The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 20, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Weekly Press Forurii.
Elyria (0.) Democrat: The democratic party
Jias enough good men to select a candidate from.
Poplarvillo (Miss.) Free Press: Parliament
has adjourned once more but the Boers are keep
ing in continuous session, all the same.
Bloomfield (Ind.) Democrat: The Dingley
tariff may he classed as an institution to help for
eign countries to get their American goods cheaper
than the Americans can.
Janesville (Wis.) Recorder: Mr. Babcoclc says
that protection is also intended to protect the con
sumers." Oh, go away, Babbie. It's too late in the
day for you to turn humorist.
Columbia (Mo.) Herald: Sam Cook says Mis
souri will reaffirm the Kansas City platform. And
Sam Cook knows as much about political condi
tions as anybody in this blessed state.
Beaumont (Tex.) Journal: The British are
killing more Dutch Boers in "refugee" camps than.
Dutch soldiers in the fields. Those in the camps
are unarmed and are more easily killed.
Petaluma (Cal.) Courier: When a question of
principle in law is involved there is no reason why
the bar association should regard the court as too
sacred to be made the subject of discussion.
Albany (Ore.) Democrat: There continues to
be a great deal of cheap talk about reorganizing
the democratic party, but this is principally talk.
The democratic party will reorganize itself as the
occasion comes.
North Vernon (Ind.) Sun: Labor of this
country is certainly getting a dose of injunctions.
No one to blame but labor itself. It placed this
power in the hands of capital and capital is not
so foolish as not to use it.
Bridgeport (Conn.) Star: The democratic
party was right in '96 it was everlastingly right
iif 1900 eternally right in 1901, and the "com
mon people" know Itf Victory's goddess has, no
use for the policy of pottage!
Monmouth (111.) Democrat: Any lowering of
the demands of the Kansas City and Chicago plat
forms would bo in the interest of monopoly and
would result in the triumph of the nine leaders of
plutocracy, instead of democracy.
Geddes (S. D.) Record: It Bhould be borne in
mind that what does not suit them does suit
others, and it is not. the Benedict Arnolds that we
seek to suit. Better a thousand times that dem
ocracy go down in defeat than surrender to Wall
Norton (Kas.) Liberator: Why this smile of
satisfaction when the republican politician reads of
the possible failure of the great steel strike? This
same fellow grew eloquent yes, tearfully eloquent
during the past campaign while reciting his love
for the working man.
Ramsey (111.) News-Journal: He that doubts
Is condemned already, is a trite saying and in
politics is as true as in religion. The democrat
who vacillates and tries to carry the evils, of re
publicanism into the democratic party is an enemy
to his party and to his country.
Hot Springs (S. D.) Times-Herald: A judge
will issue an injunction- that will interfere with
the liberty of the striker, will put him in jail for
merely speaking to a non-union man, but will
never give the striker a hearing or issue ah in
junction against the trusts. What is the reason?
Winchester (Ind.) Democrat: Mr. Bryan's dis
vowal of any connection with a third party move
ment will send cold chills up and down the spinal
column of the republicans who are basing their
hopes upon democratic dissention. Democrats
have no quarrel among themselves now. There an)
too many infamous movements to antagonize In
the republican party for them to waste their en
ergy in senseless bickerings. Mr. Bryan knows
this and is acting accordingly.
The Commoner.
' . Cedar Rapids (la.) Gazette: The place to
fight the trusts is at the polls, and the working
men should have the support of the merchants
and all other classes who depend on the prosperity
of labor. So long as the battle is left to the men
in one trade the trusts will "win.
Gonzales (Tex.) Herald: Roosevelt, at a big
labor day celebration at Minneapolis, said the
great combinations of wealth In Industrial fields
must be controlled. The republican party does
not seem to bo doing much in that line, yet Mr.
Roosevelt Is one of the big chiefs in the wig-wam.
Lexington (Ga.) Herald: That wholesale
poisoning of soldiers at Fort McPhorson, near At
lanta, Wednesday, from eating canned goods
would seem to indicato that our troops have
more to fear from those with whom contracts
are made to feed them than they have from the
armed forces of enemies.
Batesvillo (Ark.) Guard: If those sensitive
persons who object to Mr. Littlefleld's lawyorlike
discussion of the supreme court's decision in the
Porto Rico tariff case will read Justice Harlan's
dissenting opinion in that case, they will And
something to harrow up their very souls and make
their hair stand straight on end.
Lancaster (0.) Democrat: Lot this army of
honost toilers be once awakened to the fact that
trusts and republicanism is simply two different
phases of the same force, that the one cannot
exist without the other, and it will be but a child's
play to destroy by the force of the ballot, both the
trusts and the party at one blow.
