mwmm Hill i ill The Commoner. The Commoner., ISSUED WEEKLY. Terms Payable In Advance. Cue Year , ;; $1.09 fix Months , , . .so Thrcq Mentha r...., a5 ffcgk CopyAt Ncwstsnds or at Ihis Of (Ice 05 Sample Copies Free. No Traveling Canvassers are Employed. Subscriptions can be sent direct to The Com moner. They cnu also be sent through newspapers, which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through local agents where such agents have been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice order, express order or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or money. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, bf cccoud class mail matter. IM ! - l I 11 1 IIIM.MM - 1 1 1 1 1 1 ib I .1 f in r RENEWALS Tho date on your wrapper shows when your subscription will cxpc. Thus, Jan, 02 moans that- pay ment has been recoivodto and including tho last issue of Jan uary, 1P02. Two weeks are required after money is rccoived before thedato of tho wroppor can bo changed. CHANGE OP ADDRESS-Subscribers requesting a chango, inaddross must give the OLD as woll as the NEW ad-dress. Senator, Quay has printed a book and In. tho. introductory declares that Pennsylvania republi can eaders,aro honest. The Pennsylvania repub lican leaders will now hasten to return the com- ' . ' pliment. The president's, message, will bo discussed in next we.?k's issue. wvs The Congressional Record, contains, what they ear publicly,, Out the committee room does not talk., The; "negro problem' continues to bo settled In the- north, where there is. no negro problem to- speak of. ; ' f. K'l- ' (The repprts from NewTfqrV; are t,.t)ae effect . that 'the "reformers" have, quite an appetite for "pie." Of course. Attorney General Knox will not. ofll- daily- know of the great railroad combine until it is perfected. If. Governor Van Sant's performance is, up, to his, advance notices he will soon become a target f ok' the, financiers. By carefully refraining from sending supplies .to her troops Great Britain, may in time starve, the Boers into subjection. It is gratifying to note that President Rooae veit, has "the interests of the west at heart."- But the announcement has. a familiar Sound. Having- been compelled to. back-track on, hia. canal' proposition, Mr. Hay is now offering; anr other treaty and, waiting for the applause, If it. is true as stated, that many of the, pop ular novels are the results of dreams had by the authors,, insomnia must be terribly prevalent In literary circles., Tho Ohio, "reorganized are experiencing, a, deqidedly RuhUnish, feeling as they read the com ments of tho loyal democratic, press, and. think, sadly o the returns. The kind' of reciprocity most favored by tho republican leaders is most noticeable abqut tho tim.e the. trusts make campaign contributions and., receive promises in return., If it can be so arranged that the republican national committee will have- the selection of, their. United. States senators there will be ixp trouble in. Becuring statehood for Arizona and New Mexico. President Roosevelt promised to carry out the policy of his predecessor, but there is danger that tho protectionists and. manufacturers will scare, him . away from the president's reciprocity sug gestions. - While Mr.. Roosevelt was making his Labor Day speech in Minneapolis a gentleman of St. Paul was busy perfecting the greatest railway combine, ever planned. President Roosevelt should send a: marked copy to Mr. Hill. There being no elections in sight tho osteemod' . Chicago Tribune feels privileged to oppose certain: administration policies,, notably the. asset, cur rency scheme. It will be. different when a cam paign opens. wys Governor Savage gives as a reason for not" joining with. Governor Van Sant in fighting- the railroad combine that "the railroads of Nebraska, are fighting for business." Governor Savage, how over, fails to mention the objects of attack. But the shippers knqw. wys The rumov that an effort will bo made to per fect the civil service law during the coming, ses sion of congress, recalls-the fact that the. politicians have invariably profited by republican tinkering with the civil service Taw yw The Irish, envoys, John. B. Redman, P. A. McHugh and: Thomas O'Donnell,, all members of: parliament," are receiving1 a cordial welcome In the United States. They are here, to present Ire land's side of, the, ancient struggle, for home ruje,, and they talk to sympathetic audiences. The constituency of Galloway has, elected to. the British parliament Colonel. Arthur Lynch, a.a Irishman temporarily residing in Paris, who has taken an active part on the Boer sideof the war Ini South Africa. This would, indicate that there; is, somp, anti-imperialistic sentiment in. the British, isles., y An administration organ tells about the "sav ages" in Samar and" then, expresses tho opinion that they wore spurred. tQ renewed hostility b reading