MB ffj I 13 The Commoner. 4V WHAT WILL YOU READ THIS WINTER In these days of specialties no single publication will iill all the requirements of the average home. How to select is the question with the majority of readers, We offer here some suggestions to assist our readers in ordering their periodicals for the coming year, Our combinations have been arranged with care, and the selections are adapted to the widest range of indiv'dual taste. f VMX i , . " s ' &T H !) 1 1 K' ! r 'IU ti Clubbing Offer Beul ar Price. 91 00 1 00 Our Price The Commoner Included. $135 1 25 Thrice-a-Week World, Now York Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga Farm and Hdme (semi-mo.), Springfield, Mass,, and Chicago Farm, Stock and Homo (somi.mo.), Minneapolis Home and Farm (semi-mo.,) Louisvillo, Ky Roviow of Reviews. Now York :... Public Opinion (new) and Cosmopolitan, New York Arena, Now York Literary Digest Success, Now York . . . . ; Household, Now York ;,. Pilgrim, JBattlo Crook, Mich ....;.. World-Herald, Omaha ? Nebraska Independent, Lincoln ','.,... Springfield Republican, Springfield, Mass Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Indianapolis Sentinel, Indianapolis, Ind Rocky MountainNews, Denver Seattle Times, So'attlo, Wash. ; Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City (semi-weekly) New subscriptions only. The Commoner with any one of the above one year for the club price. Our clubbing offer and combination offer both apply to new or renewal subscriptions to The Commoner and all papers namedrexcept Public Opinion. 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 50 50 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 75 00 50 00 65 50 00 35 35 65 35 25 50 125 1 75 THE COMMONER -Thrice-a-Weck World Farm and Homo - - Pilgrim Combination Offer NP O.O IH Vfu Regular Price - - $1 oo - I 00 50 i oo J OUR PRICE, $9 SUBSTITUTIONS TMt.hr THP. wrati.nnuD r.r. tt . 1 nnn PENDEp or ATLANTA CONSTITUTION oFsBATTLB TIRES may bo But ZES$L DIGEST may b6 &wS2MlS82 gSffiSs o3811 m0y b sub3titut0d MLGBIM by adding $1.00 to combination iMSnmm SS-' AVrM' Bf PK AND H0ME may be substituted for iM AND HOME by adding 15 cents to combination price. FARM a TP COMMONER ? a weekly journal, which, while devoted in its editorial &i mS? th dls,?ussion of P tica; economic and sociological questions ur Mr ffl8d0'8 ea(? 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Money, Trusts and Imperialism, the latest book by W. H. Harvey, author of Coin's Fi- t nanoial School, the most entertaining and instructive book by this author, containing a world of information. It should be in every family library, and read and studied by young and old alike. 184 pages, paper bound, 25 cents. , In Cloth, $1.00. Other Books by the Same Author. & o Coin's Financial School, 150 pages, in cloth only, $1.00' A Tale of Two Nations, 302 pages, in cloth only, $1.00 Coin's Financial School, and Coin's Financial School Up-to-Date, The latter an answer to the critics of Coin's Financial School, both bound in ono Tolume. In cloth only ... $2. OO The Great Debate, between Roswell Q. Hoar and Mr. Har vey, 535 pages, in cloth only .... $2.00 Sent by mail postpaid on receipt of the price in checks, bank drafts, P: O. or ex press orders, or in postage stamps. Adte C0IN puBiSHING CO., $ Mention The Commoner wben sending for any of the books adrertised above. ftVVWWiVWWAWi MR. 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