The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 29, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner,
Tenas Payable In Advance.
One Year $i.e
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lIeCop7 At NcTvitHrfert this Office o
Sample Copies Free.
No Traveling Canvasser are Employed;
Subscription can be sent direct to Th Com
moner. They can also be sent through newspapers
which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through
local agents "where such agents have been ap-
pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice
order, express order or by bank draft on New York or
Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or
Advertising rates furnished upon application.
Address all communications to
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska,
s tecond class mail matter.
RENEWALS The date on your wrapper ekowflwhen
your subscription will expire. Thus, Jan, 02 meant that pay
meat has been rocoi-vod to and including the last Issue of Jan
uary, 1802. Two Vreolcs are required after money la received
before thedato of tho wrapper can be changed.
CHANGE OP ADDREBS-Subscribera requesting a
change in address must givo the OLD as wollas the NEW address.
Tho Ohio reorganizes seem to have executed
a regular Gathmann gun finish.
If a judge can imprison all who criticise his de
cisions he need not pay much attention to the
' The Hartford Courant is 137 years old so old
tluit it Is forgetful of many principles it once es
poused. " '" "' ' ' - ' .
Professor Rhulln doubtless feels muchlike 'a
reciprocity treaty aftei'Vbout with a lot' of tariff
It seems that some republicans are In favor
of Reform only when it results in getting them
into connection with the pie counter.
Joseph Chamberlain Is putting the screws to
the' British taxpayer. But Joseph manufacturers
screws to saw nothing of small arms.
The New York Weekly Tribune will be an
agricultural paper in the. future, save wnen it neg
lects agricultural topics to wave the bloody shirt.
That hilarious sound floating in from the di
rection of Washington may be. the result of
Ehilander Knox reading a certain Minneapolis,
. President .Roosevelt should not carry his antl-;
docking crusade to extremes. He would alienate
spme. influential personages if he were to' dock a
few trusts.
The successful Gathmann gun, the Freeman
Wllklns nuptials and republican revision of 'the.
tariff appear to be eventualities of the dim and
distant future.
Fuak & Wagnalls Co., New York, have recent
ly, published a worlc by Mr. Upton St. Clair, en
titled King Midas, which is receiving very com
plimentary mention at the hands of tho press.
Frank A. Munsey has purchased the Washing
ton Times. It Is to be hoped that the former
owner, Mr. Hutchlns, will get back Into loumni-
istlc work somewhere. His energy and long ex-r
erienc ought not .to be lost to the newspaper
The Commoner.
Republican organs are making sport of The
Commoner's suggestion that debating clubs should
bo organized throughout tho country. This is
perf ectly natural. If there is anything a republi
can editor fights shy of it is an honest discussion.
The Chicago American charges Judge Elbridgo
Hanecy of Chicago with having changed his name
from Patrick Hennessy, and offers to prove it by
the brother and sister of the judge. This is al
most as contemptuous as to charge him with being
the tool of the gas trust.
The Farm, Stock and Home, of Minneapolis,
Minn.-, makes a wise remark when it says that we
wouldn't feel so puffed up about the size of our
exports if we stopped to consider how large a part
of those exports goes to pay dividends on our own
watered stocks held abroad.
Tho republican organs that protested so stren
uously when southern newspapers condemned
President Roosevelt for dining with Booker T.
Washington should take cognizance of the fact that
a Boston barber refused to shave. a negro. In
Boston, too; right under the shadow of Bunker
The proposed tariff commission will serve a
two-fold purpose it will make places for a few
political favorites at goodly salaries, but more
than that, it will give congress an excuse for
rcstponing action on a reform demanded by the
people and opposed by the beneficiaries of the
The Medical World of Philadelphia has intro
duced a department for the discussion of public
questions from the standpoint of the physician
and tho citizen. In a recent issue It discussed
anarchy, the Philippine question and free speech,
and discussed them both patriotically and intel
ligently. A reader of The Commoner is anxious to find
the whereabouts of Joseph Page. He is supposed
to be in one of the western states, but has not
been heard of for twelve years. Any person hav
ing Information concerning bim will please com
municate with Virgil Page, Koleen, Green county,
Brother Watterson's destiny doctrine seems
to have a reversable attachment He Is not will
' hg to accept the president's action in the Booker
Washington case as a final decree of Providence.
