The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 04, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Forum of the Weekly Press.
Griffin (Ga.) News: One of the conditions of
peace in the Philippines, according to Congressman
Hull, is that we leave polygamy alone. How about
that beatific condition of slavery that we are told
about from the same source?
Coffeyville (Kas.) Democrat: Champ Clark
hits the nail on the head when he says: "The time
has come to settle once for all the overshadowing
question whether a democrat is a democrat in fact
or only a galvanized republican."
Bolivar (Mo.) Herald: If the democratic party
will hold as steadfastly to bimetallism as McKinley
did to protection then the party ' deserves to and
will ultimately win on this great issue. Let those
that would evade this issue take warning.
Futler (Mo.) Democrat: A man aspiring to
official position in Missouri, better keep it to him- .
self that he was, not in favor of 16 to 1, or is not
now, as the last democratic national platform de
clares for it, and. democrats would mistrust him.
The platform declares democratic faith.
Thayer (Mo.) Tribune: The democracy of the
Kansas City platform is good enough for us, and
we think it is quite likely to be reaffirmed in toto
when the national convention meets again. We be
lieve the money question is still an issue, and is
quite likely to bo in the next campaign.
Tampa (Fla.) Herald: Upon being requested
to furnish a list of the populist tenets that should
lie discarded from the democratic platform, the
esteemed Pensacoia News begins with free silver. .
That was a democratic tenet before the populist
party was born, but no matter. Give us some '
Durango (Colo.) Democrat: The St. Louis
Globe-Democrat says: "The time for deporting
anarchists has been delayed too long." The G.-D.
has been bellowing" f or the party that imports them
ever since the g. o. p. came into existence. Cen
tralized wealth is the spawning ground for an
archists. Dayton (Tenn.) Herald: The difference be-'
tween a republican anti-trust speech between cam
paigns and a democratic speech' during a campaign,
is illustrated by this, fact: While the republican
speaks trusts continue to be organized without fear,
but while the democrat speaks the hat is being
passed among the trusts to raise money to beat
him. .
Pineville (Mo.) Democrat: The republican pa
pers still appear to be greatly worried over tho
reorganization of the democratic party. The fact
is, a few political scabs have been cast off from the
body of democracy, who are now howling "reor
ganize," but that does not indicate that the rank
and file take any stock in the reorganization move
ment. Brunswick (Mo.) Brunswicker: The term "re
organizer," as applied to the rule or ruin clique of
gold bugs within the democratic party, is but an
other name for repudiationists who, if they can't
control the party and purge it of every taint of
Jeffersonianism, will vote the republican ticket A
"trimmer" within our ranks is more to be dreaded
than op"en enemy.
Honesdale (Pa.) Herald: The scheme of pro
tection and paternalism has reached its climax in
the trust. And the system of imperialism has pro
duced two of the most contradictory and petti
fogging decisions that ever proceeded from our
supreme court. Surely it is about time that a party
which started out with such high resolves took ac
count of its bearings. As for the party in this
state, don't mention it.
Fairfield (111.) Sun: The democratic party for
years has been seeking to overcome tendencies in
government which it knew to be breeding anarchy.
It has recognized the peril to our institutions in
volved in building up a monstrous fabric of class
The Commoner.
privilege. It has known that in sowing the wind
of class favors we were bound sooner or later to
reap tho whirlwind of class hatred. And it has
sought in an orderly way by Invoking tho spirit
of civic virtue to check tho reckless progress of
class selfishness and class greed as exemplified in
shameless laws which brought want and sorrow
into thousands of homes and bitterness and revolt
into tens of thousands of hearts.
Woodsfield (O.) Spirit of Democracy: Wo
learn from republican newspapers that it is little if
any short of high treason to criticise a decision of
tho supreme court of tho United States; yot one of
the corner stones on which the republican party
was founded was unutterablo detestation and os
tentatious disobedience of a decision of that su
preme court. Sauce for the Porto Rico goose should
be sauce for tho Dred Scott gander.
Beatrice (Neb.) Herald: B. C. Westall, chief
of the money department at Havana, Cuba, took
the surplus remittance of $4,000 to bo paid into the
treasury and laid it on a seat by his side while
ridinj in an omnibus and leisurely read a news
paper. When he went to alight the package was
gone, so ho says. Cuba seems to be a rich field for
Uncle Sam's employes under republican rule.
Ramsey (111.) News-Journal: The democracy
had as well make up its mind that there will be no
temporizing with, error simply to win the offices.
The Kansas City platform will ho indorsed and re
enacted in 1904 and all the yellow journals (gold
democrats) can't turn a wheel to lead tho dem
ocracy into the enemy's camp on tho money ques
tion any easier than they pan upon trusts and im
perialism. Winchester (Ind.) Democrat: The democrats
and populists of Nebraska have completed another
fusion state ticket. When they entertain similar
opinions and their interests are identical, why not?
from a window of the state capitol was the act pf
a republican politician, and was condoned by the
very San Francisco papersVhfch are now shriek
ing most loudly and sordidly against "yellow
journalism." Those who really abhor the shedding
of human blood abhor it everywhere and always.
