The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 27, 1901, Image 1

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    t '
The Commoner
Vol. k. No. 36.
Lincoln, Nebraska,' September 27, 1901.
$1.00 a Year
Freedom of Speech.
. Some of tho republican papers arc suggest
ing limitations upon the freedom of speech as
a cure for anarchy. Tho editor of The Com
moner has as much reason as any living man
to know of the abuse sometimes heaped upon
candidates for office. Ho has been the vidtim
of as much malice and vituperation as have
ever been employed against an American, and
yet he is opposed to placing any additional re
striction upon the freedom of speech or tho
freedom of tho press.
First, because the evils of restriction are
greater than tho evils of freedom, and, second,
because abuse does not hurt the man or tho
party made the subject of attack. The death of
President McKinloycan not be traced to any
thing ever spoken or written against him. The
assassin spoke affectionately of his victim and
said that he killed him not because of his dis
like for tho man but because of his opposition
to government of any kind Sonic who are en
gaged in schemes which will not bear the light
will shield themselves" betiihcP the murder-
t us deed of the assassin and denounce freedom
q spepcji beoause they 4o- not wa4t the pl?Up
!;to bornformed of their- dorags.j-'Otherg'pl
! stirred' ;bj;;itf 'lhtebus .indignation,- rstrike $ ,
fc free speeoh because some have " abused the
I latitude allowed. It is time for liberty-
loving citizens to protest against the at-
I tempt to suppress free speech. The warfare
y must be againBt anarchy, not against freedom
of speech. Anarchy is an European product
and-thrives most' where there is least freedom
I or speech and least freedom of the press. ' Let
us not make the mistake of undermining our
institutions under the delusion.that.wo are. thus
protecting those institutions.
Free speech and a free press are essential to
free government. No man in public life can
I object to the publication of tho truth and no
I. man in public life is permanently injured by the
publication of a lie. That much is published
I that should not be is only too evident, but let
I public opinion correct the evil; that will bo
I more effective than law and will bring no
danger with it. If a paper abuses a political
opponent stop your subscription and teach tho
editor to conduct his paper on respectable
I lines. There is a sense of justice in the hu-
(. man heart and he who violates it violates it at
his own peril. This sense of justice ultimately
I turns abuse to the benefit of the- man abused.
Tho present laws against slander and1 libel are
sufficient; leave the rest to a healthy public sen
timent and then help to create the sentiment.
High Tariff Doomed.
In his speech at Buffalo, tho last speech
f that he made, President McKinley sounded tho
death-knell of a high tariff. He said:
"Wo have a vast and Intricate business, built
up through years of toll arid struggle, in .which
every part of the country bus its stake, which will
not permit of either neglect or of undue selfish
ness. No narrow, sordid policy will subserve it.
Tho greatest skill and wisdom on tho part of the
manufacturers and producers will be required to
hold and increase it. Our industrial enterprises,
which have grown to such great proportions, af
fect tho homes and occupations of the people and
the welfare of tho country. Our capacity to pro
duce has developed so enormously and our prod
ucts have so multiplied that iho problem .of more
markets requires our urgent and immediate atten
tion. Only a broad and enlightened policy will
keep what we have. No other policy will get
more. In. these times of marvelous business ener
gy and gain wo, ought to bo looking to tho future,
strengthening tho, weak places in our . industrial
and ' commercial systems, that1 we may be ready
for any storm or strain.
"By sensible trado arrangements which will
not Interrupt our homo production we shall ex
tond the outlets for our increasing surplus. A
system which provides a mutual exchange of
commodities Is manifestly essential to the con
tinued, healthful growth of our export trade. Wo
must ndt repose In fancied security tliat wedari for
ever sell every thing and. buy little or nothing, If
Siich a thing were, possible it woujd not be, best
-forua or foa.thQ8ewithwhom-wdeal.. -W-tym$'$&'W8i6tlb
'c'uiifdnlra'tfchyof theft''
product's as wo can use .without harm to our in
dustries, and labor. Reciprocity is the natural
outgrowth of our wonderful Industrial develop
ment under the domestic policy now firmly estab
lished. What we produce beyond our domestic
consumption must have a vent abroad. The ex
cess must be relieved through a foreign, outlet,
and we should sell everywhere w,e can and buy
wherover tho buying will enlarge our sales and '
productions, and thereby make a greater demand
for home labor.
"The period of exclusiveness is past. The ex
pansion of our trado pnd commerce is the press
ing problem. Commercial wars are unprofitable.
A policy of good, will and friendly trade relations
will prevent reprisals. Reciprocity treaties are in
harmony with the spirit of the times; measures of -retaliation
are not."
"The period of exclusiveness is past." That
mean'B that our country must enter the markets
of tho world, and when it does so it will bo ab
surd to talk about needing protection from for
eigners. When wo sell abroad, the. freight
must be added to tho price we must sell at tho
foreign price, less tho freight. In other
words,, we have tho advantage of double freight
when we sell at home. When it is admitted
that we can pay the freight and compete with
foreigners, no one will have the audacity . to
ask for a high tariff to protect domestic manu
facturers against foreign competition.
Mr. McKinley's statement that we cannot
sell everything and buy nothing is an axiom,
but it will shock the high tariff advocates who
have gone on the theory that we ought to sell
to everybody and buy of nobody. But tho
Presidents speech suggests one melancholy
thought. Tariff reform is about the only thing
tho reorganizes favor that is Democratic and
it would bo really cruel' if tho republicans
should abandon protection and lcavo tho rcbr
gamzers no issue at all.
Another Problem.
By way of London, tho information comes
to tho United States that tho Danish Ministry
"has decided to accept tho United States' offer
of 10,000,000 kroner for tho Danish West In
dies." This sum represents, in our money,
about $3,500,000. If this offer has been made,
it has been made by tho executive, because it is
not recalled that congress has given authority
for any such proposition to bo made. Is. tliis
anpther case where Providence will have drop
ped the Danish West Indies into our posses
sion ?, It will be interesting to observe the po
sition to which tho administration politicians
will rolegato these now possessions after wo
have paid our $3,500,000 and have obtained tho
transfer of title. Will thoy become by a mero
purchase apart of tho great American Empiro?
Wiil they bo domestic orloreigri territory?
Will they boepme an integral part of tio Union
with their inhabitants entitled to all tho rights,
prLvTlegeWandl jnrnuni ties that . oldrfjwhioned
p'eople' tudugjit our cbnstittttidn-guaranlecd to
all monmder our flSg,, or will thoy bo mero
colonists, subject to tho whims and caprices of
American politicians? It is presumed that if'
the President concludes to make this pur
chase, he assumes to act under tho clause pro
viding that tho President by and with the con
sent of tho senate may make treaties. We
may soon be confronted with the problem as"
to what position the Danish West Indies will
occupy with relation to the United States.
W ' -
: ; ' The Turning Point. -.
Theodore Roosevelt has reached tho turn
ing point in his political career. For several
years he has cherished the ambition to be Pres
ident; when ho was offered the nomination for
Vice President last year he hesitated to accept
it for fear that it might interfere with his de- ,
sire to reach the first place. Ever since his in
auguration he has looked forward to 1904 as
the time for the realization of his hopes. He
expected to secure the nomination of his party,
but he knew 'that it would be secured, if se
cured at all, at the end of a spirited contest.
All at once, as the result of an assassin's shot,
he was ushered into tho Presidency. His fond
est aspirations have been realized; the highest
honor within the gift of the people in any land
is now his. With what spirit will ho enter
upon the discharge of his duties? The answer
to this question is of tremendous importance
to him and-to his 'country. He has three years
. i