The Commoner. can afford to permit any portion of its population to remain ignorant or to becomo imbruted. The whites, for their own welfare as well as for the good of the negroes, must see to it that the free school is opon to every child, white and black. The negro has already made great progress in intellectual development, and this, too, largely through the aid of the white people of the south. The former slave-ownors have at their own ex pense been educating the former slaves, whilo the more partisan republicans, some of them hold ing office by the aid of negro votes, have been in citing tho negro to oppose everything advocated by the southern whites, regardless of the merits of the proposition under consideration. The political rights of tho negro have for a quarter of a century been the subject, of public discussion. The republican party did not urge emancipa tion in the beginning; Lincoln, the head of that party, oxpressly declared that he had no intention of interfering with slavery in the states in which il then existed, but emancipation followed as a re sult of tho war and now no one in all the land would advocate a reinstatement of tho system of slavery. The franchise was conferred upon the negro soon after the war by the republican party, but during the past few years that party has shown less and less interest in the political status of the colored man. In some of the southern states educational qualifications have been prescribeu with a view to securing white supremacy in the state- and local governments. While universal suffrage is the ideal condi tion toward which the world is moving, and while it is a matter to bo regretted that even educational qualifications are ever found necessary, it must be admitted that such qualifications have been prescribed and are still in existence in some northern as well as in some southern states. These qualifications are defended, where they exist, hot on the ground that the Declaration of In dependence is wrong, not on the ground that all men are not created equal or that they are not en dowed with inalienable rights, nor yet on tho ground that -governments do not derive their just powers from the consent of tho governed, but upen the theory that, when races of different degrees of civilization are thrown together and must neces sarily live together under the same government when, in other words, it is simply a question as to which race shall exert a controlling influence then the more advanced race has always exercised the right to impose conditipns upon those less advanced. Every race is capable of self-government it vould be an insult to the Creator to assume that He brought into existence a race of people incap able of self-government and entirely dependent upon some other race for government but while every race is capable of self-government, a race may not bo capable of sharing upon equal terms in tho control of a government whose blessings, are enjoyed by, and whose burdens are imposed upon, several "races differing in their advancement. No argument will justify one race in invading tho territory of another race in order to force upon that race an alien government and the evils of a qolonial system, but when conditions force the two races to live under the same government in the same country the more advanced race never has consented, and probably never will consent, to bt dominated by tho less advanced. Whether tho conditions in the south are such as- to justify the amendments which have been adopted is a ques tion of fact which decided upon evidence not a question of theory which can bo settled by those far removed from the conditions which have to be considered. Northern states imposed qualifications upon White men before any southern state imposed qualifications upon black men. It must bo remembered that a qualification for suffrage, undesirable as it is, raises a very different question from that presented by a colonial system. In tho first place, a suffrage qualification is tem porary and those who are excluded today may qualify themselves to vote tomorrow; the condi tion is not hopeless. Under tho colonial system, however, the disqualification is permanent. There are no means provided whereby the subject may become a citizen. In tho second place, the man excluded from suffrage because he cannot meet the require ments of tho law lives under the constitution and laws made by the voters for themselves, while the subject under a colonial government lives under laws made by tho voters, but not binding upon tho voters. Both of these differences are im portant. The temporary character of the obstacle to suffrage above referred to finds its parallel in the probationary term prescribed for, and the con ditions imposed upon, those who seek to be natur alized. As to the second difference, every thoughtful . person knows that the danger of oppressive and unjust legislation is infinitely multiplied when the man who makes the law not only avoids the pro visions of the law, but finds a profit in enforcing its provisions against others. This is the founda tion of all the crimes committed by empires against their subjects. The social phase of the negro question has seldom been discussed for the reason that no man or party has advocated social equality between the white man and the black man. McClure, Phillips & Co. have recently published a little volume entitled "Abraham Lincoln, His Book, a facsimile reproduction of the original with an ex planatory note by J. McCan Davis." This is a book prepared by Abraham Lincoln himself for the use of Captain Jas. N. B'rown, of Illinois, a candidate for the state legislature in 1858. Mr. Brown was confronted with the charge that Mr. Lincoln, whom Mr. Brown was supporting for the United