The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 22, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    The Commoner.
Home Department.
(Continued from Page Eight.)
that up-to-date railroad managers are
always ready to pay handsomely for
bright ideas.
When bridal couples visit San .Fran
cisco they always go to the Cliff
House and watch the sea lions.
We did.
In San Francisco bridal couples al
ways visit Chinatown and eat at a
Chinese restaurant.
We did.
In short, we did what bridal couples
have been doing ever since- the insti
tution of marriage was founded, and
..we enjoyed it all just as much as if
we had been married only two weeks
instead of five years. Come to think of
it, I believe we enjoyed it all the more
for having waited five years.
The trip home was as interesting as
the trip out. The sights we missed
going we found returning. We sat
in our section of the palatial sleeper
and watched by the hour the grandest
scenery ever- spread before human
eyes. It was just like sitting at one's
front window and watching the world
go rushing by, mountain peak fol
lowed by bottomless canon, and bot
tomless canon followed by glimpses
of an ever-changing sky.
"Isn't it glorious?" whispered Dor
othy, leaning toward me.
For answer I slipped my arm about
her waist and looked around to see if
anybody was watching. I didn't see
anybody looking, so I squeezed her
hard and gave her a kiss.
s Actually, I -had forgotten that was
a staid married man and. the father of
a girl big enough to run to the gate
and meet me every evening.
It takes a genuine genius to devise
a scheme that will make a married
man of five years standing forget that
his wife has been his companion that
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I KHVfln
love is unecfually
VB Iabor is lightened by
. vl 1ovp. Hut Invp ran tint
I-- . , -. ....
lighten pain or relieve
it. Many a man looks
on at his wife's suffering
willing to uo anyuung
to aid her and able to do
bometimes, however,
the husband's attention is directed to
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and
its remarkable cures of womanly dis
eases. He may not have much hope of
a cure, but he is led to try the medicine,
with the result that in almost every case
there is a perfect and permanent cure.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
irregularity. It dries the drains which
weaken women, heals inflammation and
ulceration, and cures female weakness.
As a tonic for women who are nervous,
sleepless, worn-out and run-down "Fa
vorite Prescription" is unqcmaled.
"In answer to your letter I will say, my wife
commenced to complain twenty years ago."
writes i.ewis A. Miller, ex'Chierof-l'olice, of 33
Prospect St., Weissport, Pa. We have tried Hie
skill of twelve different doctors. She look gal
lons of medicine during the time she was ill,
until I wrote to you and you told us what to do.
She has taken eight bottles of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription and six of the 'Golden Med
ical Discovery.' S'lecau do her own work now
and can walk around again and is quite smart."
Favorite Prescription " has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved sub
stitute in its place. '
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigor
ate stomach, liver and bowels.
many years and appear to him as the
bride of yesterday.
But, as I remarked in the beginning,
Dorothy is a genius.
It was not until the grand agricul
tural section of Nebraska began to
glide by the car windows that we re
called the truth. As we saw the stacked
wheat and the nodding corn of the
Nebraska fields we began to realize
that it was a belated bridal tour, Up
to that time the miles were reeled off
too rapidly. Now they seemed to be
slower than molasses in January.
We wanted to get home, for there
was waiting for us a golden-haired
little girl whose lisping tongue could
say "papa" and "mama" in sweetest
I had telegraphed ahead, so the lit
tle one was at the house when we got
there. But with our arrival at the
house the bridal tour ceased, and what
followed is of no public interest. Even
if. it had been it was none of the pub
lic's business.
"Well, was my scheme a success?"
asked Dorothy as she donned a wrap
per and started for the kitchen.
This time I did not have to look
around to see if anybody was watch
ing. I just grabbed her and the golden-haired
daughter and waltzed them
around the room.
"Was it a success?" I exclaimed.
"Dorothy, we'll take another bridal
tour on our tenth anniversary, and
we'll go over the same route. And
next time we'll take the whole family."
And we'll do it, too, God willing.
-W. M. M.
Litttfe Household Helps.
A variation of baked apples has the
somewhat fanciful name of "apples
on the half-shell. ' Slices of bread are
cut into rounds (the cover of a half
pound baking powder can makes a
good size), buttered, and put in a bak
ing pan. Pare and core some large,
good apples, cut them crosswise Into
inch-thick slices, put one on each side
of bread, dust with granulated sugar,
and put in hot oven. Bake twenty
minutes, and serve with plain or
whipped cream.
A little powdered pumice-stone will
remove the ring of discoloration in a
flower vase that does not yield to rins
ing with ammonia water. If out of
reach of the fingers and it is an evi
dence of the "total depravity of inani
mate things" that these rings gener
ally are the powder may be applied
with a damp cloth tied to the end of
a little stick.
The mechanical skill that has devel
oped the trolley system has not dis
dained to lend itself to that common
household belonging, curtain poled.
Some new poles are shown in which
the hanging works easily, in a con
cealed groove, after the manner of
trolley wheels. A touch slides the cur
tain back and forth, and jerky catches
are unknown.
A kitchen microscope is something
new, yet such a thing, and why not?
we are told is on the market. It con
sists of a lens, mounted in .a simple,
serviceable manner, which is strong
enough to show organisms where and
when such things are suspected. The
presence of taint or tissue changes can
be speedily recognized with it.
