j) V , ,. upor,,- The Commoner. 5 II ?- I- P a j. A. &: vIWLjIJ -JSPiB iHhB G Eyesight Restored Filling'Ejeslglij, Cataracts or Blindness Curi Kithwt tki ust of til KDlff. Dr. W O. Coffee, the noted eye specialist of Des Xelnes, low, has perfected a mild treatment by-which Anyone saaeriBg; irom Falling Eyesight, Cataracts, Blindness or aay disease of the eyes can euro themselves at home If you are afflicted with any eye trouble write to Dr.Coffce and tell Mm all about It. He will then tell you just what he aa do. He will also seed tou. 1PKEE of Charge, his 39 fpage uooic, "xue now Bystem of Treating Diseases of the Eyo." It is full of interesting? and valuable Information. All cures are permanent Write To-Day for yourself cr friend to W.O. COFFEE, M.D, 655 flood Block, PES MOINES, rt. BELTIHG AT A SACRIFICE I Wo bought at palot 600 now, perfect, rod canvas stitched endless throshor bolts, guaranteed quality, 150 foot length -0 inch 4 Ply. Prico per holt S1. wo havo all kinds of now rubber leather and canvas belts, bought at Sheriff's Snd Kecelver's Sales. Catalogue o. 3:U I f rco. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING COMPANY, West 35th and Iron Stg., Chicago $25,000.00 FROM HALF AN ACREi This Is what a Missouri man made last year. 8eo St. Louis Ropublic, Aug. 12th, 1030. Easily grown, and hardy throughout tho Union. Staplo in prico as Whoat and Cotton. Price has advanced for 25 years. "Wild supply on tho point of extermination. For complete book all about it, send 10 conts. Arthur C. Thompson, Hastings Bldg. Joplin,Mo. than Is- ordinarily paid for a glass of sherry or a cigar. "Let no one call this a Utopian idea; for the idea has been realized already in Germany, where the cheapening of books has had more influence than . is generally imagined in making the country what it is now. Thirty-four years ago, Herr Philipp Iteclam, of Leipsic, founded his 'Universal Bib--liothelc' I do not hesitate to say that this library is today one of the won ders of the world." Mr. Clowes qdds that his plan in cludes "the bringing up to date of various excellent works of reference and ' standard books that have ceas ed to be copyrighted, and the making of arrangements for the collecting, editing, and reprintingof much useful "matter which appears from time to time in peroidical literature, general and scientific, and which, in the ordin ary course of events, is never pub lished in any other form." In addi tion, he says, he contemplates "the employment of a small staff of ex pert translators, and the offering of certain foreign writers of distinction a modest royalty on translations of their works." Mr. Clowe's plan, to a limited ex , tent as yet, has been followed by a Glasgow publishing house, Messrs. Gowan & Gray. Their first five vol umes of their "Complete Library," published this spring, comprised the most complete and useful edition thus far published of the writings of Keats in poetry and prose, with introduc tions, notes and .indexes that in their completeness and accuracy are inval uable to students of this great poet. The editor is the leading living Keats expert, Mr. Buxton Forraan, who has devoted a lifetime to the loving inves tigation and exposition of the poet's life and writings. The binding and 'typography of these volumes are ar tistic and iri every way excellent, in volving the use in several instances of two colors. Yet the price in England is only a shilling per volume (twenty five cents). The plan is to include all the chief poets and prose writers. . Davitt on Arbitration. New York, Sept. 2. The experience -of compulsory arbitration in New Zea land may-not offer to labor and capital , in the United States an inducement to it adopt the mediation of a similar law for tho settlement of trade disputes. The governmental, social and econ omic conditions "are widely" different. New Zealand has a total population of leas than 800,000 people, with a single administration, corresponding with that of one of the states of your fed eral republic. Conflicting and co-operating interests are, therefore, less di verse and of far less magnitude there than here, while tho application of a law of cbnclliation is rendered far easier and ,made more direct within the orbit of so small a community. Still, the principle involved, in a dis pute between employers and employes is the same. The same interests of cap ital and labor are involved in a strike or a lockout, and tho neutral or inno cent Interests of other industries and of various sections of the public are compromised and are made to suffer during the continuance of conflict They are no parties to the original dispute and can gain nothing in a vic tory won by either side that will of fer compensation for the losses sus tained in the dislocation of trading or commercial connections resulting from the shutting down of works or of man ufactories. The state is, also, equally concerned in the small as in the great commun ity in an industrial strife which may injure national interests and may pro voke a disturbance of the public peace and cause a possible interruption of the sway of law. It was for these var ious reasons that a compulsory arbi tration law was enacted in the New Zealand legislature in 1893. This law,, roughly speaking, operates as follows: If a strike is ordered by a trades union, or a lockout is decreed by employers, a machinery of legal arbitration,. of a dual character, stands ready for intervention. A. choice is left between a purely voluntary tribunal and one in which the state appoints the umpire and compels the hearing of the case in the Interests of tho whole community. In the first place both sides may agree upon an umpire, who presides over a court which consists of an equal representation of the disputants, tho law recognizing the right of fed erated capital and of organized labor to appear in court for their respective sides in the suit. Evidence is tend ered on oath, as in ordinary legal proceedings, and the decision of the tribunal is made obligatory in the en forcement of a fine, should either side refuse to accept the verdict .recorded. Public opinion is