4 The Commoner. British Rule in India. Justice Brown in delivering the opinion of the court in the Downes case said: "Grave apprehensions of danger are felt by many eminent mena fear lest an unrestrained possession of power on the part of congress may lead to unjust and oppressive legislation, in which the natural rights of territories, or their inhabitants, may be engulfed in a centralized des potism. These fears, however, find no justifica tion' in the action of congress in the past century, nor in the conduct of the British parliament to ward its outlying possessions since the Ameri can revolution." It marks an epoch in American history when the highest court of the land uses the ex perience of England to support an attack on written constitutions. It is the most audac ious and unblushing surrender of fundamental principles which has occurred in this country. As Justice Brown invites us to consider and admire the conduct of an unrestrained parlia ment it may not ho out of place to look at English rule in India. Below will he found a discussion of this subject prepared for and pub lished in the New York Journal: In the discussion of a colonial policy for the United States frequent references will be made to England's government of India. The imperialists are already declaring that Great Britain's policy has resulted in profit to herself and benefit to her Asiatic subjects. . The opponents of imperialism, on the other ihand, find in India's experience a warning against ' a-, policy which places one nation under the con- ' 'trol of- another and distant nation. ...... In 1G00 the first East India company was or ganized. Its charter was for fifteen, years, but a now and perpetual charter was granted in 1G09. Under the reign of Charles II. the company ob tained another charter which continued former privileges and added authority "to make peace or war with any prince or. people ln India) uoi be ing Christian." The affairs" of the company were managed with an eye single to gain, and intervention in the quarrels of native princes resulted in the grad ual extension of its influence. Money was the ob ject, and the means employed would not always bear scrutiny. There was, however, no hypocritical mingling of an imaginary "philanthropy" with an actual "five per cent." In 1757 Lord Clive, by the battle of, Plassey, made the company the dominant power in Indian politics, and under Clive and Hastings the income of the East India company reached enormous pro portions. The history of the century, beginning with the battle of Plassey and ending with the Sepoy mu tiny in 1857, was written under headlines like the .following: "The First War With Kyder Ali," ."The Rohilla War," "The Second War With Hyder Ali 7 4The War With Tippoo Saib," "The War With the Mahrattas," "Suppression of the Pin dnris," "The Last of the Peshwas," "The First Burmese War," "The. First Afghan War," "The Conquest of Scinde," "The Sekh Wars," "The Conquest of Punjab," "The Annexation of Pegu," "The Annexation of Oudh," "The Outbreak of Mee rut," "The Seizure of Delhi," "The Siege of Luck now," etc., etc. . This brief review is not given" because it is in teresting, but to acquaint the reader with the im perialistic plan of solving the problem of civiliza tion by the elimination of unruly factors. In-1858 parliament, by an act entitled an act "for the better government of India." mnfQn,i that the management of Indian affairs could be i&- improved and placed the control in the hands of a Secretary of State for India and a council. In 1877 Queen Victoria assumed the title Em press of India. Even if it could bo shown that England's sov ereignty over India had brought blessings to the Indian people and advantage to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, we could not afford to adopt the policy. A monarchy can engage in work which a republic dare not undertake. A monarchy is con structed upon the theory that authority descends fiom the king and that privileges are granted by tho crown to the subjects. Of course the ruling power recognizes that it owes a duty to the people, but while the obligation is binding upon the con science of the sovereign it cannot be enforced by tho subject. Webster presented this idea with great force in his speech on the Greek revolution. After setting forth the agreement between the allied powers, he said: "The first of these principles is, that all popular or constitutional rights are holden no otherwise than as grants from the crown. Society, upon this principle, has no rights of its own; it takes good government, when it gets it, as a boon and a concession, but can demand nothing. It Is to live in that favor which emanates from royal authority, and if It have tho misfortune to lose that favor, there is nothing to protect it against any degree of injustice and oppression. It can rightfully make no endeavor for a change; by it self; its whole privilege is to receive the favors that may bo dispensed by the sovereign power, and all its duty is described in the single word, submission. This Is the plain result of the prin cipal continental state papers; indeed, it is nearly the identical text of some of them." The English people have from time to time forced the crown to recognize certain rights, but the principle of monarchy still exists. The sov ereign has a veto upon all legislation; the farit that this veto has not been used of late does not change" the .governmental theory and, in India, the application of -the theory has deprived the Ind ian people of participation in "the control of their own affairs. A