The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 04, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
ji jlvjudl. yy juj&o xjiaxx xjjx. yxp jljv.ix.
THIS work is tho outcome of a visit to the Transvaal, made by Mr.
Webster Davis whilo ho was Assistant Secretary of the Interior,
under Mr. McKinloy's first administration, and as tho result of
which ho broko his relations with the Republican party and af
filiated himself with tho opposition. Tho author vehemently ar
raigns tho British government for tho Transvaal war. Whether
tho reader agrees with tho author or not, he will be interested in
his presentation of tho Boer side of tho case. Milton said that
truth could not suffer so long as she was left freo to combat error.
John Bull's Crime,
Assaults on Republics
"Strike, but hear," Lz a familiar saying. No ono knows his own sido
of the case until ho also knows the other side.
For all these reasons, no matter what opinion tho reader may
have formed of tho South African war, ho will bo the gainer from
a reading of this book.
Tho illustrations aro worth alone more than the price of the
work. They were all taken on tho spot, either by Mr. Davis or
by some of his friends, and they certainly form a unique collection
of South African pictures. They are in all styles, from "grave to
gay, from lively to severe," and they have been faithfully and
exquisitely reproduced in half-tono. Cloth, largo octavo (6x9), 400
pages altogether, printed on coated paper, beautifully illustrated
by over eighty full-page half-tones, attractively bound. Two dol
lars; carriage prepaid.
Send a copy of this advertisement with your order to
The Abbey Press,
Publishers, 114 5th Av., New York,
V ll;
"Tarry Thou Till I Come"
Or Salathiel, the Wandering Jew.
Introduction by Gen- Lew Wallace.
A historical novel, dealing with tho momentous events that occurred,
chiefly in Palostino, from tho tiino of tho crucifixion to tho destruction
of Jerusalem. It reveals tho struggles between tho Romans and tho
Jows, which finally on&jd in the overthrow and tr ) dispersion of tho
Jewish nation, picturing forth tho conflict botweon Judaism and early
Christianity. Tho book, as a story, is replete with Oriontal charm and
richness, and the character-drawing is marvelous. No other novel ever
writton has portrayed with such vividness tho events that convulsed
Homo and destroyed Jorusalom in tho early days of Christianity.
Exquisitely Illustrated bv
T. de Thulstrup,
Thtt brilliant American Artist, with a beautiful frontispioco in colors
sixteen full page drawings, and fhroo illustrated bastard titlo pages
all by this famous artist.
Gen. Lew Wallace,
Author of Ben Hurr,
in tho introduction which ho wrotofor this book
says: " In my judgment, tho six greatest English novels aro 'Ivanhoo,'
Tho Last of the Barons 'The Talo of Two Cities Jane Eyro flypa
tia nd THIS ROMANCE OF CROLY'S. If Shakespeare had novor
boon born; if Milton, Byron, and Tennyson wore singers yet to be, and
Bacon, Darwin, and Buskin unknown; still, tho six works named would
of themselves suffice to constitute a British litorature.
Price in Cloth, gjjsp $1.59-
Bond this advertisement with tho amount to
Funk & Wapalls Publishing Co. &$os5l""
From the Earliest Times to the Present;
By Alex Del Mar.
Second Ed., Complete in One Vol.; pp. 500, 8vo. CLOTH AND GOLD, $3.W
This is not a recension of tho first edition (London, 1880), bat an entiroly now work,
constructed on an improved plan by tho same author. Tho following are from tho preBs
nolicos of tho first oditlon :
Abounds with vivid description and practical knowlodgo .London Athenaeum.
Eo'pleto with information; ovincos much care and study. London Academy.
Shows tho most conspicuous advance beyond his prodecessers. .London Saturday
A work of great wciRht and oleganco of stylo. London Economist.
No such ablo and exhaustive work sinco that of William Jacob. London Statist.
Years ngo Mr. Dol Mar gavo to the public "A History of tho Precious Motals"
which has since become a standard work on the subject. In that work was traced the
adventures of tho Phoenicians, Romans, Spaniards. Californians and Australians
those Argonauts who variously from the dawn of history to the present timo, have led
tho search for the precious motals. Bosido discovery, tho author showed that theso
motals had been largely obtained through conquest and slavery. The Persian, Greek,
Hpmnn, Egyptian, Spanish, and British conquests of mining countries, and tho Roman
and Spanivh sjBtcms of mino slavery, were nojet delineated, and finally tho conditions
of f rco mining wore examined. Upon a genoral roview of tho entire subject, tho author
found amnio reason to ngrco with tho celebrated dictum of Montesquieu, that upon the
whnlo, gold and silvor, when obtained by freo mining and paid labour, had cost to the
world a far greator prico than they represented in the exchanges. Montcsauiou arrived
at this conclusion by instinct; Mr. Dol Mar reached it through historical research.
Sacramento liccord-Unimi.
Mr. D. has thoroughly surmountod ovory obstaclo, and furnished a volumo replete
with information. Every line will bo read. London Mining Journal.
A comploto text-book on tho subjcct.--.London Money.
Bnsed on independent research. London Daily Neios.
Of tho highest scientific valuo, yet readable as a novol. New York Economist.
The peculiar advantages which Mr. Del Mar has enjoyed have alono enabled a work
of such magnitude and historical valuo to bo completed in a single lifetime Ho has
traveled into ovory country whoso monotary syBtem he has delineated; he has examined
tho official records, consulted tho local histories and numismatic monuments, surveyed
tho gold and silvor mines and traced tho mining rivers, in each of them soparatoly; and
by the light of (hoso researches ho has been onabled to construe many ob3curo passages
in the texts of Caesar, Pliny, Plutarch, and othor ancient writers. Mr. Del Mar's works
aro valuablo contributions to tho small amount of litornturo that has been published
on such important subjects, and thoy are the more useful becauso they aro devoted to
tho sotting forth of facts, and not to tho upholding of any particular thodrios. London
Financial News.
Next to its versatility and vast scopo, the absolute impartiality of tho work is per
haps its most striking featuro. It advocates no theories, it indulges in no deductivo
arguments, it is strictly historical, and it is history of tho highest order, fit to rank
with the works of Gibbon, Bobertson, Alison, Macaulay, Niobuhr and Mommsen. BuU
Bond nmount mid copy of this advertisement to
840 West 23d St., NEW YORK. Address Postofflce Box ICO, M. 8
She P. O. Box Address snsureB moro prompt delivery.) A
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Author of the famous
"Coin's Financial School."
This vtflumejs written in Mr. Harvey's entertaining and con
vincing style, and io replete with information and, instruction.
It can be obtained in paper cover for
25 Cents. ,.
Bond amount, WITH THIS ADVERTISEMENT, to tho
Coin Publishing Co.,
Vinda, BacSLr, Arkansas.