The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1901, Page 9, Image 11

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The Commoner.
Home Department.
(Continued from Page Eight.)
tour?" -I asked with all the ferocity I
could muster.
"No, only I don't Want to go south,
and we've both been in the east in
lact were almost raised there and it
ift too late in the year to go north. So
1 thought it would be best to go west;
to the Pacific coast. That would be a
delightful trip."
"O, would it?" I asked, sarcastical
ly. "Then I suppose I need only go
down and ascertain which road is the
best and cheapest and purchase our
"Well, you needn't waste any time
looking for the bpst route. All you
need to do is to purchase the. tickets
and secure the berths in the sleeper.
"We start from the Union Pacific depot
at 11:30 on the nigth of September 12,
auu we'll go to Denver. After spend
ing' a day or two there we'll go to
Suit Lake and spend a day or two.
Frcm there we'll go to Portland and
spend a few days, and from there to
San Francisco by steamer. After two
or three days in San Francisco
"Say, I thought you said the xoute
was the only thing that you had not
arranged," I remarked, throwing into
my voice all the sarcasm I could.
"But it appears that you've "
"Now, don't get angry, dear," said
Dorothy. "Of course we'll go just
where you say, but I did so have my
mind set on going to the Pacific coast.
But if you want to go somewhere else
Of course that settled the matter of
a route. You don't suppose for a
minute that I would have caused my
beloved a single pang of sorrow right
on the eve of our wedding journey, do
"Why, of course we'll go to the Pa
cific coast," I exclaimed. "That's just
the route I thought of when you first
mentioned the subject."
Dorothy smiled upon me and even
went to the trouble of walking around
the table to give me a hearty kiss.
"Now, don't you worry a bit, dear,"
she said. "I've arranged the whole
And she had. On the evening of our
fifth anniversary our little cottage was
a perfect bower of roses and potted
plants all sent in by Dorothy's
friends. By 7 o'clock the little par
lors were full of friends, and at 8
o'clock Dorothy and I stood beneath a
wedding bell fashioned from smilax,
with a huge white rose for a clapper,
and the minister of our church mar
ried us. Dorothy insisted upon having
a minister this time. When we were
for-sure married a justice of the peace
officiated. We didn't take time to lo
cate a minister then, owing to a fear
that the delay would permit a par
ental postponement of the ceremony.
Then we sat down to a wedding sup
per and feasted for a couple of hours.
It was just like a real wedding, only
I don't believe any man was ever so
happy on his wedding day as I was
that night as I looked into the smiling
face of my bride of five years' stand
ingand saw the look of happiness in
her dancing eyes. When the carriage
drove up to the door Dorothy was ar
rayed in her traveling costume and I
had shucked off my dress suit and
donned a gray sack suit that cost me
$14, ready-made. As wo hurried to the
carriage the young folks pelted us with
rice and howled with delight. At the
depot a laughing crowd of young folks
and old folks who should have
known better crowded around us and
acted just like we were newly mar
ried. Honestly, I felt like it, too. And
when we started to board the train
enouKh rice was thrown at us to keep
a whole Chinese province from starv- I
ing in the midst of a total failure of
crops. When the train started from
the station our friends shouted and
waved their hands, and we thrust our
heads from the car" window and
shouted and waved back. The pas
sengers who had not already rotired
looked at" us and then smiled signi
ficantly. We knew just what they were
thinking, but precious little did we
care. We were too happy, and I
blessed the ingenious little woman
whose brain had devised the great
(Concluded next week.)
The Best Room.
Let us have no room, call it parlor
or what not, too nice for daily use.
Any part of your house good enough
for you will please your callers who
ever they are. One can suffer no more
chilling or inhospitable treatment than
to be shown into the best room of
many a house. You feel yourself in a
strange place, cold, lonely, uninhabit
ed. Even if the room is perfect In its
ddcoration and appointments, the ef
fect of its non-use is frigidity. There
Is, of course, no impropriety In mak
ing certain rooms finer than others,
but all your rooms should be for you
and your family. The habit of crowd
ing the whole family life into the
kitchen is vulgarizing in the extreme.
E. Benjamin Andrews.
What Girls Should Learn.
Someone has suggested fifteen
things that every girL can learn before
she is fifteen. Not everyone can learn
to play or sing or paint well enough
to give pleasure to her friends, but
the following accomplishments are
within everybody's reach: "Shut the
door and shut it softly. Keep your
own room in tasteful order. Have an
hour for rising and rise. Learn to
make bread as well as cake. Never
let a button stay off twenty-four hours.
Always know where your things are.
Never let a day pass without doing
something to make somebody comfort
able. Never come to breakfast with
out a collar. Never go about with
your shoes unbuttoned. Speak clearly
enough for everybody to understand.
Never fidget or hum so as to disturb
others. Never fuss, fret or fidget."
Denver Field and Farm.
Manifold Uses of Hot Water.
