' . The Commoner. 10 a . May I Send You j A Book? f i T I will mail you any book from the 'tl-l. l.l. to .... nnvtl nn vnnti nillfnaa J.1HL UU1UW 1JL J'UU BU11U Alio jrwm m,v.uw. g With it I will send an order on your "'noarcst druggist for six bottles of Dr. Snoop's Restorative. If you think that .you noed it after reading this book, you aro welcome to take it a month- at my risk. If it cures, pay your druggist $5.50. If it fails, I will pay him my "solf. This remarkable offer is made after a lifetime's experience. I have learned how to strengthen the inside nerves those nerves that alone operate eVery vital organ. I make each organ do its duty by bringing back its nerve power. ' No case is too difficult. I take the risk In all. In five years, 550,000. people have ac cepted this offer; and 39 in each 40 paid. They paid because they were cured, for no druggist accepts a penny otherwise. The decision is left with you. Note that if my Restorative cures, the cost is a trifle. If it fails, it is free. Can you neglect such an offer when 39 out of 40 who 'write me are cured? Simply state which book you want, and address Dr. Sboop, Box 515, Rucind, Wla. Mild cum, not chronIo,r often curttlb oat ot two toltlef. At U dru&UU. BOOK NO. 1 ON DYSPEPSIA. BOOK NO. U ON TUB HEART. BOOK NO. 3 ON THE KIDNEVB. BOOK NO. 4 ton WOMEN. BOOK NO. 6 FOll MEN. (ittltd.) BOOK NO. 0 ON nilEUMATISM. Short Stops. Usually the newest thing in flannels is a baby. ' Street corners are the turning points in many lives. Poets are born, but verso writers grow of their own accord. Speaking of women and folding beds, a man can shut the latter up. Every man may have his price, but the market is apt to be overstocked. The proofreader points out the typographical error of the compositor's ways. An Irishman says the apple that caused old Adam's fall must have been a banana peel. It's often better to be the sole owner of a small dog that a stockholder in a large one. Children Jearn a great deal at school that they are compelled to unlearn after they grow up. When a bright man is wanted for actual labor he doesn't have to pass a civil service examination. After being landed by a girl who has been angling for him a man nat urally feels like a fish out of water. Mojo people spend their time in won dering why they are not loved than in trying to make themselves lovable. Many a fool man who is always say ing that life isn't worth living con tinues to do business at the old stand just the same. When a woman has company to dinner and her cooking Is absolutely faultless she always says it would have been better had the range been in good working order. Chicago News. Brief Notes From BMlvUIe. There are only two citizens of Blll vllle in jail now and one in .the legis lature. It's our opinion the race problem could be easily solved by more plow ing and less preaching. No other candidates for governor have been announced within the last fifteen minutes of our going to press. Most of our people have made enough this year to pay all their debts and get full Christmas. Thank heaven for bountiful har vests. We'll soon be able to shout halleluja and invite the preacher to dinner. Justice Jinks performed the mar riage ceremony for five widows on Wednesday last. The men were timid, and gave feeble responses, but the widows answered firmly and lively. Atlanta Constitution. Brief Bits of Humor. "How vain you are, Bflle! Looking at yourself in the glass!" "Vain, Aunt Emma? Me vain? Why, I don't think myself half as good-looking as I really am!" Tit Bits. He "Do you ever let your husband have his own way?" She "Oh, yes. I think it does a man good to let him make a fool of himself now and then." Smart Set. He (at a swell restaurant) "You may have anything on the bill of fare, dearest. Shall I read it to you?" She "No, darling. Just read it to the waiter." Chicago News. "But, surely," urged Barlow, "see ing is believing." "Not necessarily," responded Dob son; "for instance, I see you every day, but as to believing you "-Stray Stories. Tramp "Please, mum, I haven't a friend or a relative in the world." Housekeeper "Well, I'm glad there's no one to worry over you in case you get hurt. Hero, Tige." New York Weekly. "Do you realize," said the econom ist, "that there is a heavy surplus in the United States treasury?" "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, "it ain't my fault." Washington Star. "Now, ma, you know I am anxious to make an impression on those New York people. Bring me the coal oil can. I want to perfume my clothes." "With coal oil! Mercy, child, what do you mean?" "Why, I want 'em to think we own an automobile." