The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 11, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Have You Got
You Can be Quickly Cured With the
'New Scientific Discovery Which
- .'. .s Revolutionizing the
; ., . Treatment of
' T Rh6urnatism.
82 Years Old Cured of Rheumatism
After Suffering 42 Years.
For rheumatism, that horrible plague, I dis
cororod n harmloss rotnedy and in order that
every suffering roador may loarn about it I will
gladly mail him a trial box free. This is no hum
bag or decoption but an honest remedy that
enabled many a person to abandon crutch and
cane. In Lyon, Mo., it cared an old gentleman
82 yoars of ago, after suffering 42 years. In Den
ham, Ind., It cured a lady who then cured flf
toon of hfor neighbors, in Marion, Ohio, it on
abled;Mra.MinaSchott to abandon nor crutchos.
Iiev. C. Sund of Harrisvilio, Wis., testifies that
this remarkable remody,curod two members of
his congregation, one who had suffered IS, the
other 25 yoars. In Bolton, N. Y., it cured an'old
gontlomon 83 years of ago. Novor before haB a
remedy bcon so highly endorsed as thin; among
the otninont people who endorse It, is Doctor
Quintoro, of tho Unlvorsity of Venezuela, whoso
endorsement bears tho official seal of tho United
Statos Consul. No mutter what your form of
rheumatism is, nor mind if doctors say you aro
inourablo, writo mo today sure and by return
mail you will roceivo tho trial box, also tho most
elaborato book over gotten up on tho subject of
rheumatism, absolutofy free. It will toll ou all
about your en so. You get tho trial box and this
wonderful book at tho snmn time, both free, so
let me hoar from you at occo and soon you will
bo cured. Address: JOHN A 8MITH
25HQormaniaBldg., Milwaukee, Wisv U. 3. A.
Boston Herald: Dumleigh "There's
nothing cranky about Mr. Synnex; he's
a man of sense, he is!"
Markham "Flattering."
Dumleigh "Not a bit. Folks have
been saying that smokhig cigarettes
weakened the intellect. I asked Mr.
Synnex, and he told me to keep right
on j "it couldn't possibly have an effect
on mp."
Columbus State Journal: "How
duz yo' know dat I dun stole yo' wa
tahmilyun, Mistah Brown?" queried
Uncle Eph, innocently.
"Because I found where you had left
the rinds," replied Mr. Brown.
"Lor' bress me! Yo' shorely didn't
expec' me tuh ete dem, too, did yo',
Mistah Brown?"
eroua reciprocity- treaties which tho
senate has thug Ikv refused to ratify,
aad ho showed it in his last great
speech. In his address at Buffalo his
only specific recommendation regard
ing tho. tariff was for reciprocity, but
his argument went much, fartltcr.and,
closely analyzed, it struck at -the .very
foundation of the whole protective sys
tem. Washington post. .
' W M
Books Received.
Shem, a story of tho Captivity, by
X. Breckenridge Ellis, author of "In tho
Days of Jehu," "King Saul," "When
David Was King," etc.; published by
Tho Christian Publishing Co-, St.
Louis, Mb. " '
The Great Brjead Trust, by W. H.
Wright; published by the Abbey Press,
114 6th ,ave., .New Ybrfc
Government, an Inquiry into tho Na
ture and Functions of the State, by
John Sherwin Crosby; published by
Peter Eckler, 36 Fulton st.TJow York.
Interludes, verses, .by Belle Willey
Gue; published, by ' the Household
Realm Press, Chicago. . . x
Collectivefsm . and Industrial Evolu
tion, by Emile Vandervelde, translated
by Charles H. Kerr; published by
Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago.
. Tho City for the People, or the Mu
nicipalization of the City Government
and of Local Franchises, by Frank
Parsons; published by C. F. Taylor,
1520 Chestnut st Philadelphia.
The Old Pike, a History of the Na
tional Road, with Incidents, Acidents
and Anecdotes Thereon, by Thomas B.
Searight; published by the author at
Uniontown, Pa.
The Octopus, tho Epic of the Wheat,
a Story of California, by Frank Nor
rls; published by Doubleday, Page &
Co., New York.
One American Girl, by Virginia
Webb, author of "The Gray Stone Cas
tle in the Adirondacks," and "In Chos
en Ways;" published by G. W. Dilling
ham Co., .New York. , ..- .