Is it possible that destiny must have the initials
of the Courier-Journal's editor blown, in the .bottle
in order to be genuine?
The growth of organization among the labor
ing men is shown by the fact that the costume
cutters of Chicago began. an organization about
six months ago and now their organization In
cludes four-fifths of the men in that trade In the
city. One of tho objects of the organization is to
avoid strikes by promoting arbitration.
Wanted The name and address (to be fur
nished by himself) of every travelling man in the
United States who believes In democratic prin
ciples as set forth in tho Kansas City platform.
Readers of The Commoner will confer a favor on
tho editor by bringing this item to the notice of
travelling men who are not subscribers.
The Daily Democrat of Johnstown, Pa., Is con
gratulating itself on the democratic victory won
in Cambria county. While It is not always easy
in politics to trace the result to a particular cause,
it Is certain that the Daily Democrat has been giv
ing its readers good and substantial reasons for
voting th democratic ticket, and has doubtless
had a considerable influence In the moulding of
public opinion in that part of the country.
The result In Ohio was not due to the thh
popularity of the candidate for governor; it was
due to the fact that even so good a man as Mr.
Kilbourne could, not overcome the indignation
aroused by a convention which tried to bring back
the. bolting democrats by abandoning the national
A citizen of lake City, la., has recently learned
a lesson on tho tariff question. She received from
relatives in Europe some home-made souvenirs,
upon which the duty and other charges amounted
to considerably more than the articles were worth.
She has had an insight into the beauty of a high
tariff system which it is impossible to get except
through experience.
In 1900 1,040,000 votes were polled in Ohio.
This year S40.000 votes were polled a falling off
of 200,000 votes since last year. At the guberna
torial election in 1899, 920,000 votes were polled
CO.O0O votes more than were polled this year. If
the democratic ticket had polled as many votes
this year, with the Kansas City platform elimi
nated, as it polled in 1899, when the Chicago plat
form was reaffirmed, the reorganizes would be re
joicing. In 1900 the presidential tickets received the
following vote in Maryland: McKinley and
Roosevelt, 136,185; Bryan and Stevenson, 122,238.
This year Herring, democratic candidate for comp
troller, received 91,040; Platte, republican, 90,587.
For clerk of court of appeals, Turner, democrat,
received 90,490; Parron, republican, 90,634. It will
bo seen that the democratic state ticket, running
on state issues, polled thirty-one thousand votes
less than the democratic national ticket polled
last year when the Kansas City platform was in
issue. And yet this-is claimed as a victory for
the reorganizers. It seems that the greater tho
falling off in the democratic vote',, the greater tho
victory for the reorganizers. iir
The American Economist reproduces with ap
parent approval an editorial from the Camden
(N. J.) Telegram opposing a reduction of the
tariff on steel rails. The reason given is that
"since the very discussion of tho subject, to say
nothing of legislation upon it, would cause an in
dustrial disturbance, ( it-is clearly In the interests
of prosperity and business stability to let the
tariff remain on steel rails, although, strictly
speaking, it is no longer necessary to tho indus
try." So it seems that the tariff queBJon cannot
be discussed without disturbing business. The
same argument was nsed against the discussion
of the money question, and will doubtless be nsed
against the discussion of the trust question. When
corporations get -wbat they want they not only
want to be left alone, but they do not want tho
subject discussed. Why not make anti-anarchy
laws broad enough, to punisb anybody who sug
gests a reduction of the tariff?
A reader of The Commoner Inquires what
qualities the mayor of a municipality should pos
sess. A mayor Is an executive officer, and should
have executive ability, which may be described as
the ability to organize and perform work by tho
employment of the most systematic, thorough and
economical means. He should also be a man of
Integrity, and by that is meant that he should not
only bo able to resist the temptations which como
in a multitude of forms, but should Iiave an hon
est purpose to administer his office as a public
trust. He should have moral courage a quality
less common than ability and Integrity to do his
duty according to his judgment, regardless qf the
threats of enemies or the persuasion of friend's.
The municipal government of a city of any con
siderable size offers great and honorable opportun
ities for men who desfre to see the government ad
ministered In such a way as to protect the equal
rights of all and give special privileges to none.