the accounts of McKlnley's- assassination; and conceiving the idea that it "was the result of a revolution.1 in the- Ufcited States." Savages, who. read are a, new product of imperialism., It looks as. if reciprocity would bo side-tracks by the tariff barons. For a great many years the. beneficiaries of protection have been able to. silence all tariff reform, sentiment in, the republican party with' the threat that any attack upon the system, would- jeopardize, t;he entire structure. It is, mo old, doctrine, of- "hang together or hang separ ately." , The Montreal" bparfl. of health is convinced that thq death rate among, children, has been increased, by child' insurance, and it recommends that in the future no insurance be allowed on. a. child's life until it, has. reached, the, age of ten. years, it. is a sad commentary on. our b.oastedr civilization; that . parents sho.uld be suspected of hastening the death of their- children in order to secure insurances The. gold papers are. stUl asserting that, the gold price of silver fell because of overproduction. Such papers purposely ignore the effect that; leg; islatlon has had in decreasing tlte de7nana and,, therefor, the price If the over-production, of silver as compared! with gold caused the gold price of silver to fall, the over-production of gold ought, by'the same reasoning, to cause the gold price of silver to rise. The fact that the. enormous increase in the production of gold has not caused a material rise in the price of silver shows that the gap between the price of gold an. silver was. not caused by natural laws, but by legislation. The Nejw York Sun prints a story to the effect that Russia has hidden away five billions of gold an amount equal to all the gold coined in existence as shown by the records of the various countries. The readers of The Commoner need not be alarmed, however, because the financiers would clamor for tho demonetization of gold if this amount of the pre-ious metal was thrown upoi the world's market. The Akron Democrat one of the most ably edited as well as one of the most faithful of the democratic papers effectively answers those who try to hold the silver democrats responsible fcr the defeat in Ohio. It points out that those who persuaded the state convention to ignore the party creed, and not those who still adhere to democratic principles, are to blame for the poor showing made by the democratic tioket. XXXS The Oregonian of Portland says: "With att his pitiful display of tawdry, shallow, meretrict- ous, calamity-howling and calamity-provoking: 'oratory' and- 'eloquence,' Bryan may have had his uses. Let us be thankful, accordingly, for him, and especially for his exit." The foregoing para-. graph is reproduced that the readers of The Com moner may understand the high-plane upon which tho republicans conduct their controversy with; the advocates of the Kansas City platform. XXX A committee composed of John S. Prather (box. 512, Atlanta, Ga.,) and others, has recentlyr published an interesting work entitled' ,N'CaihA" paigns of Wheeler and His Cavalry." The' mdhx- ' script was prepared by members of General Wheel er's staff' and presented by the general to Camp A,, which will receive all tho profits on the publication over and above actual cost. This notice is pub lished for the benefit, of readers of The Commoner who served with General Wheeler or are interests! in that particular part of the war. The Philadelphia North American (Mr. Wana maker's newspaper) is likely to be .accused of: violating the privileges accorded to the press. It; says: "If Bmma Goldman's connection with Czolgosz's crime should be proved to be one hundredth part as intimate as was Mayor Ash bridge's with the theft of Philadelphia streets, she could, not, escape tho electrical chair;" Such, frank- ness on the part of tho. North American is likely to make the Philadelphia republicans clamor for some- limitation upon the press. Comptroller Dawes of Illinois, in his. canvasa f or the senatorship, has reached- a point in his cam paign where he finds it necessary to. discuss, tho money question, and he boldly indorses the quan titative theory of money which the, republicans ridiculed in 1896. He says "the factors which de termine the range of prices are supply and demandi and in ascertaining our money supply we must: consider those different, credit substitutes tor money which circulate on a par with government monoy." When, he' gets a little farther along, in the study of the question hq will recognize that standard money is quite, different from "substitutes, fon money," for while tho substitutes circulate well enough when every thing is running smoothly their value is. impaired. In a panic. The republic can, party is lessening the volume o real money and increasing the volume of substitutes for-, money. The folly of its policy will be apparent, when an industrial crisis ,comes. - ,