Our Foes at Home, by Hugh H.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
A quick, safe, and sure relief for sick or nor
tous Headache, Backache, Stomach Fains,
Neuralgia, Norvousncss, Irritability, Sleoplesa,
nees, Itboutnatiam, Sciatica. Contain no opium
or morphine, and leavo no bad after-ouccts.
25 doses 25c. At druggists.
Boer and American Patriot,
If our forefathers were true patriots
in 1776, then Kruger, Steyn, De Wet,
Botha, pelarey and the other fighting
Boers are patriots in 1901, The two
groups cannot bo considered apaft.
If they are not both noble and, there
fore, deserving of our sympathy and
admiration, then both are ignoble and
deserving of contempt. If we adopt
England's present estimate of the
Boers we are logically bound to adopt
England's estimate of the men of Lex
ington, Breed's Hill and Valley Forge.
Washington Post.
Mr. flcKlnley on the Tariff
Mr. McKinley was far in advance of
his party upon the tariff question. He
Bhowed this by the negotiation of num-
rIT( FcmaiuaUr Cored. NoflU or ntTTMUSMi flr (!ritdj' tut
t 1 1 A Dr. KUnt'f Gnat Nmi Btrttnr. 8ad far FREE- 2-00 trill
bottfeaaitrt. DE. R. U. KLDOS, MX. Ml Arch gtmt.
Extracts from the speeches, letters
and writings of the Fathers and De
fenders of the Republic on these
themes. Also, all important documents
relating to Cuba, Porto Rico, HawaiL
and the Philippines. Comment by the
Endorsed and used by the Democratic
National Committee, personally en
dorsed by Senator Jas. K. Jones, Willis
J. Abbot, Dr. David Starr Jordan, and
others of National repute.
"It is the most complete compendium
on the subject yet published, and will
be invaluable to every political writer
and speaker. It ought to be in the
hands of every voter."- Ex-Gov. John
P. Altgeld.
160 page book. Price, 25 cents. Ad
dress the Editor, E. G. Ballard, 807
Chamber of Commerce, Chicago.
i i
The Sfudehaker
Tho foundation o tho wheel ig the HUB.
Our huhs, irhioh are made from specially
selected timber, are each pcientiflcally treated
with tho Studebiiker Filler before tho ipokei
aro driven, ronderinsr thomnbgolnfcolv imrri-
ous to moisture, and making a safe guarantee against checking
or loose tires in any climate. Over 50,000 sold in 1900 and more than
On Million in Dally Use tho world over, testifies to tho euperior
points of construction in tho Studebaker Wagon. Aak your dealer
for The Twentieth Century Studebaker. Insist upon it If not
there writo us direct, and we will tell you where you can got it
and why it is tho Cheapest Wagon for you to use.
South Bend, Ind., U. S. A.
Lush; published by Doubleday, and
ivicuiure uo., New York.
Silas Cobb, a Storv of Sunorvision.
by Dan B. Stevens; published by Ham
mond Bros. & Stevens, Fremont, Neb.
D'RI and I. a Tale of Darincr Ddtds
in the Second War with the British,
being tho memoirs of Colonel Ray
mond Bell, U. S, A., by Irving Bach-
eier, author of "Eben Holden;" pub
lished by Lathron Publishinc Co..
George Mason, of Virninia. an Ad
dress by 'Louis H. Machon; published
oy, the author, at Fairfax, Va.
Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable.
by Earnest Crosby; published by
Small, Maynard & Co., Boston.
Tne Builders' Handbook, a Collec
tion of Facts. Ficures and Memoranda
about Building; published by the au-
inor, a. Roberts, architcpt, Lincoln,
Military Above Civil.
General Chaffee, discussing the Phil
adelphia situation, said:
"I am most desirious to sustain the
civil court in every possible way, but
I feel that it would be very unwise
in tho existing circumstances to allow
the civil courts to interfere in rall
litary affairs, as it is occasionally nec
essary for the military authorities to
act in cases where it would be un
wise, in the interest of the govern
ment, to make public at the time tho
reasons for acting. Should the claim
now made by the civil courts be al
lowed, it would be disastrous to the
influence of the army in the island.
