The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1901, Page 11, Image 13

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Weekly News Summary.
British suffer heavy loss in South
lA.frica in November, fifty-four men
being killed and 150 wounded.
The Commercial Cable company an
nounces rates to Luzon islands, $1.66
per word and to all other islands $1.76
per word.
Thirteen children died at St. Louis
as a result of the administration of anti-toxin
for diphtheria. Lock-jaw re
sulted from the use of that remedy.
The census bureau makes public Its
report on school, militia and voting
ages for all states tand teritories. This
shows persons of 'school age, 5 to 10
years, 26,110,788, of whom 24,897,130
are native-born, 22,490,211 are white
and 13,086,160 are males; males of
militia age, 16,360,363, of whom 13,
132,280. are native-born and 14,495,596
are white; and males of voting age,
21,329,819, of whom 16,227,285 are native-born
and 19,036,043 are white. Of
the total number of male's 21 years of
age and over 2,326,155 are illiterate. Of
the 16,227,285 native-born males 21
years of age and over, 1,706,293 are il
literate, and of the 5,102,534 foreign
born 620,002 are illiterate.
The McKinley Monument associa
tion announces that it will attempt to'
raise $1,500,000 to construct the pro
posed memorial arch.
British met with another defeat in
South Africa, losing 6,000 horses and a
large amount of equipment.
Joseph Virag, the inventor of rapid
telegraphy, by which it is claimed that
words may be transmitted at the rate
of 70,000 per hour, died in Hungary.
Edwin S. Stokes, known in history
as the slayer of James Fisk, jr., died
in New York city.
Announced from Pekin that Wu Ting
Fang, the Chinese minister to the
United States, will be recalled.
The specialists who examined Presi
dent McKinley's assassin make formal
report that the assassin was sane.
TJtte French chamber decides- that
the; Sultan of Turkey must be called to
account on th.0 Lorendo claims.
. Great Britain's chancellor of the ex
chequer intimates that because of the
enormous cost of the war in South
Africa, it may be necessary to impose
even greater burdens upon the tax
payers. Railroad officials reported to have
made a combination in which western
territory will be so distributed to the
control of different companies that
there will be no conflict on rates of
any kind.
E. P. Hanna, associate of the judge
advocate, spoke In opposition to Schley
before the board of inquiry.
Election resulted in general repub
lican victories. Iowa and Massachu
setts elected republican state officials
and republican legislatures. New Jer
sey elected a republican -governor and
republican legislature. Pennsylvania
elected a republican supreme court
judge and republican state treasurer.
ight; thread springs into eye. Puckot mailed,
10 cents; 4 for 25 cents. Agents' catalogue froe.
CHAS. MARSHALL, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y.
hi ri CYCQ MADE NEW Away with glasses.
ULU C I CO By mall, 10c. Box 788, New York.
"J'""0 Q A T ."TtiBAa Uait, la Beaumont Texu OH
--' vX (JXX..U.IU Belt 3 per tens. Adipted for Corn,
Cotton, Sujw Cum, IUoe, Tomatoes, tod Tobuno. Mild Winter. Write
CTAT" FOLKS reduced 15 lbs a month
ly Jr I You can make remedy at home. Samp.
le f reo. Hall Chom. Co., Dept. 200, St. Louis, Mo.
(CTipK b?bytC8t-74 Years. Wk p A V MSI
7blFzC and want more salesmen. f I wool
CnfttW Outfit fRK. STARK NURSERY. Start IK
Washington, D. C.
No A fimntv' fan' .nn
pitent Js allowed, Wriu for "INVentob-s ouidb."
. The Most Wonderful Fruit
The "World ever saw! Cata
logue Free, with photo of fruit.
South Seattle, Waib.