Indianapolis (Ind.) Standard: The Hoosier
Democrat last week ended a long editorial with
the following advice that should be taken to heart
by all honest democrats in the state: "Clark
county democrats should not, must not, back into
the republican party through a- democratic side
track. We must remain true to our convictions.
It matters not what the consequences may be, nor
what time-serving politicians may advise, and in
the Lord's good time tho cause of right and justice
and humanity will reign victorious."
Sturgls( Mich.) Democrat: The American
farmer is obliged to sell in free trade markets and
to buy in protected markets where competition is
shut out by protective tariff laws that havo been
made for the purpose of enabling tho favored
manufacturers to charge whatever price they see
fit for their wares. This is only an instance, but it
comes right home to every farmer and it is hoped
they will remember it on election day when asked
to continue in power the party which has passed
the protective tariff laws and under the administra
tion of which this great scheme of legalized rob
bery has been built up.
Dyersburg' (Tenn.) Herald: But suppose we
should reorganize the democratic party, abandon
the fight on trusts, imperialism and all along the
lines as the Memphis Herald wishes us, and suc
cess should crown this party perfidy, what good
would it do, what reforms would be accomplished?
What progress would be made in the name of hu
manity and justice? Wo can see how a few thou
sand office-seekers would bo benefitted, but what
good would this accomplish for the 6,000,000 voters
who believe in the principles and policies of dem
' ocracy. There wpuld be no change and the demo-,
crajlic administration, could not be distinguished
from the republican administration. The same
abuses would continue, while true democrats would
find little to admiro in a democratic president who
believes in republican principles. We havo orio
republican party in this country, is that not
enough? God help us! Wo don't need two. Wo
advise the office-scoking reorganlzers, who are tired
0i delays and defeats and who havo no hope for
success along democratic lines, to step over and
join tho republicans and leave tho old democratic
party with its namo untarnished by infidelity
and dishonor to continue tho fight for American
manhood. It is doing a great work if it never
wins. Though we may nevof drive the enemy off
tbe field, me may check its advance.
Helena (Ark.) Shield: How dlfforent was the
expression of feeling and sympathy of tho whole
people by reason of tho death of Mr. McKinley to
that of Governor Goebel of Kentucky. Without
underestimating tho real worth of McKinley tho
Shield claims that Governor Goebel was' as truo a
friend of the workingmen and tho common people
as any man. It might bo said that ho was In fact
a martyr for ho was killed becauso ho had worked
for what he believed to bo right. When Goebel was
killed his political opposors never said a kind word
about him, but oncouraged and protected u.v
accessory in the assassination. Goebel's friends
vept alone.
Oskaloosa (la.) Journal: Tho esteemed Reg
ister has a leading editorial devoted to the splen
did apple, peach and grape crops of Missouri. Tho
Register makes one bad break, however, when it
states that these fine crops arc tho result of better
management on the part of the MIssourians. The
fact is these crops are the culmination of thirty
years of democratic rule down there. When our
contemporary will concede that' good crops are the
result of anything else than continued republican
domination, it admits that about every argument
the have' advanced in favor of republican success
has been a fraud and a fake; Missouri is now a
typical democratic state. Wo hope to see Iowa
follow in her footsteps and this conversion of tho
Register is one step In that direction.
Bollalre (O.) Democrat: Realizing the feel
ings of the people regarding the trusts, nearly ev
ery republican state convention held this year has
been denouncing tho trusts, or rather all illegiti
mate combinations of capital. Now many com
binations of capital are Just and proper, if for
proper purposes. The great Increase in our com
mercial life make them necessary for the best
transaction of business and to enable us to com
pete with the outside world. The trouble is, they
have not defined what is a trust, and as the worst
trusts have been tho best friends of tho party,
they are not likely to find any illegitimate com
binations, and the people will have to be satisfied
' with their denunciation on paper, for no combina
tion will ever be disturbed unless it refuses to con
tribute to tho republican campaign fund.
Olatho (Kas.) Register: The narrow-minded,
small-souled, mean-spirited and bigoted we have
with us always. After having invited ex-Governor
St. John to speak at the McKinley memorial exer
cises Thursday afternoon, the committee in charge
yielded to tho protests of a few bitterly partisan
republicans and democrat-haters and withdrew the
invitation. This action on tho part of tho com
mittee aroused a storm of indignation amongst
democrats, populists and fair-minded republicans
and several people proceeded to disconnect them
selves with the program. To discredit the charge
that the exercises were to bo an exclusively repub
lican affair, the committee has been trying to find
somo democrat to take a place on the program,
but so far as wo can learn-up to going to press, the
committee has not succeeded. Tho insult to Gov
ernor St. John but manifests tho intense hatred
with which the noisy, narrow, nauseous republican
regards those who differ with him in political mat
ters. There aro only a few of him, but he Is al
ways in evidence.