The Commoner. 9 Why Be Fat When There is a New Home Treat ment that Quickly Reduces Weight to Normal Without Diet or Medicine and is Absolutely Safe, A TRIAL PACKAGFFREE BY MAIL Dou'tbo too fat; don't puff and blow; don't endanger yoar lifo with a lot of excess fat; and t urthermoro, don't ruin your Btomacb with a lot wHHn of useless drugs and patent medicines. Sond your namo nnd address to Prof. F. J. Kollopg 141 W. Main St., Uattlo Croak, Mich., and ho will Bend) nun frco trial package of his ro mnrknblo treatment that will reduco your woight to normal. Do not bo afraid of evil consequenced, tbo troatmont is perfectly safe, is natural and scientific and givos such a degroo of comfort as to astonish tiioso who havo paut od and porspirod under tho woight of excess fat. It takes oil tho big stomach, gives tho heart fraodom, enables tho lungs to oxpand naturally and you will feel a hundred times hotter tho first day you try this wonderful homo treatment. Sond your namo and addross for a free trial. pacKugosont. securely squiuu in u piumwruppur, -with full directions how to use it, books and testimonials from hundreds who 'havo beon cured. Sond for free trial packago today. It will brighton tho rpst of your life. free Poll f Ctlrlu, Bend us your v, address on a postal to-' 1 lay, and wo will send 20 Pieces of Jewelry with Coupon .Book good for subscriptions to our Family Magazine and pre sell nt 10c. When Bold send us S8S.OO and we will send yon tho most beautiful DRESSED FRENCH DOLL you ever saw. Large size, sweet pretty face, long golden hair, sleeping eyes. Jointed body, slippers and stockings to take off. Tho hat and silk- flnioh dnR9 lire tho verVllPlKIlt ot fashion. Girls, you will be deiigniea wun it. APer- fectbeaaty; order quick. BOX 3130, BOSTON, MASS. mSBSN I HY.M A"V1 vswY-O It . MAGAZINE CO., . "wUQlifilW l& !!fr M aoe e mmrnrn " Star"- Lathes Foot and .cr. Beitw Cutting. Automatic Cron feed Vox Fimi, AcccaiTt TYoax. Bend for Catalogue B. Seneca Palls Mfg. Co 357 Water Street, Bibxca TkUA, N. T., U, B. A' BRAND NEW STEEL ROOFING Bought at Receivers' Sale. Sheets either flat, corru gated or" V" crimped. No tools except a hatchet or lmnimcris needed to lay tho roofing. We furnish frco with each, order enough ratnt tol 7C cover and nails to lay. Price persqunro, O A square means 100 equaro ft. Write Tor rrto Catalogue Wo. 3M ob General MerthandUe. Chicago House Wracking Co., West 35th and Iron Bts., Chicago, lit Forum of the Weekly Press. Norton (Kas.) Liberator: This con tinual booming up prosperity Is a good deal like expressing sympathy for the poor by giving three cheers for the poor. Harrison County (0.) Democrat: Cheap wool and cheap sheep under a high tariff is a haunt to republicans. They are as low now as they ever were and a tariff of ten cents a pound on wool. Think of it. Bellaire (0.) Democrat: The sheep industry was never in a more de pressed condition than today, although the tariff and whole government ma chine is controlled by republicans. Tho public sales through tho country tell the tale wherever sheep are offered. Potosi (Mo.) Independent: The test of the democracy of a paper is tho policy it pursues. When a paper wishes to repudiate the cardinal doc trines of democracy, it is in the posi tion of the Baptist preacher who de sires his church to repudiate immer sion. Carrollton ( 111.) Gazette: Senator Cullom says trusts cannot be restricted until the constitution is amended. It is strange how guarded republican statesmen are of the constitution when it comes to interfering with trusts, but when it comes to protecting priv ileges for tho trusts it never needs amendments. No, never. Crete (Neb.) Democrat: The na tional treasury is today and has been 8& rrmst This Blgnaturo is on every box of tho genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets tho remedy that cures a coltl In one day. . ji 1'MiBun.aa Butterfly 420 QUILT Sofa end Pin Cushion Designs, mnj serrr Won publlihe-l; book oonUIa bcildef , ltnoi.i 011 rtnbroldtrjr and eo lUttnv burj lace niaklajr, all llltutrated, alone worth We cock; alio llluttraln! ItiU of mt'rrUli and quilting dMljtai, Incluiljnr, 10U finrr ttltcbte for patch work. Regular price fl He, but to each reader of UiU paprr we will trad ft copy rrtitjuld for 10c Write 1U', LADIES' AUT CO., Box 7GA, St. LouU, Ma. Tho Combination Oil Cur for Cancer Has tho endorsement of tho highest modlcal authority in the world. It would seem strange indeed if porsons afflcted with cancors and tu mors, aftor knowing tho facts, would resort to tho dreaded knifo and burning plastor, which havo hitherto beon attonded with such fatal re sults. Tho fact that in the last oight years over one hundred doctors havo put thomselvcs under this mild treatment shows their confidence in tho now method of troatinpr those horriblo dis enees. Persons afflicted will do well to send for free book giving particulars and prices of Oils. Addross Dr. D, M. Bib Co., Box 325, Indianapo lis, Ind. ITS STOPPED FREE Permanently Cured by DR. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER No Fits after Orit dar'i me. ContuUatlon, personal or br mill; treat! and , 82 TKIALi IIOTTL.K FRKK to Fit patlente who pay exprauaga onlroa delivery. Permanent Our, netonly temporary relief, for all tfcT' vout Viiordtri, Kpllepty, Spurn. Bt. Vitas Dance, Debility, Eihaattloa.K.K.II.K17INJR,JUI. 931 Arch Street, Philadelphia, rouaded lan. PERSONAL TO SUBSCRIBERS. WowillEond to evory subscriber or reader of Tim Commoner a full-size ONE-DOLLAH packago of Y1TM-OKE. sufficient for one month's treatmont, to bo paid for within ono month s time aftor rocoipt, if tho rccoivor can truthfully say that its uso has done him or her mpro good than all tho drugs and dopes of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines ho or she has ever used. READ this over again carofully, and understand that wo ask our pay only when it has done you cood, and not bororo. "Wo take ail tho risk ; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benefit you, you pay us nothing. VIT3-ORE is a natural, hard, adamantino rock-like substanco-rmnerai ORE mined from tho ground liko gold and silver, requires about twenty years for oxidization. It contains free iron, free sulphur and magnesium, and ono packago will equal In medicinal Btrongth and curativo valuo 600 gallons of tho most powerful, efficacious mineral water, drunk fresh at tho springs. It is a geological discovery, to which thero is nothing added or taken from. It is tho marvel of the century for curing such diseases as Rheumatism, Bnght's Disease, Bipod Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Diphtheria. Catarrh and Throat Affections, Liver, Kidney and Blad dor Ailmonts, Stomach and Female Disorders, La Grippe, Malarial Fever, Uervous Prostration and Gonoral Debility, as thousands testify, and as no ono, answering this, writing for a pack- affeLjlartl2aandeoniiaTUoo,and afterward the jraUtndeof erery HtIdj penonwho detlrn Wler It ahh, or who riSnt ,1 . v. w. v. f"."", - 4- . . m .. p , ww ptital card. W. is or in Ave,, jnicago, in. Balnl. UU and iTIiciatrt wlileti bare aecol la meaieu worm ua rrvwn wur.o juj an. at eur enme. rannllcM of what illi joa hare, by aeadlnx to u for a package. 1 ua nut not write on a In answer to this, addrosa TIIEO. NOEI CO., 5S7, C0, 5J1 for many years nothing but a tool in tho hands of tho men who raanipulato tho stocks and bonds in Wall street. It Issues and sells bonds or buys and cancels thom to suit their financial in terests. It sells bonds at a small premium and buys thom at a big prem ium that they may profit thereby. Tampa (Fla.) Herald: You remem ber that Kansas was recently redeemed from populist rule, and not a. few southern papers joined in tho fanfare of trumpets with which tho event was greeted. Tho blessings of that redemption are rapidly becoming visible. One of them is that tho re publican state treasurer is now stamp ing all state warrants presented to him, "Not paid for want of funds." Oh, yes, it is a great benefit to a state to be redeemed by tho republi cans. It immediately establishes a large lino of credit. Frazil (Ind.) Orthonomic Era: We want to say here and now that tho Kansas City platform is tho only Jef fersonian and Jacksonian platform that has been adopted by a democratic convention in fifty years. The democ racy of 1904, will be found defending the Jefiersonian principles in that platform, with Jacksonian courage. The Orthonomic Era will bo found then, where it has been for 29 years, contending for the democracy asserted in the Sermon on the Mount and re affirmed by Jefferson in the Declara tion of Independence. Aberdeen (Wash.) Herald: Tho system that puts the making of the money of the people into the hands of private corporations is undemocratic and dangerous. It is a system against which the democratic party has always set its face, and which has been de nounced and protested against from the days of Jefferson until tho present day. It is a system which requires a public debt as a basis, a debt that tho democratic party has always hold is a calamity and curse, a perpetual blight upon honest industry and productive labor. Coldwater (Mich.) Star: The sin cerity of the republican (trust) party in its intercampaign declarations in favor of repealing tariffs that protect trusts, and of encouraging our inter national trade through reciprocity treaties, is further shown by the fact that in Massachusetts, while the dem ocrats have indorsed the position of McKinley in his Buffalo speech upon this