invariably behind such verdict with its indorsement, with the result that neither side can afford to incur the censure of this "popular court of appeal" by disre garding the judgment given in the arbitral decision. Where one or both sides in a dispute refuse to have voluntary recourse to an arbitration tribunal the law can command a hearing of the case before a judge of tho high court. The side which might refuse tb appear would run the risk of inviting an adverse judgment through default, and the fear of this probable penalty acts as an in ducement to both sides to accept the Intervention of the state as an impar tial arbitration. In almost every instance in which this compulsory arbitration law has been applied to, or set in motion, since its enactment a settlement satisfactory to both sides and approved of by tho public has been tho result. Tho operation of tho law so far has not been injurious to capitalistic in terests, nor have trades unionists found it detrimental to their rights of combination in tho working of such a law. Tho state has secured almost in dustrial peace, and public opinion, if not absolutely unanimous in its ap proval of tho law, finds satisfaction in tho cessation of active warfare between capital and labor. . A similar compulsory law would have to "grow," as it wore, out of pub lic opinion in this vast and complex racial community of 80,000,000 people. An experiment like that of New Zea land could not bo so readily applied here, with your gigantic trust inter ests and your great labor combinations representing a thousandfold moro wealth and mightier industrial organi zations than all the British and capi tal of Now Zealand combined. But a similar principle is involved in tho present strike. Labor, in its legally organized strength, declares it self injured in some, of its interests or legitimate claims. Capital, in tho ex orcise of its legal rights, asserts that the demands made upon it, on the part of its employes' representatives, are unreasonable and unfair, and a strike has ensued. Is there no way out of this combat except by the barbarious method of a fight to a finish? Such a conflict has tho all-round demerit of insuring (1) great loss of capital; (2) great sacri fices on the part of the workers; (3) tho depletion of trades union funds; (4) continuous injury to "tho inno cont interests" of economically asso ciated trades, and (5) tho growing pub lic concern for the national loss sus tained by trade and commerce while the fight continues. Surely a country which has already frightened a competitive industrial world by its Inroads upon European markets ought to be able to devise some means, rational, fair and just all around, by which a settlement may be arrived at which will be equitable in its terms even should it not put the words "victors" or "vanquished" into the records of the strike. A somewhat similar strike occurred in Liverpool in 1893. Tho strikers wero the United Dock Laborers of Liv erpool and the capitalists concerned represented the vast shipping Interests of that great seaport Tho fight was a remorseless one for a time. Neither side would give way, while the whole city and kindred Interests suffered to tho extent of millions by the disloca tion of trade and commerce. LYE AKin POTASH r OF ANY fiDAfiF. r ftTDTUttTM flA A ui ca rri nrn m r. i a im? wn. .i,v,,,um.uouUMrwil,E.lJ , WH.PRIE5MEYER vtsrasMsnED msT.Loms lOtf. .soman c SOLICITED. ikxIIiiv CASE ( SJISJ V ;'Hka vKva aqpv ii. This ELEBAMT Watch $3jI5 Bfor j on bur t th tnl Al cut md m4 t m vlifc 7ir mmt tnl tddrtH, uul will ,td ; bj ttrtfH jritmiMMnbiMiM WATCH AND CHAIN C. O. D. S3. 78. twbl Immlaf cit bftutttullf uT!Tf d.'utm'vttd 4 rd ft (ntt I! itta for IaH r 1M,EI WATCH Wm-ranlH Sfl YKAK8 Htm Ml, 1(144 wllk rlthlrjtwtltd mtrrmttt tad tutnnurafttntt limit Ht'td thtla for Ltdbi or Hj.UMMU.rlt qul U tar IJJ.ftfl CK)M tutnnUrdtntt lln.ikjxr wlik UwOild itia ttua lor jaxi or ?ei cutis rr wcnti. mj ttxcijitiHtpatyua it-lit It Tton. Oar SOjtirpurtnttt i.Btnlth uh witeL Mcatltn Ifrou int Oinli' or Att tin. Ad4rttt rAKHKHCeMS, 8liUfj8t..CHlCA(JO. AGENTS Pan-American Exposition Sonve nir; Aluminum Pocket Piece with new U. 8. Coin in centre. Sample 10 cents; 20, Jl, D, 8 Rockafellar, Sonierville, New Jeremy. r Ml I FOLKS reduced 1K lbs a month You can tnako remedy ui home. Ha urn lefree. Hall Chom. Co., Dent.20G.St. Louis. Mo bcby tcst-74 Years. W DA V MB and want moro Micsmcn. lAl ftmn Outfit IKE STAKK NUKSEir, Stark, Mt M $75 Month and Expenses; no experience needed: position permanent; self-seller, I'jcabk Mra. Co.,Biil'n TiOCIficlBnalL O. Peace waB secured In this slmplo manner: A friend of. the trades un ionists called upon tho active leaders of the shipping combination and asked them this simple question: "Is it wise in you to see continued the daily loss of enormous wealth by Liverpool capitalists, to embitter tho growing exasperation of ten thousand workers and to appear indifferent to tho general injury done to the entire community in tho conflict, rather than to consent to examino what is equit able in tho demands of the dockers' union?" This advice was followed. Such a rational consideration of the men's case was gone into. Just concessions wero made, a compromise was ar rived at and the strike was ended. All the union asked for was not conceded, but so reasonable was tho agreement mutually consented to and so concil iatory wds tho attitude of the employ ers in meeting the workers moro than half way that tho terras of peace then laid down have prevailed ever since. Michael Davitt, in Chicago American, More Than One Way.- "Hello, central! Give me oneltrlplo nought, south." i "What?" : "Don't you catch it? One zero, zero, zero, south." ' ' "Wh-a-t?" ! "South one double nought nought" "Can't you speak plainer?" "One thousand, south ten hundred, south. Get it now?" " "Oh, you mean south one ought double .ought. All right." Exchange. FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME Ten Volumes, 4,100 pages. No public speaker or student of history caa af ford to be without the work. For price and terms address FERD P KAISER, Publisher, i vl CL