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Does your husband still call you his pearl and his gem and all that?" asked the young matron. "Not exactly," answered the elder one, doubtfully. "He has taken to calling me his gold brick of late, and I'm not just sure what he means by it." Chicago Post. Comedy or Tragedy? llOUSEHOIit) DRAMAS ON WHICH THE CURTAIN IS DRAWN ous mining man, I thought those facta' might be of some benefit to some of my acquaintances." THE WORST THING TO DO. The worst thing to do whon the stom ach is diseased and causes discomfort, Hiip.h ns bolnhincr or anidit.v. is in fair The daily press mnkos us familiar somo 0f the many palliatives put up in enough with the scene in the drunkard's the form of pills, tablets, powders, etc. family in which the intoxicated man Theso are not remedies for tho disease, finding the meal not to his liking, throws They only superficially change existing it on the floor and proceeds to vent his conditions. Allow that they "sweeten"' temper by smashing crockery and furni- the stomach, release the accumulated turo. This is pure tragedy to the abused gag check fermentation, etc. All this is and helpless family, and to tho onlooker ony temporary. The diseased condi who through tho windows of tho press tion of tho stomach is Untouched. Dis views the sad scene. But the daily paper ongo never stands still, and therefore the never has a word to say about the sober gtomach itseif is getting worse instead and reputable man of family, who, in a 0f bettor. It is tho result of the use of fit of irritation; dashes to the floor or out gomQ 0f tho3e numerous palliatives that of tho window some dishnot to his liking. raen nn(j women, when they have ex The press doesn't toll because it doesn't hausted their little llelpfuless,flnd thorn know. Family pride and love draw the seivog w'ltn an aggravated form of stom curtains of privacy closely about such acn trouble." If these palliatives had scenes, and it is only whon the Ions not disguised and covered up tho earlier . symptoms, the people would long ago have sought and found a real cure. The moral is that if your stomach is "weak" or diseased don't trifle with trivial palliatives get the medicine which cures disease of the stom ach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, Dr. Pierce's Golden Mod ical Discovery. "For three years I suf fered untold agony," writes Mrs. H. R. White, of Stanstead, Stanstoad Co., Quebec, Box 115. "I would have spells of trembling and being sick at my stomach, pain ih suffering wife appears perhaps in the right side all the time; then it would divorce uourt that tho curtain is raised work up into my stomach, and such dis- fora moment and reveals the miseries tress it is impossible to describe. I wrote love has long hidden. This is not a fan- to the World's Dispensary Medical Asso- ciful case. There is many a good home ciation, stating my case to them, and haunted by this skeleton of unhappi- they very promptly answered and told ness; many a reputable business man me what to do. I took eight bottles of whose home coming is both feared and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, dreaded. To an outsider the sight of a and five vials of Dr. Pierce's Ploasaht man furiously throwing a dish of cake Pellets. Thanks to Dr. Pierce and his from the window, or savagely kicking a medicine lam a well woman today. Dr. cnair ouii oi nia way, wuuiu pruvunu a " uow M. .. j uUUWj. smile. But to those in tho man's family of liver complaint of which she had been &&& his conduct provokes only tears. Home Treatment for Cancer. Da. D. M. Byx's Balmy Oils for cancor, is a positive and paluless euro. Most cases are treated at home without the service of a physi cian. Bend for book tolling what wonderful things are bolng done by simply anointing with oils. The combination is a seorot ; givos instant relief from pain, destroys tho cancor microbes and restores the patient to health. Thousands of cancers, tumors, catarrh, ulcors, piles and malignant diseases cured in tho las,t eight yoars. j.i not auuuiauiCUG tms out ana sonu it to some ksuuenng ono. Auuress vx. u, m. uyk uo Uox 525, Indiauapolis, Ind. yrinsx This signature is on every box of tho gonulne Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets tho remedy that enros a cold in ono day. The Joke on Ben. Two men, Tom and Ben, worked