The Commoner. -?. T L5 K) Vol. i. No. 35. Lincoln, Nebraska, September 20, 1901. $1.00 a Year God's Will, Not Ours, Be Done." These were the last words of President McKinloy as ho bade farewell to the loving companion of his life, to whom his kindness and devotion have been so constant and conspicuous. It was with this beautiful Bpirit of resignation that ho turned from the realities of earth to explore the mysteries of the world beyond. The struggle was over the struggle of a week during which hope and fear alternately gained the mastery. The book of life is closed, and his achievements are a part of history. After he became conscious that the end was drawing near, but before the shadows quite obscured the light, he was heard to murmur some of the words of "Nearer, my God, to Thee." This sacred hymn, which will be found . in full upon another page, contains several iines inspired by Jacob's night at Bethel: "Though, lileo a wanderer, . . T?he sun gone down, ; tSi' ;;7u4,v t- va . -- v , XtHlVIlUBO UU UVU1 11J.U. i.Vlii ?" , fcl- 'WW,.-! .'i fii ;iiKi.i' - "Mrf vnaf i fetnniv " - '' ' ThuB do tho lines immortalize the pillow which to Jacob must have seemed hard indeed tho pillow which, when morning came, tho pa triarch would not have exchanged for tho soft est one on which a weary head was ever laid. It is still true that one's sorest afflictions and most bitter experiences are sometimes stepping stones to higher rewards. The terrible deed at" Buffalo, rudely break ing the tics of family and friendship and hor rifying every patriotic citizen, crowns a most extraordinary life with a halo that cannot but exalt its victim's place in history, while hiB bravery during the trying ordeal, his forgiving spirit and his fortitude in tho final hours give glimpses of his inner life which nothing less tragic could have revealed. But, inexpressibly sad as is the death of McKinley, the illustrous citizen, it is the damn able murder of McKinloy, the president, that melts seventy-five million hearts into ono and brings a hush to the farm, the factory and tho forum. Death is the inevitable incident of every human career. It despises the sword and shield of the warrior, and laughs at the pre cautions suggested by science; wealth cannot build walls high enough or thick enough to shut it out, and no house is humble enough to escape its visitation. Even love, tho most potent force known to man love, the charac teristic which links the human to the divine roven love is powerless in its presence. Its contingency is recognized in tho marriago vow "until death us do., part" and is written upon friendship's signet ring. But the death, even when produced by natural oauses,of a public servant charged with tho tremendous responsi bilities which press upon a president, shocks tho cntiro country and is infinitely multiplcd when tho circumstances attending it constitute an attack upon tho government itself. No ono can estimate the far-reaching effect of such an act as that which now casts a gloom over our land. It shames America in tho eyes of tho Stricken among nations, Columbia weeps, Prostrate at tho bier of her dead son. Yet. not alone she this last vigil keeps An hour like this and nations are as one.. Lfke lightning's awful flash the dread news sped, And king and peasant, fearing with our fears, Bowed with us at the words, OUr chief is dead, And mingled with their own, Columbia's tears. Dark though the sky, the promise still is set The bow above tho 'blue new comfort gives. Our chief Is dead, but God will not forget. He reigneth yet; tho government still lives. ' Will M. Maupln. world; it impairs her moral prestige and gives the enemies' of free government a chance to mock at her. And it excites an indignation which, while righteous in itself, may lead to acts which will partake of the spirit of law lesssncss. As the president's death overwhelms all in a common sorrow, so it imposes a common responsibility, namely, to so avenge tho wrong done to tho president, his family and tho country, as to make tho executive's life seoure without bringing insecurity to freedom of speech or freedom of tho press. zmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmammmmmmmmm 1 WILLIAM M'lONIiBY. ya Husband and Wife. One of tho many striking and touching incid ent occurring at Buffalo was tho meotingbotwecn tho President and Mrs. McKinloy for tho first time after the assault. Tho dispatches report that Mrs. McKinloy took a seat at the bedside and held tho President's hand. The distin guished ftufferor looked into tho faco of his good wife and said in a low tone, "Wo must bear up;p it will be hotter for us both." With tears streaming down her checks, Mrs. McKjln-' loy nodded assent. There is a depth of pathos in this little in cident that must appeal forcefully to thoso who appreciate tho strength of tho ties that bind a good, husband to a go,od' wif 0; Then may bo some pe6t)le whpjiavji.nd wea or sue uiougms mat wore passing tnrougn tho minds of this couple at that moment. Thoro are, however, many others who can im agine what those thoughts were. There, on tho bed of pain, lay the strong, powerful man. By his side sat the frail woman, whose physi cal weakness has been, for so many years, the subject of this husband's tender solicitude. In an humble way thoy began life together. Two little graves had for them a common interest. In prosperity and in adversity they had stood together, participating equally in the joys and sharing equally in the sorrows of life. Tho wife had shared in tho great honors that had come to her husband, and now, when the very summit of political ambition had been reached and political honors had become so common that the conveniences of a quiet, domestic life were longed for by the woman, in order, as sho often expressed it, that she might have her hus band to herself, tho bullet of an assassin had done the work that threatened to blast the highest ambition of this woman's life. "Wo must bear up," said the president; "it will be betterfor us both." It matters not to what extent other men and women may have grieved; it matters not how many tears other men and women may have shed and how much other hearts may have ached. All of this grief and woo could not have been so acute as was the grief and woo which this man and woman suppressed in compliance with the suggestion, "it will be better for us both." There is nothing in all this world more beautiful than a happy marriage. There is in all this world nothing more inspiring, nothing