The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 11, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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The Philadelphia North American in dis
cussing the proposition that the right of free
speech bo abolished is a hit
Harsh severe in its premises, although
But entirely levelheaded in its con-
True, elusions, when it says:
"Only a very extraordinary kind of fool can bo
made to believe that because a murderous wretch
has taken the life of the president It becomes
everybody's patriotic duty to cease criticising the
trusts, cease discussing the problem of poverty and
the dangers threatening the republic through the
rapid growth of enormous fortunes which havo
their roots in monopoly."
The bankruptcy court at London fixed $35,.
000 as the aggregate of the schedule for the
' ' payment of the Duke of Man
A Chester's debts. The money
Good Was provided, not -by the
Example Duke's father-in-law, Mr. Zim
merman, but by the Duke's
mother, the Dowager Duchess ol Manchester.
It seems that Mr. Zimmerman positively de
clined to pay his son-in-law's debts. It is to
be hoped that, if it is not possible t& check the
disposition of American girls to marry titled
foreigners, Mr. Zimmerman's sensible action
will be imitated by other American gentlemen,
who have Dukes and Lords thrust upon them
in the way of sons-in-law.
Menzo Shaul recently died in Herkimer
county, New York, leaving $21,000, which he
directed to be divided between
"those related to him as third
cousins. In his will Mr. Shaul
explained "by the term third
cousins 1 mean children of
the persons who are related to me as cousins."
A contest is now on for the possession of the
$21,000. It has been discovered that Mr. Shaul
has 8V0 "third cousins," hailing from various
portions of the United States. These " third
cousins" are represented by 43 attorneys and
by the time the contest is concluded there will
not be enough of the estate left to purchase
postage stamps with which these cousinR may
write freely and often to one another, thus
maintaining cordial family-relations.- "
, f.
The Nebraska State Journal is responsible
for the following paragraph: "It will be
noticed that the localities in
Unkind this country where the names
arid ' of a large part of the citizens
Untrue. end witbgosz,' 'ski,' and cek'f
can be safely depended upon
to give Democratic majorities."
. As 'gosz' is the termination to the name o'f
President McKinley's assassin, the Journal para
grapher evidently meant to cast a slur upon
tHe Democratic party and upon some of the for
eign voters. lie would have been more frank
if he had named the nationalities to which he
referred. It is unkind in any one to vent his
prejudice against a' race merely because a mem;
bcr of that race has become- an assassin. We
have had three assassinations 'in' this country 4
and no two of the persons guilty of the crime -belonged
to the .same race. : .'
If,' however, the Journal means to intimate
As "Safe"
as in
The Commoner.
that the entire foreign vote is Democratic, its
editor ought to read the speech made by Mr.
Ingersoll after the election of '00 in which ho
credited the foreign-born voters with having
saved the country from a "dishonest dollar.'
The only plausible reason why the foreign
born voters gave their support to the repub
lican ticket was that the Democratic party
was not in as good position as the republican
party to supply literature printed in the various
foreign languages.
It is unfortunate that many of the republi
can papers have used the nation's calamity as
the excuse for partisanship. Public questions
ought to be discussed according to the princi
ples involved and not by appeal to ignorance
or prejudice.
On his return to Washington after an ex
tended visit to the Phillipines, Adjutant Gem
eral Corbin says that, "It is
as safe to travel in Luzon
today as in Illinois." Then
General Corbin said: "I be
lieve that in another year Ve
can reduce the force to 25,000 men."
Luzon embraces 51,800 square miles. Ill
inois embraces 50,050 square miles. The
people of Illinois would be surprised if they
were told that within another year 25,000 sol
diers would bo "sufficient" to make travelihg a
safe pastime in their state; and yet while
General Corbin tells us that "it is as safe to
travel in Luzon today as in the s'tate ' of Illi
nois," he admits that even at this time 25,000
men are not suilicient to maintain order in this
comparatively "safe" territory.
