The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 06, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    The Commoner.
i -
Home Department.
(Continued from Page Eight.)
tag a needle, her aunt began:
"When I was in Georgia, last Octo
ber, I saw a queer vine growing over
the porch of an old negro's cabin. It
looked like a pumpkin vine, with its
great coarse leaves, and it had green,
gourd like seed pods of fruit hanging
&11 over it. I asked the old colored man,
who was hoeing near by, about it, and
he said, in surprise: 'Lawsy me!
Didn' you neber heerd tell ob a dlsn
rag vino afore?"
"'Dishrag!' I echoed.
" 'Yes, they grows dishrags on 'em,'
he answered. Then, pulling off- one of
tha funny gourds, he cut it in two and
showed me the matted fibres inside. It
seems when these halves are dried in
the sun, that they become something
like a touglr-sponge.
"He seemed very proud of the fact
that his wife had used one for a whole
year and asked, in a tone half of pity
and half of disgust, 'Does you all hab
tor use er rag?' He was pitying ms
just as I was sorry for him! It was
too funny to see him hobble off, shak
ing his head and laughing at a white
voman who 'neber knowed nothin
bout dishrag vines!'"
"Will you bring me one next winter,
aunt?" Margie asked.
'"Do you want to wash my dishes
with it?"
"N-no. I'd rather hem cloths, I
Hove; but I'd like to try it on my doll
dishes.." Lee McCrae, in Birds and
-Healthful but Not Always Curative.
To go to the pinoy woods is a help,
hiit if one carries along the bad habits
of- food and drink that have caused
sickness, the piney woods will not
produce a recovery.
Coffee drinking caused blindness in
a Virginia gentleman, and his re
markable experience is worth read
ing. "I have been a coffee drinker
since my earliest remembrance. If I
missed qoffee at a meal it brought on
headache. This should have shown me
that I was a victim to a drug habit.
Finally, wakeful, restless nights came
on. After dinner I was always drowsy
and after sleeping would waken
stupid and morbid, and felt as though
I had been drugged, and when this,
feeling wore oft nervousness. and rest
lessness would set in until, I drugged
myself with coffee again.
At last my eyesight began to fail.
Some of the best optical specialists
agreed that I had an affliction of the
optic nervq, and after two or three
years treatment ray eyes slowly lost
their power and I became almost
I was advised to go to a pine woods
near the sea In a moat isolated place.
This I did and lived there for two
years wlthqut any visible benefit. I
gave up 9.1.1 hope of recover until last
spring a friend expressed the belief
that the coffee I drank was the cause
of all ofc my trouble. He had been a
slave to it and had been unable to find
relief until he quit and took up Postum
Food Coffee.
His experience startled mo and I de
cided to try the' change although I
had but. little faith in its merits. My
first cup of Postum proved delicious
arid was a great surprise. It waa evi
dently well made. I had not the
slightest trouble in leaving off coffee
for- the Postum filled its, place per
fectly During the past six months I have
gained in flesh, my sallow complexion
has become clear, and my eyesight
gradually improved until now r am
able to" read and. write, My. Blind is
once mora clear and active,; and I no
longer suffer from sleepleasr nervous
alalia. You can imagine I f6el grate
ful for my restoration." W. Harold
Fenton, Brighton, Va,
Tako Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druKBlBts rofund tho monoy if it fails to cure.
E. w. Grove's signaturo is on each box. 25c.
Weekly Press Forum.
(Continued from Pago Seven.)
lieve in denying rights to others which
they claim for themselves.
Tampa (Fla.) Herald: Over in Ar
kansas a big man licked a little editor
on Monday. On Wednesday tho editor
was able to hobble out again, and his
first act was to plant a bullet skilfully
into the big man who had pounded
him. And the big man was gathered
unto his fathers. Arkansas Is very
Scottsburgh (Ind.) Journal: When
you hear a man boasting that tho sil
ver Issue is dead and that the demo
cratic party Is to be reorganized, you
make no mistake in marking him as a
republican or as a gold democrat.