nation which denies the principle that gov ernments derive their just powers from the con sent of the governed can give self-government to one colony and deny it to another; it can give It to colonies strong enough to exact it by force and deny it to weaker ones; but a nation which rec ognizes tho people as the only sovereigns, and re gards those temporarily in authority merely as public servants, is not at liberty to apply the prin ciple to one section of the country and refuse it to another. Bu(;, so far from supporting the contention of the imperialists, British rule in India really en forces every argument that can be made against a colonial system of government. In the first place, to authorize a commercial company "to make peace or war with any prince or people (not Chris tian)," according to its pleasure, was to place the pecuniary interests of a few stockholders above the rights of those with whom they had dealings. Clive and Hastings seem to have acted upon this authority. When the former was called to ac count he confessed that he had forged a treaty and his conduct was such that parliament was com pelled to vote that he "had abused his powers and set an evil example to the servants of the public," but, as he had increased the power of England in India, his condemnation was accompanied by the declaration that he had, "at the same time, rend ered great and meritorious services to his coun try." The prosecution of Hastings for wrongs in flicted upon the people of India occupies a con spicuous place among the political trials of his tory. The speeches made against him recall tho orations of Cicero against Verres, who, by the-way, was also charged with plundering a colony. Cicero said that Verres relied for his hope of escape upon his ability to corrupt the judges of his day, and it appears that tho East Indian com pany was also accused of polluting the stream of justice only a century ago. In his speech on the Nabob of Arcof's debts Burke said: "Let no man hereafter talk of tho decaying energies of nature. All the acts and monuments in the records of peculation; the con solidated corruption ojt ages; the pattern of ex emplary plunder in the heroic times of Roman in iquity, never equalled the gigantic corruption of this single act. Never did Nero, in all the insolent prodigality of despotism, deal out to his praetorian guards a donation fit to be named with the largess showered down by the bounty of our chancellor of the exchequer on the faithful band of his Indian sepoys." How little human nature changes from age to age! How weak is the boasted strength of the arm of the law when" the defendant possesses the influence purchased by great wealth, however ob tained, and the accusation comes from a far-off victim of oppression! Those who expect justice to be exercised by officials far removed from the source of power officials who do not receive their commissions from, and cannot bo removed by, tho people whom they govern should read Sheridan's great speech portraying the effect of the Hastings policy upon the people of India. Below will be found an extract: "If, my lords, a stranger had at this time en tered the province of Oude, ignorant of what had happened since the death of Sujah Dowlah, that prince who, with a savage heart, had still great lines of character, and who, with all his ferocity in war, had with a cultivating hand preserved to his country the wealth which it derived from be nignant skies, and a prolific soil;, if observing the wide and general devastation of fields unclothed and brown; of vegetation burnt up and extin guished; of villages depopulated and in ruin; of temples unroofed and perishing; of reservoirs broken down and dry, this stranger would ask, What has thus laid waste this beautiful and opulent land; what monstrous madness has rav aged with widespread war; what desolating for eign foe; what civil discords; what disputed suc cession; what religious zeal; what fabled monster has stalked abroad and, with malice 'and mortal enmity to man, withered by the grasp of death every growth of nature and humanity, all means of delight, and each original, simple principle of bare existence? The answer would have been: Not one of these causes! No wars have ravaged these lands and depopulated these villages! No desolating foreign foe! no domestic broils! no disputed succession! no religious superservic able zeal! no poisonous monster! no offliction of Providence, which, while it scourges us, cut off tho sources of resuscitation! "No. This damp of death is the mere effusion of British amity! We sink under tne pressure of their support! We writhe under their perfidious gripe! They have embraced us with their protect ing arms, and lo! these are the fruits of their al liance!" No clearer case was ever made against a prisoner at the bar, and yet after seven years trial before the house of lords Hastings was acquitted, not because he was guiltless, but because England had acquired territory by his policy. Lord M'acaulay, in describing the crimes per petrated at that time against a helpless people, gives expression to a'truth which has lost none of its force with the lapse of years. He says: "And then was seen what we believe to be the most frightful of all spectacles, the strength of civili zation without its mercy. To all other despotism there is a check, imperfect indeed, and liable to gross abuse, but still sufficient to preserve-society from the last- extreme of misery. A time comes -when tho evils of submission are obviously greater than those of resistance, when fear itself begets