k The Commoner. r h k r . w dence the news was broken to Mrs. McKinley as 'gently as might bo by tbo members of tne Mil burn family. She bore the shock remarkably well and displayed the utmost fortitude. A telegraph office has been established In the Milburn residence and bulletins giving the public the fullest information possible are issued at short intervals. Telegrams have been pouring in by the hundreds. ' While the wounded president was being borne" from the exposftion grounds to the Milburn resi dence between rows of onlookers with bared heads a far different spectacle was being witnessed along the route of -his assailant's journey from the scene of his crime to police headquarters. The trip was made so quickly that the prisoner was safely landed within the wide portals of the police station and the doors closed before any one was aware of his presence. When the officers reached police headquar ters with the prisoner, thousands of men sur rounded the building. A cry of "Lynch him" went up, but a large force of policemen rushed the crowd and finally succeeded in dispersing It. From a bystander who witnessed the attempt on the president's life, the following description was obtained by the correspondent of the Asso ciated Press: "When the man fired the shots President Mc Kinley fell back a step, quivered slightly, but did not fall. Secretary Cortelyou, President Milburn and Detective Foster sprang to his aid, while De tective Ireland and James B. Parker threw his as sailant to the floor, hurled themselves upon him and attempted to disarm him. "Their prisoner struggled desperately and wrenching his arm free, attempted once more to fire at the president. The revolver, however, was struck from his hand, flying several feet away. "President McKinley himself plucked from his side the bullet which had struck the breast bone and. glanced, lodging in the skin, at the same time saying to the detective: 'Foster, r believe there ik' another bullet in there.' "Shortly afterwards he said: 'Do not exag gerate this to Mrs. McKinley.' "The president throughout displayed the great est fortitude, and all the time until I saw him carried from the building his coolness and cour age were wonderful." Inquiries at the home of President Milburn at this hour, 3 a. m. (Saturday), are fruitless. The street in the immediate vicinity of the house where the president lies is roped off and guarded by police, who will admit nobody. The would-be assassin is a Pole named Fred Nieman, twenty-eight years of age, stands'five feet nine inches high, weighs 160 pounds, has dark brown hair, blue eyes, smooth face, regular fea tures with prominent nose. He speaks very good English and has claimed to come from Cleveland, Chicago and Detroit, but has told so many stories that his home is still a matter of conjecture. It Is not yet known whether he was born in this coun try or not. The district attorney is now closeted with him. All the police reserves have been called into the central office to guard against pos-v sible trouble and the police headquarters are roped off for a block distant in each direction. At the home of John Nowaks, 810 Broadway, it was stated that Nieman came here last Satur day. He said he was from Toledo and that he came to Buffalo to see the exposition. He was alone and had no visitors. His valise contained an empty revolver case and a few clothes. The police later learned that the real name of the would-be assassin is Leon Czolgosz. He was born in Detroit and came here from Cleveland. Leon Czolgosz, the accused and self-confessed assassin, has signed a confession covering six pages of foolscap, which states that he is an an archist, and that he became an enthusiastic mem ber of that body through the influence of Emma' Goldman, whose writings he had read and whose lectures ho had listened to. He denies having any confederate and says he decided on the act three days ago and bought the revolver with which tho act was committed in Buffalo. He has seven brothers and sisters in Cleveland. Some of them are butchers and others in different trades. He is wow detained at police headquarters pending tho result of tho president's injuries. Czolgosz does not appear in the least degree uneasy or penitent for his action. He says he was induced by his attention to Emma Goldman's lectures and writ ings to decide that the present form of govern ment in this country was all wrong and ho thought tho best way to end it was by killing tho president. Ho shows no sign of insanity, but-Is very reticent about much of his career.- Whilo ac knowledging himself an anarchist he does not state to what branch of tho organization ho bo longs. wi ..-i..i- i Immediately upon learning, of tho attempt made on the president's life, Mr. Bryan sent tho following telegram: "President McKinley, Buffalo, N.' Y. -Accept my profound sympathy and my earnest wish for your speedy recovery." Latest Bulletin Monday Morning Secretary Cortelyou says President McKinley Is holding his own. Last night was included in the critical period through which the patient must pass. It was said that if ho camo through tho night without loss of strength, his chances for recovery would be much Improved. Tho bullet in his ab domen has not been located. No attempt was made to uso the Roentgen ray machine sent from New York, and none will be unless tho bullet should cause pain or inflammation. The latest bulletin reads: President's condition becoming mors and moro 'satisfactory. Untoward, incidents are less and less likely to occur. Temperature, 100.8; pulse, 112; respiration, 28. A Democratic Opinion. In the presence of the great calamity that be fell the American people yesterday wo are all dem ocrats, we are republicans, we are all populists, wo are all imperialists and we are all anti-imperialists. The animosities aroused in the heat of politi cal strife, however aggravated they seem to be, are never strong enough to disassociate tho intel ligent partisan from tho patriotic American. When kings fall at the hands of assassins even those subjects of tho kingdom who have -no sym pathy with monarchies and whoso aspiration has been that the time might come when tho monarch ical form of government would bo abolished, find their political opinions completely engulfed in their patriotic sentiments. Such a disposition on the part of the subjects of a monarchy may bo multiplied a thousand-fold, and then it will not adequately represent the sen timent of the citizen of a republic in the presence of an assault made upon the chief executive of his nation. This same disposition of being first and abovo all things for one's own country and for one's own people is responsible for the fact, that in tho presence of an awful calamity such as that