They are both anxious that both these
things be true. They never let an op
portunity to mention the subject pass.
Tho rea issue for 1904 will appear
in time and the democratic party will
be well organized.
Anoka (Minn.) Free Press: "Anti
Bryan" democrats had a chance to size
themselves up In tho late Ohio elec
tion. They were buried a thousand
feet under the ground. Yet they are
the kind of democrats' that make pre
tenses at being able to save the coun
try from republican misrule by lead
ing the democratic party to victory.
In reality they are the kind of demo
crats that betray the country into, tho
hands of tho enemy every time.
Macomb (111.) Eagle: Will anybody
say why men who build ships should
have subsidies or grants of money
from the treasury? Such subsidies or
grants will all go to men already rich,
for none except rich men have ship
yards or are In the shlp-bulldJng busi
ness. The farmer or the wage worker
will build no ships. Why should thoy
be taxed to increase the wealth of
those who do build them or may build
them if the treasury can be tapped
for the money?
Dyersville (la.) Commercial: Tho
money question is a vital one and will
never die, and the time will soon be at
hand when the people will bitterly
realize the utter failure of. our prescnr
monetary system. They will realize in
full capacity that the flat money issued
by the money trust is not what It
should be, and that congress had no
constitutional power to delegate to
others the right of our government
to issue currency and regulate the vol
ume of the medium of exchange.
Bolivar (Tenn.) Free Press: Tha
shipment of gold to and from this
country from time to time shows that
i,Wm. J. Bryan was right when he said
that tho republican system of finance
had made gold nothing but a commod
ity and as such it is shipped in or out
of this country whenever the money
brokers of Wall and Lombard street
can make money by such shipments.
As we have always said the brokers ia
Wall street do not want a settled and
perfect system of finances. their man
ipulations would then cease.
Doniphan (Mo.) Prospect-News: If
opposition to principles aro to be taken
as proof that the principles aro wrong,
tho first fow cycles of tho Christian
era furnish abundant testimony of tho
fallacy of the religion of the Son of
God. Wo do not believe that's true,
however; nor do wo believe two de
feats of tho principles enunciated by
the Chicago and Kansas City plat
forms aro, by any means, conclusive
evidence that those principles aro
wrong. And, most assuredly, we aro not
in favor of abandoning right prin
ciples to court popularity or to secure
political victory.
New Philadelphia (0.) Times: The
Commoner advises debating club in
school districts or in neighborhoods
to discuss leading national questions.
It Is a good suggestion and wo Jjelleve
that if properly carried out there
would bo much good wrought out.
There are many questions which peo
ple will not consider, in an unbiased
manner, during tho heated campaign,
but during the quiet of tho winter's
nights they will listen to reason and
argument. If Mr.. Bryan's suggestion
takes root we do not believe that there
will be so many advocates of the dol
lar, but we do believe that humanity
will have more defenders and that
would be a desirable result.
Dayton (Wash.) Courier-Press: The
present tariff was shaped largely ac
cording to tho demands of the Inter
ests that had furnished a reat part of
the republican campaign fnud. The
cattle trust gave more than a million
dollars to that fund on the express
condition that the duty on hides,
which had been oJS. for many years,
should be reimposed if the republicans
should gain control of all branches of
the government. The contract wa3
.carried out and a tax upon every
household and every individual in tho
land was the result. It was a mighty
good bargain for the cattle trust, and
there have been many other instances
of such deals in which the masses of
the people were the victims.
Bloomfield (Ind.) Democrat: The
people of Minnesota and North Da
kota are alarmed over the recent con
solidation of the Northern Pacific and
Great Northern into a monster trust.
They fear the huge combination was
formed for tho purpose of circumvent
ing and overriding the state laws and
they are calling upon the governors of
those states to convene the legislatures
and pass laws forbidding corpora
tions, chartered In New Jersey and
other states from doing business In
their jurisdictions unless legally au
thorized under tho laws of those states.
