i. j The Commoner. ORNAMENTAL FENCE. Many designs. Cheap as wood. Catalogue free. Sold direct to tho usor at wholesale. Oct our prices boforo buying. Address COILED SPRING FENCE CO., Box T, Winchester, Ind. Beautiful Nottingham Lace Curtain WSEm Era nSsKJ? imMm "iPS ' to every lady reader of this paper for selling 20 Good Luck Pins tit 10 I'ciits each. Don't send money: only Bend your nddresB on n pos , tal, and wo will send 20 Plna and premium list: best ever given away, when goods arc Bold send money nnd wo will send tho Lace Curtains to youraddrcssat once. Order quick. MAGAZINE CO., BOX 3139, BOSTON, MASS. THIS S J If N LEEPING DOLL For a few hours' work, airm seud your nainound address and wo will mail you 30 Imitation Diamond Sot, ltollt-d Gold tJOUJU' JilUIUUH IU bun III. viuy 10 cents each. Every ono you meet or offer them to will buy i virii Wlinn art) it Cstrwl us tho 83.00 nnd wo will send you at once by express, alleltarofs paid. hond3omo JHKSS13D l)0ili,lt)lnclicslil(?h, imported direct from iuiropo lor us. this uou una a ucauuiui, lurnuiKi the Home Department. bisnuo'head; penrly teeth; long, ftoluon curly liniryiaturrtl, sleep in?nvoq;1olntod uodv:elPcantly dressed in silk; real slippers, efnil'tniva nfi 4 llflf Otin llrt Till Htl oil: n magnlilcent creature of dolldom, pretty as a plcturo; a big nnd lovely Slecpliiclienu ty that will dellirht nnd plenso yon. Understand thlBig no pain tcdratr doll thathaBtobomndo m 1 mj1 Jnlntnil alnnhliK. doHandia given. AlBoluolyl'rco for Bolllnffpnly so Collar Buttons. "Wo will troat you right aud ex pect tho samo treatment from you. Address, OfUkliUACiU JbWJiliUI UUit twuta UJ.., uumuii, CLOVER EXTRACT Anyono having cancer, salt rhoum.rhoutnatisrn. blood poison or any im purity of tho blood can obtain full information regarding Red Clovor as a curative of such dis eases by Bonding for our circular. D. Ncedhnm's Sons, 07 IutorOccan Bldg., Chicago. OS Ask for free book on tho caro of birds and tho aquarium. Wo havo a largo stock of imported Canaries, Parrots, Mocklncr Birds, otc. All kiudB of fan cy flsho3. Wo ship ovorywhoro. Our largo illus trated aeou uataiogaisoiroo. IOWA SEED CO., Des Moines, Iowa. GOLD F SH HI I! CVCO MADE NEW Away with glasses. ULU 1 1 CO By mall, 10c. Box 788, Now York. j JEWELED to (LjXJf &9 &dTX1 WmmmmSft wSe&ggSsSti wmmmw mL7 JHH "Ifas. JBSJf'1 "LZJmmr'W unv IAXIEf IB flffy ff- VaP" ecLJusUd, patent reguktor.rtcra wind aud fctem set, genuine NATIONAL SPECIAL movement. Laulcs' or Ocnls' :zo. HAKUAMfcUJiU XKAHB. UK. Gold r'ate huntinecaie.clcgantly enpraved. Fit for a king. Ko better watch rcade. Must bo teen to bo appreciated Special offer for next Co days, send your full namo and address ana wo win icnu watch C.O.D. with pnvilego toex amine. If found satisfactory pay ntent vo.Hli & express enarges. A guarantee and beautiful chain charm sent free with every watch. Write at oneon this may not nl,'?.r aeain NAT'LKFO. iSH'UHimut". 831 Dearborn St. . 20(CUIcago, 111. FREEi To Introdaoe oar pxi-k e will j!t i bemlirul UATTixBina uoilt, 9i0 p&tUra, tal our elrrtiltn of finer work. Btai nim and 1- drtis and 4o lo tump for pojUfre. Tiro doll ptttemi, dlffrrtnt pattrmi, different duliral, forrc! one Sx7 buttcrS; pittcrnj, ie. With Uia lore v alio giro free a leuon on Bitten Urj luce mtUn; and leaton oa colored embroider; with all ititehei illuttratcd. Ad'lrMI, LADIES' ART CO., Dept. 7G. St. Louis, Mo. &Pm Ffcl A AT C! Stage Make Ups.WiKS, Ueards, 'j n-'i rcic. ior Aiasnueraaes. i-arior. rt - m BchoolorStageEnteitalninents. v nrLOIOTJai4JKS.Muslcal Instruments, and Novelties. Big Catalogue Free. G. H. W. BATES, Boston, Mass. THE DEATH OF THE FLOWERS. Bx William Cullkn Bktant.) The melancholy days are come, tlie saddest of the year, Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sero. Heaped