side by side for thirty years in a grocery store, where there were a great many unreasonable people to satisfy. Both had grown old, and finally one night Tom became violently ill. A doctor was called, who, after his arrival, told Tom that he could not recover. Tom thought about it awhile, and then said: "Won't It be a great joke on Ben! I won't have to go to work tomorrow, but B'en will have to turn out, as usual, and hear the same old unreasonable complaints." Atchison Globe. She Knew. "Yes," said the fair young girl, "I had a great many alphabetical court ships while I was in the country this summer." "Indeed?" he murmured, not know ing what else to say, but being anx ious to get at tho next paragraph. "Yes," she continued. "You know, I would roll my eyes, and then the jays had to follow the eyes, didn't they?" After repeating the alphabet up to the "i, j" part, we came to the conclu sion that the fair young.1 thing knew whereof she spake. Baltimore American. THE CAUSE OI" IT ALL. It is not natural ill-temper or pure meanness which makes a man so moody, sullen and irritable. The cause of his condition is generally to be found in dis ease of the stomach, often involving the liver, kidneys or other ' organs. The surest and Quickest cure for disease of the stomach and other organs, of diges- jecc digestion ana assimilation or iooa tion and nutrition is found in the use of the whole body will receive new strength; Dr. Pibrce's Golden Medical Discovery, that lost flesh will be regained. You 'Having seen the advertisement of may expect that if the disease of the your 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and stomach has involved the heart, liver, being a great sufferer from tho effects of kidneys or other organs, that the disease stomach trouble for the past eight years, of these organs will be cured with the I concluded to try your medicine." writes cure of the stomach. a sufferer for fifteen years. We recom mend these medicines to all suffering people." WHAT YOU MAY EXPECT. You may expect from the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" the same results which have followod its use in a multitude of other cases. You may ex pect that the stomach will be perfectly and permanently cured; that by the per- Mr. W. A. Maxwell, of Marshfiold, Coos Co., Oreg. "I had tried almost every known remedy, also consulted with the best medical skill attainable, but all with out any relief. After reading one of your Why may these things be expected? Because they are the common experience of those who have been cured by the uso of ''Golden Medical Discovery' These experiences follow the law of ex- circulars I concluded to try one bottle of pectations, by which wo naturally expect Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, that an effect which has usually followed a given cause will not cease to follow it. By tho same law you may expect "Golden Medical Discovery" to cure you. It has a record of cures, covering nearly a third of a century. In ninety-eight cases out of every hundred it has per fectly cured tho diseases for which it is prescribed and recommended. Those who suffer from chronic diseases After taking ono bottle I felt so relieved it induced me to continue. Am now on the fourth bottle, and have not had a spell of bloating or 'acid stomach' (which was very painful) for tho lost six weeks. Before the uso of your medi cine I was in dread of every meal time, for in twenty minutes after eating I would be racked with pain. Indigestion was my principal ailment, and I havo are invitod to consult Dr.Piorco.by letter, boon so terribly afflicted with asthma, free. All correspondence strictly private, which I believe was brought on through Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. tho medium of indigestion. Now, as I wisdom tor pennies. stated, after having used four bottles of A 1008 page book, free. You can get your medicine, I have not had an attack the People's Common Sene Medical of sour stomach or painful bloating, and Advisor, the best medical book ever pub my asthma has just about disappeared, lished,;, by sending stamps to pay In fact, I feel bettor now than for the expense of mailing only. Send 21 one last ten years. As I am largely known cent stamps for the book: in paper covers, in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Cali- or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume, fornia and Oregon, as a rather prosper- to Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. j ji, .,