8 Whether Common or Not. ', w A Mother's Seng:. One evening, as the sun went down Behind tho western hills, , , v And loft tho glowing June twilight t, To paint tho rippling fills, - , I wandered down a village street And heard & melody Come floating on tho listless breeze .. "Nearor, my God, to Thee!" Tho voice was weak. with fleeting years, . Tho tones wore soft and low; Tot ov'ry accent clearly told ,, . Of Christian heart aglow With thoughts of home beyond the skies Where many mansions, bo rti , s For, Io, another day was done .,. "Nearer, my God, to Thee!" t , And stealing o'er my troubled soul , Camo; thoughts of peaceful rest, A rest is, sweet as that of sun . ',. . Adown tho purpling west. .A thought that when this life was done My mother's face I'd see, And hear her sing "my welcome home -, "Nearer, my God, to Thee!" s; Usually, "My boss promised to raise my wages as soon ao I became thoroughly acquainted with my work." "I've discovered that It takes a long time to get on speaking terms witti that kind of .a Job."- Old Adages Etevamited. . "A new broom sweeps clean." Any house wife knowbottor. "Molasses catches more flies than vinegar." Of course , Who ever heard of. molasses catching vinegar? , ' " ' ' ''Easy come, easy go." A carbuncle . comes easy, but it's hard ;to persuade it to go. Scientific. Lecturer "No one has yet discovered the mys tery of the 'Milky Way.' It is a celestial phenom ena that has baffled science." A. Day Boarder (long suffering) "Perhaps it is made "lip of hydrants and' ettipty' milk 'cans."' i Located. ' Fair Visitor "I 'want to see the lovely man who. writes all those touching little verses and clever jokes." Managing Editor "See that man; over ' there trying to stand off the bill collector? That's "tlie man you're after." 5 Isolated. Dulboy "Who is tliat lonesome looking indi vidual standing over there?" Sharpley "That is S. Wellhedde." Dulboy "He looks like a man who considered himself something out of the ordinary." Sharpley "Ho does. He thinks that every man who differs from his is a demagogue. Up to date he has found nobody who happens to agree with him, hence he is compelled to flock by himself." ir Autumnal. - The melancholy days have come, - The very saddest season; . . . Hard coal is now ten plunks a ton A price beyond. all reason. 5 The Commoner. wo want Is the largest liberty all kinds of liberty. Man. should bo left to do as he pleases without interference from uniformed and armed minions of tyrannical law. Death to all" Then the crowd closed in on the speaker and prepared to do things. The timely arrival of a squad of policemen prevented a lynching. As tho, anarchist rode to the police station he remarked to tho policemen: "I'm awfully glad you came just when you did. I needed protection from that irresponsible gang." What tho policemen thought is not recorded, owing to a failure to manufacture an asbestos paper than can be run through a perfecting press. A Clianje of Ylews. The fiery anarchist mounted tho dry goods box and proceeded to express his views on things in general: "Down with all tyrants!" he shrieked. "What y? In New Jersey. They've organized some grievous things In New Jersey. Some robbing trusts and thieving rings, - In New Jersey. Of course they've paid some handsome fees, And public servants live in ease, While trusts are safe to gouge anil squeeze, In New Jersey. " " "' The game's been played a bit too long ' In Now Jersey. v It's time to right the public wrong In New Jersey. The anarchists are much alive, And like the trusts and combines thrive" . Like bees in unmolested hive, In New Jersey. - ,, . ,fIt seems high time that they commence, In New Jersey.T To. use a little common sense ' In New Jersey, Let trusts and anarchists be told In .plainest words and accents bold r ...That, for,' their like it's, much too cold. In New Jersey. t , V-v it f i Hot;with proper adjectives. " '. Will. M;; Maupin: ft' Points About People. Governor Geer of Oregon is said to be the best judge of horsefleslr in- the state. Cecil Rhodes will spend the summer in Scot land, shooting grouse and deer. Rev. John Kerr of Lima, 111., claims to own tho oldest Bible in the United States. Bishop Candler of the Methodist church,. southt calls the higher criticism '"a sort .of polka dot revelation." Rev. Thomas H. Miles has just celebrated at St. Louis the fiftieth anniversary of his entry into the Jesuit order. The wastefulness of modern war is to