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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
imrasygl TJ"-r Ht ?ppiPBE5SBEBpBppB3i55sSvwirwwA7 ( The Commoner. 12 - The Principles deducible from Its nri C C A A Or The Principles deducible in I he science or Money; n"y&&flg..Minodtni r -- - - ----- w .,- , Third edition; 8vo. pp. 220; ciotn, 3i. mmmNNmWWWNNNNNNNNNfo 'Tim Sntnnnn of Rfnnov." hv Aln-rnnrlnr "Dnl Mnr. M. E.. formerly Director of tbo Buroau " of Statistics of tho Uultod Statos, Mining Commissioner to tho United States Monotary Com. mission 01 jqid nna nucnor 01 Bovorni dooks concerning wiu iiruuiuua iuoiuia, puuiwuuu iu lmgo typo nud handsome drosa by tho Cumbridgo Press of New York, i n contribution to this largo nnd intricuto subjoct that demands tho closest study. It is writton in a stylo of poworful simplicity and tho originality of many of tho observations it contains on modern Bocioty as alTcctcd by monotary mechnuisms aro of .profound Intorost and convincing valuo. Takon altogether Mr. Del MarTs book is ono that no publicist and no thinker can ntTord to bo without. It payft a largo premium on perusal. Ntw YmtK Piierb. Of great valuo bocauso of its wealth of financial facts. Bostok Daily Advertiser. Tho "8clf nco of Mono?" should bo carefully, read by all who dosiro to form clear ideas upon tho subject. Financial News. Tqrao and vigorous und comos diroctly to his meaning without circumlocution. Mining World. A Work which has had for ton years considorablo circulation and prostigo as an authority ou monotary quest ions. The Review op Reviews. 'Tho Scicnco of Money " ib a work writt ton for tho Btudont and to tako a nlnco among tho classics of economic literature. the I'iiiia American. An ablo trcatiso . . . whoso conclusions will obtain gonoral acquiesonce. Tho work will bo road with intorost by those concornod in economical and monotary transactions. Mobnino Post. Tho chapter on tho ''Precession of Prices" has been pronounced by a leading critical au thority in England ns "tho finest effort of analytic faculty iu tho wholo raugo of eco nomic litoraturo." The Journal, 1'koria, III. Tho argument is briof, but singularly cloar and forciblo; tho work is ono of marked ability and strong interest. It may bo read with profit by every business man, legisla tor nnd student In n word, by everybody. Chicago Times. Tliis is u now edition of a valuablo work by a writer who has deoply and conscien tiously btudied tho subject on which ho writes. The book contains much roadablo and valuablo mattor. The Boston Commonwealth. Thoughtful porsons who havo already mado somo study of monotary questions will find this bopk worth ronding. Considering tho vast amount of literature now being turned out on tho subjoct of flnanco, this is sn'ying n good deal. Buffalo Express. It possossos considorablo valuo to studonts of economics. ... Its author has writ ten 'several othor ablo works treating of financial matters notably, a History of tho Precious Motals and of Monotary Systoms iu various Statos. . . . Tho work is of real , valuo to studonts of economics. The Call, San Francisco, Cal. . Tljoso who desire to mastor monetary questions should road Dol Mar's "Scio'nco of Monoy" onco, twico, thrjeo nyo, ovon four times, not bocauao it lacks ludiclty Erohonsivonoss, but bocauso it is a mindoponor. Elpjiinstonb V. A. Maitland in the ondon Country Gentleman. Tho morit of tho book as a comprohonsivo troatisa cannot bo doniod. London Jour nal op the Statistical Society. Send amount and copy of this advertisement to The Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., Publishers. No. 240 West 23d Street, New York City. On the Great Highway; r The Wanderings and Adventures of a Special Correspondent, By James Creelman, in his terse, vigorous,1 entertaining style. p RICE. Postage prepaid, $1.35. UBLISHED by Lathrop's Publishing Com5 pany, Boston. Send copy of this advertisement with order. .YiViYiWiY.Y.WiYiM MR. WEBSTER DAVIS' BOOK. m i m 1 This worlc is tno outcome or a visit, to tne Transvaal, made bv Mr.! 4j Webster Davis while ho was Assistant Secretary of the Interior, under j aj XULL, JU-UXVluiuj a man auuiiuisuuuvu) muu q u itouiu vrj. nuiuu UU LHU11U JUiB i relations with the Republican! party and affiliated himself with; the ppposition. Tho author vo-: hemently arraigns the British gov- i eminent for tho Transvaal war. j VYhotherthe reader agreo3 with: the author or not. ho will be inter- i ested in his presentation of the! Boor side of tho case. Milton said that truth could not suffer so long "as she was left free to combat error. The illustrations were all takon on the spot, either by Mr. Davis or by gome of his friends, and they certainly form a unique collection of South African pictures. Cloth, large octavo (6x9). 