Rhode Island elected republican gov
ernor. Virginia elected democratic
state officers and a democratic legisla
ture. Maryland elected a democratic
legislature and state comptroller and
clerk of court of appeals. Ohio elected
republican state officers and republi
can state legislature. Mississippi elect
ed democratic secretary of state and
democratic treasurer. Nebraska elect
ed republican supremo court judge
and two republican regents of tho
state university. New York city fu
sion forces elected Seth Low mayor
and the fusion city ticket. In Ken
tucky democrats won In tho legisla
tive contest, thus insuring the elec
tion of a democrat to succeed tho pres
ent republican senator from that state.
Union labor party elected its candi
date for mayor of San Francisco.
Isador Itaynor, chief counsel for Ad
miral Schley, moved tho court and
spectators by Ills eloquent appeal in
behalf of the hero of Santiago.
Announced on November 6 that the
Turkish government has sent to
Franco drafts on payment of French
claim against Turkey.
Joel Prentiss Bishop died at Cam
bridge, Mass., Monday, November 4.
He "was the author of "Marriage and
Divorce," 1853; "Criminal Law," 1856;
"Criminal Procedure," 18dC; "First
Book of tho Law," 1868; "Statutory
Crimes," 1873; "Contracts," 1878; "Di
rection and Forms," 1885; "Noncon
tract Law," 1889; "Commentaries of
Law- and Statutory Crimes," 1901.
The French government seized sev
eral ports in Turkey, and it is believed
in some quarters that the United States
authorities will take some advantage
of this incident to obtain recompense
for the abduction of Miss Stone, the
Li Hung Chang died November 6.
His death removes a distinguished fig
ure among the statesmen of the world.
John Russell Young, the intimate
friend of General Grant, wrote of the
distinguished Chinaman in this wise:
"As to the estimate of him by General
Grant, that as a statesman he was
worthy to rank with Beaconfield, Gam
betta and Bismarck, it will be remem
bered that General Grant was not
given to extravagant opinions of men,
and that he had seen Li upon terms of
extreme intimacy. It is difficult to find
a standard of comparisons. Behind
western statesmen were established
civilizations, the forces of advanced
empires. They did hot create, but car
ried out what was begun. Bismarck
was the successor of Frederick tho
Great, Gambetta of Mirabeau, while
Lord Beaconsfield could only have
found his ideal in the conquering soul
of Chatham. Li Hung Chang was
alone with his problem. History gave
him no precedent. The outside world
had no sympathy for him. The west
ern nations looked upon China with
carniverous eyes. He accepted the ap
palling duties before him. He re
jected nothing. He had breadth, depth,
omniscience. He meant that China
should grow, broaden, rise. He worked
for the Chinese people with an intelli
gence and courage that must forever
rank him as one of the world's fore
most men of his age."
Battle of the Breeds,
The battle of the breeds is over. For
six menths it has raged. Day after
day the 50 combatants have stood
steadfast, chewing their cuds, switch
ing their tails, giving their milk. The
churns have churned, the testers have
tested, the weighers have weighed, the
checkers have checked and Supt. Ed
ward Van Alstyne has seen that all
went well and that the contest was
fair. It closed this week. Its real
end came last night. The Guernseys
won on profits on butter fat and the
Holsteins won on profits on solids.
The official figures will be announced
in a few days. The result -was known
last night by the officials. Ten breeds
of cows were represented, each by five
champions. Tho breeds wore Guern
seys, Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayrshiree, Red
Polls, Brown Swiss, French-Canadians,
Shorthorns, Poll Jerseys and Dutch
Belted. The fivo from each breed wore
entered by expert breeders with tho
approval of their respective breed as
sociations and tho battle began last
May. All that each cow ato, all that
each cow gave, was noted carefully,
measured to the last ounco and a rec
ord kept.
The result shows that tho Holsteins
gave a profit of $258 on solids and $205
on butter fats. Tho Guernseys gave a
profit of $225 on butter fats and $205
on solids.