of yes terday, all political bias disappears, all considera tions of party and of governmental policy -are, for the moment, abandoned, while the people of tho greatest and best government over "which God ever reigned meet in the shadow of a great disaster to commiserate and sympathize with one another be cause of a blow that has been aimed at the heart of every American citizen. In itself it is a fine tribute to pay to the char acter of American citizenship when it Is said that all over this broad land, in every city, in every town, in every hamlet of this union of states, when the news of the attempt to assassinate Presi dent McKinley was announced there was no repub lican whose grief was greater or regret moro sin cere than that felt and expressed by every intelli gent man in every other political party that de serves the consideration of honest men. During tho last two presidential campaigns tho American people congratulated themselves upon the fact that both candidates for the high office of president were commended by their per sonal characteristics to the respect of tho people. Whatever criticism may have been passed on tho pioposed policies of either of these candidates, intelligent and reasonable men conceded to both that for which their immediate neighbors gave them credit, the honor of being clean, upright and honorable men. Whatever criticism may have been passed concerning Mr. McKinley's policies no serious word has ever been uttered affecting his personal integrity or the honor and tho upright ness of his individual character. It may not be cut of place to say that the policies of his admin istration which many of us believe to bo wrong were successfully established largely because of tho popular confidence In Mr. McKinley's person ality. . So, though the blow of the assassin had been aimed at the heart of William McKinley, the up right citizen, the gentle and tender husband, there would be profound regret among all men who had been brought to realize the very many excellent traits of his character. But when the arm of the assassin is raised against William McKinley, the chief executive of the greatest nation that, under God, has risen to bless and prosper mankind, that arm.ls -raised against tho humblest as well as tho greatest citizen in tho land. And so today, with out respect to political prejudice, tho American peoplo give substantial evidence that thoy feel the blow, and their tears mlnglo with tho tears of tho griof-stricken woman whoso own afflictions hav for so long a period beon tho Bubject of our presi dent's most tender solicitude. Let us hopo that through the skill of tho sur geons and under tho providence of God, William McKinley may pass successfully out of the shadow that has now fallen over his life. Lot us hopo that tho peoplo of tho United States, who have been required to witness tho as sassination or attempted assassination, within one generation of three of their. presidents, will not again bo called to pass under tho rod of this terri ble affliction. Let us hopo that tho nest of assassins whose blows aro aimed at tho constituted rulers of tho earth may, in this Instance, bo cheated of its prey. At this moment ono thought, ono hopo is up permost in tho American mind. It is tho thought and tho hopo that tho president of this republic may survive. At this moment ono sentiment controls the American heart, t is tho sentiment of devotion and loyalty to this nation, to society, to law and order. It is the sentiment of sympathy for tho legally constituted head of this government and of tender commiseration for thoso dearest to him in this hour of their affliction. At this moment there is ono message fore most on the tonguo of tho American citizen. It is the message of that tenderness and sympathy that abounds in tho American breast In every crisis In which Is involved tho honor and tho safety of our government and its institutions. From tho Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to the Gulf, tho hopes and tho sympathies of tho peoplo of this country aro aroused; and speeding over tho prairies and rolling over tho mountains and through the valleys of this nation of freemen these hopes and sympathies reach tho bedside of tho stricken president of this republic, and interpreted Into living words breathe into tho ear of the wounded statesman the tender message:. Our hearts, our hopes, aro all with thee; Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, , Our. faith triumphant o'er our fears, Aro all with thee, are all with theo. Omaha World-Herald. A Republican Opinion. The torrlblo news from Buffalo has made the whole country sick with a common sorrow, in which poignant regret, intense indignation and a certain feeling of dismay aro mingled. It may bo said of the president, who was so murderously assaulted, that he has had no per sonal enemies. Like Garfiold, who porished by tho assassin's hand just twenty years ago, like Lin coln, tho earlier martyr, he has ever been the most amiable of men. Gentleness and kindness of heart wero a natural endowment, which ho has retained unimpaired throughout all the fierce storms of poli tics. Like his predecessors whom wo have named, he came, too, from tho common peoplo, who wero exalted by his exaltation. He has been our most popular president since Lincoln, popular in every section of the country, and it well-nigh incompre hensible how any sane person could have medi tated his murder. But the anger against his assailant and against tho Ideas and tho associations which ho represents ic at white heat. The nation demands his ex emplary punishment and a stricter surveillance over anarchist clubs and all threatening enemies of the government. In this hour the lesson Is fear fully enforced that we are much more likely to lose liberty through license than through a calculating tyranny. It is an appalling thought that, the great re public, with all its promises and au its deeds for oppressed humanity, exposes its chief magistrate to more deadly chances than does any empire or kingdom. But seven men regularly elected presi dent in the last thirty-six yars, and three of them brought low with tho assassin's bullet! The predominant feeling now, however, is one of anxious hopo for the innocent and much rev ered sufferer at Buffalo and of no less anxious sym pathy for his stricken wife. Upon her he has lav iFhed such a wealth of rare tenderness and devo tion that all women call him blest. He has been her strength and her shield through many years of sickness, tho very ideal of what a husband should be. From thousands of homes the prayer is raised that he may still be spared to her, and that she may not be completely shattered by tho dreadful event of yesterday. Chicago Record Herald,