States senate, was in favor of "negro equality." In order that Mr. Brown might answer his critics, Mr. Lincoln made a collection of his own utterances on the subject, and on the first page wrote: "The following extracts are taken from various speeches of mine delivered at var ious times and places and I believe that they con tain the substance of all I have Baid about 'negro " equality.' " The sixth extract quoted in this re markable little volume contains the following: Now, gentlemen, I don't want to read at any greater length, but this is the true com plexion of all I have ever said in, regard to the institution of slavery and the blaclc'race. This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into this idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse chestnut to be a chestnut horse. (Laughter.) I- will say here, whilo upon this subject, that I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to' introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which mmy judgment will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and In asmuch as it becomes a necessity that there , must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I . belong, having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary, but I' hold that notwithstanding all this there is no reason in the world why the negro is not en titled to all tho natural rights enumerated In the Declaration of Independence, the right of life,, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Loud cheers.) ' The above quotation selected by Mr. Lincoln himself from one of his own speeches for the pur pose of answering the criticism of his political op ponents, sets forth, the great emancipator's views'' on three of the four phases of the negro question. He believed that tho negro was equal to the white man in tho natural rights enumerated in the Dec laration of Independence and he believed that it was the duty of the government to protect him in the enjoymont of these rights. He opposed slav ery, believing it to be wrong in principle, although he expressly declared that he had no Intention of interfering with slavery in the states in which it then existed. Second, ho recognized the distinction between political rights and natural rights, and exhibited that partiality toward his own race which is' in herent to every one. Third, he recognized the fact that social equal ity is not necessary to the protection of the negro ii the enjoyment of all his natural rights. Mr. Roosevelt will not find, therefore, in the life or words of Lincoln anything to justify him in ad vocating social equality, if his act can be con strued as representing his views on this subject. The natural rights of all are the same, and it is the province of government to protect these natural and inalienable rights rights which were vested in man by the Creator, rights which cannot be taken from him without rendering his life valueless to him and to his fellows. But man chooses his society for himself. It is as much a matter of taste as the selection of a husband or a wife. It is no cause for offense to any "man that you prefer to associate with someone else; it de pends upon your character and virtues whether tho preference is a compliment to or a reflection upon him, but in either case you have a right to chooso congenial companions and in doing so you are not only within your rights, but you are doing what every one does. Those who love books en joy each other's copipany, although some may he very rich and some very poor. The rich may en joy each other's company although some are ignorant and some are intellectual. People are drawn together by family ties, by church relations, ' by neighborhood associations and in a multitude of other ways. Usually social, lines are invisible ones, but they are everywhere recognized. They are no more inconsistent with universal brother hood than are family ties or national obligations. The families of a community are separate and dis tinct; each is engaged in its work and each de- cides how far it "will share its confidence and its companioship with the families about it, but this does not prevent the recognition of the right of all families to equal consideration and protection at the hands of the government, nor does it prevent the exercise of charity, mercy and benevolence. The various nations are but groups of families as--sociated together for mutual protection and benefit. The fact that each nation has customs, institu tions and laws 'peculiar to Itself, does not prevent 'its recognition of those natural rights which are broader and deeper than national boundaries. So, the members of a race are bound together by sympathies and sentiments which are both natural and permanent. Those who oppose social equality between the white man and the negro do sd on the ground that they do not believe that the amalgamation of the two races is desirable. They think it better for the white man to work ,out the problems of his race while the black man1 is working out the problems of his race. There can be co-operation and helpfulness without inter marriage. Bach race can recognize the natural rights of the other and both can contribute as far as is within their power, to the strength and de velopment of the nation. The advocacy of social equality will tend to throw the white and the blaclc races into greater antagonism and conflict rather than to bring them together, and the wiser mem bers of the negro race know this. President Roosevelt doubtless recognizes, as all well informed men do, the great service which Mr." Washington has rendered to the members of his race. He is not the only colored man who de serves great credit, but he is probably its most conspicuous member of the present generation.