question the republicans have de clared against any change in the tariff. It is easy to see why the late president never carried out in practice the poli cies he advocated and doubtless be lieved in as right. Aberdeen (Wash.) Herald; The re publican press seems exceedingly anx ious to have the democratic party re nounce its anti-imperialistic fight and in the name of expediencey acquiesce in the policy of the administration. There Is a tendency on the part of some of the enemy to contort tho democratic contention into an unmean ing contempt for expansion. The dem ocracy has always favored expansion tho expansion of American Institu tions with- all that that implies. When Cuba expresses an uncoerced desire for annexation tho democracy will welcome her into the sisterhood of American states. Now that we are re sponsible for Porto Rico, tho democ racy would grant her all her rights and privileges under the constitution. But tho democratic party would not .(Continued on Page Eleven.) If You are Sick Let me Know it. I wish simply your namo and address no money. Tell mo which of theso six books you want. I will send with it an order on your druggist to let you havo G bottles Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Ho will let you take it for a month; then if it succeeds, ho will chargo you $5.50 for it. If it fails, ho will send tho bill to me. Ho will trust to your honesty, leaving tho decision to you. Such un offer as this could not bo made on any other remedy. It would bankrupt tho physician who tried It. B'ut in five years I havo supplied my Restorative on theso terms to 550,000 people. My records show that 39 out of each 40 paid for it, because they were cured. This remedy alone strengthens thoso Inside nerves that operate all vital or gans. It brings back the only power that can make each organ do Its duty. No matter how difficult the case, It will "permanently cure, unless Bomo organic trouble liko cancer makes a cure impossible. I have spent my lifetime in prepar ing this remedy. I offer now to pay for all you take if it fails. I cannot bet ter show my faith in It. Won't you merely write a postal to learn if I can help you? Simply stato which book you wont, and address Dr. Shoop, Box 515, Racino, Wis. ijook ko. i ojr nrgpr.PHU. HOOK KO. 4 O.V Tllf, IIKAKT. hook no. a o.v tub kiunkyb. IIOOK NO. 4 fOll YiOMKH. IIOOK no, iron ME. HOOK KO. 0 On 1UIEUM ATI8H M!Mww,ot eh rente, are eftoearMr7c4eriAijilf. Alall drurU. ' Hog Cholera The recent test conducted by some of tho head officials of the State Grange of Ohio has proven beyond a doubt that tho Hog Cholera remedy discovered by Dr. J. H. Snoddy is a real success. The test was made by treating over a dozen diseased herds. Tho disease was promptly Btopped and tho hogs restored to health in each case. A boolc, "Treatise on Hogs," with report of tho test will be sent free to those sending their name and address to Dr. J. H. Snoddy, Alton, 111. This test report comes from such a reliable source that every farmer can havo confidence in it and all should write for these free books. Here's Your Chance! CI flA - HrL" ry Joan mm looVlnr. forwarl to a luiliwil $!.VV i)l Mbe JrerrebotMUrvlef IlUSI.HKSH, tfiejuar. uwmmwm aU fvr u Couo'liv Been. It ll an l!lu,tnt4 nwmUilj that eonUlm preetfaal article on Ui keeplnc, Ofllee Maiameat, CrfllU, Collection, Aeeounllox, drrrllflnj an1 Diulaeej Xetlwrlt In (ecrral. InraluaMe to the UiiUttn km. Le Le jounforoU. fl-0Oajar. Hero is a SPECIAL OFI'En (for now subcrib ors only): Sond us within ao days 2.rc., and wo will credit you with a year's subscription. Business Pub.Co.,14i5 Amorican Tract Hldgr.N.Y. PAKALYSI9 AND COFFEE Symptoms Disappear When Drug I Aban doned "Tea and coffee were forbidden by my physician, for I had symptoms of paralysis and it was plal.i that tho coffee was the cause of tho trouble. I began using Postum Food Coffee and am now a steady advertisement for Postum. The old symptoms of paraly sis disappeared in a very brief time after I began tho use of Postum and quit the use of coffee. Do not use my name publicly, if you please." Morrow, JO. The above name can be given by'the Postum Cereai Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. Coffee Is such a direct poison to the nerve centers of many highly organised people that it produces all sorts of disorder from stomach and bowel troubles, palpitation of tho heart, kid ney troubles, etc., etc., up to more in tricate nervous diseases, suc.i as paralysis. The way to kep well is to leave off coffee or any nervo distroysr of that sort, and use Postun Food Coffee, which is a direct rebuilder of tho nerve centers. Sure and well de fined improvement In healfh will fol low this course, as can be proven by any person who v ill mak'i the trial. vjr, fi