Hero is the standing of winners with
the approximate profit on butter fats
for tho months of the contest:
1. Guernseys $225
2. Jerseys 220
3. Ayrshires 213
4. Holsteins 205
5. Red Polls 195
6. Brown, Swiss 180
7. French-Canadians 173
8. Shorthorns 171
9. Poll Jerseys 168
10. Dutch Belts 118
The official figures giving tho pen
nies and exact details will be an
nounced In due time.
The standing of winners on the
profits or solids Is as follows, the to
tals being approximate, In lieu of the
official figures:
1. Holsteins $258 00
2. Ayrshires 235 00
3. Brown Swiss 220 00
4. Guernseys 205 00
5. Red Polls 203 74
6. Jerseys 203 21
7. Shorthorns 197 00
8. French-Canadians 183 00
9. Poll Jerseys 148 00
10. Dutch Belts , 146 00
In tho foregoing the contest between
the Red Polls and the Jerseys Is very
close and .the official verification may
change their relative positions.
Tho profit is net profit. It was ob
tained after deducting the cost of feed
for the season of the competition. The
table of the coBt of feed for each fivo
cows is very interesting. The official
table for the last two weeks is not
verified.- Here is the official table up
to October 15 and there will be little
if any change in the order:
1. Holsteins $149 85
2. Shorthorns 148 54
3. Brown Swiss 135 77
4. Ayrshires 128 73
5. Red Polls 126 84
6. Jerseys 12G 73
7. Guernseys 126 1 j
8. Dutch Belts 120 58
9. French-Canadians 104 33
10. Poll Jerseys 100 39
Tho breeders throughout the civil
ized world have watched the contest
closely. Thousands of cattle experts
have visited the Model Dairy Barn
and noted the progress of the battle.
The keenest of the authorities have
given their respective breed-managers
tho benefit of their advice and exper
ience. Up'to October 15 the Holsteins gave
36,289 pounds, or over 17,000 quarts of
milk and gave 1,377 pounds of butter.
Up to October 15 the Guernseys gave
25,435 pounds or about 12,000 quarts of
milk and 1,364 pounds of butter. The
Guernseys" gave 5,000 quarts of milk
less than the Holsteins and gave only
13 pounds of butter less than the Hol
steins. As the official figures appear
there will be endless comparisons and
probably long discussions in the dairy
and breeding papers. Buffalo Express.
Brighter Imn electricity,
ones, per Um kerosene
Thousand oC tostlHionlals
from people using tticm for
two yearn. lAtest Improve
monk. Permitted bv Ins.
Oo's. iArgwt factory fa U.S.
3Mykiifor indoors and out.
ty lam p. Xo west prl ccs. Re
tail II up. iiample lAHip kalf
firlce. Exclusive territory to
BdlrldiMhi or merchant.
lrgo dealers in mantles. Illustrated cat.
lAmm rMM
ITAK1UKH CUB LAMP CO., No.122 XfcUgsa St., CWsaf.
Galvanized Steel Tanks
Steel Tank.
Tank H Feed Cooker MSSSSSfJ
M Heater. ,gUMpsi faLrBsB
Shipped subject t
f neBeetloB. We ear frelskt
It costs you one cent for a card to write us and get
full particulars. AgenU Wanted
U. F. FKKELAN1 JLt HUNS. UozMO, MlddleburrJad.
Srvlnjt MtcMo, drop r t lap, full frl spplUnert, aUololtl f rtk!i'
I12.U). Clbrtlrd Gold IIIUaM breech loidiDr, iaalU Uml llxrt m.
112.10, Itrr Jofamftm, wtoniaUe, double wtlm, 8 nlltr, W IWftft tr, (loot nlckl. ibn lo4 W free with 1W bUb rut, 6 ml dtut
lo InlnxIaM thm, 1.7fi. A S-.liitf, mtitegtmj or oak BnUtx.1 Vular M,
ctntd, UbIilrrf! !a Vtlourw Uroitrj.nllh ip1njil, 111.97. Klrgut
Vttaur eotrr touch, 11.00. Htnt loaf, Ullor-mvJ, lUutr OrtrtctU, UU
ft ijU, 14.70. JWi ill .l, csiilram, ninalcej tafltdrtti tack tulli,
?,T0. Udlc Solid OobJ WUh, H-RwU, fancy rnj(Ta,d, 1 1 ISO. Aatp
UmUU, 4-lioIt cook tint, liM, i:r artkU ilr rcUlU tat wr1
riouLU our price, our coodf (uwilMd loU M rrpnicaUX Bend tux in
O Washington Ht., Chicago, 111.