in the hollows of the grove, the autumn leaves lie dead; They rustle in the eddying gust, and to the rabbit's tread; The robin and the wren are flown, and from the shrubs the jay, And from the wood-top calls the crow through all the gloomy day. Where are the flowers, the fair young flowers, that lately sprang and stood In brighter light and softer airs, a beauteous sisterhood? Alas! they all arc in their graves, tho gentle race of flowers Are lying in their lowly beds, with the fair and good of ours. The rain is falling where they lie, but tho cold November rain Calls not from out the gloomy earth the lovely ones again. The wind-flowers and the violet, they perished long ago, And the brier-rose and the orchis died amid the summer glow; But on the hills the golden-rod, and the aster in the. wood, And the yellow sun-flower by the brook in autumn beauty stood, Till fell the frost from the clear cold heaven, as falls the plague on men, And the brightness of their smile was gone, from upland, glade and glen. And now, when comes the calm mild day, as still such days will come, To call the squirrel and the bee from out their winter home; When the sound of dropping nuts is heard, though all the trees are still, And twinklo in the smoky light the waters of tho rill, The south wind searches for the flowers whose fragrance late he bore, And sighs to And them in the wood and by the stream no more. And then I think of one who in her youthful beauty died, The fair meek blossom that grew up and faded by my side. In the cold moist earth we laid her, when the forests cast the leaf, And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief; Yet not unmeet it was that one, like that young friend of ours; So gentle and so beautiful, should perish with the flowers. The Weaker Sex. Rev. John L. Brandt, pastor of the First Christian church of St. Louis, was recently called, unexpectedly, from the city. Mr. Brandt sought a sub stitute in the person of a neighbor ing clergyman, but on the Sabbath morning when the congregation as sembled it was discovered that the substitute had become suddenly ill and was unable to fill the pulpit. The large congregation was prepar ing to leave the church, when the good wife of Pastor Brandt went into the pulpit and asked the members of the congregation to resume their seats, and announced that in her humble way she would address them. Mrs. Brandt opened the Bible, se lected a text and delivered a simple talk that for force, logic and eloquence so many members of the congrega tion say has never been excelled in her husband's church. niatrec llahs I .Etag eht denetsaf evah lliw stsohg taht naht retal Lillian M. Siegfried in Woman's Home Companion. CTIRK bestby test-74 Years. Was DAY GASA MfiC and "want more talesmen. r I WHKLi CrtfOLO Outfit fRL STARK NUBSSKY, Stark. Ma Hallowe'en Invitations. Invitations for Hallowe'en parties can be made by sketching in one cor ner a lighted candle, the figure of a ghost, a bit of fruit or a basket of nuts. If the artist is especially clever the etching of two figures over a vi sionary fire is good, with different lines, such as "Come take a chance," '"Tis midnight; and I'll tell you true," "Once a year," "All's well that ends well," "A Jack for a Jill," "I am look ing, love, for you." If you wish to mystify your guests the invitation can be written backward. Hallowe'en comes but once a year, Over at my house you will find good cheer; I shall certainly expect you at quar ter to eight, Later than that ghosts will have fast ened the gate. Backward. ,Raey a ecno tub semoc ne'ewollah . ;Reehc doog dnlf lliw uoy esuon ym ta revo ,Thgie ot retrauq ta uoy tcepxe yK STOPS THE COUGH And Works off the Cold. Laxativo Bromo Quinino Tablets euro a cold in one day. No.Curo, No Pay. Price 