We are afraid it Is too late, dear peo
ple of Minnesota and North Dakota.
You have sinned away your day of
grace. The time to have acted was
In 1896, when Bryan was a candidate
for president. Then you could have
done something effective by putting in
power men who were In sympathy
with the people and whoso efforts
would have been directed to destroy
ing tho trusts or preventing them from
springing up and swallowing up the.
country. But you voted to put in
power th,e friends of the trusts and
you are getting Just what you voted
for. You have no right to kick. You
must take your medicine.
Why is it that the firstborn child Is so
often the healthiest of a family of chil
dren? The reason seems to suggest it
self. As child follows child the mother
has less and leas vitality ; often not
enough for herself and none, therefore,
for her child.
Expectant mothers who use Doctor
Pirrrt'n "Pnvrrif Vrt- n.
scription find that it
keeps them in vigor
ous health. They eat
well, sleep well and
are not nervous.
When baby comes its
advent is practically
painless, and the
mother is made han-
y by the birth of a
icalthy child. If you
would be a healthy
mothqr of healthy
children use "Favor
ite Prescription."
MI will be very glad to
say a few words for Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prcscrip
tion," writes Mrs. P. 9.
Douglas, of Mansonville,
Bromc Co., Quebec. Dur
ing the first four months,
when I looked forward to
becoming a mother, I Buf
fered very much from nau
sea ami vomiting, and I
felt so terribly sick I could
scarcely cat or unnic any
thing. I hntcd all kinds
of food. At this time l'
wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he told me to get his
'Favorite Prescription ana a bottle ot "Golden
Medical Discovery.' I got, a bottle of each, and
when I had taken them a few days, I felt much
better, and when I had taken hardly three parts
of each bottle I felt well and could cat as well as
any one. and could do my work without any
trouble (I could not do anything before). I feel
very thankful to Dr. Pierce for his medicine,
and I tell all who tell me they are sick, to get
these medicines, or write to Dr. Pierce,"
Those who suffer from chronic dis
eases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce,
by letter, free. All correspondence
strictly private. Address Dr. R. V.,
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Piercers Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick headache.
The strongest animals exist entire
ly on vegetable food. It is the ferocity
of the lion rather than his strength
that makes him formidable. An ele
phant is a match for several llora
and Is a vegetarian. The animals with
most speed and endurance the horse,,
the reindeer and the antelope are also
vegetarians. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
American Presidents.
Two presidents of the United State3
were elected by the whig party during
the twenty-five years of Its existence as
an organization. These were William
Henry Harrison and' Zachary Taylor.
Both died in office. The republican
party, which succeeded the whig
party, has elected in forty-one yeans
six presidents Lincoln, Grant, Hay&v
Garfield, Harrison and McKlnley.
Three of these Lincoln, Garfield and -McKniley
were assassinated. This Js
a startling and a tragic record. Ther
democratic party Joaa been in exist- t
ence 11Q years. During half that per
iod it has been in power in the nation.
It elected nlno presidents of the
United States Messrs. Jefferson, Mad
ison, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren,
Pjlk, Pierce, Buchanan and Cleveland.
Five of these, namely, Jefferson, Madi
son, Monroe, Jackson and Cleveland,
served two terms each. Ot the entir
nine democratic presidents elected in
110 years not one died in office. It 13
worthy of note also that the only er
presldent living ia a democrat. Bos
ton Republic.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
A. qaiclr, safe, and" rare ralieLfor sicker ner
vous Headache, Backache, Stomach Pa inn,
Neuralgia, Nerronsaesfl, Irritability, Sleple
Bts, Sbeumatiiia, Sciatica. Coat a in bo opfam.
or Mrpkia, and. taurat no bad af Ur-rfwtti,,
25 doses 25c. At druggists.