The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 13, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    "'T TfPfWn "
The Commoner.
VUillleum J. Bryan.
Editor and Proprietor.
i ' Term Payable la Advance.
Cae Year ji,e
Six Month , g9
Three Moatht 9S
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pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice
order, express order or by bank draft on New York or
Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or
j .Advertisl'n rates furnished upon application.
Address all communications to
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. .
Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska,
s second class mail matter.
Mr. Littlefield seems to be cuttiDg a wide
The sick man of Europe appears to bo a
victim of too much concert music.
-Perhaps Professor Triggs heard "himself
trying to sing one of the old hymns'. ' l tT '"
The Beveridgo presidential hoom seems to
be the victim of sadly tangled rudder ropes.
There is a vast difference between contempt
of court and contempt for subservient judges.
Kitchener continues to suffer exorutiating
pains because of a proclamation in his military
Newport has just had a "dog reception."
This must bo what wo have known as. tho
"howling swell" get.
The faot that the ship subsidy advocates
are not making a noise is no sign that they are
not as busy as ever.
Tho implement trust is preparing to plow
deeper into tho pookets of the, people and har
row up the feelings of its customers.
In time John Bull may decide to put the
management of tho South African matter into
tho hands of men who fight better than they
Mr. Roosevelt declares that ho is in favor
of government control, .of trusts. Most Re
publican leaders arc when' there is no political
campaign on hand.
Tho Boers continue to make reply .to Kitch
ener's proclamation. Most of the replica weigh
an ounce each and leave tho recipients in a state
of permanently suspended animation.
The Commoner.
.Judge Baker of Indianapolis should have
his crown soldered on before it is removed by
public sentiment.
It is barely possible that a number of so
. called Democratic organs have confused tho
terms, reorganization and repudiation.
Mr. Wannamaker is not the only reformer
who onakes the mistake of raising most of his
objections between political campaigns.
The judge who sent a striker to jail for ask
ing a follow laborer not to cut prices for labor
would hardly send to jail a manufactures who
asked another not to cut prices for wares.
The Sultan of Turkey knows full well that
he will not have to fight for the existence of
his country until after other European nations
have decided which one is to have the best slice
of it.
Mr. Taf t says ho is " pleaded with results."
It is natural that one who gets all he expected
should be pleased. But what about those who
were deluded into cxpeoting much and com
pelled to accept little?
Every time the Sultan of Turkey gets into
trouble he pulls the string on his property war
cloud and the stage is immediately filled with
military supes. The Sultan is a past master in
managing stage properties.
,Mr. Hull is of i the opinion that the Philip
pine Islands do not at tho present afford young
men good opportunities. Is it possible that
Mr. Hull has not yet secured all tho franchises
and concessions he can handle?
"Shall tho supreme court reverse itself?7
excitedly asks an eastern exchange, referring 'to
Mr. Littlefield's Denver address. There are a
great many people who hold that tho supreme
court's first duty is to untangle itself.
Leslie's "Weekly furnishes its readers with
an articlo on "How to get a million." Leslie's,
howover, uses too much space. The subject
may be exhaustively handled in eight, words
'Bo sure of your congress, then go ahead."
It will not be surprising if some, out of re
sentment for tho terrible deed perpetrated at
Buffalo, rush to the other extreme and con
demn all criticism of public officials. The dis
tinction between freedom of speech and ant
archy is so clear that every one Bhould be able
to see it.
J. Ogden Armour, so it is reported, has been
compelled to pay $9,500 on $80,000 worth of
jewelry which he bought in Europe. He is in
luck. If ho had bought $80,000 worth of
olothing of a low grade the tariff would have
been nearer $30,000.
Fusion in Nebraska resulted in wresting' tho
state from the control of corrupt republican
rings.. Fusion promises to do the same thing,
in Pennsylvania. Good sense and good morals
demand that no one condemn a move that rc:
suits, or promises to result, in good to all tho
It will bo noted that Mr. Roosevelt ia not
making eyes at the southern Republicans just
now. Mr. Roosevelt has heard of the fate of
the gentleman who was too premature in financ
ing tho southern delegates to Republican
national conventions.
George Gould should take a day off and de
vote it to whispering a few burning thoughts
into tho ear of the guardian of Miss Morton.
The Goulds' have had some experience with a
French count, their experience might be of
benefit to Miss Morton.
Before condemning as traitors all who re
fuse to admit tho inspiration of the supremo
court's Porto Rican decision a lot of adminis
tration organs should make note of the faci
that members of tho Bupremo court have said
many harsh things about that same decision.
Mr. Grosvenor is missing a golden oppor
tunity when ho fails to impress upon the farm
ers that the high price of potatoes is due en
tirely to the Dingley law and the good graces
of the administration. Can it be that Mr.
Grosvenor is growing careless in his old age?
It is now stated on what seems to be good
authority that Admiral Sampson's health will
permit his attendance upon the naval investi
gation. Ho will, therefore, be asked to take
the stand and explain tho discrepancy between
his petulent charges and some letters he wrote
before tho, trouble bKpke. Joose .in ,the
partment. ; , . - , ., l vj
In view of all the labor troubles Ohio re
publicans insist on making the campaign on
state issues. In view of the disclosures of re-
publican rottenness the g. o. p. managers in
Pennsylvania insist that the campaign be made
on national issues. SucH' a party naturally
looks upon an artful dodger' as being the per
ronification of all political virtues.
A subscriber asks where he can find the full
text of Henry Clay's speech (from which The
Commoner recently quoted) in defense of the
right of tho people of South America to self
government. It will be found in Vol. 4, (page
1248) of the World's Best Orations, collected
by Justice Brewer and others, and published :
by Ferd P. Kaiser, St. Louis, Mo. I may add
for the benefit of readers that it is a most valu- -able
collection of speeches.
While the laborers for the United States
.Steel corporation are fighting for the privilege
of organization, it is announced that the presi
dent of that trust, who is said to drawsan an
nual salary of $1,000,000, has purchased a tract
of ground for a residence, paying therefor tho y
sum of $800,000, and that when completed Mr.
Schwab's home will have cost in the neighbor- -hood
of $2,000,000. It would seem that if the
revenue from the trust is sufficient to enable ;"
one of its officers, who a few years ago was a
poor man, to build a palatial homo, that tho..!
trust is sufficiently prosperous to give to itg.i)
workingmen the small privilogo of organizing ;
for the purpose of protecting their bread and ;i
. ,