25 cents. lYFtfFFW WO prtulumf. WE GIVE AWAY FREEoMMlWlroWMiV ., uir llliiun ,h dlonl llnr, IM tela t r.iaiaf iwr lining tprft.ycu(n.Ki I .rv ' WpllnOuoi ttnorif friwtt6rrf,tMtk. .. bi lull mm, j vemtuvn. Vht oM rn4 manrr I vlll tntf. rlf I ttm rtm r,"7? UUt.T O.E N U I N E D I A MO N Q UnviM ram tiWn I ulr 'V.ii. 7r nulni 71 OAHYHiut am co,Ux 1 8 jhudtillk, ix '8 fin I6-Size Beauty Oak Heater DON'T HIH3 IT. UAilArtl anil lll.lt ifMiitn I. .... -.f I .i.u. ...hi. Hi""", tini iinncrrrr niiini nnroofAKUlSTCMSHIIKArKH. TIIIH ftK.dr maim- is hu.y uakaxtkk. rHiTivKi,r TIIK HASIiHUJIKSr. HK8T lU'R.VIXO. IlKBT IIIIATINO, MOST IlKHIKAFILK AXH KfUWI HlCAIi HKATKR JtAIIK, It J Jiandwwiely flnlnlicd, fancy nickeled mountlno and ornamentatlon8,rootrnllfl,nninop)atotnp rinfr,lilnKoiiln,Uiio)H,lnndri,niountInp:n, fancy nickel nlntcd nnd ornamented top um.welKlitnOnoundtf. IlL'tXHANYTIl!.(t wooh, iiuriiurwiiicoai.cokoorcoia m 4FT. BIN. IlKlir, 23xiRtJll. on i)oUm. heavy castlron, ioi.f. KIUKI'OT, 6ln. plpo, niounUfl with 18-RniiKO smooth ntcoldrawt has ehaklmr nnd dumping center Krato forconl, double circular wood rrrnte.connlruetccl no that thollro can bo k-pt under complete control inrKu mm pan, larjfo it'tti uoorn, Ahn pit doom ewhiff on lilnxp, clicck drafts on collar nnd feed doors. BK.iD US si.od nti ovldenco or good faith und wowillshlpthohcaterbyfrcltflit. If upon oxamlna tlon you arc satisfied it In A l'IIi:.UHINAb fUlKIAlX, pay ttioaKcntthol)nlnnco(e7.C5nnd chnrircs and It In you re. WuBUKRCst you wmd remlttancoln full with order, an hy sodohiiryoucavothooxpcrmo of thoC. O. I), and return cliarKOUon money to tin. FltKK lsiM'AdKCATAUHJUKOS HTOVKH FUUMTUKK AM) HOUHFIfOU) HI'KClAt.TIKH. THEQUEEN CABINET CO. DEPT. B27 ii3i! 'io aae una avk., ciiicauu, ihi, lggas i n rr j. ji k jjtor4Ki4 rjt. rm;.iorwi LADirS) SIZE StS isi mm Sound Advice. A housekeeper who finds herself tir ing at every exertion is in danger of nervous collapse. She who fails to sleep soundly is especially liable to such a breakdown. To avoid such pos sibility, rest is absolutely necessary, but not a rest that means idleness; such rest would be the worst possible thing. What is necessary, though, is to break up accustomed routine of work, and to do all things moderately; take your breakfast in bed, rise late, retire early, abandon all unnecessary exertions, drink two or three quarts of rich cocoa a day, ... or use Vilt enmo orr-iirf nf rhlllr Ttrlfti nni-nnlo wis uuuiu uiuuuuv isjl luiin iriiu v iu.iu i or in simple puddings. Eat nourish- I ing food, the heavy meal preferably in the middle of the day. Keep out of doors as much as possible, but do not allow yourself to become exhausted with too much walking. Occasionally during the day take ten minutes' rest on the flat of your back if possible, and if you manage to get the prover bial "forty winks," so much the bet ter. Go to bed early, and go to bed each night at the same time. Darken your room absolutely, and at once. Do not try to read, knowing you cannot sleep, or you will not. Close your eyes, and, selecting a comfortable posi tion, with all the muscles and nerves relaxed, direct your glance upward. In doing this, avoid the slightest ef fort; it may take several night's trial to quit making the effort, but when you succeed and you will in a very short time you will sleep restfully and . well; and the more sleep one manages to get while in a nervous, col lapsible condition, tho less will be the danger of prostration. Sunny South. Some. Suggestions. I A few drops of turpentine in hot j starch adds luster to ironed linen. Arrowroot tied in thick cotton rag and boiled with linens and cottons im (Continued on Page Eight.) American SSlld Watches Ouarniilceilby tlioniotcr to weir ami keep their color.wl th full mljiiileii, richly Jeweled niuvemunti. A rcrfrttlniekeiir,wrrtr.