Every prisoner sentenced by a mili
tary commission would have recourse
to habeas corpus proceedings. Even
Howard (an alleged deserter) is await
ing the decision in this case in order
to try to secure his own release by a
writ of habeas corpus."
Borrowed Fun
"Here's a photograph I had taken ten
years ago. Do you think it still does
me justice?"
"Justice? Why, my dear fellow, it
does you mercy! "--Puck.
First Tramp "Say, wot makes you
look so greasy, Weary?"
Second Tramp "Guess it's 'cause
I'm llvin' on de fat uv do land."
Chicago News.
"What did Gamboge draw when he
was at the seaside?"
"Blest if I know. But there is ono
thing I'm sure he didn't draw."
"What's that?"
"A sober breath." Cleveland Plain
Dolly "Would you marry a title?"
Madge "I wouldn't mind one of
those coal barons." Judge.
"No," said the ingenue, "I don't like
"Why not?" asked the college stu
dent. "Because," responded she, blushing,
"you have to sit tandem all the time."
Town Topics.
Eyesight Restored
Failing Eyesight, Cataracts or Blindness
Cured without the use of the Knife,
Dr.W O. Coffoo, the noted eye upecUlht of Dm
Moines, low, hiw perfected a wild treatmontby which
anyono sutiering irom r Ailing
Eyealgbt, Cataracts, BIlHdaeM
or any dlnoasp of tho eyes can
cure themselves at home. If
you aro afflicted with any eye
troublo write to Dr Coffee and
tell blra all about It. He will
then tell you just what he "as
A n tf a aw III Uf mm A r
FKKI5 or Charge, his 8(5
'page book. "The New Hystera
y of Treating Disease of the
Bye." itia run or interesting;
and valuable Information. All
tares are perraaseafc. Write) To-Day for yourwlf
or friend to
W.O. COFFEE, M.D, 655 Cw4 Block, DBS MOINES, (L
L4C. 1
,122 V
ml sik
flsBBr-PT'w"""! itBlaH
BoHgrht at Reeelrera' Sale.
Hheeta either flat, corrn.
stated or V" crimped. No
tools except a hatchet or
hammer is needed to lay
the roofing. We furnish
free with each order
enouprh paint tosrf "JK
cover and natlstolar. "Print nt!flntmrf
- : - - -3iw .& ..- .-- .-
AflquarOTTlcans JUU Bquuruiu nnm lorrrro vauisgva
No. ili on tirsrral Mrrchwdite. CIllcafTP IIOMC
Wrecking Co., WostKth and Iron ttts., Chicago, Hi.
Seattle, 'Washington
European Plan. Hates $1.00 and upward. 122
rooms. 75 rooms rritH bath. Finest Cafe in the
northwest, noted for the peculiar excellence of
its Cuisine.
H. IJ, Dunbar, President and Manager
For Every Able Man and Woman In a
Large and Successful Co-Oper-
aflve Enterprise.
The Co-operative Association of Am
erica, central headquarters at Lewis
ton, Maine, Is an enterprise for creat
ing and distributing wealth by co-operative
methods by which each co
worker (member) shall receive tho full
product of his toil. It Is already a suc
cess and furnishing employment to
many men and women on the above
terms.- New positions are continually
opening for more co-worlcers. For In
formation send 2c for a circular or 10c
for a complete pamphlet to above ad
dress. Agent Here is a rapid seller, 1Gx20 Photogra
vnro plctaro of the Presidents and Capitol Build
ing at Washington. Sample posUpuid 35o one
dozen 1.00. Dopt. 20. C, P, Cory Co., l-45 6.
JeiTenron St. Chicago.
niTCilTO Send sketch for free opinion. Fee
rfl I rfl I A dependent on success. MJLO B.
I ft I L.11 1 U STEVENS & Co.. established 1804
Div. L, 11th and Q Sts., WASHINGTON. D. C.
bestby utr74 . Wk DAY C5
and want mtm Kkmnen. t 1 HB4?
Month and Xxy eases; no experience
needed: position permanent; Belf-seUer,
l'XAflK Uva, Co.,Htat'u Cincinnati, O.
r"JT" FOLKS reduced 15 lba a month.
r r I You can make remedy at borne. Samp
le free. Hall Chom. Co., Dept. 208, St. Louis, Mo.