The vapor arising from the burning
sulphur of one or more sulphur
matches will often remove small cof
fee and tea stains, if the spots are
previously moistened, but the fabric
must be immediately rinsed after
wards to preserve it from injury.
Extracts of vanila, it Is said, can be
made for home use cheaper than it can
be bought. Two vanila beans, half a
pint of pure alcohol and half a pint
of boiled and cooled or distilled water
will make a pint of the extract.
A bucket or tub of unslacked lime,
placed in the cellar, will add much to
the general healthfulness of the house,
especially in -damp weather.
A straw hat may be cleaned by wip-
See that Spot I
j&mi& --mm h
vlnSt 'aais ftp H'
1ovl doni but
your friends do.
Why don't you have it covorod? It can bo dono. The trouble is not chronic, but
functional. It is caused by a weakened condition of tho hair follicle duo to a microbe
that foods upon and destroys tho delicate mucous membrano with which it is lined.
The Hair-root deprived of its nourishment, gradually becomes weakoned, shrivels
up, and the hair easily falls from its collapsed follicle.
This very common condition known as prematuro baldness is ovorcome by tho
use of Cranitonic Hair and Scalp Food, tho only safe and scientific cure for all hair
and scalp diseases. It strikes at once at tho seat of the disorder, destroys tho mi
crobe that causes it and assists in feeding tho weakened hair-follicle back to health.
Cranitonic Hair and Scalp Food is not groasy or sticky, and contains no disagree
ablo or dangerous sediments. It is clear, puro as crystal, and dolfghtful to uso.
Its odor is pleasant yet not pungent. Tho important thing is it grows hair.
For sale by druggists at $1.00 tho bottlo, or sent, oxpressago prepaid, upon re
ceipt of price by the Crantonic Hair Food Co.
SPECIAL NOTICE. If you have a thinly covorod spot like that shown abovq
you are becoming prematurely bald. Don't wait until your case becomes chronic.
Writo the Cranitonic Hair and Scalp Institute, 520 West Broadway, Now York
City, and send a small sample of your hair combings; stato in your letter if you
have dandruff, falling hair or itching scalp, when our physicians will make a micro
scopic examination of tho hair, mail you a report upon its condition and prescribe
curative treatment free of chargo.
To all who send hair we will mail frco a 48-pago illustrated book entitlod'MHair
Cure;" also a samplo of tho Cranitonic products.
Cranitonic Hair Food Co.,
New York City.
ing it with a wet sponge and then
scrubbing it with salts of lemon. When
clean, hang up by fire to dry.
The burning of a sulphur candle in
a room infested .with pests of any kind
will 'relieve you of them in a short
time. Sunny South.
For Sale.
A block in Bethany, Nebraska, near
the Christian College, and a block at
University Place, Nebraska-, near-Wes-leyan
University. Persons desiring to
move to either of these towns for the
purpose of educating their children
can obtain a bargain by addressing
Geo. E. Waite, No. 324 So. 12th St.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Fame's Eternal Camping Ground.
The campaigns and battles of tho
civil war were on a scale of surpass
ing magnitude. There were more than
a score of single battles, sometimes
extending over several days, in each
of which the losses in killed and
wounded on the federal side wero
greater than the aggregate of all our
losses in all our other wars combined.
How paltry seem the 5,000 killed and
wounded in the war of 1812, or the
war in Mexico, or the war with Spain,
compared with the 14,000 at Shiloh,
15,000 at the Chlckahominy, 13,000 at
Antietam, the same at Fredericksburg,.
16,000 at Chancellorsville, 23,000 at
Gettysburg, 16,000 at Chickamauga,
37,000 in the Wilderness and 26,000 at
Spottsylvania. The grand aggregate
of destruction fairly staggers the Im
agination accustomed as we have been
for moro than a generation to the fig
ures: 93,000 killed by bullets, 186,000
killed by disease, 25,000 dead from
other causes a grand total of 304,000,
about one in nine of every man who
wore the uniform.
In no other war in all time has such
respect been paid to the dead. Imme
diately after its close the secretary of
war was directed by congress "to se
cure suitable burial placed, and to
have these grounds enclosed, so that
the resting places of the honored dead
may be kept sacred forever.' In gev
enty-nino separate and distinct na
tional cemeteries the bodies of nearly
300,000 soldiers who died during tho
civil war are interred, and the decora
tion of their graves with flowers on a
fixed day has become a national cus
tom Some tf tho cemeteries contain
each a silent army of over 10,000 sol
diers, in. serried ranks marked by
the white headstones, on nearly half
of which is inscribed "unknown." The
world may be searched in vain for
anything similar or kindred; there is
no other such impressive fight.
On fame's eternal camping-ground,
Their silent tents are spread;
And glory guards, with solemn round,
The bivouac of the dead.
From the United States Army by
Gen. F. V. Greene, in Scrlbner's.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
A quick, safe, and sure relief for siclc or ner
vous Headache, Backache, Stomach Paina,
Neuralgia, Nervousness, Irritability, Sleepless
ness, Rheumatism, Sciatica. Contain no opium
or morphine, and leave no bad after-effects.
25 dotes 25c. A.t druggists.