The Chicago Chronicle ' says the adoption
by the Nebraska Democratic State Convention
of .the Kansas City platform,
"seals the separation of the Ne
braska Democracy from the
National .Democracy. The
Iowa Democrats and the Ne
braska Democrats have joined to flock by them
selves." It requires considerable impudence on the
part of an individual or a newspaper to say
that the affirmation of 'a platform regularly
adopted by the National Democrats "seals the
separation" of the state that re-adopts that plat
form from the National Democracy. It seems
strange to be told that Iowa and Nebraska
Democrats by the re-adoption of the National
Democratic platform are to "flock by
themselves." It seems strange to be read out
of the party by a paper that is owned by re
publicans and boasts that it is not a Demo
cratic but an Independent paper.
A dispatch recently printed in the New
York World tells of a Baltimore girl, aged 20
years, who had never heard of
Work for God. Here is work for the
the Home home missionaries. The story
Missionaries. is told in these words:
I 9
. "Emma PauI was called in court hero today as
a witness ns to, charges preferred by Peter Paul, her
father, against her mother. The ordinary prelimi
nary questions to witnesses disclosed the astonishing
4. ' '"1
facts tUafctlfSjoung woman did not understand the
naturo of an oath, had novor boon to a church or
Sunday school, had novor hoard of God or heaven and
did not know of the promiso of immortality.
"It was discovered that the young woman had
lived in tho churohly city of Baltimore all of hor life;
that hor homo was at No. 1012 Salisbury alloy, in tho
heart of a donsoly populated soctlon, and not in soma
out-of-tho-way corner difficult to roach with tho news
of tho gospol.
"Notwithstanding that tho girl said sho did not
know that sho would bo punishod if sho told an un
truth, Judgo Wickos allowed hor to testify, saying
that sho was an extraordinary and unsatisfactory
The committee having charge of the Web;
ster centennial celebration, at Dartmouth Coi-
1 ego, was anxious to obtain
memetocs of the great lawyer.
A newspaper correspondent
reports that when a member of
this committee was in Boston
he learned that a citizen of that town was the
possessor of two umbrellas which belonged to
Webster. The committee asked for the loan
of these relics. The Bostonian declined with
the explanation that he had already found use
for these treasures during tho Webster week:
"I am going," he said, "to take those umbrel
las down to Pierce's" all Bostonlans know Pierce's
grocery'and let them bo used for advertising
purposes. I shall advise them to All one of their
show windows with their best wet goods and then
spread the umbrellas "ver tho bottles with a label
something .like tjiis:, M , , , ,M r, Ut, K
" 'These, were Daniel ,Webslcrs umbrella8H
was always dry.' "
One of the best indications that Great Brit
ain is beginning to appreciate the foresight of
. Paul Kruger when that old
Butler's patriot said, "If Great Brit-
Prophecy ain conquers the Boers it will
Fulfilled. be at a cost that will stagger
humanity," is found in the
altered relations between the English people
and Sir William Butler. It will be remem
bered that General Butler declared that it
would require at least 200,000 men to vanquish
the Boers, as well as a great deal more ord
nance than England then possessd in South
Africa. General Butler insisted that it was
wrong to provoke war unless prepared for it.
He was recalled. When Queen Victoria vis
ited Bristol to engage in the exercises attend
ant upon the opening of the infirmary there,
General Butler was requested to keep awaly
because it was feared that the assembled mul
titude would show tliGir displeasure concerning
him. A cable from London to the St. Paul
Dispatch commenting on these facts says:
"Every word, however, that he uttered and ev
ery warning that he gave has come true, and the
English people now realize that there was at any
rate one general who was' clever enough to see
things as they really were, and who had the
courage to say so. Sir William is being treated
with the most marked and distinguished considera
tion by the new administration at the war depart
ment. Lord Roberts has heen staying with him as
his guest, and all the wives of the subaltern offi
cers at Plymouth, who abstained at first from call
ing on ;Lady Butler on account of the unpopular
ity of her husband, are now cruelly regretting that
they were so short-sighted, and that they did not
show themselves more friendly when Sir William
and his talented Wifethe painter of the "RolJ
Call" and other stiring 'battle scenes were undo
a totally undeserved cloud." "
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