8 The Commoner. The Home Department. Tubal Cain. By Cbai&kb Maokht. Old Tubal Cain was a man of might, In the days when the earth was young, By the fierce red light of his furnace bright . t The strokes of his hammer rung; And' ho lifted high his brawny hand On the iron glowing clear, Till the sparks rushed out in scarlet showers, As he fashioned the sword and spear. And ho sang, "Hurrah for my handi work! Hurrah for the spear and sword! Hurah for the hand that shall wield them well, For he shall bo king and lord." To Tubal Cain came many a one, As ho wrought by his roaring lire, And each one prayed for a strong steel blade As the crown of his desire; And he made them weapons sharp and, strong, Till they shouted loud for glee, And gave him gifts of pearl and gold, And spoils of the forest free. And they sang, "Hurrah for Tubal Cain, Who hath given us strongth anew! Hurrah for the smith, hurrah for the And hurrah -for th;metaltrue.V - But a sudden change came o'er his heart '", ,L , Ere the setting ok the sun. And Tubal Cain was filled with pain For the evil he had done; He saw that men, with rage and hate Made war uppn their kind, . That the land was red with the blood they shed In their lust for carnage blind. And he said, "Alas that I ever made, Or that skill of mine should plan The spear and tho swora 'for men whose joy is to slay their fellow-man." Hung the sword in the hall, the spear on the wall, And plowed the willing lands; And sang, "Hurrah for Tubal Cain! Our staunch good friend is ho; And for the plowshare and the plow To him our praise shall be. But while oppression lifts Its head, Or a tyrant would bo lord, Though wo may thank him for the plow, We'll not forget the sword!" Indoor Games No. t. First In the list stands "Jenkins." Why so named, nobody knows. The players sit around a bare table, and ate divided Into two sides. Ono group hands about, below the table top, a silver quarter or 60-cent piece, Tilding their motions from their opponents until the latter say, "Hands up," when those who aro in the first group place their elbows on the table,vwith clench ed hands in the air. At the words, "Hands down," all drop their out spread hands upon the table with a re- sounding slap, so that the noise of the coin striking is covered. Then the opponents consult together and tell different players to raise their hands, the object being to guess correctly who has the coin. If the guesses fail, they lose their turn with hiding the money. This game seemed never to lose inter est among the children, and waa fre quently played. yolks light; stir flour with a little milk, then fill up with milk and pour into yolks. Beat whites very stiff; pour yolks into whites and mix very little. Have pan with butter very hot, pour omelet in, and when set remove and fold as you put on the platter. ' Fried Cake: One cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup sweet milk, 4 tablespoons melted lard, 1 teaspoon vanilla and a little salt. Beat sugar, egg and lard to gether, then add milk and vanilla. Stir well as for cake, then add flour with 2 teaspoons baking powder. Scir stiff to roll, cut with cake cutter, and fry in boiling lard. Soft Molasses Cake: Two cups mo lasses, cup shortening, 1 cup sour milk, 2 teaspoons soda sifted with the flour, ginger and a little salt. Do not stir stiff. Coffee Cake: One cup sugar, 1 sup molasses, 1 cup coffee, prepared as to: the table, 1 cup butter, 5 cups flour, 1 cup raisins, stoned and chopped, and 1 teaspoon soda. Spice with cloves and cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of each, Farm and Home. and must be applied often is as 'fol lows: To 1 ounce of white wax, 1 of yellow wax, half an ounce of linseed oil and a quarter of an ounce of pow dered borax, add 1 pint of boiling wa ter and melt the mixture over the fire. Turpentine 'is good for cleansing em bossed leather and should be applied with a soft cloth. It will stiffen the leather somewhat, but that can bo made pliable again by rubbing with crude oil. After the oil has been ap plied rub over the surface carefully with a clean cloth, thus removing all traces of the grease. Sunny South. Mri. tVinalow'a Soothing: Syrup. Has boon used for oror sixty eaks by tav- IilONS Of MOTIIBBB for Uioir CHILDKKM WniLH THKTHINO, With FEKFRCT SUCCESS. It SOOTI1KS the CniLD, SOFTENS the GUMS, AMATS allPAIN, cubes wind colio, ana is tiio best remedy for diarkbosa. Sold by Dramrists 1b ivory part of the -world. Bo sura and ask for "Mrs. wlnslow's ' Soothing Syrup," and tako no other kind. Twen ty-live cents a Dottle. It is the best of all. the And for many a day old Tubal Cain Sat brooding o'er his woe; And hia hand- forbore, to smite the ore And his furnace smoldered low. Bfut he rose at last with a cheerful face And a bright courageous eye, And bared his strong right arm for work, B' Whilft tho nn1o.Tr flamoa mminfp.rl high; And he sang, "Hurrah for my handi craft!" And. the red sparks lit the air; "Not alone for the blade was the bright steel made' And he fashioned the first plowshare. And -menr taught wisdom t ronr- the past, ' . In friendship jolried their hands, Apple Puffs. When apples are not of first quality, wash them, cut out bad places, quar ter, and core. Cook with a few slices of lemon in just enough water to pro vent burning, 'then sift through a "fine wire strainer, which will retain the