Anyono Imvlngcnncor,
salt rhoum.rhoumatlsm,
blood poison or any Im
purity of tlio blood can
obtain full information
regarding Red Clover as
a curntivo of such dis
eases by sanding for our
circular. D. Ncedham'B
Sons, G7 Inter-Ocean
Bldg., Chicago.
flousrhfcat Receivers' SaIc.
SJicets cither flat, corru
gated or V'cr'mpcd. No
tools except a hatchet or
hammer Is needed to lay
tho roofing. Wo furnish
frco with each order
cnoiitth tmlnt to ! 7C
eororand nulls to lay. Prlco pornqunrc, mm"
ABquarotncanslOOeguaroft. VYrlie forrrco CaltlosM
Xo, Mi on OmrTal Mrrthandlte. Chicago House
Wrecking Co., WostSSth and Iron bts., Chicago, lu.
Agents mnko from $1C0 to $300 n month
hnndling our Unnxccllrd GRAVITY
SYSTEM MOHTH. They produco tho
nnioiiTKHT and UEBxlight in tho world,
Latest Improvements. Wo are paten
tecs and mfgrs., GO different styles. Re
tail 14X0 up. Sample lamp half price
Wo want ono agent or merchant in et
ery town. Circulars free.
The Union (inn Lamp Co.,
U'J Kinzio St., Chicago, 111.
WANTJJD Solicitors and canvassers to 6cll
groceries to the consumer and establish local
sales-agencies in communities of from one to
ten thousand population. Ivach solicitor or can
vasser will be expected to build up a list of cua
tonicrs at n plaqc and then secure a permanent
local agent for such place, then go to some other
point and do the same thing; continuing the
same work indefinitely. Forparticulars, address
The Great Eastern Coffee & Tea Co., ioth & Clark
Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Hhttron Stock Farm.
Thoroughbred Uolstein-Friesian Cuttle Four
miles east of University Placo. Neb, A few
choice young bulls for sale whoso dams wore
from rich milking strain, and winners at tho
State Fair buttor testB for soyeral yeur.
John C. Doubt, Univorsity Placo, Nob.
Be Your Own Boss!
3IANY MAKE $2,00U.00 A Y15AK.
You havo the name chance. Start a Mail Order
Rusiness at home. We tell you how. Money com
ing in daily. Enormous profits. Everything
furnished. Wrilo at onco for our "Starter" and
Free particulars.
K.Krucger Co.,155 Washington St.Cbicago,IlL
to Par40 to $C0 for a. 8tsel Kango that does not cost over $12 at the Factory to build,
the difference being prolits and expenses of an Army of middlemen, buck ftdlr
no longer necessary, as wo off er our
Hapgooci "Anti-Trust" Steel Range
UiitmuUed for 5 rein. Money refunded ff not entirely UfactrjrT Send
6 8-lneh Mm, with wrmlng eloi et and 15 gallon reservoir. Urro nr box, lMneh oieu (tee tot.
sj i uikh. uuicuiKcuiorgfeui. jsnnev reiunaea It not entirely mllilulurrl Kcnd
free catalogue of Hewlvs; Machines Ht $10. Kett made $19. Abo Pianos. Oreaoi. Bor-
(les, Harneif, 1000 other things at )& dealers prlcei. Reference this paper. liar yctir bank look
us up. Address JIAPCIOOt MANUFACTDKINa CO.,- Ber 885, Allen, JIL
The only mfg. company lathe world in tholr lino soiling direct to the consac
' i'l