(el 20 jean, lent C. O. D. $5.95, cxprett enarges jphIiI, lillio grcairii waicn imipriit ecrollercil. lo licit uuy mini you cc It. Kxjitmnstion fice. Semi your noio, jioiUfllrorpdexitrc" "fllfc ! clreii mill wo III tend you tills lieauli ful told fll'ed watch for examination, If yoticonflder Itciiiislln ppeirnnco (o any f.'0 00 g'ld filled watrli In tho innr ketpny thoexpren apclit 43d. OCS and It li ycur. Wllo to-day and mention If yiu wlili OKN'PH U J.ADIf'K' KIZI- Our20yrguar nntco mil "Uh eneh wnteli. Aililirti DIAAtOND JEWHLRY CO., Drpt IltiS, 'i'ii IlearliornKI.CIileapii.lll. Jlii Agents mnko from $1C0 to S5X) a mouth handling our UiipxcoIIpiI GRAVITY LAMPS, ABO ILLUMiNATOIIS nnd 8YSTKM LIGllTb. Thoy produco tho uimoiitkht and iiuht liiflit in tho world, Latest Improvoriiontp. Wo nro pnton tecs and mffrrs., M) dlircrcnt styles. Hc t nil $4.00 up. bnmplo lamphtilf price. Wo want ono agent or merchant iu ev ery town. Circulars rco. The IJnloir'CiRH Iiiinp C., W Kinzic St.,.Cicugo, III. LEARN PROOFREADING. If to tiKil ft fair rdoea'Jen wbj tut uill ti 1' t (caUel tal un. mradd profiil6n J.iylnxlli Uiii wrtkljr Hi'jjV.,j alwJTf sVUUible. We m tie orlrutl Imtructon ly mill. Hoiii5 CouuEHi'ONDKNCiiSciiooi-, Philadelphia. .60 AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN A 'HHi taiiiiiiin Si9i65 w rr 'yi w.vJxsrT JA ImSSBfRffT? WBm niiriifiinr i yj DOZEN STYLES S9H A full bIzo handflomo luxurious unliolHtcrcd MorrlH Chair ut less than cost, to wlveitlxo our furniture io pnrtniont. latest Htylo, revcrHlblo Heat and Imvk 'iiHliloiiH,reclliilni; DHficwiucitcunneiKijuiii cd to n u y poHl tlon deKired ; backcii8liToiilHKx20x41n.inklzc. scntl 22x20x4 In. They aio UVXV TL'KTKII IX VUlVflKIi VKI.VKT tKU OL'lt.ANY(0U)UI)K.sntKIl. UtAJII'. IK (iOMJKS OAK OH JUIIOUANIZKU Klflt'll. Send um ll.oo nil evidence of (rood faith and wo will lilp the Clmlr by frclRht After ex. oar FREE 131!-pg Cat alOL-up of fur niture and liouafiliold pr clalllra. WH UILL SAVE YOU H0KF.Y. nrnlnatlon, if natlofuctory, pay .tlieaKvntlnebalancoandcliarKCii aim it is your. Ah the amount iHbO email and tliobartraln no Lie wo Miiwcht you Bend' tho full amount with tho order find save tho C. O. D. chanrcs. Onlr snoo t? Ill lie sold at tbl prlrr. Bend In yonronlrodar. Addrea THEQUEEN CABlNETCO.DEPT.C2i ss-2 to aao vuiil avj:., chicacu, ill Do You Scratch? , Itching Eczema, all akin diseases fjuickly cur od. 31, (XX) persona cured in five years. Tho on ly Sure Method. Feo trial treatment. En close five cents for postage. W. A. Buz,7,akd, 3i6 Theodore StDotroit,Mich. More money can be madereprettntlnj; u than at any otlier butineea In America today. We put up a mac nlflcent leather rolled outfit, hnndgomclv lined -with ten wmnle pieces of the celebrated Rogers Silver Plated Ware ThU outfit coU u 3 00. You can make money with It. We will nenil you thfa outfit and our 3S0-page catalogue.contalnlnK orer 3yllluitratlon, iy expreM, u. o. u.,au cnarKea prepma. iou caiiti amine every IhlnK.and if you are .- perfectly iMisfled mar, wnatwc nay la true, pay me i-.xprcw wainpuiij- ti.VJ. n nor, ii can Dercmrncu tmiiwuicwiiik juu inn rjnr. Wn havn . orrnt manv fltrentu who make orer $100.00 ft HumtfiT Bend uayour full name and iaurcM,ana attc ustoaena you mecompieicouiui, confldcntialprlc,illuitratedcatalvrue,orderblanki, In fact, every thing nccensary to do buslneu with. The catalogue ctvea the retail prlcea on cverythinff. we allowyou to keep one-halfthemonev received on your tales. Addretit STAHDAKD SILVEKV7AXE CO., Ucpt. 243, IJoBton, Mnsn. SELF-THREADING NEEDLES FOR WEAK sight; thread springs into eye. Packet moiled, 10 cents; 4 for 75 cents. Agent?' cataloguo fice. CHAS. MARSHALL, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y.