peel and hard pieces. , Sweetened to taste. If preferred, omit the lemon and when adding the sugar stir in a few caraway seeds, justas your great grandmother did when she made sauce from thex small, sour fruifc which was the only apple known in her day. This inferior natural fruit formed an im portant part of her winter's supply of min.ee jpies, but did not keep all win ter as the perfected fruit now does. Make a nice paste from two cups of pastry flour, one-quarter level tea spoon of salt, a level teaspoon of bak ing powder, one-quarter cup each of butter and lard, and cold water to mix hard. Roll out as thin as for pies and cut in rounds by inverting a saucer on the paste and running a pastry Jag ger round, dipping it occasionally la flour to prevent sticking. Put a spoonful of the seasoned apple on one half of the round and cut three gashes in the other. Moisten the edges with cold water, fold over, and pinch to gether. Brush over with beaten egg. and bake quickly. Serve fresh. -Alice B. Whltaker, in Chicago Inter-Ocean. Short Rules For Long: Comforts. Put self last. Be prompt at every meal. Take little annoyances out of way. "When good comes to any one, re joice. When anyone suffers speak a word of sympathy. Tell neither of your own faults nor those of others. j Have a place for everything, and everything in its place. -Hide your own troublesybut- watch to help others out of theirs. Never interrupt any conversation, but watch patiently your turn to speak. Look- for beauty in everything, and, take a cheerful view of every event. Carefully clean the snow and mud from your feet on entering the house. Always speak politely and kindly to servants. When inclined to give an angry an swer press your lips, together and say the alphabet. When pained by an unkind word or deed ask, yourself, "Have I never dope an ill and desired forgiveness.r-Soldier and Servant. Don't bo Afraid to Work. One thing that keeps young men down is their fear of work. They aim to find genteel occupations, so they can dress well, and not soil their clothes and handle things with tho tips of their fingers. They do not like to get their shoulders under the wheel and they prefer to give orders to others or figure as masters and let someone else do the "drudgery. There is no doubt that indolence and lazineW are' the chief obstacles to success. When we see a boy, who has just secured a position, take hold of ev erything With" both hands and "jump right into hiswork," as if he meant to succeed, we have confidence that he will prosper. But, if he. stands around, and asks questions whenf told . to dc anything; if he tells you that ,this or that belongs to some other boy to do, for it is not his work; if he does not try to carry out his orders in the cor rect way; if he wants a thousand, ex planations when asked to run n er (Continued on Pago Nine.) ' STOPS THE COUGH And Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quiniaa Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay Price 25 centsu New Ways for Old Dishes. Omelet: One egg for each person. Ono cup milk to 5 eggs; 1 large table spoon flour and a pinch salt. Beat Hints to the Wise. When you wish to use glass bottles Which have contained oil for some other purpose and find it difficult to remove traces of the oil, try the fol lowing: Fill the bottle with ashes and place it in cold water, which should be heated gradually till it boils. Let it boll for an hour and let the bottle re main in the water until cold. Then wash it with soap-suds, rinsing in clear water. A polish that will bring back the original lustre to shabby-looking fur niture is made as follows: Take 4 ounces of shellac, 2 pints of linseed oU and 1 pint of turpentine. Mix to gether and add 4 ounces of ammonia. Shake well and apply with a sponge. A French polish Is made from six ounces of shellac dissolved in a pint of wood naphtha and .a quarter of a pint of linseed oil Another polish that will keep well HORSIS BUCKED Rider Sovorely Hurt A Cincinnati man visiting in, Texas, on a ranch, was thrown from a horao and so severely injured that his life was despaired of. He takes pride n telling how food saved his life. Tho heavy drugs given seriously injured his stomach and as he says "It seemed I would soon have to starve in tho midst of plenty. My stomach refused to digest food and I ran down from 165 to 133 pounds. When my appe-. tite failed I was ready to give up, and It looked as though I -would soon' 'wink out. Ono morning the foreman's daugh ter brought In what she called a splendid food and it turned out to be Grape-Nuts. A little skeptical,. I ato It and found it was good, and just tho kind of food I could keep on my stom ach which had been almost burned out by the vile drugs. I felt that I had obtained a hew lease, of life for improvement set in at once. A week later I was weigh id and had gained two pounds. My weight has .since steadily increased by the constant use of Grape-Tuts) and I am now better than I have beeii. in years, as my friends will all testify. - In all kinds of athletic sportsrno tice I have a greater reserve force' than formerly, for which I am in debted to Grape-Nuts. Taken in mod eration it Is the greatest food of its kind in the world, being equally woll adapted to athletes and invalid.". Paul Alwin Platz, 1906 Biglow Avo.f Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O,