400 paces altogether: printed on coated paper, beautifully illustrated S by over eighty full-page half-tones, attractively bound. Two dollars, car :g r'iage prepaid. Send a copy of this advertisement with your ordor to 5-T'LJir ADDTV DDTCC Publishora, 114 Tifili Ave 5 I nLMDPLI I" S-fclw, New York. John Bulls Crime or Assaults on Republics WHAT WILL YOU READ THIS WINTER In these days of specialties no single publication will fill all the requirements of the average home. How to select is the question with the majority of readers, We offer here some suggestions to assist our readers in ordering their periodicals for the coming year. Our combinations , have been arranged with care, and the selections are adapted to the widest range of individual taste. Glubbing Offer Regular Trice. Thrice-a-Weok World, New York $1 00 Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga j 1 00 Farm and Home (somi-irio.), Springfield, Mass., and ; Chicago .'.".. 50 Farm, Stock and Home (semi-mo.), Minneapolis.. .' . .. 50 Farmer's Wifo, Winona, Minn ". . i 50 Practical Farmer, Philadelphia, ....." 1 00 Homo and Farm (serai-mo.,) Louisville, Ky " 50 Our Price The Commoner Included. $1 35 125 Review of Reviews. Now York ;..... 2 50 Public Opinion (new) and Cosmopolitan, New York 3 00 Arena, New York . .., ; ; , . 2 50 Literary Digest . . . '. 3 00 Success, New York .- 1 00 Household, New York -.. 1 00 Pilgrim, Battle Creek, Mich 1 00 World-Herald, Omaha 1 00 Nebraska Independent, Lincoln 1 00 The Public, Chicago 1 00 Springfield Republican, Springfield, Mass 1 00 Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio ,y 1 00 Indianapolis Sentinel, Indianapolis, Ind. ....;.. ;. ;v. ' 50 Rocky Mountain News, Denver.; 1 00 Seattle Times, Seattle, Wash 1 00 Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City (serai-weekly) ..... 1 50 New subscriptions only. The Commoner with any one of the above one year for the club n fin ps Cttr r.Xuhhlnv offer and cnmhlnatinn nffae tmtli anniir . .. - renewal subscriptions to The Commoner and all papers named, except Public Opinion. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Combination Offer NP O O in value 00 00 00 35 00 75 00 50 00 65 50 35 35 35 45 05 35 25 50 25 75 0 OUR PRICE 1 Regular Prico THE COMMONER - - - - $i oo Thrice-a-Week World - - i oo Farm and Home ----- 50 Pilgrim -------! 00 SI 1RST1TI !TinM:T?.ifV.or rpTTT?. WfYRTr. TTTOT? A I-t. - vrri- a n-rr a tutt-v- PENDENT or ATLANTA CONSTITUTION or SEATTLE TIMES may be sub stituted for THRIOE-A-WEEK WORLD in tho above combination. REVIEW OF REYIEWS or PUBLIC OPINION (new) and COSMOPOLI TAN or LITERARY DIGEST may be substituted for PILGRIM by adding il 50 to combination prico. ARENA may be substituted for PILGRIM by adding $1.00 to combination unco. HOME AND FARM or FARM, STOCK AND HOME maM -be substituted for FARM AND HOME by adding 15.conts to combination price. ! auDSLluuea Ior THE COMMONER is a weekly journal, which, while devoted in its editorial department to the discussion of political, economic and sociological questions fur nishes its readers each weok a supply of general litoraturo of the highest order Mr. Bryan's review of political events as they arise from timo to time cannot fail to interest those who sudypUblic questions, regardless of their party affiliations. THE NEW YORK WORLD is a metropolitan newspaper, giving both political and general news, and also containing serial stories and other features suited to the homo and fireside FARM AND HOME is a most excellent agricultural and family journal pub lished semi-monthly, already enjoying a circle of a million readors. ' The PILGRIM is a strictly first-class, up-to date illustrated monthly, rapidlv attaining a popularity which ranks it with the best of its kind. Tho presence on your library tablo of these four periodicals, covering in their varied features the widest range of litoraturo, will enable you to keep abreast of the best thought of the day. THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. K