The Commoner. V -i I ful. If tlie men who cat tlioir "broad in the Wcat of tho faco would aot in concert at the !pollB, a speedy and inexpensive remedy would 1)0 found for every evil complained of. The Issues of 1904. The following letter, written in reply to an invitation to outline" tho issues of 1004, is re produced "because it will answer many similar letters received from persons who are impatient to begin tho noxt campaign: Lincoln, Kjsb., September 2, 1001'.. Mr. George W. Harris, President W. J. Bryan Travelling Hens' Club, St. Louis, Mo, , Dear Sir: I am just in receipt of your letter on my re turn to the city. Before complying with your request, permit me to suggest that the name of your club should be so changed as to proclaim your allogianco to tho party rather than to tho personality or views of an individual. When I was the party candidate your club, following tho usual custom, took my name, but now that I am a private oitizen I do not desire that any organization should suffer because of criticism aimed at me. I believe that your club will bo more useful if it stands as tho representative of Democratic principles and is free from the sus picion that it is attached to the political fortunes of any man. 1 beg to assure you of my appreciation of the :worlc done by your organization and I am gratified to know 'that it takes a lively interest in. the discussion of pending questions. Replying to your inquiry, I would say that it is too early to outline a platform for tho next campaign. Conditions make issues; parties must meet issues as they arise. Tho tariff question occupied the largest share of public attention in 1802 the MoKinloy law being tho irritating oauso. Befd'ro 180G rolled around, however, Mr. Cleveland and his Republican and gold-Democratic associates had forced the tariff question into tho background and created con ditions which made the money question para mount. Tho Democratic party was compelled to meet that issue and it met it fairly and honestly. Between 1800 and 1000, tho Republican party by its inaction on the trust question and by its un-American action on the Philippine qu&Btion compelled a- consideration of individ ualism, which was attacked by private monopoly, and of tho fundamental principles of govern-, ment, which wero attaoked by imperialism. The tariff question was not settled in 1800 when it gave way to the money question; neither was the money question settled in 1000, when im perialism and monopoly took precedence over it. Tho position taken by tho Domocratio party on tho money question is as sound as its position on the tariff question, but circumstances must, in the future as in tho past, determino tho relative importance of issues. No one is able to say what new issues may arise between now and 1004; neither can any ono say what relations tho various issues may bear to each other. It seems probable that imperialism will again bo prominent, and prob. ably paramount, for the Republican party shows no disposition to abandon its colonial policy, and wo cannot accept colonialism without repu diating all that we have been taught to regard as Democratio in government. Tho trusts are increasing in numbor and magnitude, and we must resolutely oppose them or forfeit the confidence of tho common people. The Republican party is determined to re tire greenbacks and substitute bank notes, to bo issued by tho banks for their own profit and controlled by them for their own advantage. We must resist this effort or place the Demo cratio party in a position entirely antagonistic to tho position of Jefferson, Jackson and all the Democratio leaders down to tho time when Cleveland betrayed tho party into the hand of tho Philistines of finance. The paper money issue is entirely separate and distinct from tho silver question, and yet it is a significant fact that those who declare tho silver question dead have nothing to say about tho irreconcilable conflict between government paper money and national bank notes. Tho increased supply of gold does not affect, ono way or the other, the question of paper money, but the influence of the money power is such that whenever it can bribe or terrify a man into tho support of the gold standard it can silence his opposition to banks of issue. Whether the silver question will play an important part in tho next campaign is a ques tion which cannot now bo determined. The thing to bo desired is a stable dollar, and that can only bo secured. by legislation, which will furnish a volume of standard money sufficient to keep pace with tho demand for money. Wo have no assurance that gold alone will do this, and certainly the interests -of the people ought not to be entrusted to those who defended tho gold standard when the dollar was increasing in purchasing power and who would favor the gold standard still, even though the pro'duction of gold was decreasing. N The gold standard is not yet complete it romains yet to make silver redeemable in gold and limit its legal tender qualities. The Re publican party has these further steps in con templation. We cannot abandon the Democratio position until wo are ready to accept the Re publican position, and wo cannot accept tho Republican position until we are sure that the world's supply of gold is sufficient to furnish all the tho nations with enough primary money. As tho influence of our nation, if cast on the side pf tho yellow metal, would tend to hasten an universal gold standard, wo cannot afford to join in the crusade against silver until the world is ready to do without it as a money metal. The Kansas City platform covered a num bor of other important questions among them the dangerous and tyrannical system known as government by injunction. This judioial abuso is growing more and more threatening to liberty, and no ono can say at what moment some judge may so shamefully exceed his authority as to make tho settlement of the question imperative. Tho election of senators by a direct vote of the people is a reform which will come ulti mately and the Democratio party must aid in bringing it. The Kansas City platform is sound through out because it applied Democratic principles to the conditions then existing. Those principles arc still Democratio and we must apply them to present and future conditions. The line be tween the Republican party and the Democratic party is the lino between plutocracy and Dem ocracy, and we cannot afford to obliterate that line or to make it less distinct. As a matter of principle we must not compromise with those whose sympathies are against the rights ,and welfare of the masses; as a matter of policy we cannot afford to compromise, because organized wealth has more confidence in the Republican party than it could possibly have in the Demo cratic party. If we abandon the Kansas City platform wo shall lose the support of the plain people without gaining the support of those who are opposed to that platform. We may deserve to win and still lose, but it remains true that to deserve success is the snrest road to victory. Those who boast of their willingness to do "anything to win" are unsafe pilots, be cause they throw away the compass when they discard Democratic principles. . The party now stands for positive principles and definite poli cies. If the party is right, as Ibelieve it is, we can confidently expect vindication, and we can better afford to wait for that vindication than prove recreant to the trust reposed in the party by more than six million voters. Thanking you again and wishing for tho club still greater influence I am, Very truly yours, ....... v -:-li' yj v ; YvTrf J: Bryan; - Making and Receiving Apologies. The Emperor of Germany has done tho world a distinct service by modifying his requirements of the Chinese representative, charged with making an apology to Germany, to the extent that it was not necessary for the Chinese representative to " kowtow." This ceremony would have consisted of the Chinese representative approaching the Emperor of Germany on his knees and knocking his head on the floor nine times. In the presence of an apology between in dividuals, if both parties be intelligent, there must necessarily be some embarrassment, and the embarrassment is by no means one sided. It is just as difficult to accept an apology gracefully as it is to gracefully extend an apology. And the burden of acting gracefully rests as heavily upon the recipient of an apology as it does upon the one required to make the apology. The man who, being tendered a full and complete apology, made in a manly way with the form of the apologist erect, with the eye of the apologist looking frankly into the eye of tho ono to whom the apology is due, must on his part be equally manly. Ho must accept it in the spirit in which it is tendered, and the real man, appreciating tho difficulties of his un fortunate fellow, will make the situation as easy .as possible for tho apologist. So the ruler of a nation to whom an apology must be made by tho representative of another nation has nothing to gain and everything to IV w k ., 1 tS .ijlS A iUL..Jhi if.i-i ij