -DXARB1I03A. . jSold by Druggists in every part of the world., Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twen ty 'five cents a bottle.. It is tho beat of all. LIMNINGS Tho same being a Book in which appears Divers and Sundry Versos nnd Sketches from the Trenchant Type writer of the Architect of Whether Common or Not It is not a cpllectlon of "litorary gems," but a collection of slcotchcs and poems written in tho hurry and worry of nowspapor work. But you will enjoy them. Tho stories aro of human intcrost nnd tho vorses about homely things and affairs. A neat book of 180 pages, woll printed, cloth bound, with fac similo of tho author and his cob pipo nnd writing ma. chino on tho cover. Tho book will bo sent postpaid on rocoipt of 75c in postage stamps, money ordors, bank drafts, silver or certified checks. O t o s 8 s 8 A GOOD CHRISTMAS PRESENT Tho author flhcorfully admits that hundreds of bettor books have been published, but insists that no othor author wants to soil his works any moro than he does. Ho wants to en jo; Christmas hlmsolf. Addross, WILL H. MAUPIN, j6iu douvu mill at., . Lincoln, Neb. O O 4 O & 0 o w "wis O !S . a.