Scribner (Neb.) News: A noticeable feature
of the leading labor day orations tills year was
the fact that laboring men wero urged to vote as
they talk. U is useless for laboring men to de
clare against trusts, imperialism and government
by injunction as long as they support a, party that
uphojds or entourages those proposition-?. i
Wausau (Wis.) Herald: The Herald does not
contend that any platform a party may make Is
absolutely perfect, but what it does contend is
that when a man goes put as a leader of his party
and champions the cause of any candidate or any
party platform, it is due from him that he give the
public his reason for afterwards repudiating that
candidate or platform.
Albany (Ore.) People's Press: Of courso
there are no classes In this country. Here we are
all plain citizens. But have you noticed that a
law benefiting the capitalist is easily passed and
favorably Interpreted, while laws intended to ben
efit the laboring man, are seldom passed and when
so passed are usually declared unconstitutional?
If there are no classes, why is this thus?
Hot Springs (S. D.) Times-Herald: We favor
the strict adherence to the Monroe Doctrine
which should mean that f i we do not intend that
foreign powers shall. acquire territory on this side
of the ocean, neither should wo "grab" territory
on the other side of the water. We are unconi
promisinirly in favor of the restoration of silver
to its constitutional place in our monetary sys
tem. Mound City (Kas.) Standard: "The Indorse
ment of the principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence by the Kansas City platform and its
insistence that those basic and time-honored prin
ciples be observed by this nation In its dealings
with the inhabitants of our recently acquired
"colonial possessions," probably constitute some
of the "follies and absurdities" the Globe-Demo-ciat
thinks may have to be taken from that in
strument for tho democratic platform of 190-4. In
fact, anything which tends to preserve genuine
American ideals and retain the functions of gov
ernment In the hands of the people who compose
it is a "folly and absurdity," in the opinion of
many other administration republican newspapers
than the Globe-Democrat In these days of degen
erated Americanism.
Gunnison '(Colo.) Nows: Congressman Little
flcld has been solemnly and publicly rebuked for
daring to criticise tho supremo court. Now will
any of those republicans, who retain any portion
of their Amoricanlsm, publicly rebuke the criti
c'sers for their supremo asslninity. Abraham
Lincoln not only assailed tho supreme cburt, but
he had splendid company.
Buffalo (Minn.) Gazette: Thero would be no
advantage to the democrats to have men who are
opposed to party principles, tho principles of tho
people thomselves, elected to All all tho offices. It
is better to run men that are true to a platform
that is true to tho peoplo and go down to a glor
ious defeat than to win on a platform mado by
opposers of the people and tho people's interests.
Bristol (Tenn.) Courier: It is "right plum
funny" to hear the republicans talk and read
what the republicans say in their papers about
what Watterson, Whitney, Ilill and other fellows
are going to do about a democratic candidate for
the presidency. The democratic party will let tho
country know in plenty of tiino just what it pro
poses to do. Assistant republicans ain't running
tho democratic party.
Fairfield (111.) Sun: Even tho best republi
cans are beginning to wonder how these protected
industries can afford to go unprotected Into the '
European market and undersell the European
competitor. They do it just tho same. Of course,
they make money by the transaction. And the
man whose labor is taxed to help support these
industries at home becomes restive on learning
that the laborer across the sea can purchase Amer
ican goods cheaper than himself.
Georgetown (Ky.) Timed: The republican par
ty is responsible for trusts. Trusts are a disad
vantage to the masses. If tho great common peo
ple want to 'rid themselves of the incubus it can
bo done through the ballot box. An anti-trust'
congress and an anti-trust administration could
scon knock out these combines. There Is no prob- '
ability of any unfriendly legislation against tho
hydra-headed monsters as long as the republican
party remains in power.
Two Riyers (Wis.) Chronicle: A democrat
who is a gold democrat simply because he be
lieves in tho principle of monometallsm, will have
no hesitation in joining his brothqr democrat,
who believes just as sincerely in blmetallsra, in
fighting for equal taxation and against the cor
rupt corporate control of our legislature. It is
only those who are gold democrats for revenue,
vho-see any reason for tho repudiation of author
itative principles and party reorganization.
Portsmouth (N. J.) News: The Boston Her
ald is getting to be about as free in its slurs of
Rear Admiral Schley as in those of William J.
Bryan, of which, it indulges in from one to six per
day. The trouble with the Herald, like most pa
pers of its class, is that it has no use for any man
in any capacity who happens to be a straightout
democrat. It even soured on Dewey as soon as he
let out the fact that he was a democrat. Not every
republican pleases the Herald, it is true, but no
democrat was ever known to.
Frankfort (Ind.) Standard: Whether the
democratic" party is to be a party of the people or
a party of plutocracy is a matter of gravest con
cern to itself of courso, and yet this is of minor
importance compared with the country's interest
In the question. It is the deliberate purpose of
the gold and bond power to keep both the republi
can and democratic parties so led and controlled
by corporations, trusts, franchise owners and
their agents that it will make but little difference
to the trusts which of the parties controls con
gress and elects the president Both organizations,
if controlled by employees of the trusts and cor
porations, would be equally cure to do the bidding
of concentrated wealth.