Hot water tipplers are convinced
that they have found a cure-all for the
average ills. When tired, drink it as
a tonic. When hot and thirsty, drink
it as a cooler, for it never disappoints,
and dear me, how cheap It is, and
how good when one has formed the
Headache almost always yleldn to
the simultaneous application of hot
water to the feet and the back of the
A towel folded, dipped in hot water,
quickly wrung out and applied quick
ly over the seat of pain will in most
casF promptly relieve toothache and
A strip of flannel or a towel folded
several times lengthwise and dipped
in hot water, then slightly wrung out
and applied about the heck of a child
suffering with an attack of group will
usually relieve the sufferer in the
course of ten minutes if the flannel is
kept hot.
Hot water, if taken freely a half
hour before- bedtime, is one of the
best possible cathartics in severe cases
of constipation, while it has a sooth
ing effect upon the stomach and bow
els. There in no domestic remedy that so
promptly cuts short congestion of the
lungs, cre throat or rheumatism as
will hot water when applied promptly
and thoroughly. Sunny South.
Young Promisemuch (whose salary
is $3,000) "Don't you think if a girl
really loved she'd be willing to marry
without expecting every luxury?"
Romantic Maiden "I'd rather marry
a man with an income of $10,000 a year
than a millionaire I didn't love."
Harper's Bazar.
The last United States Mortality Bullotln
shows a marked docrcaso In tS number of
deaths from Consumption.
Ton years ago tho official rocord showed tho
annual number of deaths out of 100,000 popula
tion to bo 245. The recent bulletin shows thnt
only 100 now annually fall victims to Consump
tion out of tho same number of inhabitants.
In 1800 tho average life war :h.i vonm. nm u
js ilri.2 years. '
j-ucbo mum plum. uumiBtnKHDiy lO V08 aCMlfU
rotroat of tho grim monstor. Tuberculoids.
which is responsible for tho largost numbor of
deaths from various diseases.
Tho honor of thus ofFortivoly arresting tho
progress of thiB fatal malady rests with tho
wondorful system of troatmont which has boon
reduced to an exact scionco for tho euro of Con
sumption and for tho euro of Catarrh and other
prevalent conditions which pave tho way for
Consumption that successful mothod evolved
by America's greatest scientist physician, Dr.
T. A. Slocum, whose great liberality, through
his Free Trial Treatment, sent broadcast
throughout this broad land, bos contributed
most to tho rout of tho most potent agency ia
the destruction of human life in this hemis
phere. His frco Fystom of treatment lias arrested tlw
hand or death iu tho case of thousands of con
sumptives, nnd has prevented tho disoaso in
countless instancos.
Tho Slocum treatment consists of distinct
remodies for tho cure of Consumption, weak
Lungs, Catarrh, Bronchitis nod nil pulmonary
and wnsting diseases and is based upon prin
ctples cssoutlal to tho correction of function,
tho rebuilding of tho tissues, the overthrow of
parasitic animal organisms und the establish
ment of health in all the departments of the
human body.
These Pour New
Preparations com
prlso n completo
now treatmont for
noarly all the ills
of lifo.
Tho Pood Emul
sion is needed by
somo.tho Emulsion
and Tonic by o th
orp, the Expector
ant by others, tho
Ozojell Cure for
Catarrh by othors
still, and atl four,
or any three, or
two, or any one,
may boused singly
or in combination,
according to tho
exigencies of tho
case. Full instruc
tions with each Bet
of four froe reme
dies, rnresonted
in this illustration.
Also 63-pago My
Doctor Book.
m jsiiiiilr-1
liiiiiriliLHKSJIlHi liH
hi'" 'i' i, i,.,. BukI IKIHIBBn 3tS
ki iinmus: jssmee nranmw "n
bs.. "''"i,i mmmm & sum bubbhiis: ga
i"' illHIlii MmMiSmmmi: m
IS"1" WMMrsmMMW&8k
I, " vvm Wt ISSmamk I BRm
vmn !&& rT QrJQ I illPl,ii. mmwBmm wAQfs
Iff Ik SPiWftrTOlw wM
SZF?IAL N0TETThe Slocum System of Treatment Is
medicine reduced to an exact science by America's tore
most specialist, and our readers arevrued to take advan
tage of Dr. Slocum' s generous offer. When writing the
22f&j$rJ& ab,OVQ free trial, please mention THE
COMMONER, and greatly oblige.
The several preparations embody all tho ne
cessary elements of a completo treatment for
Consumption its euro and prevention as woll
as for most of tho chronic nnd wasting ills of
lifo. Apparently hopeless cases are cured by
their timely use.
Tho palatablo nutrient Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is needed by some, tho Tonic and Expector
ant by others and tho Ozojell by others still.
Theso olegaut preparations may bo used singly
or in combination, according to tho demands or
necessities of the caso.
Theso free romedies embody tho great cura
tive forces discovered by the eminent physi
cian, Dr. Slocum, they represont the acme of
tho Dlinrmiiff dIb oHII nnri rit. i.n ni i
I found oxplicit directions for their use.
- To have these Free preparations, it is only necossary to write mentioning Thb
Commoner, to
" DR. T, A, SLOOUM, 98 Pine Sfroef, New York Oily; " .
plainly giving full address. The remedies will be sont to you immediately from
the Slocum Laboratories with full directions and instructions for their proper use.