be repres ented in a museum at Lucerne. M. de Bloch is collecting the material. Most Reverend Frederick Temple, archbishop of Canterbury, is SO years old. Recently he cele brated his silver wedding. Henry .Mosler, the famous American, artist, has recently returned to this country after a long sojourn In France and Italy. Miss Le Fanu Robertson has produced a play at .the Theatre Royal, Dublin. She is a grand daughter of the famous Sheridan. . Henry Dickens, a son of the famous novelist, Is visiting in this country. He Is accompanied by his two .daughters, Elaine and Olive. M. Gaston Menier,' the French chocolate king, contemplates establishing In France a dally news paper published along American lines. General Booth is arranging to -visit Chicago in November, accompanied by twenty or thirty of tho most prominent Salvation Army workers;' ofv-' England. ,""' Lee Crandall, editor and proprietor of The Na- , tional View, from 1879 to 1894, is president of tho "" Confederate Mining Company, Globo, Arizona. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the tele phono, is of the opinion that aerial navigation is not a question of balloons, but of mechanics and power of the motor. Pierre Maurier died recently in Genoa at tho age of 98. He was a resident of Elba when Na poleon was sent there and often carried fruit and. eggs to Napoleon's kitchenl Charles M. Kurtz, assistant chief In the worlc of organizing tho fine arts exhibit of tho World's fair, has been appointed to a similar position for the St. Louis exposition. Robert Emmett O'Connor, ono of tho most popular and brilliant lawyers in Austria, Is promi y nently mentioned for the office of first chief jus tice of tho newly federated colonies. Governor Orman of Colorado is said to bo ono of the 'most expert shots In the country. ' He has a collection ot trophies won while hunting in tho mountains that can be equaled by few. Dr. Charles Smith, a physician of Philadelphia, claims that he was born in 1775. He says ho graduated from the medical school at Jena in 1808, and that he was then thirty years old. Rev. Mr. Pearson, the minister who was elected sheriff of Cumberland county, Me., as a "joke," vsays he has been offered bribes aggregating $100,- 000 to ease up on his prosecution of illicit vendors of liquor. Senora Canovas del Castillo, widow of the famous Spanish statesman who was murdered' by an anarchist, died recently In Madrid. She. was made a duchesB by the queen regent soon after the death of her distinguished husband. Henry Rustin, who designed the illumination, for the pan-American exposition, designed the il lumination for the trans-Mississippi exposition "a Omaha, and will perform a similar work for tho St. Louis exposition. He is a citizen of Omaha. Emperor William has commissioned his sis- .ter, Princess Margaret of Hesse, to be honorary - colonel of tho Eightieth FjDot. The husband of tho princess is only a captain, und the difference in rank is causing considerable comment in Ger- fany. Jules Verne, the famous French author, is in very poor health. Recently the author of "Around the Worfd- in Eighty Days" welcomed back to Paris a newspaper man who started from that city and beat the record of Verne's imaginary hero, "Phineas Fogg;" . The'Duke of 'Argyll-has completed his 56th-year; Tho Duke is greatly interested in literature. Ho has published the Psalms in English verse, writ ten the libretto of an opera which was producad in Covent Garden four years ago and given a number of poems to the public. General Hector Macdonald is a sly joker. Dur ing the advance on Pretoria he was asked by Gen- . eral Lord Roberts if the Highland brigade could reach a certain point by a certain time. "Yes if your cavalry can keep up with them,"wwas the reply. Though married but once, the wife of Lord Curzon has already been known by three names, -and may yet be known by another. She started in life as Maiy Lei.ter. By marriage she become Mrs. George N. Curtfon. Now she is Lady Curzon of Kedleston. When her father-inrlaw dies she. will bo Lady Scarsdalo. ' H. Hermans lives in one of the handsomest farm residences in Kansas. It was once the court house of Garfield county. When the county or ganization was given up and tho boom town. burBt, Hermans waited until all others had left and then homesteaded the court house quarter sec tion, y " V L&U'L i&fcdttiliriiriJitri'ii ,MH1kftHa?- 'i "IMiit'ii 1 1 - -..t.jM-.i jt. ftito nfaiWiTwTTi msMn